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1、2021届新高考英语精品复习读后续写读后续写 教学设计:杨教学设计:杨 海海1.Acknowledge basic rules of continuation 1.Acknowledge basic rules of continuation writing.writing.2.Learn to explore useful information in 2.Learn to explore useful information in reading.reading.3.Learn to develop logical plot line.3.Learn to develop logical

2、plot line.4.Learn to polish your writing.4.Learn to polish your writing.Learning ObjectivesStep 3:Prediction 读后续写读后续写 Continuation WritingContinuation Writing 提供一段提供一段350350词以内的阅读材料(一般是记叙词以内的阅读材料(一般是记叙 文,且以事件发生的时间为序)。文,且以事件发生的时间为序)。要求考生根据该材料内容情节等、续写两段,要求考生根据该材料内容情节等、续写两段,150150词左右(每个段落都给出了第一句),将词左右(

3、每个段落都给出了第一句),将其发展为一篇逻辑合理、情节完整的短文。其发展为一篇逻辑合理、情节完整的短文。Step 3:Prediction 读后续写读后续写 考查什么?考查什么?核心素养:核心素养:具体来说具体来说 :四个方面:四个方面 -思维品质:思维品质:-把握短文关键信息和语把握短文关键信息和语 想象能力和想象能力和 言特点的能力言特点的能力 创新精神创新精神 -创造性思维能力创造性思维能力 -语言能力:语言能力:-对语篇结构的把控能力对语篇结构的把控能力 阅读和写作阅读和写作 -语言运用的准确性和丰语言运用的准确性和丰 富性富性 协同性协同性:n1.续写的内容要与阅读原文及所给段落首句

4、高度衔接;n2.续写内容想象丰富,在语言表达上恰当应用较多(5 5个以个以 上上)短文中标有下划线的关键词语;n3.模仿使用阅读材料中的词语和句型较多且使用得当,运用语法结构和词汇语法结构和词汇丰富并准确。丰富并准确。n4.语言表达准确流畅,上下文思路连贯。读后续写题与其他写作题的最大不同之处在于,其答题形式是根据所给阅读材料和两个段落首句(也即主题句也即主题句)进行续写。因此,续写部分必须与阅读部分保持高度的“协同性协同性”Step 3:Prediction 通读通读全文,把握文本的脉络和串起文本的全文,把握文本的脉络和串起文本的 关键词,在此基础上确定故事情节发展的方向。关键词,在此基础上

5、确定故事情节发展的方向。Step 1Step 3:Prediction I was crossing a very busy street when I heard something familiar.I later asked my sister Jeanne how she had known it was me!She said it was my laugh.I wouldnt say my laugh is unusual,but I guess to a family member it can spread to him or her in some way.It hits t

6、heir hearts and makes a dep,clear sound that continues for a long time in their minds.I would tell you our story right here.I come from a broken family.After we grew up,I havent seen my other three brothers and sisters for many years.And that is where this story begins.阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

7、Step 3:Prediction My sister Jeanne was only 14 months older than me,but by the time we were teenagers we had lost touch with each other.By age 19,I had moved away from our home in Wisconsinto live on my fathers horse farm in Virginia,where I worked to treat sick or injured animals.I was told that Je

8、anne got maried at 18,and moved to Chicago.Andour conmection somehowended since then.About five years flew by.I was 24 and on a trip with my husband to New York City,a place where I had never been before.It was a very,very large city.I was used to riding myStep 3:Prediction horse to the corner store

9、 where everyone knew everyone and everything going on in the quiet little town of Driver,Virginia.We went to New York to visit my husbands cousin.We wentto Little Italy,the Statue of Liberty,Chinatown,and several other places of interest.I had never seen so many taxis in one place in all my life.One

10、 day,we were crossing a very busy street filled with people.Everyone was in a hurry.I laughed at something my husband said,and I suddenly heard my name called from some-where behind me:Chery!”I stopped in the middle of the road.Tears rolled down quickly at once from my face.I knew without a doubt th

11、at it was my sister Jeanne.Step1 Thorough reading(Para.1)CharacterwhereFeelings I,my sister Jeannea very busy streetsurprised excited I was in my sisters mind.Perhaps they hadnt seen each other for a long time.Given informationNew information:1.I was crossing a very busy street.2.My sister Jeanne re

12、cognized me through my laugh.What happened?1 Did I have any other brothers or sisters?2 How long didnt I meet them?Why?I didnt expect to see my sister after so many years.I was in my sisters mind all these years.Step1 Thorough reading(Para.2)Given informationNew information:a broken familythree othe

13、r brothers and sisters For many years because we came from a broken family.I have three other brothers and sisters.hadnt met for many years after we grew up1 When did the two sisters lose touch with each other?By the time they were teenagers.2 Where was their hometown?In Wisconsin.3 Where did the au

14、thor live after leaving their hometown?On her fathers horse farm in Virginia.4 What occurred to the authors sister?She got married and moved to Chicago.Step1 Thorough reading(Para.3)1 When did the two sisters lose touch with each other?By the time they were teenagers.2 Where was their hometown?In Wi

15、sconsin.3 Where did the author live after leaving their hometown?On her fathers horse farm in Virginia.4 What occurred to the authors sister?She got married and moved to Chicago.I left Wisconsin to live with my father on his horse farm in Virginia.Step1 Thorough reading(Para.3)Given informationNew i

16、nformation:They lost touch with each other since then.My sister got married and moved to Chicago.Maybe someday the two sisters would meet again?But when?Where?How?1 What are the characters?The auther and her husband.2.What did they do?They made a trip to New York City and visited several places of i

17、nterest there.3 Why did they go to New York?To visit her husbands cousin.4 What happened one day when they were crossing a very busy street?They author heard her name called and it was her sister Jeanne.Step1 Thorough reading(Para.4-5)1 What are the characters?The auther and her husband.2.What did t

18、hey do?They made a trip to New York City and visited several places of interest there.3 Why did they go to New York?To visit her husbands cousin.4 What happened one day when they were crossing a very busy street?They author heard her name called and it was her sister Jeanne.Step1 Thorough reading(Pa

19、ra.4-5)New information:They hadnt been New York City before.The author were very excited and happy.The little town of Driver,Virgina was very quiet and small.New York was very large.Given information:Her sister recognized her by her laughter.Tears rolled down from her face.2.Whats the style of the p

20、assage?A.Narration(记叙文)B.Exposition(说明文)C.Argumentation(议论文)1.Whats the passage about?Two sisters reunited after_being separated for many years.What do we read for?3.What are the plots?(给出信息)在街上,姐姐凭借笑声认出我破碎家庭,长大后失联失联后的生活去纽约旅行在街上与姐姐相遇(按时间顺序调整)破碎家庭,长大后失联失联后的生活去纽约旅行在街上,姐姐凭借笑声认出我接下来发生什么事情?4.What aspects

21、 of the language of the text should we pay attention to while reading(from tense,person,and sentence structures?the simple past tense;the first person(we can use Jeanne and I);and the sentence structures(attributive clauses:I was used to riding my horse to the corner where everyone knew everyone and

22、 everything going on in the quiet little town of Driver.;object clauses:I wouldnt say my laugh is unusual,but I guess.n1.1.把握内容要点把握内容要点n划线词语:nstreet,sister,laugh,brothers and sisters,each other,live,horse farm,New York,visit,heard,判断划线的关键词语与主题内容的关联程度,然后确定要选用的词语,以及所在的段落位置(1,2)。n所给首句:阅读每一段中的首句,进行布局、解读

23、。在布局第一段的内容时,要兼顾两段的首句:第二段的首句决定着第一段的走向。n1.I shouted back before even turning to look,“Jeanne?”.n2.Since that time,my sister and I have never been separated.Step 2审题与构思Step 2审题与构思n2.2.理清写作思路理清写作思路n(按时间顺序调整)(按时间顺序调整)破碎家庭,长大后失联破碎家庭,长大后失联失联后的生活失联后的生活去去纽约旅行纽约旅行在街上,姐姐凭借笑声认出我在街上,姐姐凭借笑声认出我接下来发生什么事情?接下来发生什么事情?

24、n段1首句shouted back:两姐妹在繁忙的街上相遇,互相认出了彼此。shouted back说明中间隔着一段距离,可考虑见面时激动兴奋的场景描写,如环境描写、语言描写、动作描写及我的心理活动等,n段2首句have never been seperated(present life-present tense):What do we do together?Where are my other brothers and sisters?Have we reunited together?We can also develop the plot by asking questions 1.

25、I shouted back before even turning to look,“Jeanne?”.2.Since that time,my sister and I have never been separated.Swift drafting(写草稿)写草稿)Use at least 5 of the following words:street,sister,laugh,brothers and sisters,each other,live,horse farm,New York,visit,heard,Step 3 Para.1 Detailed description,Ke

26、y words?I turned back immediately and my heart was beating so quickly when I saw my sister Jeanne.We dashed to hug each other and tears welled down our cheeks.I was so excited that I couldnt say anything at first.At the same time everything on the street was so friendly and colourful.She said she mi

27、ssed me all the time and me too.I introduced my husband and my sisters to each other.Then we shared everything about ourselves.Step3 Swift drafting(草稿)草稿)Para.2 The result?Key words?(1)Since that time,my sister and I have never been separated.We decided to return to our fathers horse farm.in virgina

28、,where we ride horses and live together happily.(2)We visited our father on his horse farm.We laughed and talked about everything what happened.The view adn air were so fresh and attractive.When we arrived,our father was feeding the cattle.He was so surprised and delighted.Also,we decided to look fo

29、r our other three brothers and sisters so that we could live a happy life.Step3 Swift drafting(写草稿)写草稿)Polishing your writng(修改修改)Step 41.spelling2.grammar3.punctuation4.word choice5.sentence structuresStep 3:Prediction I shouted back before even turning to look,”Jeanne?“I turned back immediately,fi

30、nding a woman who also stopped in the middle of the street with tears rolling down.It was my sister,Jeanne.Though five years flew by,we still recognized each other at once.From Wisconsin to New York,the place changed,but love still remained between us.After unemployment,my sister and her husband jus

31、t wanted to go back to the countryside.But they decided to visit a friend in New York before it,which leaded to our reunition.Being interested in my life on the horse farm,she determined to come back with me.2.reunion1.ledStep 3:Prediction Since that time,my sister and I have never been separated.We

32、 ride horses to the corner store where everyone knows everyone and everything goes on in the quiet little town of Driver,Virgia.I once asked her what made her tell it was me.And she said the laugh of someone you love will be rooted in your heart no matter how many years flies away.Hearing these word

33、s,I hugged my sister tightly.As long as theres love in our hearts,no matter how far away we are,we can find each other finally.It applies to my sister and me,so do our other brothers and sister.and its the same with my other brothers and sisters.或者as well as my other brothers and sister.1.fly I shou

34、ted back before even turning to look.“Jeanne?”It was her,my dear sister.I began pushing people out of my way to get to her.People in the street were looking at us very surprisingly.They started to part,letting us go through.And there we were,standing in the middle of the street,facing each other and

35、 smiling.I asked her what she was doing in New York,and she told me everything about herself those years.It was a miracle to see my sister there.范文赏析范文赏析读后续写的能力要求一、记叙文阅读理解能力二、由读到写的思维能力三、记叙文书面表达能力一、记叙文阅读理解能力浅层的信息定位能力:深层的文本分析能力:what,when,where,who,why,how等等厘清故事的发展线索厘清故事的发展线索明确文本的主要矛盾明确文本的主要矛盾关注故事的语言风格

36、关注故事的语言风格二、由读到写的思维能力细读两段续写的开头语,理顺续写段落的逻辑关系;细读两段续写的开头语,理顺续写段落的逻辑关系;围绕划定的围绕划定的1010个个关键词,合理创新故事情节。关键词,合理创新故事情节。Para.1:Para.2:We can also develop the plot by asking questions 三、记叙文书面表达能力(一一)语言的丰富性语言的丰富性 (二二)语篇的连贯性语篇的连贯性 (一一)语言的丰富性语言的丰富性1.1.词汇、句式、语法的多样性词汇、句式、语法的多样性2.2.情感表达的多样性情感表达的多样性3.3.动词使用的丰富性动词使用的丰富性(一一)语言的丰富性语言的丰富性1.1.词汇、句式、语法的多样性词汇、句式、语法的多样性2.2.情感表达的多样性情感表达的多样性3.3.动词使用的丰富性动词使用的丰富性(二二)语篇的连贯性语篇的连贯性 1.1.内容连贯内容连贯故事大意一致,写作意图一致故事大意一致,写作意图一致2.2.语句连贯语句连贯 衔接词的准确使用衔接词的准确使用3.3.语言连贯语言连贯 语言风格一致语言风格一致4.4.结构连贯结构连贯 前后呼应前后呼应AssignmentRewrite your story after class!


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