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1、语法填空中非谓语的分析例举语法填空例题语法填空例题 The practice of drinking tea has a long history in China.Scholars considered tea _61 a cure for a variety of problems:the nobility considered the _62(consume)of good tea to be a mark of their status,and the common people simply enjoyed_63_(it)flavor.In 2016,the discovery of

2、 the_64(early)known physical evidence of tea in Xian was announced,_65(indicate)that tea from the genus Camellia was drunk by Han Dynasty emperors.Tea then became a popular drink in the Tang and Song Dynasties.Chinese tea generally refers to tea leaves _66 have been processed using methods_ 67(hand)

3、down from ancient China.Tea is deeply woven into the history and culture of China and it is considered one of the seven necessities of Chinese life.Tea culture in China differs from_68 in European countries like Britain and other Asian countries like Japan.Today,tea is consumed_69(regular),both at c

4、asual and formal occasions.In addition to being a popular drink,tea_70(use)in traditional Chinese medicine,as well as in Chinese cuisine.Green tea is one of the main worldwide teas originating in China.语法填空例题答案语法填空例题答案 The practice of drinking tea has a long history in China.Scholars considered tea

5、_61 a cure for a variety of problems:the nobility considered the _ 62(consume)of good tea to be a mark of their status,and the common people simply enjoyed_63_(it)flavor.In 2016,the discovery of the_64(early)known physical evidence of tea in Xian was announced,_65(indicate)that tea from the genus Ca

6、mellia was drunk by Han Dynasty emperors.Tea then became a popular drink in the Tang and Song Dynasties.Chinese tea generally refers to tea leaves _66 have been processed using methods_ 67(hand)down from ancient China.Tea is deeply woven into the history and culture of China and it is considered one

7、 of the seven necessities of Chinese life.Tea culture in China differs from_68 in European countries like Britain and other Asian countries like Japan.Today,tea is consumed_ 69(regular),both at casual and formal occasions.In addition to being a popular drink,tea_70(use)in traditional Chinese medicin

8、e,as well as in Chinese cuisine.Green tea is one of the main worldwide teas originating in China.asconsumptionitsearlistindicating which/thathandedthatregularlyis used语法填空例题非谓语考查语法填空例题非谓语考查In 2016,the discovery of the earliest known physical evidence of tea in Xian was announced,_65(indicate)that te

9、a from the genus Camellia was drunk by Han Dynasty emperors.Tea then became a popular drink in the Tang and Song Dynasties.Chinese tea generally refers to tea leaves _which/that_have been processed using methods_ 67(hand)down from ancient China.Green tea is one of the main worldwide teas originating

10、 in China.indicating handed语法填空例题非谓语考查语法填空例题非谓语考查In 2016,the discovery of the earliest known physical evidence of tea in Xian was announced,_65(indicate)that tea from the genus Camellia was drunk by Han Dynasty emperors.在在2016年,西安宣布发现了最早的茶的物质证据,表明了山茶花类茶当年曾经年,西安宣布发现了最早的茶的物质证据,表明了山茶花类茶当年曾经被汉代帝王所饮用。被汉代

11、帝王所饮用。Indicating 非谓语用法,现在分词表示主动作结果状语,分析关键点是非谓语用法,现在分词表示主动作结果状语,分析关键点是the discovery of the earliest known physical evidence of tea in Xian was announced此句子完整,后面部分逗号隔开,没有连词。因此后面的动词使用非谓语形式,此句子完整,后面部分逗号隔开,没有连词。因此后面的动词使用非谓语形式,此处是主动,因此使用现在分词。此处是主动,因此使用现在分词。indicating 现在分词作结果状语现在分词作结果状语1The hospital has re

12、cently obtained new medical equipment,_ allowing _ more patients to be treated.2.The cooling wind swept through out bedroom windows,_making_ air conditioning unnecessary.3.Newly-built wooden cottages line the street,_ turning _(turn)the old town into a dreamland.4.Breaking traffic rules and litterin

13、g are common these days,_ causing _(cause)serious harm to life and the environment.语法填空例题非谓语考查语法填空例题非谓语考查Chinese tea generally refers to tea leaves _which/that_have been processed using methods_ 67(hand)down from ancient China.中国茶一般指的是使用从古代中国被传递下来的方法处理过的茶树叶子。中国茶一般指的是使用从古代中国被传递下来的方法处理过的茶树叶子。which/tha

14、t_have been processed using methods定语从句修饰定语从句修饰tea leaves handed down from ancient China过去分词表示被动作后置定语过去分词表示被动作后置定语相当于定语从句相当于定语从句which/that were handed down from ancient China.过去分词作定语过去分词作定语1.Whats the language _ spoken _ in Germany?2.Have you got everything _ required_ _(require)?答案:答案:required 动词动词

15、require与其逻辑主语与其逻辑主语everything为动宾关系,故使用过去分为动宾关系,故使用过去分词表示被动,此处非谓语动词作后置定语修饰词表示被动,此处非谓语动词作后置定语修饰everything3.Have you read the novel_written_(write)by Dickens?你读过狄更斯写的这部小说吗?你读过狄更斯写的这部小说吗?(表被动、完成表被动、完成)handed现在分词作定语现在分词前边还可以有副词修饰,如:Out students need to adapt to the rapidly changing world.学生需要适应迅速变化的世界。很多

16、现在分词现已演化为形容词,如下面例句中的convincing 和 touching 都已经是形容词。They gave a convincing demonstration of the cars safety features.他们对汽车的安全特性作了一次令人信服的展示。That is a really touching moment.那是一个真正感人的瞬间。Who is the boy speaking to your sister?和你姐姐讲话的那个男孩是谁?The girl sitting by my side is my daughter.坐在我旁边的那个女孩是我的女儿。A man

17、living in the village rarely sees subways.=A man who lives in the village rarely sees subways.住在村子里的人很少看到地铁。语法填空例题非谓语考查语法填空例题非谓语考查Green tea is one of the main worldwide teas originating in China.Ing分词表示主动作后置定语,相当于定语从句分词表示主动作后置定语,相当于定语从句 which originate in China.例子例子 The industrial revolution resulti

18、ng from the invention of the steam engine is important for modern people.因为因为result from“产生于产生于,由由引起引起”,是一个不及物动词短语是一个不及物动词短语,result from与与 The industrial revolution 是主动关系是主动关系,因此应用现在分词作定语修饰因此应用现在分词作定语修饰revolution.相当于定语从句相当于定语从句.The industrial revolution resulting from the invention of the steam engi

19、ne is important for modern people.=The industrial revolution which resulted from the invention of the steam engine is important for modern people.句意句意:由于蒸汽机的发明而引起的工业革命对现代人很重要由于蒸汽机的发明而引起的工业革命对现代人很重要.that 也指代同类异物,但是特指,相当于定冠词也指代同类异物,但是特指,相当于定冠词the+名词。名词。既可以替代既可以替代 the+不可数名词,也可以替代不可数名词,也可以替代the+可数名词单词可数

20、名词单词The umbrella you bought is cheaper than that I bought.(替代词(替代词that在该句中特指在该句中特指“the umbrella I bought”,以区别以区别“the umbrella you bought”)替代)替代the+可数名词单词可数名词单词The language used in advertisements differs from that used in ordinary readings.替代替代the+可数名词单词可数名词单词The weather of Beijing is colder than tha

21、t of Guangzhou.北京的天北京的天气比广州冷。(气比广州冷。(that 指代指代 the weather)(替代替代 the+不可数名词不可数名词)1.Traveling _ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience沿着丝绸之路旅行是一次既有趣又有益的经历。2.Ignoring(ignore)the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.动名词在句中做主语

22、。动名词作主语3.Understanding _(understand)your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.4.Apologizing(Apologize)can be harder than realizing you have acted poorly.动名词作主语5.Somebody jumping for joy is easy to see while a raised eyebrow conveying

23、 doubt is easier to miss.动名词复合结构Seeing is believing眼见为实。Collecting information is very important to businessmen收集信息对于商人来说非常重要。动名词作主语7.It is no use arguing with him与他争吵没有用。(It作形式主语)8.Its no use crying over spiIt milk后悔是没有用的。/覆水难收。(抽象动作)9.Reading aloud is very helpful.朗读是很有好处的。10.动名词的被动形式Being admitte

24、d into a key university is what most students wish for.1.Traveling _ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience沿着丝绸之路旅行是一次既有趣又有益的经历。2.Ignoring(ignore)the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.动名词在句中做主语。动名词作主语3.Understanding _(

25、understand)your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.4.Apologizing(Apologize)can be harder than realizing you have acted poorly.动名词作主语5.Somebody jumping for joy is easy to see while a raised eyebrow conveying doubt is easier to miss.

26、动名词复合结构Seeing is believing眼见为实。Collecting information is very important to businessmen收集信息对于商人来说非常重要。动名词作主语7.It is no use arguing with him与他争吵没有用。(It作形式主语)8.Its no use crying over spiIt milk后悔是没有用的。/覆水难收。(抽象动作)9.Reading aloud is very helpful.朗读是很有好处的。10.动名词的被动形式Being admitted into a key university i

27、s what most students wish for.The Harbin International Snow Sculpture Festival is Harbins main tourist highlight.It is the worlds biggest winter festival.The _1_(bitter)cold winters are just right for this festival._2_sets the Harbin festival apart is the scale and size of the sculptures and the_3_(

28、beauty)lighting.It is bigger than4ones in Sapporo,Norway,and Quebec.At first,mainly the Chinese_5_(participate),but in the last decade,it has become an international festival and_6_(compete).As the festival grows in international participation,and as Chinas economy grows,the size of the snow sculptu

29、res and ice architecture exhibits keeps_7_(grow)The works making up these exhibits are astonishing,and their size and beauty are amazing.The lighting_8_(effect)on the huge ice sculptures in the Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival are technologically complex.Officially,the festival_9_(hold)from the end o

30、f December through February.Opening dates keep changing,and ending dates partly depend_l0_the weather.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了哈尔滨冰雕节的发展和现状。1.bitterly考查副词。空处修饰形容词cold.所以要用副词。bitterly cold“极其寒冷的”.2.What考查主语从句。语篇解读句子结构可知,空处引导主语从句,指“.的东西”,故填What。3.beautiful考查形容词。根据句意可知,此处的lighting是名词,意为“灯光”,所以要用形容词来修饰。4.the考查

31、冠词。空后的ones指festivals,后面给出了具体的地点,故空处表特指,应填定冠词the。5.participated考查时态。空处所填词在句中作谓语,根据时间状语At first可知,此处描述的是过去的事情,故用一般过去时,petition考查名词。空处与前面的名词festival并列,故填所给词的名词形式。7.growing考查非谓语动词。keep(on)doing sth.是固定用法,表示“继续做某事”,故填growing。8.effects考查名词。effect在此处意为“效果”,根据后面的谓语动词are可知,空处要用名词复数。9.is held考查时态和语态。此处描述的是现在的客观情况,故用一般现在时;the festival与hold之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。10.on/upon考查介词。depend on/upon意为“取决于”,是固定搭配。


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