Unit 3 Using Language Write about a healthy diet 公开课(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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Unit 3 Using Language Write about a healthy diet 公开课(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 3 Using Language Write about a healthy diet 公开课(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 3 Using Language Write about a healthy diet 公开课(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 3 Using Language Write about a healthy diet 公开课(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第4页
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Unit 3 Using Language Write about a healthy diet 公开课(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第5页
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1、Write about a healthy diet1.Enable students to read an expositions about healthy diet and grasp the structure,theme and language features of it.2.Guide students to make use of linking words correctly and strengthen textual cohesion.3.Help students to reflect on their own eating habit and write an ar

2、ticle about a healthy diet.What do you think of your eating habit?Skim the passage and find out the problem and advice on healthy diet.The real killer is _dessertssweet drinksbalancedslowlyconsistentProblem (Para1)Conclusion (Para5)Advice on health(Para2-4)sugarCut down on _and cut out_ Keep a _diet

3、 by consuming different categories of foods.Eat_and form_eating habits.Have a healthy_towards food.attitudestructure General statement of the problem or your attitudeDraw a summary BodyThere is much debate nowadays as to what makes up a healthy diet.For example,scientists have insisted for years tha

4、t a big enemy of health is fatty food.However,there is increasing evidence that the real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food,as it is sugar.Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans.And in America,people who receive 25%of their daily calories or more through sugar are twice as

5、likely to die from heart disease than people who receive less than 10%a day(ournal of the American Medical Association,2014).This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet might be.Put more simply,while people continue to argue over whether or not fatty food is dangerous,we already kn

6、ow that sugar is a killer.To introduce the topicPoint of viewSupporting detailsIntroductionViewpointDetailsThere is much debate nowadays as to what makes up a healthy diet.For example,scientists have insisted for years that a big enemy of health is fatty food.However,there is increasing evidence tha

7、t the real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food,as it is sugar.Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans.And in America,people who receive 25%of their daily calories or more through sugar are twice as likely to die from heart disease than people who receive less than 10%a day(ou

8、rnal of the American Medical Association,2014).This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet might be.Put more simply,while people continue to argue over whether or not fatty food is dangerous,we already know that sugar is a killer.To give examplesTo introduce what was mentioned in a

9、nother wayTo show contrasting ideas specific&persuasive1.Whats the purpose of using the linking words?2.Whats the function of the figures?25%twice10%logic&clearFinally,a fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly.It takes about twenty minutes from the time you start eating for your brain to

10、tell your body that you are full.What this means is that people who chew too quickly end up eating too much food because they still feel hungry.Eating slowly also allows your body to digest your food better,and will allow you to enjoy your food more.In addition,studies show that consistent eating ha

11、bits,for example,taking three meals a at the same time each day,are better for our health.It is also better to eat a modest amount of each time,rather than to eat a lot in one meal,and then a little in the next.Point of viewSupporting detail 1Supporting detail 2ViewpointDetailsFinally,a fundamental

12、key to healthy eating is to eat slowly.It takes about twenty minutes from the time you start eating for your brain to tell your body that you are full.What this means is that people who chew too quickly end up eating too much food because they still feel hungry.Eating slowly also allows your body to

13、 digest your food better,and will allow you to enjoy your food more.In addition,studies show that consistent eating habits,for example,taking three meals a at the same time each day,are better for our health.It is also better to eat a modest amount of each time,rather than to eat a lot in one meal,a

14、nd then a little in the next.To show the order of eventsTo list or add informationTo show contrasting ideas convincing&objectiveTo give examplesstudies show1.Whats the purpose of using the linking words?2.Whats the function of the research result?Point of viewSupporting details linking words figures

15、 examples research results(Introduction)Para2 .if you want to be healthy,you have to.Para3 .you can keep healthy by consuming.Para4 Para5 .it is also important to.as.a fundamental key to healthy eating is to.It is also better to.healthy eating starts with having a healthy attitude towards food.Usefu

16、l expressions:1.you have to/can(modal verbs).2.it is+adj.to do.3.make use of noun phrases and verb phrases candy barscandy barsfresh fruit&vegetables sweet drinkssweet drinks fruit pocessed foods fatty foodfatty food dairy productsdairy productsdesserts dessertsprocessed foods cut down on deserts cu

17、t out sweet drinks eat slowlya healthy attitude towards foodcut down on dessertcut out sweet drinkseat slowlya healthy attitude towards foodPara1:Express your attitude towards healthy eatingOverall,I think I have healthy/unhealthy eating habits.As for the things that I am doing right,.Still,I should

18、 improve my eating habits by.Para2:List your points and use details to support each point.Para3:Draw a conclusion.To sum up/In summary/In general/In shortStep IV:Write an essay on how to keep a healthy diet.linking words figures examples research resultsSample Writing Overall,I think I have healthy

19、eating habits.As for the things that I am doing right,I am eating a variety of healthy foods and trying to eat fresh food as much as possible.However,I do have some bad eating habits.There are some foods that I should not eat too much of.For example,rice and bread are healthy,but eating too much can

20、 cause me to gain weight and feel tired.The same goes for the pancakes I buy on the street.They are delicious.but they are by no means healthy,and I should be careful with how often I consume them.In addition to the above,I sometimes find myself too busy and forget to eat or eat too fast,which resul

21、ts in poor health.To sum up,after reading the article,I now better understand how to eat more healthily and improve my food choices.And I think healthy eating starts with having a healthy attitude and I have decided to be healthier and happier!AttitudePointConclusionLanguage Points重点词汇重点词汇 1.calorie

22、 n.2.vitamin n.3.fibre n.4.dairy adj.n.5.moderation n.6.modest adj.7.n.协会;关联 8.adv.不顾;不加理会 卡路里(热量单位)维生素纤维;纤维制品奶制的;乳品(业)的乳制品;乳品店;牛奶厂适度;合理些许的;谦虚的;朴素的associationregardless9.n.类别;种类 10.n.数量;数额 11.adj.完美的;理想的;想象的n.理想;完美的人(或事物)12.adj.根本的;基础的;基本的n.基本规律;根本法则 13.vi.&vt.咀嚼;嚼碎n.咀嚼 14.adj.一致的;连续的 15.n.诀窍;计谋;把戏

23、16.adv.总体上;大致上adj.全面的;综合的categoryquantityidealfundamentalchewconsistenttrickoverall重点重点短语短语及句式及句式1.have a quarrel with 2.argue over 3.become popular with 4.quantities of 5.get rid of 6._ 不管;不顾 7.消减 8.此外 与争吵就争论受欢迎大量的消除regardless ofcut downin addition1.However,there is increasing evidence that the rea

24、l driver of poor health is not so much fatty food,as it is sugar.2.It is up to you to decide how you want to live,and to make the right decisions about your diet.1.This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet might be.无论他们其他方面的饮食多健康,都确实如此。【词汇精讲】regardless of“不管;不顾”,后面可接名词或从句。The clu

25、b welcomes all new members regardless of age.这所俱乐部对所有新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。He went ahead and did it,regardless of the consequences.他说干就干了,没有考虑后果。Regardless of whether he is right or wrong,we have to accept his decisions.不管他正确与否,我们都得服从他的决定。【词汇拓展】despite/in spite of尽管;不管with regard to关于;至于Some studies have been

26、 carried out with regard to energy consumption.对于能源的消耗已经进行了一些研究。2.Processed foods often contain less nutrition,and have higher quantities of sugar,salt,and fat than fresh ingredients.加工食品往往含有较少的营养,并有比新鲜成分更多的糖、盐和脂肪。【词汇精讲】quantity n.数量;数额Your work has improved in quantity and quality this term.本学期你的作业

27、在数量和质量上都有提高。We want not only to increase the quantity of products,but also to ensure the quality.我们不但要提高产品的产量,还要保证质量。【词汇拓展】a large/small quantity of 大/少量的(large)quantities of大量的in quantity/in large quantities大量There is a large quantity of difficulties in front of us,but we still have faith in victor

28、y.我们面临许多困难,但我们仍对胜利充满信心。It is unbelievable that he should have bought so large quantities of things on on double eleven day.真难以置信,在“双11”这一天,他竟然在淘宝网上买了如此多的物品。【温馨提示】(1)a quantity of或quantities of后既可接可数名词也可接不可数名词。(2)“a quantity of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词与名词保持数的一致;而“quantities of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。3.The ideal diet is

29、 a balanced one,without too much or too little of any one thing.理想的饮食是均衡的,没有太多或太少的任何一样东西。【词汇精讲】ideal adj.完美的;理想的;想象的n.理想;完美的人/事物In an ideal world there would be no poverty and disease.在理想的世界里将没有贫穷和疾病。The ideal is about to come true.理想即将实现。be ideal for对是理想的This beach is ideal for children.这个沙滩是孩子们的理想

30、去处。4.There is no one trick to healthy eating.健康饮食没有一个诀窍。【词汇精讲】trick n.诀窍;计谋;把戏They had to think of a trick to get past the guards.他们只好想出个计谋骗过岗哨。Let me show you some card tricks.我来给你表演一些纸牌戏法。The trick is to pick the animal up by the back of its neck.窍门在于抓住动物的后脖颈把它提起来。【词汇拓展】play tricks/a trick on搞恶作剧;

31、开玩笑The kids are always playing tricks on their teacher.孩子们经常耍些花招戏弄老师。1.However,there is increasing evidence that the real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food,as it is sugar.然而,越来越多的证据表明,不良健康的真正推手并非过多的脂肪类食物,而实际上是糖。【句式剖析】本句是一个复合句。there is increasing evidence是主句,that引导的是同位语从句,用来说明evidence的内

32、容。There is a lot of evidence that stress is partly responsible for disease.有很多证据证明压力是造成疾病的原因之一。Can you provide any evidence that he was innocent of the crime?你能提供证据证明他没有犯这罪吗?常见后接同位语从句的名词 My friend told us the truth that he fell down from his bike this afternoon.我的朋友告诉我们今天下午他从单车上摔下来的真相。He made clear

33、his desire that he should work hard to go to college.他已清楚地表明了他要努力学习考上大学这一愿望。2.It is up to you to decide how you want to live,and to make the right decisions about your diet.你可以自己决定如何生活,如何选择正确的饮食。【句式剖析】It is up to sb to do.由某人决定做。本句中真正的主语是动词不定式短语to decide.,how引导的句子作decide的宾语。It is up to you to decide

34、 whom you should give the money to.你的钱该给谁,由你自己决定。It is up to you to determine the settings at this point.这由您来决定在这个点上的设置。【句式拓展】up to取决于;到达(某数量、程度等)up to now到目前为止(常与现在完成时连用)What shall we do tonight then?那么,我们今晚做什么呢?Its up to youwhatever you want.你说了算你想做什么都行。You can play up to 30 games at one time.你可以一

35、次进行多达30个游戏。Practice.释义匹配1.chew A.considering or including everything2.trick B.to bite food several times before swallowing it 3.overall C.something you do in order to deceive someone4.ideal D.a group of people or things that are all of the same type5.category E.the best or most suitable that somethi

36、ng could possibly be.单句语法填空1.She became famous through her(associate)with the group of poets.2.At night we have great _(quantity)of spare electric power.3.I wish you(tell)me the news earlier.4.It is very nice you to come to help me.5.You can keep healthy by consuming different _(category)of food.ass

37、ociationquantitieshad toldofcategories.完成句子1.对于什么是健康饮食,现在有很多争论。There is much debate nowadays what makes up a healthy diet.2.心脏疾病是美国人的头号杀手。Heart disease is killer of Americans.3.理想的饮食是均衡的。The ideal diet is a.4.健康的饮食始于对食物有一种健康的态度。Healthy eating having a healthy attitude towards food.5.你自己决定如何生活。It is to decide how you want to live.as to the number onebalanced onestarts withup to youHealthy eating,healthy life.


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