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1、2022-12-5法律英语法律英语1Lesson FourteenCommercial Law2022-12-5法律英语法律英语2BackgroundnCommercial Law:nAll the law which applies to the rights,relations and conduct of persons and businesses engaged in commerce,merchandising,trade and sales.In recent years this body of law has been codified in the Uniform Comm

2、ercial Code,which has been almost universally adopted by the states.(http:/ lawnState lawnThe National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws n统一各州法律全国代表大会统一各州法律全国代表大会The Uniform Commercial Code2022-12-5法律英语法律英语6Part one nArticle 1,Section 8 of the Constitution(commercial clause)nThe Cong

3、ress shall have power to“regulate commerce with foreign nations,and among the several states,and with the Indian tribes”n国会有权国会有权“规制规制与外国与外国的商业活动,的商业活动,州际州际商业活动,以及商业活动,以及与印第安部落与印第安部落的的商业活动。商业活动。”2022-12-5法律英语法律英语7The brevity of this clause belies the factnIts interpretation has played a significant

4、role in shaping the concepts of federalism and the permissible uses of national power throughout our history.n这一条款的简短性这一条款的简短性误导了一个事实误导了一个事实,即,即:n这一条款的解释在历史上这一条款的解释在历史上联邦主义概念联邦主义概念的形成的形成和和国家权力的运用国家权力的运用方面起了重要方面起了重要作用。作用。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语8The federal governmentnWas granted neither a general police po

5、wer nor the inherent right to act on any subject matter in order to promote the health,safety or welfare of the people throughout the nation.n联邦政府既没有被赋予联邦政府既没有被赋予一般公共权力一般公共权力,也没,也没有被赋予改善全国人民健康、安全或社会福有被赋予改善全国人民健康、安全或社会福利方面的利方面的天生的行为权利天生的行为权利。nThe framer did grant Congress a power to regulate commerce

6、.n宪法制定者们确实赋予了国会宪法制定者们确实赋予了国会规制商务活动规制商务活动的权力的权力。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语9Federalism nThe power over commerce might include the power to promote the economic welfare of the citizens throughout the country.增加经济福利增加经济福利2022-12-5法律英语法律英语10nThe grant of power also may be viewed as committing this subject matter

7、to Congress and removing some of the powers of the states to deal with local matters n给予国会权力也可以被看成是给予国会权力也可以被看成是将这些事将这些事项交给国会项交给国会,并,并取消州管理地方事务的取消州管理地方事务的某些权力。某些权力。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语11It can been seen that nAbsent some further restriction upon the power,it might indeed be the functional equivalent of

8、 a generalized“police power”because much of the activity which takes place within the country,and even within a single state,might be said to relate to economic issues and problems.n人们可以发现,人们可以发现,缺少对国会权力的进一缺少对国会权力的进一步限制步限制,这种权力可能就相当于,这种权力可能就相当于一般化一般化的的“公共权力公共权力”,因为许多发生在美国,因为许多发生在美国甚至于某个州内的行为都甚至于某个州内

9、的行为都可能与经济问可能与经济问题有关题有关。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语12nA broad reading of the clause would not only grant a sweeping power to the federal government but it would also restrict the ability of individual states to adopt laws which burden the forms of commerce which were committed to the control of the federal gov

10、ernment.n对该条款的广义解释,不仅对该条款的广义解释,不仅赋予了联邦赋予了联邦政府广泛的权力政府广泛的权力,而且,而且限制了各州采用限制了各州采用涉及到由联邦政府控制的商务形式的涉及到由联邦政府控制的商务形式的法法律的能力律的能力。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语13The history of the commerce clause adjudication 商务条款裁决的历史商务条款裁决的历史The development of doctrines The development of doctrines supporting a specific federal powersu

11、pporting a specific federal power特殊联邦权力原则的发展史特殊联邦权力原则的发展史The history of the concepts of federalismThe history of the concepts of federalism联邦制度概念的发展史联邦制度概念的发展史2022-12-5法律英语法律英语14Today the Court will uphold the decisions of CongressnSo long as there is some rational argument for finding that the item

12、s that the Congress regulates fall within the commerce power.n只要只要有合理的证据有合理的证据证明,国会管证明,国会管理的事项理的事项在商务权力的范围之内在商务权力的范围之内,最高法院将最高法院将支持国会的决定支持国会的决定。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语15Part TwonThe Supreme Court today interprets the commerce clause as a complete grant of power.n现在,现在,联邦最高法院联邦最高法院将商务条款解释将商务条款解释为一种为一种完全的授权

13、完全的授权。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语16nThe Tenth Amendment is no longer viewed as a reservation of certain subjects for state regulation.n宪法第宪法第1010修正案修正案不再被看作是对州就某不再被看作是对州就某些事项进行管制的些事项进行管制的保留保留。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语17Amendment XnThe powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution,nor prohibited by it

14、to the states,are reserved to the states respectively,or to the people.n宪法宪法未授予合众国未授予合众国、也未、也未禁止各州行禁止各州行使的权力使的权力,由各州各自保留由各州各自保留,或,或由人由人民保留。民保留。X2022-12-5法律英语法律英语18nOnce the justices began to define the commerce power as an independent grant of power rather than in terms of the Tenth Amendment,the pr

15、oduction-commerce and direct-indirect distinctions soon passed away.n一旦一旦大法官们大法官们将将商务权力商务权力界定为界定为独立授独立授权权而不是第而不是第1010修正案中的授权,修正案中的授权,生产生产-商商业业和和直接直接-间接间接的的区分区分很快就失去了意义。很快就失去了意义。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语19nThe Court now will defer to the legislatures choice of economic rationale;the possible economic impact

16、of an activity on commerce among the states will bring it within this power.n最高法院将遵从最高法院将遵从立法机关立法机关对对经济原理经济原理的选的选择;联邦政府择;联邦政府一项行为一项行为对州际商务对州际商务可能可能产产生的经济影响,生的经济影响,将使将使该行为该行为在联邦政府的在联邦政府的权力范围之内。权力范围之内。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语20n The old concepts of physical connection to commerce and the“current of commerce”

17、theories have been discarded as inappropriate judicial restrictions on the commerce power.与商业有实质联系的概念与商业有实质联系的概念“商业流商业流”理理论论对商务权力形成不恰当的限制对商务权力形成不恰当的限制被抛弃被抛弃2022-12-5法律英语法律英语21The Court has finally returned to nMarshalls definition of commerce among the states as that which concerns more states than

18、one.n最高法院最终采纳了最高法院最终采纳了马歇尔的州际商马歇尔的州际商业活动定义业活动定义,即,即涉及到一个以上州的涉及到一个以上州的商务活动商务活动是州际商务活动。是州际商务活动。John Marshall(1755-1835)2022-12-5法律英语法律英语22nThe justices will defer to the legislative choices in this area and uphold laws if there is a rational basis upon which Congress could find a relation between its

19、regulation and commerce.n如果国会如果国会有根据,有根据,能够找出其法规与商能够找出其法规与商业之间的业之间的关系关系,那么法官将,那么法官将遵从立法机遵从立法机关的选择关的选择,并,并支持该法律支持该法律。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语23nModern Commerce Power Tests现代商务权力检验标准现代商务权力检验标准nThe Modern Delegation of Power Doctrine现代授权原则现代授权原则nMotive 动机动机2022-12-5法律英语法律英语24Modern Commerce Power Testsn1.1.国会

20、能够就允许州际旅游和航运制国会能够就允许州际旅游和航运制定法律、条件和限制,定法律、条件和限制,;n2.2.国会可以规制任何与商业有紧密或国会可以规制任何与商业有紧密或实质联系的行为,实质联系的行为,;n3.3.如果如果“必须且合适必须且合适”,国会可以规,国会可以规制对商业本无影响的单一州的活动。制对商业本无影响的单一州的活动。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语25The Modern Delegation of Power Doctrinen“Delegation”to States or the Executive Branchn向州政府或向州政府或行政部门行政部门的授权的授权nCong

21、ress may pass laws that allow states to independently regulate interstate commercen国会可以国会可以通过法律通过法律允许州独立规制州际允许州独立规制州际商务。商务。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语26nSuch laws involve a federal adoption of varying structures for commerce rather than any unconstitutional delegation of the commerce power to the states.n 这些法

22、律涉及这些法律涉及联邦采用联邦采用各种贸易结构,各种贸易结构,而没有任何而没有任何违反宪法地违反宪法地将商务权力将商务权力授予授予各州的行为。各州的行为。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语27The political process in modern times nHas resulted in federal control of wide variety of intrastate and multistate commercial matters;it has become impossible for the Congress to define with precision th

23、e scope and meaning of its commercial statutes.n现代政治进程使得现代政治进程使得联邦控制了广泛的州联邦控制了广泛的州内和州际事务内和州际事务,国会已无法准确定义,国会已无法准确定义商商务法规的内涵和外延务法规的内涵和外延。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语28The past half century has witnessednIncreased congressional use of federal executive agencies to administer federal statutes and to promulgate reg

24、ulations which effectuate legislative policies.n半个世纪以来,国会越来越多地运用半个世纪以来,国会越来越多地运用联联邦行政机构邦行政机构,由它们管理,由它们管理联邦法律联邦法律、颁、颁布履行立法政策的布履行立法政策的行政法规行政法规。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语29nThe Congress may delegate both rulemaking and administrative functions to the executive branch or agencies it establishes.n国会可以授权它所建立的国会可以授

25、权它所建立的行政部门或机行政部门或机构构制定行政法规制定行政法规和和进行行政管理进行行政管理。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语30nThe Supreme Court will allow Congress to share its legislative power with the executive branch by delegating aspects of that power to executive agencies.n最高法院允许国会最高法院允许国会通过授权通过授权行政机构行政机构将将立法权立法权分配给分配给行政部门行政部门。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语31nSuch

26、 legislative delegations will Such legislative delegations will be upheldbe upheld unless unless Congress Congress abdicates abdicates one of its one of its powers to the executive agency or powers to the executive agency or fails tofails to give legislative definitiongive legislative definition of

27、the scope of the of the scope of the agencys power.agencys power.n 这种立法性授权将这种立法性授权将得到最高法院的支持得到最高法院的支持,除非除非国会将某项权力国会将某项权力放弃放弃给行政机关,给行政机关,或者或者没有没有就该行政机关的权力范围就该行政机关的权力范围给出给出立法性界定。立法性界定。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语32If Congress were to grant a private group the power to control its competitors,n如果国会想授予一个如果国会想授予一个私

28、人集团私人集团控制其竞争者控制其竞争者的权力的权力,nThere might be a procedural problem regarding whether the persons regulated were deprived of due process by being subject to the will of entities with interests contrary to theirs.n就会出现就会出现程序问题程序问题,涉及到那些被规制的人,涉及到那些被规制的人是否是否因为必须因为必须服从于服从于与其利益对立的实体与其利益对立的实体的的意志而意志而被剥夺了正当程序(权

29、利)被剥夺了正当程序(权利)。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语33MotivenIf Congress is regulating an activity that may be deemed to come under the three-part test for the commerce power,the motive of the Congress in passing the regulation is irrelevant.n如果国会管制的行为被认为是如果国会管制的行为被认为是符合商务符合商务权力的三个标准权力的三个标准,那么国会制定该法规,那么国会制定该法规的的动机动机是是无

30、关紧要无关紧要的。的。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语34Motive nCongress may exercise its commerce power for clearly noncommercial reasons.n国会可以出于国会可以出于非商业理由非商业理由行使其商务行使其商务权力权力。健康 法 规健康 法 规刑法刑法民 权 法民 权 法2022-12-5法律英语法律英语35If nThere is a rational basis for finding a sufficient relationship between the regulation and commerce,

31、the act is within the commerce power.n如果如果有根据有根据发现法规与商务活动之间发现法规与商务活动之间存在存在足够联系足够联系,那么,那么该法规就在商务该法规就在商务权力范围之内权力范围之内。regulationcommerceThe law must be upheld2022-12-5法律英语法律英语36Part Three nThe legal profession,under the leadership of the American Law Institute,has suggested comprehensive codes of laws

32、to be adopted by the states.n法律界人士在法律界人士在美国法学会美国法学会的领导下,建的领导下,建议各州采纳议各州采纳综合的法典综合的法典。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语37Uniform Commercial Code 发起、并指导统一商法典的准备发起、并指导统一商法典的准备2022-12-5法律英语法律英语38nIn 1942,the Uniform Commercial Code(UCC)was designed as a joint project between the American Law Institute and the National C

33、onference of Commissioners.nIt took ten years for the appointed editorial board and drafting committees to produce an official text.2022-12-5法律英语法律英语39nAll fifty states and the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands have adopted the UCC in whole or in part.nLouisiana has adopted only Articles 1

34、,3,4 and 5.Louisiana2022-12-5法律英语法律英语40nGeneral Provision 总则总则nSales 买卖买卖nCommercial Paper 商业票据商业票据nBank Deposit and Collections 银行存款和收款银行存款和收款 nLetters of Credit 信用证信用证 nBulk Transfers 大宗转让大宗转让 nDocuments of Title 所有权凭证所有权凭证 nInvestment Securities 投资证券投资证券nSecured Transactions 担保交易担保交易nEffective Da

35、te and Repealer 生效日期和废止生效日期和废止2022-12-5法律英语法律英语41UCCnExpands and codifies the law merchant and common law in order to modernize,clarify,standardize,and liberalize the rules.n扩大扩大商业习惯法商业习惯法和和普通法普通法,并将其编撰,并将其编撰成法典,以促进其现代化,并阐述其法成法典,以促进其现代化,并阐述其法规,使之标准化、自由化。规,使之标准化、自由化。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语42The codes nAlso

36、 helps to clarify the legal relationship of the parties in modern commercial transactions.n统一商法典还有助于明确统一商法典还有助于明确现代商务交易现代商务交易中当事人间的中当事人间的法律关系法律关系。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语43UCCnHelp determine the intentions of the parities to a commercial contract and to give force and effect to their agreement.n统一商法典有助于确定统

37、一商法典有助于确定商务合同商务合同签约当签约当事人的意图事人的意图,使他们签定的合同具有,使他们签定的合同具有强强制力。制力。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语44UCCnEncourage business transactions by assuring businesspersons that their contract will be enforced.n通过使商人们确信他们签定的合同通过使商人们确信他们签定的合同有有强制执行力强制执行力,来鼓励,来鼓励商业交易商业交易的发展。的发展。2022-12-5法律英语法律英语45主要专业词汇主要专业词汇nCommercial LawnThe

38、 Uniform Commercial Codeneconomic welfarencommerce clausencomplete grant of powerncommerce powernModern Commerce Power TestsnModern Delegation of Power Doctrine 2022-12-5法律英语法律英语46nExecutive Branch ninterstate commerce nunconstitutional delegation nRulemakingnexecutive agenciesndue process nAmerican

39、 Law Institutenlaw merchantncommercial transactionnbusiness transaction2022-12-5法律英语法律英语47nSales 买卖买卖nCommercial Paper 商业票据商业票据nBank Deposit and Collections 银行存款和收款银行存款和收款 nLetters of Credit 信用证信用证 nBulk Transfers 大宗转让大宗转让 nDocuments of Title 所有权凭证所有权凭证 nInvestment Securities 投资证券投资证券nSecured Transactions 担保交易担保交易2022-12-5法律英语法律英语481.Questions about the text2.Listening ComprehensionExercises


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