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1、高考英语一轮复习课件高考英语一轮复习课件阅读理解技巧(语言知识与技能类)得高分得高分得阅读者得阅读者An English paper(150 points)Reading comprehension:50pointsIs that you?Is that you?1.文章好长,生词好多啊,看不下去!2.我很认真地看啊,但看完后还是不知道它在 讲什么!3.我看懂了,可我就是做不对!4.我排除了两个答案,2选1时老选错!5.速度慢,来不及,最后只能猜了!6.检查时改错了好几题!What do we need in reading?词汇词汇语法语法语篇理解语篇理解解题技巧解题技巧+读懂词汇读懂词汇

2、读懂文章读懂文章 基于语言知识,分析文本,把握主旨结基于语言知识,分析文本,把握主旨结构,是理解语篇的关键构,是理解语篇的关键 解题技巧锦上添花解题技巧锦上添花浙江省普通高考考试说明中浙江省普通高考考试说明中关于阅读理解的要求关于阅读理解的要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志、网络中关于一般性考生能读懂书、报、杂志、网络中关于一般性话题的短文以及公告、说明、广告(生词量不话题的短文以及公告、说明、广告(生词量不超过超过3%3%).).考生应能:考生应能:1.1.理解理解主旨和要义主旨和要义;2.2.理解文中理解文中具体信息具体信息;3.3.根据根据上下文上下文推断生词的推断生词的词义词义;4.4.作出作

3、出判断和推理判断和推理;5.5.理解文章的理解文章的基本结构基本结构;6.6.理解作者的理解作者的意图、观点和态度意图、观点和态度。1 1、细节理解题细节理解题(detail questions)(detail questions)2 2、词义猜测题词义猜测题(meaning guessing questions)(meaning guessing questions)3 3、推理判断题推理判断题(inference questions)(inference questions)4 4、主旨大意题主旨大意题(main idea questions)(main idea questions)5

4、5.篇章结构题篇章结构题(structure questions)structure questions)1.Detail questions1.Detail questions 属属浅层理解浅层理解,一般可直接或间接找出答案。,一般可直接或间接找出答案。解题方法解题方法:原文定位法原文定位法/查读法查读法Ceelys near miss made the news because she blamed it on the GPS(导航仪导航仪).She had never driven the route before.It was dark and raining heavily.Ceel

5、y was relying on her GPS,but it made no mention of the crossing.“I put my complete trust in the device and it led me right into the path of a speeding train,”she told the BBC.1.What did Paula Ceely think was the cause of her accident?A.She was not familiar with the road.B.It was dark and raining hea

6、vily then.C.The railway workers failed to give the signal.D.Her GPS device didnt tell her about the crossing.答非所问答非所问自相矛盾自相矛盾One evening in February 2007,a student named Paula Ceely brought her car to a stop on a remote road in Wales.She got out to open a metal gate that blocked her path.Thats when

7、she heard the whistle sounded by the driver of a train.Her Renault Clio was parked across a railway line.Seconds later,she watched the train drag her car almost a kilometer down the railway tracks.Who is to blame here?Rick Stevenson,who tellsCeelys story in his book When Machines Fail Us,points the

8、finger at the limitations of technology.We put our faith in digital devices,he says,but our digital helpers are too often not up to the job.Theyare filled with small problems.And its not just GPSdevices:Stevenson takes us on a tour of digital disasters involving everything from mobile phones.3.Which

9、 of the following would Rick Stevenson most probably agree with?A.Modern technology is what we cant live without.B.Digital technology often falls short of our expectation.C.Digital devices are more reliable than they used to be.D.GPS error is not the only cause for Ceelys accident.无中生有无中生有无中生有无中生有张冠

10、李戴张冠李戴2.Inference questions2.Inference questions属属深层理解深层理解,要求透过现象看本质,要求透过现象看本质.1 1、因果推测题因果推测题2 2、人物性格、态度推测题、人物性格、态度推测题3 3、预测想象、预测想象(上下文)推测题上下文)推测题4 4、写作意图推测题、写作意图推测题5 5、文章来源、读者对象推测题、文章来源、读者对象推测题inferinferimplyimplyindicateindicatesuggestsuggest客观客观判断是标准判断是标准直接陈述不可选直接陈述不可选排除方法排除方法可帮忙可帮忙细细追查细细追查情感词情感词

11、If NASAs not paying Oberg,perhaps it could put the money to good use by hiring two big guys to drag Neil Armstrong out of the house.Armstrong is an extremely private man,but he is also the first man on the moon,so maybe he has a duty to be a bit more outspoken about the experience.Or NASA could just

12、 buy Aldrin a commemorate plaque(纪念匾)(纪念匾)for his recent touch on the face of Mr X.9.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.NASA should not have bothered with the non-believers.B.Armstrong was a very private and determined person.C.Armstrong should have been as outspoken as Buzz Aldrin.D.NAS

13、A should send more astronauts to outer space.自相矛盾自相矛盾 Once upon a time,-July 20,1969,to be exact,two men got out If NASAs not paying Oberg,perhaps it could put the money to good use by hiring two big guys to drag Neil Armstrong out of the house.Armstrong is an extremely private man,but he is also th

14、e first man on the moon,so maybe he has a duty to be a bit more outspoken about the experience.Or NASA could just buy Aldrin a commemorate plaque(纪念匾)(纪念匾)for his recent touch on the face of Mr X.10.Which of the following best describe the tone of this passage?A.Matter-of-fact B.Pessimistic C.Humoro

15、us D.Friendlyoptimistic pessimistic optimistic pessimistic(悲观的)(悲观的)negative passive positive negative passive positive subjective objective subjective objective(客观的)(客观的)Neutral Neutral 中立的中立的 indifferent indifferent 漠不关心的漠不关心的 critical ironiccritical ironic(讽刺的)(讽刺的)approval disapproval opposedapp

16、roval disapproval opposedDo you know these wordsDo you know these words?TIPSTIPS Put yourself in the writers shoes!判断有据,推论有理,判断有据,推论有理,忠实原文忠实原文,杜绝主观。杜绝主观。原句最重要原句最重要其次上下句其次上下句3.Meaning guessing questions3.Meaning guessing questions解题思路:解题思路:代入替换法代入替换法 One evening in February 2007,a student named Paul

17、a Ceely brought her car to a stop on a remote road in Wales.She got out to open a metal gate that blocked her path.Thats when she heard the whistle sounded by the driver of a train.Her RenaultClio was parked across a railway line.Seconds later,she watched the train drag her car almost a kilometre do

18、wn the railway tracks.Ceelys near miss made the news because she blamed it on the GPS(导航仪导航仪).She had never driven the route before.It was dark and raining heavily.Ceely was relying on her GPS,but it made no.2.The phrase“near miss”can best be replaced by_.A.close hit B.heavy loss C.narrow escape D.b

19、ig mistake4.main idea questions4.main idea questions文章标题文章标题 主旨大意题解题思路:主旨大意题解题思路:主题段定位法主题段定位法段落大意题解题思路:段落大意题解题思路:主题句定位法主题句定位法 主旨大意题主旨大意题/段落大意题段落大意题标题选择标题选择“三原则三原则”:1 1、概括性、概括性 (关键词(关键词-精准)精准)2 2、深刻性、深刻性3 3、醒目性、醒目性把握文章体裁,分析结构特点,提高篇把握文章体裁,分析结构特点,提高篇章理解能力,抓文章主旨章理解能力,抓文章主旨记叙文记叙文按事件的发生、发展、结局展开按事件的发生、发展、结

20、局展开夹叙夹议文夹叙夹议文-描述事情描述事情,发表议论发表议论/阐明道理阐明道理 (分分-总)总)议论文议论文论点、论据、结论论点、论据、结论 (总(总-分分-总)总)说明文说明文导语(探讨问题)导语(探讨问题)-分析问题分析问题(说明背说明背景,过程)景,过程)-结论(说明结果)结论(说明结果)(总(总-分分-总)总)应用文应用文提供信息,缩略词,语法简略,提供信息,缩略词,语法简略,先题后文先题后文,跳读跳读,查读法查读法1.1.主题段在文首主题段在文首-议论文议论文(总总-分分-总总),说明文(总说明文(总-分分-总),总),新闻报导新闻报导2.2.主题段在文尾主题段在文尾 夹叙夹议(分

21、夹叙夹议(分-总)总)3.3.主题段在文中主题段在文中 引题引题-主题主题-解释解释主题句往往位于主题句往往位于段首段首,段尾段尾,偶有,偶有段中段中主题段主题段+主题句定位法主题句定位法The game between humans and their smart devices is amusing and complex.It is shaped by economics and psychology and the cultures we live in.Somewhere in the mix of those forces there may be a way for a wise

22、r use of technology.5.What is the real concern of the writer of this article?A.The major causes of traffic accidents and car thefts.B.The relationship between human and technology.C.The shortcomings of digital devices we use.D.The human unawareness of technical problems.以偏概全以偏概全 干扰选项干扰选项“四宗罪四宗罪”:无:无

23、:无中生有无中生有 答非所问答非所问 反:反:自相矛盾自相矛盾 因果倒置因果倒置 偏:偏:以偏概全以偏概全 范围扩大或缩小范围扩大或缩小 多了多了/少了定语或状语少了定语或状语 混:混:张冠李戴张冠李戴 正确答案的特征:正确答案的特征:1 1、原则:原则:同义替换同义替换2 2、语气:正确选项中经常语气:正确选项中经常含有不确定语含有不确定语气词气词,如:,如:might,may,possibly,be might,may,possibly,be likely to,should,usually,couldlikely to,should,usually,could 等等 绝对词否定法绝对词否

24、定法:含:含must,only,never,must,only,never,hardly,completely,no,alwayshardly,completely,no,always等绝对等绝对词的通常不是正确答案词的通常不是正确答案 3 3、锅盖法锅盖法:概括性,深刻性概括性,深刻性地表达地表达中心中心Practice TimeImagine that someone in your neighborhood broke the law,and a judge put the whole neighborhood under suspicion.How fair would that be

25、?Well,it happens every day to high schoolers.Just because some students have stolen things in shops,all of us are treated like shoplifters.Even though Id never steal,store employees look at me like Im some kind of criminal mastermind.11.Shoplifters(Paragraph 1)refer to .A.the neighbors B.thieves C.e

26、mployees D.store owners猜测词义题猜测词义题 For example.During one lunch period,my friend Danny and I went to the Grabsn Go on Tuesday.We arrived to find a line of students waiting outside.A new sign in the window told the story:“NO MORE THAN TWO STUDENTS AT A TIME.”After 15 minutes,we finally got in,but the

27、store manager laid the evil eye on us.I asked him about the new sign,and he said,“You kids are lifting too much stuff.”You kids?Too much stuff!Not only were we assumed to be shoplifters,but brilliant,greedy shoplifters!12.The manager of the Grabn Go thought that .A.people might be angry about the li

28、ning up B.the shop might be over-crowded C.students might steal things D.kids should be accompanied by their parents事实细节题事实细节题 You know,this kind of prejudice can go both ways.I work at the CD Crib,and every day I see adults commit a terrible crime.They put on a set of headphones and sort of dance t

29、o the music.Talk about bad!Tomorrow,Im going to put a sign in the window:“NO MORE THAN TWO ADULTS LISTENTING TO MUSIC AT A TIME.”13.By saying“this kind of prejudice can go both ways”,the writer intends to .A.put up a notice to prevent adults from committing a crime B.encourage adults to listen to CD

30、s before they buy them C.stop adults from talking bad things when in CD stores D.accuse adults in the same way as they did towards the boys推理判断题推理判断题The most annoying thing,though,is the way employees watch my friends and me.Its almost strange and frightening.Once,at a drugstore,I went down an aisle

31、 and found a guy standing on a box,stocking the shelves.He was watching my hands,which were empty.He got down off his box and rushed off,as if he was going to get the store manager.How crazy is that?14.What is the tone of the writer?A.angry B.sad C.pleased D.excited 推理判断题推理判断题The Grabn Go isnt an is

32、olated case.Earlier this year,a department store worker told me to leave my backpack at the front of the store.When I asked who was going to keep an eye on my stuff,she said,“Dont worry.It isnt going anywhere.”In other words,I had to risk losing my stuff so that the store wouldnt have to risk losing

33、 theirs.“Dont worry,“I replied,“I dont need to shop here anymore.”15.How does the writer develop his argument?A.By examples B.By classification C.By comparison and contrast D.By cause and effect 篇章结构题篇章结构题篇章结构题:篇章结构题:1.考查文章的结构考查文章的结构2.考查对文章的写作手法,修辞手段的考查对文章的写作手法,修辞手段的 赏析能力赏析能力1.How is the passage org

34、anized?3.The first paragraph serves as?3.The author develops the passage mainly by?三长一短就选短,三长一短就选短,三短一长就选长。三短一长就选长。两长两短就选两长两短就选B B,参差不齐,参差不齐C C无敌。无敌。一样长选一样长选C C,一样短选,一样短选B B。阅读理解没有什么葵花宝典阅读理解没有什么葵花宝典民间流传的口诀并不科学民间流传的口诀并不科学Practice makes perfect!每天坚持做每天坚持做4 4篇阅读理解,篇阅读理解,30-4030-40分钟分钟,定时训练,并从错误中反思提高。定时

35、训练,并从错误中反思提高。培养良好的阅读心理素质。培养良好的阅读心理素质。May you succeed in the Entrance Examination!The problem with his argument in the book is that its not clear why he only focuses on digital technology,while there may be a number of other possible causes.A map-maker might have left the crossing off a paper map.May

36、be we should blame Ceely for not paying attention.Perhaps the railway authorities are at fault for poor singalling system.Or maybe someone has studied the relative dangers and worked out that there really is something specific wrong with the GPS equipment.But Stevenson doesnt say.44.In the writers opinion,Stevensons argument is _.A.one-sided B.reasonable C.puzzling D.well-based


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