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1、虹虹口口区区第第一一学学期期期期中中考考试试九九年年级级英英语语学学科科试试卷卷Part 2Phonetics,Vocabulary and Grammar(第第二二部部分分语语音音、词词汇汇和和语语法法).Choose the best answer(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案)(共共 20 分分)26.Which of the following words matches the phonetic symbol/pu:l/?A)pourB)pullC)poolD)poor27.Which of the underlined parts has a different sound f

2、rom the other three?A)restB)resultC)respectD)review28.Cormorant fishing is _ traditional Chinese skill,more than 1,000 years old.A)aB)anC)/D)the29.-Have you ever been a volunteer,Paul?-Yes.Its a good experience for _.A)IB)meC)mineD)my30.Kitty had to stay at home for _ two days because of her bad col

3、d.A)otherB)anotherC)the otherD)others31.Although Mike is _ average height,he is a star in the basketball team.A)onB)withC)inD)of32.-Excuse me,can I sit here?-Im afraid you cant.The seat has been taken _ my son.A)atB)byC)ofD)with33.In winter,the _ the snow is,the happier the children are.A)heavyB)hea

4、vierC)heavilyD)more heavily34.Without any difficulty,Frank recognized the caf,for it had _ changed over the years.A)faithfullyB)nearlyC)securelyD)hardly35.I am pleased with your composition _ a few spelling mistakes.A)exceptB)except forC)except thatD)besides36.The washing machine hasnt worked proper

5、ly _ two weeks.A)yetB)justC)sinceD)for37.-I am leaving for a business trip.-Where _ you _?A)have.goneB)will.goC)did.goD)do.go38.-Im terribly sorry.I _ your iPad and it doesnt work now.-How could you do that!A)dropB)droppedC)have droppedD)will drop39.From July 1,all the rubbish must _ different rubbi

6、sh bins in Shanghai.A)put intoB)to put intoC)be put intoD)to be put into40.He always encourages his son _ physical activities after class.A)take part inB)to take part inC)taking part inD)to taking part in41.If you keep _ English every morning,you will make great progress.A)readB)to readC)readingD)to

7、 reading42.I have tried many times to recite the poem,_ I still fail.A)andB)butC)orD)so43.Please carry all your belongings with you _ you leave the room.A)becauseB)althoughC)whenD)unless44.-_?-Its wonderful,but too long!A)How do you think about the speech?B)What about going to visit the exhibition?C

8、)Which T-shirt do you like better?D)How far is it from your home to the shop?45.-I think Paul will be a good engineer when he grows up.-_ In my opinion,he will be an editor or writer.A)I dont agree.B)I dont feel like it.C)Im not sure.D)Im sorry to hear that.Complete the following passage with the wo

9、rds or phrases in the box.Each one can only be used once(将将下下列列单单词词或或词词组组填填入入空空格格。每每空空格格限限填填一一词词,每每词词只只能能填填一一次次)(共共 8 分分)If someone asked you to draw a picture of a robot,how would it look?Like a person?Thatshow we often _46_ robots in our minds.But real robots look many different ways.Some robots h

10、ave TV cameras for eyes.Some have special parts that help them touch.Manyhave _47_ brains.How robots look _48_ the job they have to do.Some can even havetheir parts changed,so they can do different jobs.Some robots look like huge insects.America sent some robots to Mars(火星)in 1976.Theymoved on the _

11、49_ and did experiments there.Robots can do dangerous jobs with fast-moving machine effectively.They can do dirty jobs,such as painting thingswith oil colours.They can do jobs no person could do,such as picking up hot metal and making a lot of calculations_50_ in a second.Robots dont get bored.They

12、dont get tired.They dont mind getting dirty.Some people are _51_ because they think robots will take jobs away from people.But that doesnt have tohappen._52_ people are able to control robots.People must remember that robots are good at some things andhumans are good at others.Some robots often tell

13、 people they dont have to be afraid of robots.These robots help people understand that robotscan do boring,dangerous and dirty jobs and people can do _53_ ones.IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用用括括号号中中所所给给单单词词的的适适当当形形式式完完成成下下列列句句子子。每每空空格格限限填填一一词词)(共共 8 分分)54.Birds

14、 are natural _ of many insect pests(害虫).(enemy)55.Please help _ to the apples and oranges on the table,children.(you)56.More _,you should follow your English teachers advice.(important)57.Every animal has a life cycle.This is the period from birth to _.(dead)58.I didnt realize he was _ at that time.

15、I feel sorry for him.(happy)59.The family are having a party to celebrate their childs _ birthday.(five)60.After many times of failure,she was _ in inventing the new robot.(success)61.I have to _ for my carelessness and promise to be careful next time.(apology)V.Rewrite the following sentences as re

16、quired(根根据据所所给给要要求求完完成成句句子子。62-67 小小题题每每空空格格限限填填一一词词)(共共 14 分分)62.The doctors did their best to save the wounded driver.(改为一般疑问句)_ the doctor _ their best to save the wounded driver?63.Jack keeps in touch with his friends by e-mail every week.(就划线部分提问)_ _ Jack keep in touch with his friends every we

17、ek?64.Telephone your mum at once.She may not worry about us.(合并成一句)A)computerB)surfaceC)pictureD)depends onE)relies onA)After allB)accuratelyC)As a resultD)betterE)worriedTelephone your mum at once _ _ she may not worry about us.65.Its never too late to learn a new language.(改为反义疑问句)Its never too la

18、te to learn a new language,_ _?66.My parent hid presents in the stockings on Christmas Eve.(改为被动语态)Presents _ _ in the stockings on Christmas Eve by my parent.67.Mary asked Peter,“Will you fly to London tomorrow?”(改为宾语从句)Mary asked Peter _ _ would fly to London the next day.68.I/my paintings/big eno

19、ugh/a room/to collect/didnt have/.(连词成句)_Part3Reading and Writing(第第三三部部分分读读与与写写)VI.Reading Comprehension(阅阅读读理理解解)(共共 50 分分)A.Choose the best answer(根根据据以以下下内内容容,选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案)(12 分分)The Appalachian Trail(阿巴拉契亚山径)stretches from Georgia to Maine.It is one long hike.In the 1920s,a man named Benton

20、 MacKaye thought that people who lived in cities would like to have a placewhere they could spend time in nature.This idea was the start of the Appalachian Trail.The first section opened in 1923in Bear Mountain State Park,New York.Two years later,MacKaye went toWashington,D.C.to promote his idea.Wit

21、h his efforts,more and morepeople know about the idea.The Appalachian Trail Conference,or ATC,became the organization that would design and run the trail.Myron Avery was one of the most important people involved indeveloping the trail.During the late 1920s,he spent all of his free timemapping almost

22、 the whole trail.By 1937,the trail had grown to 2049 miles,without any gaps.However,right away the train ran into some problems.In 1938,ahurricane(飓风)destroyed a large section in New England that took many years to repair.An even bigger problem wastraffic.Many people wanted to drive through the coun

23、tryside and forests instead of hiking.The government decided thatparts of the trail would be made into scenic roads.The Appalachian Trail had to be moved.While the trail was being repaired and adjusted,the first“thru-hike”,a hike of the whole trail from Georgia toMaine,was completed by Earl Shaffer

24、in 1948.This hike was covered by the news.Many more people learned of theAppalachian Trail from the reports.Shaffer hiked the whole trail again in 1965,going from Maine to Georgia this time.Then in 1998 at the age of 79,he did it again!He became the oldest person to thru-hike.Hiking the whole trail

25、is not easy.Even though almost 2,500 hikers try to do it each year,only about 450 completeit.With good reason,thru-hikers are very proud of their accomplishment.69._ idea was the start of theAppalachian Trail.A)Benton MacKayesB)Myron AverysC)Bear MountainsD)Earl Shaffers70.The word“promote”in paragr

26、aph 2 means _.A)followB)furtherC)findD)form71.Myron Avery was an important people to the Appalachian Trail because _.A)he designed and ran the trailB)he set up the Appalachian Trail ConferenceC)he mapped almost the whole trailD)he spent his free time in repairing the trail72.The Appalachian Trail ha

27、d to be moved because _.A)a hurricane destroyed a large sectionB)repairing the trail had spent too much timeC)many people preferred drivingD)the government decided to make scenic roads73.“The reports”(in paragraph 5)were mainly about _.A)how to repair and adjust the trailB)the first“thru-hike”in 194

28、8C)what kind of person Earl Shaffer wasD)the oldest person to thru-hike74.The best title of the passage might be _.A)Aforest hikingB)A long trailC)A famous hikerD)A new city lifeB.Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的单单词词或或词词语语完完成成短短文文)(12 分分)The U.S.public education s

29、ystem is divided into _75_ levels.Someschools have six years of elementary or grade school,three years of junior highschool and three years of high school.Others have five years of elementary school,three years of middle school and four years of high school.My daughter graduated from grade school in

30、 Shanghai.She started her newlife in an American junior high school.She was _76_ the seventh grade.As a transfer student(转 校生),she needed to overcome several difficulties.Fortunately,there were some detailed instructions for parents and students whomoved there for the first time.When we got to schoo

31、l,we thought it would be the perfect time for us to learn more aboutthe school.However,we werent allowed!The school expected middle school students to be _77_ andself-discipline(自律的),for its important to learn by themselves.So my brave daughter went with two new friends.They did activities to know a

32、bout the school and classmates.The second week,the school had a“back to school”night.Parents met the teachers and learned about their childsschedule as well as schools _78_.This might help parents know what students should do and what they shouldntdo at school.The biggest difference between elementa

33、ry and middle school here was that the students changedclassrooms for each subject.I was a bit confused,but the kids had no problem after the first week.Every student could_79_ different classes.Some learned French and some learned Spanish.I think she likes her new school.She isfinding her way to a

34、new _80_.And we could only stand beside her and support her.Wish a great school year inAmerica!75.A)twoB)threeC)fourD)five76.A)movingB)orderingC)enteringD)reaching77.A)satisfiedB)individualC)unawareD)independent78.A)requirementsB)operationsC)referencesD)opinions79A)showB)searchC)shareD)select80.A)co

35、untryB)situationC)futureD)fashionC.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在在短短文文的的空空格格内内填填入入适适当当的的词词,使使其其内内容容通通顺顺,每每空空格格限限填填一一词词,首首字字母母已已给给)(14 分分)WeChat is a super popular multi-functional social media App on almost every Chinesemobile.In addition to basic messaging,people use it

36、 to p_81_,for all things fromgroceries to real estate,to read from accounts to bills,to take taxis,and to make a booking atthe doctors.Its very common to see friends running WeChat shops of various kinds of p_82_,such as cosmetics,snacks,and clothes by posting pictures to their Moments and chat grou

37、ps.WeChat is now a mobile wallet and a social connection portal(门户网站),and its developerTencent still try best to o_83_ more technology support to make it the“App forEverything”.One important function and feature of WeChat is Moments,including text,images,music,videos,articles andcomments.If you are

38、r_84_ curious to find out about your friends current life,you dont even need to call orsend them a message.Just check their Moments.For most Chinese people,posting their lives on Moments has become ah_85_.They do it everyday,especially during holidays when on a journey or going out with friends.A jo

39、urney ora big meal is not complete without posting Moments.So it is not s_86_ to find Moments full of pictures ofscenery and delicious food.People now prefer to exchange WeChat ID instead of cell phone number with each other.Compared with the pastseveral years,people with a s_87_ addiction(上瘾)to thi

40、s app,often check their messages first thing afterwaking up and last thing before sleeping.D.Answer the questions(根根据据短短文文内内容容回回答答下下列列问问题题)(12 分分)Devon,his mom,and his friend Will shook out the checkered picnic blanket.They placed it on the grass under theshade of a large maple tree.Families were se

41、tting up all around the Riverside Park where the jazz festival was takingplace.Devons mom had brought a picnic basket with her,and the boys helped her unload the lunch she had packed.“When do you think the jazz festival is going to start,Mom?”asked Devon.Hed been looking forward to it formonths,ever

42、 since Uncle Frank told him that hed be performing.“It looks like they are almost done setting up.”responded Mom.“Theyll probably start playing in about 15minutes.”“How long has it been since your uncle played in front of a crowd?”asked Will.“About 30 years,”replied Devon.“We found his trumpet(小号)wh

43、en we were cleaning out his room last autumn.Uncle Frank tried to start playing it again himself.He Joined the band a couple of months ago.”“Is he nervous”asked Will.“No!Of course not!”said Devon.“I think he is just excited.Last week he told me that he hadnt realized how muchhe missed playing music.

44、He promised to give me lessons on the trumpet after the performance.”“What are they doing now,Mom?”Devon asked.He couldhear music coming from the small stage,but it didnt sound like asong.“I think they are just warming up and preparing to begin,”said Mom.“You know,your father and I saw Uncle Frank p

45、erformyears and years ago in a club.That was one of the last times youruncle performed in public.”Suddenly,thebandleadertestedthemicrophone.Heintroduced the members of the band.He even added how happythey were to have Uncle Frank come out of retirement to playagain.Devon leaned back and grinned(露齿而笑

46、)at his mom and Will.The sounds of his Uncles trumpet filled thesummer air.He tapped his fingers in time to the rhythm of the music.“I cant wait!”Devon said loud to his mom and Will after Uncle Franks performance.88.Where did the Jazz Festival take place?89.What had Devon been looking forward to?90.

47、Why did Will think Uncle Frank might be nervous?91.Why did Uncle Frank start playing the trumpet again?92.Devon said“I cant wait!”What did he mean?93.How did Devon feel at the Jazz Festival?How do you know that?.Writing(作作文文)(共共 20 分分)94.Write an email of at least 60 words according to the given sit

48、uation(根根据据情情境境,写写一一封封不不少少于于 60 个个词词的的电电子子邮邮件件,标标点点符符号号不不占占格格)假如你是刘明,本周五下午同时有两场讲座在学校举行,你会报名参加哪场讲座?请写一封邮件给你的班主任朱老师,告诉她你的决定,并说明理由。参参考考答答案案26-30.CAABB31-35.DBBDB36-40.DBCCB41-45.CBCAA46-49.CADB50-53.BEAD54.enemies55.yourselves56.importantly57.death58.unhappy59.fifth60.successful61.apologize62.Did,do;63

49、.How does;64.so that;65.is it;66.were hidden;67.if he;68.I didnt have a room big enough to collect my paintings.69-74.ABCDBB75-80.BCDADCKeys:81.pay;82.products;83.offer;84.really;85.habit;86.surprising;87.strongerKeys:88.Riverside Park.89.The jazz festival.90.Because Uncle Frank joined the band a co

50、uple of months ago.91.Because he missed playing music very much.92.He hoped that his uncle would give him lessons on the trumpet as soon as possible.93.Very happy.He cant wait to.LECTUREByMs Zhao(Our School History Teacher)OnShanghai Traditional Culture(Help you know more about your hometown)At Scho


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