Unit 3 The world Online 词组归纳(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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Unit 3 The world Online 词组归纳(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 3 The world Online 词组归纳(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 3 The world Online 词组归纳(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx_第3页
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1、译林牛津英语词组归纳译林牛津英语词组归纳必修必修三三Unit 3 The world onlineUnit 3 The world online1 in the development of the Internet 在因特网发展过程中(P29)【语境助记】There are many important milestones in the development of the Internet.Has industry really played an important role in the development of the economy of China?For decades,

2、Americans have taken for granted the United States leadership position in the development of new technologies.2 send a message from one computer to another 从一台电脑向另 一台电脑发信息(P29)3 separatefrom把和分开;分离(P29)【语境助记】He wanted to see whether he could send a message from one computer to another.He chose the“”

3、sign to separate the username from the name of his machine.It is impossible to separate belief from emotion.hose suffering from infectious diseases were separated from the other patients.The pans were held in both hands and swirled(旋转)around to separate gold particles from the dirt.The ability to se

4、parate out reusable elements from other waste is crucial.4 be used to express ideas or feelings 被用来表达观点或思想(P29)【语境助记】Emojis,small digital images used to express ideas or feelings in electronic communication,were created in 1999 in Japan.5 take off 突然大受欢迎,迅速流行(P29)6 throughout the world 全世界(P29)7.sel

5、ectas把选为(P29)【语境助记】Soon emojis took off throughout the world.Oxford Dictionaries selected,the“Face with Tears of Joy”emoji,as the Word of the Year 2015.The new magazine has really taken off.In short,mobile payments will take off when iPhone5 hits the market with NFC.Sales in Asia stand to gain as we

6、ll,since Warcraft(魔兽世界)has yet to really take off in China.Jessica was selected as the parliamentary candidate for Bath.8 bring about far-reaching changes 产生意义深远的变化(P30)9 in all aspects of our lives 生活的各个方面(P30)【语境助记】The Internet is a technological wonder,bringing about far-reaching changes in all a

7、spects of our lives.The only way they can bring about political change is by putting pressure on the country.It took the combined efforts of both the press and the public to bring about a change in the law.Tom was interested in all aspects of the work here.Climate and weather affect every aspect of

8、our lives.10 have the power to do sthg 有能力做某事(P30)11 connect people across the world 连接全世界的人们(P30)【语境助记】The Internet has the power to connect people across the world to a single shared community.Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people.Human societies have the power to solve the

9、problems confronting them.12 enable sb to do sthg 能够让某人做某事(P30)13 get in touch with 联络;取得联系(P30)14 come with 伴随发生(P30)15 life-changing advantages 改变生活的优势(P30)【语境助记】Even in the countryside,the Internet enables people to reach beyond their villages and get in touch with the outside world.We can achiev

10、e almost anything onlinewith access to the Internet come some truly life-changing advantages.The software enables you to access the Internet in seconds.The government is carrying out a new programme to enable older people to study at college.I tried to get in touch with you yesterday evening,but I t

11、hink you were out.Nowadays,phone calls and messages help us get in touch with others.16 lie in 存在于;位于(P30)17 the quick and easy access to 快速容易进入(P30)18 a huge amount of information 大量的信息(P30)【语境助记】One of the greatest advantages of the Internet lies in the quick and easy access to a huge amount of in

12、formation.Most of the answers lie in the data you collect from your customer interactions.Meanwhile,the biggest dangers lie in an area that politicians barely mention:the labour market.Underdeveloped countries should be assisted by allowing them access to modern technology.Traditional washing machin

13、es use a huge amount of electricity and water.There are quiet islands,warm,clear water,a huge amount of reefs and a variety of marine life.19 to a certain extent 在一定程度上(P30)20 at ones fingertips 掌握(信息),熟悉、精通(知识等),了如指掌(P30)【语境助记】To a certain extent,the worlds knowledge is all at our fingertips.The In

14、ternet has brought us great convenience.(1)To a certain extent,we can hardly live without it.(P33)To a certain extent,we are all responsible for this tragic situation.Mayor Anderson said those feelings were justified to a certain extent.I had the information at my fingertips and hadnt used it.With t

15、he high-quality and timely information at their fingertips,todays children are rising above(克服)the fears and biases(偏见)of their parents.21 the click of a mouse 点鼠标(P30)22 the touch of a button 触摸按键(P30)23 find out 找出,查明;发现(P30)24 fromto从到(P30)【语境助记】With the click of a mouse or the touch of a button,

16、it is possible to find out almost anything we care to know,from recipes to travel packages,from military affairs to learning resources.An investigation is underway to find out how the disaster happened.Most of all,Twitter is a super-efficient way to find out what other people find interesting.25 bri

17、ng up 使显示在计算机屏幕上,调出;提出(P30)【语境助记】In the time it takes to find one book in the library,we can use a search engine to bring up millions of results.This means that any thought about a certain subject will often bring up more memories that are related to it.Three clicks on a laptop bring up a view on an

18、other screen of shampoo sales in Australia.26 no wonder 不足为奇(P30)27 turn to sb for sthg 求助于某人(P30)【语境助记】No wonder the Internet has now become the first place that the majority of people turn to for information.Brad was Janes brother!No wonder he reminded me so much of her!He had made a thorough inve

19、stigation.No wonder he knew so much about it.28 deliverto把交给(P31)29 havedone 请人做某事;遭遇到(P31)【语境助记】You can have food delivered to you using food delivery apps and sites.The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia.Do you have your milk delivered?30 search shop after shop for 挨家挨户寻找(P31)

20、31 in the comfort of 舒适;舒坦(P31)【语境助记】Gone are the days of searching shop after shop for the perfect pair of bootsyou can compare styles and prices quickly and easily in the comfort of your living room.Due to the Internet you can learn anything you want in the comfort of your home.Its the moment you

21、decide whether you stay in the comfort of the town you know or pack your bags and start a new life.32 above all else 最重要的是,尤其是(P31)33 establish and maintain social ties 建立和维持社会联系(P31)34 no longer 不再(P31)35 get in the way 妨碍,阻碍;挡道(P31)【语境助记】Above all else,the Internet helps us establish and maintain

22、social ties.With all sorts of communication software,physical distance no longer gets in the way.(2)Above all else,you should use the Internet in a safe way.(P33)In this matter we must place the common cause above all else.What concerns me above all else is that in a recession governments should be

23、encouraging business to find ways to cut costs.This type of behaviour is no longer socially acceptable.Liu Yus parents think running can get in the way of his schoolwork.Theyre worried the tunnel construction could damage the site and get in the way of their work.36 keep in contact with 与有联系;接触(P31)

24、【语境助记】No matter where we are,we are able to keep in contact with loved ones,find long-lost friends and discover whole new communities who share our hobbies.No worries,find it easier to keep in contact with mobile devices like phones in our days.It seems that telephone shortens the distance between p

25、eople,and people can keep in contact with each other by it.37 share ones views 分享某人的观点(P31)38 care about 担心;关心(P31)【语境助记】An instant message,a group chat,a video call,a comment on an updatethere are endless ways to share our views or let someone know we care about them.The books have taught us to car

26、e about others.Kids should learn to understand and care about their parents.At the same time,surveys on consumers show that they also care about minimizing energy use and reducing waste.39 as with 正如;与一样;至于(P31)40 be/become aware of 关注;注意(P31)41 be careful to use sthg 小心做某事;认真做某事(P31)【语境助记】As with a

27、ny great invention,we must be aware of these problems and be careful to use the Internet properly and responsibly.As with many technological revolutions,you are unlikely to be aware of it.As with all diseases,certain groups will be more at risk than others.Smokers are well aware of the dangers to th

28、eir own health.Everybody should be made aware of the risks involved.42 damage your computer 损坏你的电脑(P33)43 remove all your computer files 清除你电脑的文件(P33)44 check for 检查;核查(P33)45 warn sb of sthg 警告某人某事(P33)【语境助记】One wrong(4)click may damage your computer and remove all your computer files!Therefore,bef

29、ore visiting a web page,always check for signs that warn people of danger.The police constantly check for overloading.It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any symptom.46 show respect 表示尊重(P33)47 communicate with other online user

30、s 和网上其他用户交流(P33)【语境助记】You also need to show respect when communicating with other online users.A teachers primary goal is to teach students the best they can about how to show respect for one another.We should show respect for many soldiers who died in defense of the country in the Chinas War of Lib

31、eration.48 belong to 属于;归所有(P34)【语境助记】JustDance is a website belonging to all dance lovers.Language is a gift belonging to humans.In many cases,the clothes people wear identify them as belonging to a particular social class.His novels belong to a great but vanished age.They are,in short,old-fashione

32、d.While the two are only days apart in age they seem to belong to wholly different generations.49 run a website 管理一个网站(P34)50 watch sb doing sthg 看某人做某事(P34)51 occur to sb 某人想起(P34)【语境助记】Fiona Lin,the lady running the website,had the idea after she watched her daughter dancing two years ago.It occur

33、red to her that dance had a very positive effect on her daughter.It didnt occur to her to ask for help.It doesnt occur to most of us to prepare for crises in advance.The Internet allows people to draw upon ideas that occur to anybody in the world.52 introduce sb to sthg 让某人了解某事(P34)53 set up 建立;创建(P

34、34)【语境助记】Fiona wanted to introduce more people to dance,so she set up JustDance.Over 300 users joined in the first month.The chef introduced us to the delights of natural food.The astronaut introduced the audience to space science at the conference.The system is set up but it needs some fine-tuning(

35、微调).The scheme has been set up to help homeless people.A working party has been set up to look into the problem.54 requestto do sthg 要求做某事(P34)55 develop an app 开发应用程序(P34)56 so as to 目的是,为了(P34)57 satisfy/meet different users needs 满足不同用户的需求(P34)【语境助记】Having achieved such success,Fiona hopes to att

36、ract more users through other forms of new media.For example,she has requested a technical team to develop an app so as to satisfy different users needs.All the students were requested to assemble in the lobby(大厅).You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant.We should learn a lesson from our mis

37、takes so as to be a better person in the future.Kemp knocked loudly so as to be heard above the high babble(嘈杂)of voices.The education system must satisfy the needs of all children.58 go online 上网(P35)59 be careful about 当心;注意(P34)【语境助记】Anybody who goes online should be careful about their personal

38、information.At what age should you allow your child to go online by themselves?In fact,it was the son,Marco,who persuaded his father to move on from traditional television advertising and go online instead.People should be careful about their possessions and not leave them lying around.Be careful ab

39、out exposing potentially sensitive information in this way.60 what if?假如会怎样?(P35)61 in that case 在那种情况下(P35)62 choosefrom/choose from 从中选择(P35)63 try out 试用;试验(P35)【语境助记】Anna:Sounds super,but what if I dont like the recommended haircuts?Jen:In that case,you can choose different styles from hundreds

40、of hairstyles and try them out.What if it rained and then froze all through those months?What if they also already knew your fashion taste from your online purchase history?Perhaps youve some doubts about the attack.In that case it may interest you to know that Miss Woods witnessed it.We have to cho

41、ose a new manager from a shortlist of five candidates.With over 80 beaches to choose from,you are sure to find a place to lay your towel.Some owners wish they could try out the car in a race track.The company has made other models to try out on business.64 provide information in a formal style 正式提供信

42、息(P38)65 come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion 达成共识;下结论(P38)66 base on facts and figures 以事实和数字为基础(P38)67 avoid giving personal opinions 不发表个人见解(P38)【语境助记】A report is a piece of writing that provides information in a formal style.Come to a conclusion based on facts and figures and avoid giving person

43、al opinions when analysing a situation.More tests should be conducted before we can come to a conclusion.Theyll kind of argue something through and then come to a conclusion.Scientists are still unable to come to a conclusion as to the probable cause of the earthquake.68 a smartphone addict 沉迷于智能手机(

44、P39)69 be glued to sth 全神贯注看着某物,离某物很近(P39)70 walk down the street 沿街散步(P39)71 have dinner with friends 和朋友共进晚餐(P39)72 lie in bed 躺在床上(P39)【语境助记】I was a smartphone addict.My eyes were glued to the little screen whenever I walked down the street,had dinner with friends or lay in bed at night.Why must

45、you always be glued to the TV?This is a very useful property(特性),because it allows two different molecules to be glued to each other in a specific way.73 have an uncomfortable feeling 有一种不安的感觉(P39)74 take up too much of ones time 占据某人太多的时间(P39)【语境助记】Sometimes I had the uncomfortable feeling that thi

46、s little machine had taken up too much of my time,and that I could have done something more meaningful than just looking at a tiny screen all day.I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldnt want to take up too much of your time.A good deal of my time is taken up with driving the children to

47、soccer games.75 slide/fall into a habit 养成习惯(P39)76 quit a habit 放弃习惯(P39)【语境助记】Sliding into the habit was easy,but it was difficult to quit the habit.Be careful not to slide into a bad habit.It is easy for young people with no jobs to lose confidence and slide into living in a reversal(颠倒)of night

48、and day.This may cause you to stop being proactive(积极)and to fall into a habit of being reactive,of waiting for someone else to do something.77 make a change 做出改变(P39)78 shoot past 飞驰而过(P39)79 knock sb off ones feet 撞倒某人,使某人双脚离地(P39)80 step into the road 走到路上(P39)81 at the very moment 就在那时(P39)82 ma

49、ke up ones mind to do sthg 下定决心做某事(P39)【语境助记】Then the day came when I finally realized I had to make a change.Head down,eyes on my smartphone,I stepped into the road and a car shot past,nearly knocking me off my feet!At that very moment,I made up my mind to spend a whole week without my smartphone.8

50、3 be/get/become used to(doing)sthg 习惯(做)某事(P39)84 every few minutes 每几分钟(P39)85 do with 利用;处理(P39)【语境助记】The first day was the hardest.I was used to checking the news and my friends social media updates every few minutes,but now I did not know what to do with myself.Tom is an experienced driver and h


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