2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册Unit1 复习(ppt课件).pptx

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1、 名词1.physiology 2.artemisinin 3.malaria 4.academy 5.objective 6.property 7.extract 8.wormwood 9.boil 10.liquid 11.defeat 12.substance 13.conclusion 14.penicillin 15.circumstance 16.novelist 17.novel18.flow 19.chart 20.politician 21.theory 22.relativity23.formula 24.genius 25.patent 26.passion 27.doc

2、torate 28.institution 29.institute 30.consequence 31.moustache32.peculiarity 33.encounter 34.professor 35.device36.sum 37.draft 38.flow chart 动词mit 2.evaluate 3.extract 4.boil 5.obtain 6.acknowledge 7.defeat 8.analyze 9.insist 10.flee11.flow 12.found 13.infer 14.encounter 15.mourn16.sum 形容词1.crucial

3、 2.vital mitted 4.academic 5.objective 6.botanical 7.distinct 8.liquid 9.scientific 10.numerous 11.gentle 12.patent13.Extraordinary 14.photoelectric 15.remarkable副词:1.apparently 2.mostly 3.gradually 短语mit oneself to do sth2.insist on/stick to3.wear and tear(This cloth is designed to stand up to a lo

4、t of wear and tear.)e to power5.take up a position6.sum up第一节听写(第一节听写(课词表,除短语外课词表,除短语外)名词:名词:1.性质,特征,财产性质,特征,财产 2.沸腾,沸点沸腾,沸点 3.失败,挫败失败,挫败 4.物质,物品,物质,物品,事实根据事实根据 5.条件,环境,状况条件,环境,状况 6.小说家,小说小说家,小说 7.流,流动,流畅,流,流动,流畅,供应供应 8.图表,航海图图表,航海图 9.从政者,政治家,政客从政者,政治家,政客 10.理论,理论,学说学说 11.天才,天资,天赋天才,天资,天赋 12.专利,专利证书

5、,获得专利专利,专利证书,获得专利 13.社会公共机社会公共机构,制度,习俗构,制度,习俗 14.教育、专业等的机构;机构建筑教育、专业等的机构;机构建筑 15.后果,结后果,结果果 16.邂逅,遭遇邂逅,遭遇 17.教授教授 18.方法,技巧,设备,仪器方法,技巧,设备,仪器 19.金额,金额,款项,总数,总和款项,总数,总和 20.草稿,草案草稿,草案动词:动词:1.承诺,保证某个人、机构等承诺,保证某个人、机构等;忠于,全心全意投入工作、活动忠于,全心全意投入工作、活动2.评价,评估评价,评估 3.尤指经努力获得,赢得;规章,习俗等存在,流行尤指经努力获得,赢得;规章,习俗等存在,流行4

6、.承认属实、权威等;公开感谢承认属实、权威等;公开感谢 5.分析分析 6.推断,推定推断,推定 7.创建,建创建,建立,把立,把建立在建立在形容词、副词、介词:形容词、副词、介词:1.非凡的,显著的非凡的,显著的 2.逐渐地,逐步地逐渐地,逐步地 3.不一般的,非凡的,意想不一般的,非凡的,意想不到的不到的 4.温柔的,文静的温柔的,文静的 5.科学上的,有关科学的科学上的,有关科学的 6.显而易见地,显而易见地,看来,显然看来,显然 7.清晰的,清楚的,有区别的清晰的,清楚的,有区别的 8.必不可少的,极其重必不可少的,极其重要的,充满生机的要的,充满生机的 9.至关重要的,关键性的至关重要

7、的,关键性的 10.学业的,学术学业的,学术的的 11.植物学的植物学的 12.客观的客观的 XBook 1 Unit 1 People of Achievement单元主题:人与社会;涉及历史、社会与文化主题群下的对社会有突出贡献的人物等。单元话题:卓有成就的人Try to become not a man of success,but try rather to become a man of value.-Albert Einstein1.Can you name some people of achievement?2.What does the saying by Albert Ei

8、nstein reflect?3.What influence does this saying have on you?4.What is your impression of Tu Youyou?Is she a person od success or a person of value?Reading and thinking主题:Describe people of achivement标题:Tu Youyou Awarded Nobel Prize 6 October 20151.When was Tu Youyou awarded Nobel Prize?1.Read the t

9、ext and find out the word chunks about the significance and the process of discovering artemisinin as well as find out the sentences to show the quality of Tu Youyou.2.What is the writing type of the text?A news story or a news report?significance:1.has saved hundreds of thousands of lives;2.has led

10、 to improved health for millions of people;3.has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria;改善了很多人的健康状况 成了抗疟疾药物的关键成分 process:1.examined over 2,000 old medical texts;2.evaluated 280,000 plants for their medical properties;3.discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatment th

11、at showed promise in the fight against malaria4.tested a collection of dried wormwood but found no effect5.tried boiling fresh wormwood and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria;6.analysed the medical texts again7.found a sentence suggesting a different way to treat the wormwood 8.fou

12、nd a substance that worked using a lower temperature to draw out the extract研读了2000多个中医药古方 评估了28万种植物的药学属性 发现并测试了380种不同的有望战胜疟疾的古代中医疗法使用更低的温度萃取提取物,发现了一种有效物质quality:1.However,Tu Youyou would not ackowledge defeat.2.Tu Youyou and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine on themselves to ma

13、ke sure that it was safe.3.The honour is not just mine.There is a team behind me,and all the people of my country.This success proves the great value of traditional Chinese medicine.it is indeed an honor for Chinas scientific research and Chinese medicine to be spread around the world.a commited and

14、 patient scientist 屠呦呦与团队成员甚至以身试药,以确保药物的安全性。这份荣誉不仅仅属于我。我的身后是一个团队以及全国人民。这项成功印证了传统中医药的巨大价值。中国的科学研究和中医药得以在全世界传播确实是一个荣誉。尽职尽责锲而不舍的科学家 Their project got_(stick).Reading for writing主题:Introduce someone you admireWhen we introduce someone we admire,what can we include?标题:The Man who changed our understandin

15、g of the universeWhat is the writing type of the text?name;identity;birth;death;education;achievement;personality;contribution;biography Read the text and find out sentences about Einsteins appearance,personalities and the word chunks about his academic achievements.He had a thick moustache and long

16、 white hair,which sometimes stood on end as though he had just received an electric shock.他胡须浓密,头发又长又白,有时会像刚遭了电击似的竖起来。1.Einstein was not only a genius;he was a courageous and kind figure loved by many people.2.While working there,out of a strong passion for knowledge,he continued to study,earning a

17、doctorate in physics in 1905.3.To the public,he was seen as a slightly odd-looking but kind and funny man.4.Although he was a genius,he sometimes forgot things,like his friends birthdays.5.There is even a story about how he helped a little girl who knocked on his door and asked for help with her hom

18、ework.6.Pardon me!Sorry!Always I am mistaken for professor Einstein.爱因斯坦不仅是位天才,而且是一位广受爱戴的勇敢、善良的人。在大众眼里,爱因斯坦是一位外表有点古怪,但生性善良、风趣幽默的人。我老是被误认为是爱因斯坦教授1.Published four extraordinary physics papers;2.Was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.发表了四篇非同凡响的物理学论文

19、;因为解释光电效应而荣获1921年度的诺贝尔物理学奖What rhetorical devices are used in these sentences?1.Following this,he gradually became famous throughout the world as the new Isaac Newton.2.Einstein,who was Jewish,found the doors of academic institutions closed to him.3.He had a thick moustache and long white hair,which

20、 sometimes stood on end as though he had just received an electric shock.4.On 18 April 1955,it was reported that Einstein had passed away,and the whole world mourned the great loss of a brilliant scientists.Analogy:类比metaphorPersonification;simileEuphemism:委婉语Write a biography of a person you admire

21、:Structure:Para 1:general information about his great achievements and contributionsPara 2:appearance and personality and the reasons for his/her achievement.Para 3:Your feeling towards the person.泛读 64、6664:标题:Heroes in your eyes1.Who/What kind of person can be a hero in your eyes?2.Where can we fi

22、nd the passage in your opinion?3.Which sentence can be the topic sentence of the whole passage?4.What is the function of this sentence“However,in spite of their great achievements.”in para 1?5.Guess the meaning of the words/expressions:Frantic;isolated;for the sake of;take pride in;66:标题:标题:Three Da

23、ys to see1.Would it be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life?Why or why not?2.What is the function of this sentence“And I have imagined what I should most like to see if I were given the use of my eyes,say for just three d

24、ays.”in para 4?What will be written next?3.What does the word“hint”in the last paragraph mean?Darkness would make him more appreciativeof sight;silence would teach him the joys of sound.Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind.After reading the adapted passage,what impressed you most

25、?1.delicate symmetry of a leaf 一片叶子精美的对称2.the rough,shaggy bark of a pine 松树粗糙的树皮3.intoxicate my eyes on the beauties of the world of nature使我的眼睛陶醉于自然界中美好的事物上4.Probe into the soul of man through his art 透过他的艺术来探索一个人的心灵5.the workaday world 平凡的世界6.smell the perfume of flowers 闻一闻花朵的清香(scent)Character

26、cannot be developed in ease and quiet.Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened,ambition inspired,and success achieved.课词表:1.保证认真复习 2.正常使用造成的磨损,损耗 3.开始掌权,上台4.担任重要职务 5.总结我们所学的 一轮书:1.对健康及其重要 2.公开感谢她的帮助 3.承认犯了一个严重的错误4.控制、支配别人 5.超越了她的能力 课本提取:1.失明 2.闻一闻花朵的清香 3.因为解释光电效应而荣

27、获1921年度的诺贝尔物理学奖4.我老是被误认为是爱因斯坦教授 5.爱因斯坦不仅是位天才,而且是一位广受爱戴的勇敢、善良的人。6.头发像刚遭了电击似的竖起来。7.尽职尽责锲而不舍的科学家 8.成了抗疟疾药物的关键成分9.评估了28万种植物的药学属性 10.发现并测试了380种不同的有望战胜疟疾的古代中医疗法一:vital1.Be vital to/for2.It is vital to do sth3.It is vital that;二:acknowledge1.Acknowledge having done sth2.It is generally acknowledged that三:come to e to power2.beyond ones power3.Have power over四:句式非限制性定语从句as;which;who;whose;whom;when;where;


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