2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册Unit5 复习(ppt课件).pptx

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1、 名词名词1.interaction 2.gesture 3.witness 4.cheek 5.bow 6.waist 7.barrier 8.anger 9.incident10.trial 11.twin 12.assessment 13.pose 14.educator 15.tick 16.tendency 17.chin 18.stare 19.ceiling 20.anxiety 21.chest 22.bother 23.conflict ponent 25.tone26.favor 动词动词1.vary 2.approve 3.demonstrate 4.witness5.e

2、mploy 6.interpret 7.differ 8.favor 9.bow10.anger 11.assess 12.slump 13.pose14.bend 15.reveal 16.clarify 17.tick 17.lower18.imply 19.occupy 20.stare 21.distract 22.perceive 23.distinguish 24.bother 25.weep 26.conflict 27.inquire 28.adjust 29.intervene 30.react 形容词1.appropriate 2.identical 3.fake 4.re

3、liable5.slight 6.twin 7.nonverbal 8.internal 9.lower 10.embarrassed 11.ashamed副词1.slightly 2.barely 3.merely 4.ultimately 短语短语1.by contrast 2.by comparison 3.make inferences 4.break down5.straighten up 6.in other words7.call on 8.at work 名词:1.hybrid 2.shortage 3.crisis(crises)4.boost 5.yield 6.chara

4、cteristic 7.assumption 8.output 9.estimate 10.consumption 11.strain 12.leisure 13.soil 14.celebrity 15.bomb 16.tunnel 17.extension 18.chemical19.wheat 20.flavor 21.fertilizer22.nutrition 23.poverty 24.pesticide25.bacterium(bacteria)26.digest 27.mineral 28.alternative 29.grocery30.instance 31.depth 3

5、2.root 33.aspect34.reality 35.sorghum 36.broom 37.grain 38.vision动词1.devote 2.tackle 3.boost 4.yield 5.convince 6.attain 7.pollinate 8.overcome9.expand 10.output 11.estimate prise 13.generate 14.envision 15.bomb 16.alleviate 17.digest形容词1.characteristic 2.conventional 3.intense 4.domestic5.salty 6.u

6、rban7.chemical 8.nutritional 9.nutritious 10.organic 11.widespread 12.essential13.alternative副词1.entirely 短语1.devoteto;be devoted to;devote sbs time/energy/life to;devote oneself to2.be comprised of (be composed of;be made up of;consist of)3.deep down 4.for instance (for example)5.in turn第一节听写(第一节听写

7、(课词表,除短语外课词表,除短语外)名词:名词:形容词、副词、介词:形容词、副词、介词:XBook 1 Unit 4 Working the land单元主题:人与社会;涉及历史、社会与文化主题群下的农业发展等。单元话题:农业My lifelong pursuit is to keep all the people away from hunger.-Yuan Longping (Chinese agricultural scientist)1.What does“working the land”mean?2.How do you understand the quote?3.What do

8、 you know about the world hunger?Reading and thinking主题:Get to know an agricultural scientist标题:A Pioneer for All People1.What do the two words“pioneer and all”reflect?2.Why do you think Dr Yuan can be recognized a pioneer for all people?1.Read the text and find out the sentences showing Dr Yuan is“

9、a pioneer”and the sentences showing Dr Yuan is“for all people”,as well as find out word chunks about his personal quality and the advantages of hybrid rice.2.What is the writing type of the text?3.What does the author mainly talk about in the last paragraph?What does the author want to express in th

10、e last paragraph?Pioneer:1.Through intense effort,Yuan overcame enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming in 1974.2.It is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuans hybrid stra

11、ins,and his strains have allowed Chinas farmers to produce around 200 million tons of rice per year.3.His latest vision for“seawater rice”has also become a reality,and potentially opened up nearly one million square kilometers of salty land in China for rice production.历尽千辛万苦,袁隆平攻克了艰巨的技术难题,在1974年开发出

12、了可用于农业的第一代杂交水稻。他新近的海水稻愿景也已经成为现实,有望在中国开辟近100万平方公里的盐碱地用于水稻生产 For all people:1.Yuans innovation has helped feed not just China,but many other countries that depend on rice as well.2.He succeeded in producing a kind of rice that could feed more people at home and abroad.袁隆平的创新不仅养活了中国,也养活了以稻米为主食的许多其他国家。他

13、成功地培育出能够养活国内外更多人的一种水稻。Quality(what makes him a pioneer):1.consider himself as a farmer;2.devoted his life to millions of Chinese farmers3.Through intense effort4.Overcame enormous technical difficulties 5.Is very much a farmer at heart6.As a man of the soil,he cares little for celebrity or money.7.M

14、akes large donations to support agricultural research.8.Despite his advanced years,Yuan Longping is still young at heart and full of vision.把自己看作是一位农民把自己的一生奉献给中国成千上万的农民在内心深处仍然是一位农民身为土地之子,他不在乎名利。捐赠巨资支持农业研究虽年事已高,袁隆平仍然保持年轻的心态,而且满怀憧憬。Advantages of hybrid rice:1.Attain a higher yield than conventional cr

15、ops2.Enable farmers to expand their output greatlyAchievements do not come easy.1._ concerned him most was _ farmers often had poor harvest and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food.2._ this could be done was a challenging question at that time.3.However,_ it was possible to develop a hybrid

16、 of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate.4._ impresses people most about Yuan Longping is his ongoing ability to fulfil his dreams.1.He was convinced that2.It is estimated that3.Given that Reading for writing主题:Evaluate chemical and organic farming标题:Chemical versus orga

17、nic farmingWhat is the writing type of the text?What is the structure of the text?para 1-2:chemical farmingpara 3-4:organic farmingpara 5:make a conclusionRead the text to find out the disadvantages of chemical farming as well as the advantages of organic farming.chemical pesticides:1.Damage the lan

18、d by killing not only harmful bacteria and insects,but also helpful ones.2.Affects the crops grown on the land,in turn,the animals and humansChemical fertilizers:1.Crops grown with them usually grow too fast to be rich in nutrition.2.They may look beautiful on the outside,but inside there is usually

19、 more water than essential minerals,and they often have less flavor as well.通过杀死有害细菌和昆虫的同时,也会杀死有益的细菌和昆虫,从而破坏土地。影响土里种植的作物,继而影响消化这些作物的人畜此类作物外表靓丽,而内里却经常是水分多余必需矿物质,并且往往口感差。Advantages of organic farming:1.Using natural waste from animals as fertilizer makes the soil in their fields richer in minerals2.ke

20、eps the air,soil,water and crops free of chemicals3.Change the kind of crop grown in each field every year to produce rich soil4.Plant diverse crops that use different depths of soil to help keep it rich.使用天然的牲畜粪便作为肥料,使农田土壤富含矿物质每年更换每块农田种植的作物种类。种植土壤深度要求不同的多样化作物,以保持土壤肥沃。Write an essay about whether yo

21、ur support chemical farming or organic farming based on the outline.Remember to give three points.Here is the outline:Topic sentence Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Conclusion There is still a long way to find a suitable solution that puts sufficient food on the dinner table while keeping people and the env

22、ironment as healthy as possible.想要找到一个合适的解决方案,使人类和环境尽可能保持健康,又让人们有足够的食物可吃,这还有很长的路要走。1._ some scientists have found is _ their long-term use can sometimes harms both the land and peoples health.2._ keep them from doing so is the fact _chemical farming serves the high demand for food around the world.泛

23、读 92、9492:标题:Better,Greener Lives Away From the City1.What kind of lives are better and greener?2.Who would like to live better and greener lives in your opinion?1.Read the text and find out word chunks about the benefits of graduates choosing to return home to work the land.2.Guess the meaning of t

24、he phrase”cracked up to be”in the last paragraph.1.make the quality of life for other people in their hometowns better2.improve and maintain the natural and economic environments for generations to come3.fulfill personal goals and contribute to their local communities使他们家乡的其他人的生活质量更好为后代改善和保持自然的和经济的环

25、境实现个人目标金和为当地的社区做贡献94:标题:标题:Amazing Methods of Agriculture1.What is the writing type of the text?2.What is the function of the first paragraph?3.Find out the three amazing methods and find out how they are useful.1.drip irrigation(has made it possible to develop big,greem farms in the middle of the d

26、esert)2.hydroponics(grow plants without using soil)3.agricultural machinery(some farms in huge size can be managed by just a handful of workers)A poor man with a moustache,large trousers,worn-out shoes,and a small,round hat.He walked around stiffly,carrying a walking stick.Even though the little tra

27、mp was considered a failure in life,he was still full of kindness and hope.1.Laughter is the sun that drives winter from human face.2.Not that Charlies own life was easy.3.As time went by,Chaplin began making silent films,where the story was told only through body language.4.In 1914 and 1915,Chaplin

28、 worked almost constantly,making nearly 50 short films.5.How did the Little Tramp make a sad situation funny?6.When the silent era ended in 1929,Chaplin continued to make films,but these films had little or no dialogue.7.Charlie Chaplin wrote,directed,and produced the films he starred in.课词表:一轮书:课本提

29、取:一:convince1.Convince sb of sth2.Convince sb to do sth3.Convince sb that二:devoteto.1.Devote ones time/life/energy to sth/doing sth2.Be devoted to sth/doing sth3.devote oneself to sth/doignm sth三:in turn1.Takes turns in doing sth2.It is ones turn to do sth3.In turns四:keep free from/of句型:非限制性定语从句;用介词+whom/which y引导


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