Unit 4 Body language 单词讲解以及练习(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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Unit 4 Body language 单词讲解以及练习(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 4 Body language 单词讲解以及练习(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 4 Body language 单词讲解以及练习(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 4 Body language 单词讲解以及练习(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx_第4页
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Unit 4 Body language 单词讲解以及练习(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx_第5页
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1、 1.interaction/ntrkn/n.交流交流;相互影响相互影响 interaction between.and.在在.和和.之间互动之间互动 the interaction between performers and their audience interact v.交流交流;互动互动;相互影响相互影响 interact with sb./sth.与与.相互作用相互作用 2.vary/veri/vi.(根据情况根据情况)变化变化;改变改变 variety vratin.不同种类;变化不同种类;变化 a variety of=varieties of 各种各样的各种各样的vario

2、us veris adj.各种各样的各种各样的various reasons vary with 随随.而变化而变化 vary from.to.从从.到到.不等不等3.appropriate prprit adj.合适的合适的;恰当的恰当的 an appropriate time/place/way inappropriate adj.不合适的;不恰当的appropriately adv.合适地;恰当地 be appropriate to/for 适用于;合乎It is appropriate for sb.to do sth.4.by contrast 相比之下相比之下 6.demonstr

3、ate/demnstret/vt.表现表现;表达表达;说明说明;证明证明 demonstration n.证明;示范证明;示范 5.approve/pruv/v.赞成赞成;批准批准 approve of sb./sth.approve of(sb.)doing sth.同意(某人)做某事同意(某人)做某事 disapprove v.不赞成approval n.赞成;批准7.witness/wtns/vt.当场看到当场看到;目击目击 n.目击者目击者 witness sth.目击某事 Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of Chi

4、na.9.identical /adentkl/adj.相同的 identical houses identically adv.相同地 8.employ/mpl/vt.使用;雇用 be employed in doing sth.=employ oneself in doing sth.忙于做某事 empoly new methodsempolyee n.雇主empolyer n.雇员employment n.就业;雇佣10.interpret/ntprt/vt.把把理解为理解为 v.口译口译 differ from=be different from 不同于不同于 People diffe

5、r from one another in their ability to handle stress.11.differ/df(r)/vi.相异相异;不同于不同于 difference n.不同不同different adj.不同的不同的12.by comparison kmprsn 与与.相比较相比较 背单词(一)witness interaction appropriate approveemploy interact vary demonstrateidentical interpret differ by comparisonby contrast4.barrier/bri(r)/

6、n.隔阂隔阂;障碍障碍 a barrier to success 成功的障碍成功的障碍1.cheek/tik/n.面颊面颊;脸颊脸颊3.waist/west/n.腰腰;腰部腰部2.bow/ba;b/vi.鞠躬鞠躬;点头点头 vt.低低(头头)n.蝴蝶结;弓蝴蝶结;弓 bow ones head 低头低头 rainbow 彩虹彩虹 5.make inferences nfrns 推理;推断推理;推断 infer 6.favour/fev(r)/3).favourable adj.赞同的;有利的赞同的;有利的4).favourite adj.最喜欢的最喜欢的 消除;分解;打破;(车)抛锚;(身体)

7、垮掉;(和谈)中断 1).favour sb./sth.over sb./sth.2).in ones favor 对某人有利 in favour of 支持支持 do sb.a favour 帮某人一个忙 The car broke down.His health broke down.break down misunderstanding7.break down 拓展短语:break out(战争、火灾)爆发 break through 突破break up(关系)破裂 break off 中断vt.较喜欢;选择;有利于 n.帮助;恩惠;赞同8.get through 完成;(用电话)接通

8、;渡过(困难时期)get through the difficulties get through with the work 拓展词汇:get away from 逃离 get down to doing sth.开始认真地做某事 get along well with sb./sth.与某人相处的好/事情进展顺利 get(sth.)across(to sb.)使某事被某人理解 My meaning didnt get across.9.fake/fek/a.假装的假装的;假的假的;冒充的冒充的 angry adj.生气的生气的be angry with sb.angrily adv.n.愤

9、怒愤怒;怒气怒气 vt.使生气使生气10./g(r)/背单词(二)favour bow cheek waist barrier fake anger get throughmake inferences break downUNIT 4BODY LANGUAGEPart 1Reading and Thinking 基础过关练基础过关练.单词拼写1.The bank (批准)his loan,but it wanted him to pay 15 percent interest each year.2.After delivering the speech,the professor (鞠躬)

10、to the audience politely.approved1.interest n.兴趣;利息bowed2.deliver the speech 发表演讲interested adj.感兴趣的 be interested in.interesting adj.有趣的place(s)of interest 名胜古迹3.Police are looking for (目击者)to the accident.4.These magnificent ancient buildings (/demnstret/)the great intelligence of the labouring pe

11、ople.5.We need to remove the (障碍)that continue to hold back women and it is especially true in the technology sector.3.look for 寻找 accident n.事故demonstratebarrierswitnesses4.intelligence n.智力;才智intelligent adj.聪明的;有智力的 5.the labouring/working people 劳动人民6.hold back 阻碍 technology sector 技术领域.选词填空 app

12、rove of;break down;by contrast;in sb.s favour;get through1.Luckily,the current situation is.2.I asked him if he our plan,but he was noncommittal(不表态的).3.Talks between management and workers over the issue of holiday pay.赞成;同意(和谈)中断相比之下对某人有利完成;接电话;渡过困难in our favorapproved ofbroke down7.luck n.运气 8.cu

13、rrent situation 现状9.managelucky adj.幸运的 unluckyluckliy adv.unluckilyv.经营;管理;设法做到manager n.经理management n.管理部门;管理4.When we are suffering from grief(悲痛),the comfort,encouragement,and support from friends always give us much strength to the difficulties.5.The New York Times,needs to make money to survi

14、ve.get through10.suffer from 遭受 comfort n.&v.安慰;舒适comfortable adj.舒适的encourage v.鼓励encouragement n.strong adj.强壮的strength n.力量;力气by contrast11.survive v.生存;幸存.单句语法填空1.The colour of the leaves varies the season.2.We are looking for someone who is(rely)and hard-working.3.They differ with each other th

15、e precise meaning of this article(条款)in the contract.withreliableon/over/about13.rely v.依赖;依靠reliable adj.值得信赖的14.differ with sb.on/over/about sth.在某事上与某人意见不同12.vary v.变化variety n.变化 various adj.各种各样的4.The life in modern times seems comfortable by comparison that in ancient times.5.Professor Smith,w

16、ould you do us favour by coming to our English Evening this Saturday?with15.by comparison 通过比较 a6.The full (employ)is the key factor of political,economic and social stability.7.These designs are appropriate the online promotion.8.The more (interact)the robot has with humans,the more it learns.emplo

17、yment16.employ v.雇佣-employee n.雇主-employer n.雇员-employment n.就业for/to18.design n.&v.设计-designer n.设计者19.promote v.促进;提升;促销-promotion n.促销活动;提升interaction17.key factor 关键因素We use both words and body language in daily1 (communicate).Words are important,but body language can also give us information ab

18、out peoples feelings.Body language is one of 2 most powerful means of communication.It is used 3 (convey)peoples thoughts and opinions and to communicate with each municate v.沟通;交流-communication n.body language 肢体语言the2.one of+形容词最高级+名词最高级means of communication 沟通的方式to conveypower n.权力-powerful adj.

19、强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的3.convey v.传达 thought n.思想;想法When talking with others,you are not just using words,4 using facial expressions as well as gestures.Body language varies from culture 5 culture just like spoken language.The gesture for“OK”has different meanings in different cultures.the4.facial expressio

20、n 面部表情 5.as well as 也;以及to6.vary from.to.在.之间变化7.spoken language 口语 The gestures we use for“yes”and“no”differ around the world.But some gestures seem to have the same meaning everywhere.For example,placing your hands together and resting them on the side of your head while closing your eyes 6 (mean)

21、“sleep”.means8.differ vi.相异相异;不同于不同于-difference n.不同不同-different adj.不同的不同的Some body language has many different uses.Perhaps the best example is smiling.A smile can help 7(we)get through difficult situations and find friends.A smile can break 8 barriers.Experts suggest 9(smile)at yourself in the mi

22、rror to make yourself feel 10(happy).us9.get through difficult situations 渡过难关/渡过困境downsmiling10.suggest v.建议 suggest doing sth.suggestionhappier11.make sb.do sth.make sb.+adj.1.incident/nsdnt/n.发生的事情;严重事件2.trial/tral/n.&v.审讯;审判;试验;试用 the trial performance 试演 try v.尝试3.slight/slat/adj.轻微的;略微的;细小的 a

23、slight book/cold/fever 无足轻重的书轻微的感冒/低烧 slightly adv.略微;稍微 slightly better 稍微好些稍微好些4.twin/twn/a.双胞胎之一的 n.孪生之一6.reliable/rlabl/7.internal/ntnl/adj.内部的;里面的 external adj.外部的;外面的unreliable adj.不可靠的adj.可靠的;可信赖的 a reliable friend rely v.信赖;可靠rely on sb.to do sth.依赖某人做某事5.assess/ses/vt.评估;评价assessassessment

24、ment n.n.评价;评定评价;评定 a reading assessment test a reading assessment test reassess v.重新评价8.straighten up stretn 直起来;整理;收拾整齐 straighten up my room9.pose/pz/n.故作姿态;(为画像,拍照等摆的)姿势 vi.摆好姿势 vt.造成(威胁,问题等)10.bend/bend/bent-bent vi.&vt.(使)弯曲;倾斜;偏向 bend the truth11.reveal/rvil/vt.揭示;显示;露出背单词(三)assess trial reve

25、al straighten upreliable slightly poseincident twin bend Part 2Learning About Language&Using Language 基础过关练基础过关练(P56).单词拼写1.The US Department of Agriculture is trying to(评估)the economic impact of the flooding.2.She(倾斜)down,picked up a rock and threw it into the river.3.Before going into their meetin

26、g,the six foreign ministers(摆好姿势)for photographs.assess1.Department of Agriculture 农业部2.impact/effect n.影响 affect v.影响bent3.pick up 捡起;拿起;(开车)接;偶然学会4.throw v.扔;投-threw-thrown throw the rubbish into the dustbin posed4.We thought it was a genuine antique(古董),but it turned out to be a (/fek/).5.Police

27、have appealed for anyone who witnessed the i to contact them.ncident5.turn out 结果是 turn out(to be)+n./adj.It turned out to be true.fake6.appeal for sb.to do sth.呼吁某人做某事.单句语法填空1.The accused maintained silence throughout the(try).2.I cant agree to anything without my partners(approve).3.I generally fa

28、vour(travel)by night,when the roads are quiet.trial1.silence n.沉默;寂静silent adj.throughout prep.自始至终;贯穿approvaltravelling2.favour v.较喜欢;选择有利于 n.帮助;赞同 favor doing sth.较喜欢做某事 in favor of sb.支持;赞同 in ones favor 对某人有利4.With the increasing burden of his work,his health finally broke and he had to take a g

29、ood rest.5.The young actors future looks brighther performance in her most recent film was(amaze)!6.To avoid(cheat),always buy your ticket at the ticket counter.down3.break down(身体)垮掉;(汽车)抛锚;(和谈)中断;(物质)分解burden n.负担amazing4.act v.表演;行动-action n.行动-actor n.演员5.perform v.表演-performance n.-performor n.

30、表演者being cheated6.avoid v.避免 avoid doing sth.避免做某事 ticket counter 售票柜台7.If we are filled with doubt or(angry),we cannot create world peace.8.We are considering(pay)a visit to the Science Museum.9.The most popular pastime for a number of old people is(play)chess.angerpaying7.be filled with=be full of

31、 充满 The life is filed with hapiness.8.doubt v.&n.怀疑 There is no doubt that.毫无疑问9.create v.创造-creation n.-creator n.-creative adj.有创造力的10.consider doing sth.考虑做某事 pay a visit to+地点名词 参观.playing11.pastime n.休闲活动 a number of+名词复数 许多 the number of+名词复数 .的数量 10.She recovered(slight)but was ready for disc

32、harge(出院).11.Several times she came close to(quit)but was dissuaded(劝阻)by business partners.12.The manager told me that my daily task was(clean)the floors of the building.slightly12.recover v.恢复;康复 be ready for+名词 准备好.;为.做好准备quittingcleaning13.quit v.离开;停止;戒掉 quit smoking quit doing sth.停止做某事 14.man

33、age v.经营;管理;设法完成 manage to do sth.设法做成某事 manager n.经理 daily task 日常任务 .语法填空While 1 (travel)in Sweden,I came across an incident,which made me 2 (embarrass).travelling1.偶然碰见embarrassed2.embarrass v.尴尬-embarrassed adj.尴尬的-embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的 One day,I was walking in the street when I saw an adorable

34、 baby who was smiling at me,so I talked to the mother and kissed the baby on the cheek.To my surprise,the mother stared at me for a while and then left 3(angry).angrily3.an adorable baby 可爱的婴儿 cheek 脸颊 4.to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是 stare at sb.盯着某人 for a while 一会儿 5.anger n.生气 angry adj.生气的 angrily adv

35、.leave v.离开;留下-left When I returned to the hotel,I set about 4(learn)something about body language.Much evidence reveals that if you know little about body language,you are unlikely to enjoy the 5 (interact)with people from another country.learning6.set about doing sth.着手做某事7.learn about 了解8.evidenc

36、e n.证据 reveal v.揭示;显示;透露9.likely adj.可能的-unlikely adj.不可能的interaction 6 we all know,body language 7(vary)from culture to culture.You must be well aware of whether 8 is appropriate for you to do something on some 9 (occasion).Asvariesitoccasions10.as we all know 众所周知11.vary from culture to culture 因文

37、化而异13.it is appropriate for sb.to do sth.12.aware adj.意识到的;知道 be aware of+名词/wh-引导的宾从14.occasion n.机会;场合In addition,youd better pay attention to how another person reacts to your words or body language,so that you can adjust yourself 10 the culture there.to15.in addition 此外16.pay attention to+名词 注意.

38、17.so that+句子 以便;为了18.adjust oneself to sth.使自己适应.1.clarify/klrfa/vt.使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清2.educate eduket v.教育 educator n.教育者;教育家 education n.教育 educated adj.有教养的3.3.tick/tk/vt.vt.给(试卷等)打钩 n.钩号4.4.in other words 换句话说;也就是说5.n.趋势;倾向 tend v.趋向;照料educational adj.有教育意义的6.imply/mpla/vt.意味着意味着;暗示暗示7.occupy/kjupa/v

39、.占据;占用;使忙于occupied adj.忙于;使用中be occupied/busy with sth.忙于某事be occupied/busy in doing sth.忙于做某事 occupation n.职业8.barely/beli/adv.几乎不;勉强才能;刚刚 bare adj.光秃秃的9.lower /l(r)/vt.把放低;降低;减少 adj.下面的;下方的;较小的 lower prices10.stare/ste(r)/vi.盯着看;凝视 n.凝视11.ceiling/sil/n.天花板天花板;上限上限12.distract/dstrkt/vt.分散分散(注意力注意力)

40、;使分心使分心背单词(四)clarify edcator in other wordstendency lower implybarely occupy stareceiling distract1.perceive vt.察觉察觉;看待看待;理解理解 receive v.接受接受;收到收到2.distinguish vi./vt.区分,辨别区分,辨别 distinguished adj.卓越的,著名的卓越的,著名的 distinguish right from wrong 明辨是非 be distinguished/famous/known for 因而著称 be distinguished

41、/famous/known as 作为而著名3.anxiety n.焦虑,担心,害怕焦虑,担心,害怕 anxious adj.忧虑的,担心的,忧虑的,担心的,非正式非正式渴望的渴望的 anxiously adv.焦虑地,急切地焦虑地,急切地test anxiety 考试焦虑;4.chest n.C胸部胸部;胸胸5.embarrass vt.使尴尬使尴尬 embarrassed adj.难堪的,尴尬的难堪的,尴尬的 embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的,令人难堪的令人尴尬的,令人难堪的 embarrassment n.尴尬尴尬Dont embarrass me.别让我尴尬/难堪 6.as

42、hamed adj.羞愧,惭愧羞愧,惭愧 shame n.羞愧,耻辱,惭愧,让人遗憾的事羞愧,耻辱,惭愧,让人遗憾的事 shameful adj.可耻的,丢脸的可耻的,丢脸的7.merely adv.只是,仅仅,只不过只是,仅仅,只不过 mere adj.仅仅的,只不过仅仅的,只不过 你只不过是我的一个朋友。You are merely a friend of mine.8.call on (短暂短暂)拜访拜访/访问访问;公开请求公开请求/号召号召;call on sb.to do sth.号召某人做某事号召某人做某事9.bother b(r)vi./vt.费心费心;麻烦麻烦;因因操心操心 n

43、.麻烦麻烦;不便不便 be bothered about.关心关心;担心担心 brother n.兄弟兄弟 10.sweep v.打扫打扫;清除清除 weep v.&n.哭泣哭泣;流泪流泪(wept-wept)背单词(五)distinguish perceive anxiety chest embarrassed merely ashamedcall on bother weep 1.at work 在工作在工作 起作用起作用/有某种影响有某种影响;2.conflict knflkt n.矛盾矛盾;冲突冲突 a conflict of interest 利益冲突利益冲突 3.inquire v

44、.询问询问;打听打听;调查调查=enquire inquiry n.调查调查/探究探究;询问询问;打听打听4.ultimately adv.最终,最后最终,最后 ultimate adj.目标等目标等 最终的最终的 an ultimate aim/goal 终极目标5.adjust vt.调整调整;调节调节 vi./vt.适应,适应,使使习惯习惯 adjust A to B 调整A以适应B adjust to(doing)sth.适应于(做)某事 adjust oneself to (doing)sth.使自己适应于(做)某事 adjustable adj.可调整的,可调节的可调整的,可调节的

45、adjustment n.C调整,调节调整,调节6.react vi.对对起反应,回应起反应,回应;对食物对食物有不良反应有不良反应 react to.对做出反应,回应 reaction n.反应反应 ponent n.C组成部分组成部分;零件零件 key components8.tone n.语气语气;腔调腔调;口吻口吻 in a.tone 用一种.的语气 in an angry tone.背单词(六)at work conflict inquireultimately adjust reactcomponent tone Part 3Using Language,Assessing You

46、r Progress&Video Time基础过关基础过关练练.单词拼写1.I had(/beli/)come in when the telephone rang.2.Other cultures may use silence in other ways,particularly when dealing with (冲突)among people.barely1.ring v.打电话 n.戒指;环状物conflicts2.silence n.沉默;寂静-silent adj.3.deal with 处理3.The news of his release came as such a su

47、rprise that his wife(流泪)for joy.4.People who cannot d between colours are said to be colour-blind.wept4.surprise n.惊讶 v.使吃惊-surprising adj.令人惊讶的-surprised adj.惊讶的 to ones surprise 令人惊讶的是istinguish.选词填空straighten up;in favour of;react to;call on;in other words;stare at1.You dont need to come to the c

48、ompany tomorrow;you are fired.2.The experts people and the government to take measures to protect the environment.直起来;整理3.protect the environment 保护环境访问;要求换句话说盯着支持对.反应in other wordscall on2.take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事1.fire n.火 v.解雇;开火;射击3.Hearing this,the kids who were sitting lazily at their d

49、esks immediately .4.The lady the painting,wondering where she had seen it.5.A recent survey showed 75%of those questioned were the reform.6.They were not sure how the Americans would the new type of music.straightened upstared at4.immediately adv.马上;立刻in favor of5.wonder n.奇迹 v.想知道;感到诧异-wonderful ad

50、j.精彩的;极好的react to6.question n.问题 v.质疑.单句语法填空1.The purpose of this report is(clarify)some points made at our last meeting.2.Tom(low)his voice when he told his mother the secret.to clarify1.purpose n.目的=aim The purpose is to.目的是.lowed2.tell v.告诉-told-told tell sb.sth=tell sth.to sb.tell sb.to do sth.3


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