Unit 1 The mass media课文+Language points(ppt课件) -2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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Unit 1 The mass media课文+Language points(ppt课件) -2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 1 The mass media课文+Language points(ppt课件) -2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 1 The mass media课文+Language points(ppt课件) -2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 1 The mass media课文+Language points(ppt课件) -2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第4页
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Unit 1 The mass media课文+Language points(ppt课件) -2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第5页
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1、XB2 Unit 1 The mass mediaReading-Be a critical news reader!1.criticaladj.批评的,批判性的;关键的;危急的(经典例句)Toms parents were strongly critical of his behaviour.汤姆的父母强烈地批评了他的行为。【词块积累】(1)criticize vt.&vi.批评;评论;苛求criticize sb./sth.(for sth.)(因为某事物)批评某人/某事物(2)critic n.批评家,评论家;挑剔的人(3)criticism n.批评;考证;指责(4)criticall

2、y adv.精密地;危急地;批评性地;用钻研眼光地(2020江苏高考)They often _their fellow scientists.他们经常批评他们的科学家同行。Though we should respect our elders,we should also take their words _.虽然我们应该尊重前辈,但我们也应该批判性地听取他们的话。【语法填空】The coach criticized him _not focusing on his soccer skills.I dont like to read his literary _(critic).One of

3、the _(critic)accused her of caring only about success.criticizedcriticallyforcriticismcritics7月10日Firefighters put out tower block fire 消防队员扑灭公寓大火Firefighters quickly put out the Henderson Tower fire last night.The fire,which is thought to have started from the 8th floor,spread quickly through the t

4、ower block on Sunday night,leaving people on the upper floors trapped.Fears grew that the number of deaths could reach 5,according to figures released by emergency services.消防队员昨晚迅速扑灭了亨德森楼的大火。周日晚上的大火被认为是从9楼开始的,很快延到整座公 寓大楼,把位于高楼层的人们困在了里面。根据应急服务构公布的数据,死亡人数恐将达到12人。trap vt.使落入险境;卡住,绊住n.陷阱,罗网;圈套;困境,牢笼tra

5、p-trapped-trapped-trapping(1)trap sb.into(doing)sth.诱骗某人(做)某事 be/get trapped in被困在中,陷入困境(2)fall into the trap(of doing sth.)落入(做某事的)圈套set a trap设陷阱He took the subway in case he _traffic jam.他搭乘了地铁,以免因(路面)交通堵塞而受困。She had _for the wolf and it had walked straight into it.她给狼设了个陷阱,它就径直走了进去。was/got trapp

6、ed inset a trap【语法填空】Dont fall _the trap of investing all your money in one place.The shopkeeper trapped me into _(buy)their poor quality milk.We get _(trap)in a cycle of anger and hurt,and miss out on the beauty of life as it happens.【巧学助记】图文助记 trapintobuyingtrapped表示“被困在中”的短语还有:(1)be/get locked in

7、(2)be/get caught in(3)be/get stuck inrelease vt.发布;释放;松开;发泄n.释放;发行;排放,泄漏【词块积累】(1)release sb./sth.(from.)把某人/某物(从)释放/放出/放走release pressure释放压力release a movie/book发行电影/书(2)on general release公开发行the latest new releases最新发行的产品a sense of release 轻松感,解脱感Firefighters took two hours to _the driver _the wrec

8、kage.消防队员花了两个小时将司机从汽车残骸中救出来。In order to _resulting from our study,I went to Xingxing Farm to pick some oranges together with my classmates last weekend.为了释放学习带来的压力,上周末我和同学一起去星星农场摘橘子。She burst into tears,_all her pent-up emotions.她放声大哭,发泄出她郁积起来的全部情感。_came to me immediately after the exam.考试一结束,我立刻有了一

9、种解脱的感觉。releasefromrelease the pressurereleasingA sense of releaseFire engines and ambulances called at 9:30 p.m,reached the scene within 15 minutes.By this time,the fire had extended to the 15th floor.Firefighters got the situation under control around 11 p.m.There is concern that the construction c

10、ompany that built the tower block had not followed fire safety rules.21时 30分,消防车和救护车接到报警,于15分钟内抵达现场。至此时,火势己蔓延到16楼。消防队员在23时 左右控制住了火情。有人担心修建公寓大楼的建筑公司没有遵守消防安全规定。extend vi.&vt.延伸(距离);扩大;延长;伸展(教材原句)By this time,the fire had extended to the 15th floor.此时,火势已经蔓延到十六楼。【词块积累】(1)extend sth.to sb.提供/给予某人某物exten

11、d an invitation发出邀请(2)extension n.延长;延期;扩大;伸展Im sure you will join me in _a very warm welcome to our visitors.我肯定你们会同我一起向我们的客人表示热烈的欢迎。His writing career _over a period of 40 years.他的写作生涯超过了四十年。The school is _subjects taught.这所学校正在拓宽授课学科的范围。extendingextendedextending the range ofconstruction n.建筑,建造;

12、建造物(1)under construction 在修建中(2)construct v.建造,修建(某物,尤指建筑物、公路、机器)construct.out of.用搭建Our new offices are still _.我们的新办公楼尚在修建中。The summer house was _.那座避暑别墅是简单的木结构建筑。They _ a shelter _fallen branches.他们用落下的枯树枝搭了个窝棚。under constructiona simple wooden constructionconstructedout of10 July Local news 7月11

13、日本地新闻Deadly fire in tower block causes serious damage 公寓发生致命火灾,造成重大损失A terrible fire broke out on Sunday night,leaving the Henderson Tower seriously damaged.Emergency services estimate that the number of deaths could reach 9.By this morning,4 people have been confirmed dead.The fire has also left do

14、zens of people injured,5 of whom are in a critical condition.周日晚上发生了一场严重的火灾,导致德森楼严重受损。应急服务机构估计死亡人数可能达到30人。至今天早上,己经有9人确认死亡,还有几十人仍处于失踪状态,火灾还造成16人受伤,其中5人伤势严重。dozen n.许多;(一)打;十来个 dozens of 很多,许多by the dozen 成打地;按打计算 in dozens 成打地half a dozen 半打,六个【名师点津】数词用法知多少(1)dozen,score,hundred,thousand,million等数词前面

15、有基数词或某些表示数量的形容词时,不加-s。例如:a few hundred meters 几百米 several million people 数百万人 two thousand teachers 两千位老师(2)如表示“几百”“几千”“几百万”等笼统的数目时,则应加-s of构成短语。例如:hundreds of books 几百本书thousands of workers 几千名工人Ive spoken to him _times,but I still dont know his name!虽然我和他说过很多次话,但我连他的名字都还不知道!Surprisingly,in that bo

16、okstore,books are sold _.真想不到,那个书店里的书按打出售。The eggs were packed _.鸡蛋是按打包装的。There was a big group of _people at the table next to theirs.他们旁边的那张桌子坐了一大群人,有十二个。dozens ofby the dozenin dozensa dozen【补偿训练】语法填空(1)It appears in _(dozen)of movies,including all the Star Wars series.(2)Only about half _dozen p

17、eople turned up.【知识延伸】“许多,大量”短语集合:dozens of;plenty of;lots/amounts/quantities of;a large/huge number of;a great deal of;an enormous amount ofdozensaLisa Mayer,29,is among the lucky ones who only suffered minor injuries.She recalled,I was about to have a bath when I heard people screaming and dogs ba

18、rking.I looked outside and the smoke was choking me.It was like an awful dream.29岁的莉萨梅耶是幸运儿之一,只受了轻伤,她回忆说,“我正要洗澡,突然听到人们的尖叫声和 狗吹声。我看了看外面,烟呛得我喘不过气来。这就像一场噩梦。”15.I was about to have a bath when I heard people screaming and dogs barking.我正要洗澡,突然听到有人在尖叫,有狗在吠。【句式解构】be about to do.表示“即将发生的动作”,不与表示时间的副词或其他时间状

19、语连用,常用于be about to do.when.,意为“正要做这时”。(2020浙江高考)The curtains _,and in a few minutes the action and dialogue will tell you the story.大幕就要拉开了,几分钟后情节和对话将告诉你整个故事。are about to openTeri and Kim _the cottage _they hear someone come in.泰瑞和金姆正准备离开小屋,这时,他们听到有人进了屋子。It was a cold night in Washington,D.C.,and I

20、_back to the hotel _ a man approached me.那是华盛顿特区一个寒冷的夜晚,我正往旅馆走,这时一个男子走近我。_ had he left the room _ the traveler entered.他刚离开房间,那个游客就进来了。are about to leavewhenwas headingwhenHardlywhen(1)be doing.when.正在做这时(2)had hardly done.when.刚做完这时注意:使用“had hardly done.when.”结构时,hardly如果放在句首,主句要用部分倒装。Mr Peterson,h

21、ead of the fire service,confirms that a 10 dropped cigarette end on a carpet of the 8th floor started the fire and that the automatic fire alarms did not go off quickly enough to prevent the disaster.A team is currently investigating the accident further.消防部门的负责人得森先生证实是掉在9楼地上的香烟引发了火灾,而且火灾自动报警器没能及时响起

22、,以致未能及时阻止灾难的发生。一组人员正在对事故进行进一步调査。investigate vt.&vi.侦查,调查;研究【词块积累】(1)investigate sb.(for sth.)(因为某事)调查某人investigate into对进行调查investigate and collect evidence调查取证(2)investigation n.调查;调查研究under investigation调查进行中;在调查研究中Both he and a crew member are being _exposing people to danger,according to police.

23、据警方称,他和一名船员都因将人们置于危险之中而接受调查。They plan to _the spending habits of teenagers.他们计划对青少年的消费习惯进行调查。The source of infection for all three cases is still _.目前仍在对三例病例的感染源进行调查。investigated forinvestigate intounder investigation【易混辨析】examine,inspect,investigate,scan这些动词都有“调查,检查”之意。examine可指粗略地查看,也可指仔细观察或调查以确定事

24、物的性质、功能、特点等。inspect侧重按一定质量标准检查某物,找出不足或不同之处。investigate指为发现事实真相或了解掌握情况而进行深入细致地现场考察。scan原意是仔细地检查分析,现用于指细看或浏览。Reading news reports critically We rely on news to learn about what is happening in the world around us.However,we usually find that reports on the same events contain different or even contrad

25、ictory information,How do these differences come about?我们依靠新闻来了解周围的世界正在发生的事情。然而,我们通常发现,对于同一事件的报道包含着 不同的,甚至是相互矛盾的信息。这些差异是如何产生的呢?come about 发生;产生(教材原句)How do these differences come about?这些不同是怎样产生的?【词块积累】come up走近;上来;被提出;产生;开始come up with提出;想出;赶上come across(偶然)遇见;无意中发现;被理解come out出来;出版;发行come to来到(某地)

26、;总计;恢复知觉when it comes to.当涉及/谈到时They didnt know how the change had _.他们不知道这个变化是怎样发生的。(2020全国卷)Shes trying to _a label to attach to nutria fashions to show it is eco-friendly.她试图给海狸鼠时装贴上一个标签,以表明它是环保的。The further evidence _light after a careful investigation that voices calling for help were from the

27、tenth floor.仔细调查后,进一步的证据显示呼救的声音来自第十一层。Your languages will stand you in good stead _finding a job.你通晓几种语言,找工作时就会显出优势。come aboutcome up withcame towhen it comes to【名师点津】come up的主语是物,表示“(计划、建议、议题等)被提出”,为不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态;come up with的主语是人或团体组织,表示“(某人)提出”,为及物动词短语。【易混辨析】happen/take place/come about/break

28、outhappen意为“发生”,含有“偶然”的意思。当主语是具体事件、事故等时可与occur换用;但当happen作“偶然”之意时,不能用occur代替。happen后可以接不定式,也常用于“It happened that”句型take place意为“发生,举行”,常指计划或安排好的事情的发生与进行,不含偶然性come about常与how连用来要求对方说明或解释事情发生的缘由break out多指战争、火灾、疾病、疫情等突然爆发【补偿训练】语法填空How did it come _that the man was dismissed?Several new books will have

29、 come _by the end of next month.We are so fond of our high intelligence that we assume that when it comes brain power,more must be better.Wolves cannot climb a tree so when you come _ one,hide in the tree.aboutouttoacrossIt is advisable to remember that journalists may have different priorities,whic

30、h would influence how they report an event.Lets take the two news reports on the Henderson Tower Fire as an example.We can see that the first news report pays more attention to the rescue efforts,while the second talks more about deaths and injuries.When we read more than one report,we come to under

31、stand an event in a more comprehensive way.最好要记住,新闻报道是由记者写的,他们可能关注的重点不同,并选择就自己的重点写一篇报道。让我们以亨德森火灾的两篇新闻报道为例。我们可以看到,第一篇新闻报道更多地关注救援工作,而第二 篇新闻报道更多地谈论伤亡人数。当我们阅读多篇报道时,我们就会更全面地了解一个事件。Even if news reports are written from basically the same perspective,they may contradict each other in terms of factual detai

32、ls,as events in the real world are usually complicated and constantly changing.For instance,the numbers of deaths differ in the two news reports on the Henderson Tower fire.即使新闻报道的撰写视角基本一致,它们也可能在事实细节上相互矛盾,因为现实世界中的事件通常 是复杂且不断变化的。例如,关于亨德森楼火灾的两篇新闻报道中,死亡人数是不同的contradict vt.相矛盾,相反;反驳,驳斥【词块积累】(1)contradic

33、t each other互相矛盾;互相抵触contradict with 与相矛盾contradict oneself 自相矛盾;出尔反尔(2)contradictory adj.矛盾的;反对的;反驳的All evening her husband _ everything she said.整个晚上她说什么她的丈夫都反驳。What is wonderful is that,at many times,the stories will _.在许多时候,故事之间都会相互矛盾,这正是精彩之处。The policeman knew that the man was lying,so he encou

34、raged him to talk until he began to _.警察知道这个人在说谎,所以他鼓动这个人一直说,直到他开始自相矛盾。The answers to the question were various and _.这个问题的答案是各种各样并且自相矛盾的。contradictedcontradict(with)each othercontradict himselfcontradictorydiffer vi.相异;意见相左【词块积累】(1)differ from不同于differ in在方面不同differ with sb.(about/on/over sth.)与某人(

35、在某方面)意见相左(2)different adj.不同的,有区别的be different from(in sth.)(在某方面)与不同(3)difference n.C,U差异,差别;C意见分歧make a/no difference有/无影响,有/无作用The two animals come from the same family but _body shape and breeding habits.这两种动物属于同一科,但体形和繁殖习性有区别。He was studying the complex similarities and _humans and animals.他在研究

36、人和动物之间错综复杂的相似之处与不同之处。differ indifferences betweenThey are twin sisters.Its hard to tell the difference between them in appearance.However,they _each other in their habits and they also _each other in many other ways.But that _and they get on very well.她们是双胞胎姐妹。在外貌上难以把她们区分开。然而,她们有不同的习惯,在其他很多方面也不相同。但那

37、没有影响,她们相处得很融洽。are different fromdiffer frommakes no differenceWhen we come across such factual differences,we should not rush to the conclusion that one of the news reports gives false information.Instead,check when the reports were written.News reports written at different stages of an event could

38、contain different information as new facts are brought to light.Another aspect worthy of mention is that journalists may approach information they get from research or interviews differently.当你发现这些事 实的差异时,不要急于下结论,认为其中一篇新闻报道给出了错误的信息。相反,要去实报道撰写的时间。随着新的事实不断被披露,在同一事件的不同阶段撰写的新闻报道可能色含不同的信息。另一个更值得一提的方面是,记者

39、可能会以不同的方式处理从研究或釆访中得到的数据。conclusion n.结论,推论;结束,结果;签订,达成【词块积累】(1)draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion得出结论in conclusion 总之;最后(2)conclude v.得出结论;总结;结束to conclude最后;总之conclude.with.以结束conclude(from sth.)that.(从某事物中)推断出_,walking is a cheap,safe,enjoyable,and readily available form of exercise.总之,散步是一

40、种廉价、安全、有趣而又随时可以开展的运动形式。They _each kid needed space where he or she could freely create.他们得出的结论是,每个孩子都需要可以自由创造的空间。The programme _a famous song,Memorable Tonight.节目以一首名曲难忘今宵结束。In conclusionconcluded thatconcluded withbring sth.to light 揭露,披露【词块积累】bring.to life 使苏醒bring.to an end 使结束bring up养育;抚养;教育;提出

41、(话题);呕吐bring about 引起;导致(事故、变化等)bring back带回;使回忆起某事;使恢复bring down 使降低;使倒下bring out使显现;阐明Actors who can really take the characters and _are very rare.真正能让角色栩栩如生的演员是非常罕见的。I was worried she would walk out or _ the interview _.我担心她会突然退席或者终止采访。bring them to lifebringto an end【语法填空】The great damage which

42、the earthquake brought _made many people homeless or lose their lives.Our government has taken measures to bring _the prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.Please make another sentence to bring _the meaning of the phrase.aboutdownoutSuppose emergency services estimates of the number of dea

43、ths vary 20 between 5 and 9.Journalists may choose to present the minimum,the maximum or something in between in their news reports.Therefore,checking different sources enables us to draw a more informed conclusion.假设应急服务机构对死亡人数的估 计在12人至30人之间。记者在新闻报道中可能选择呈现最小值、最大值或任何介于两者之间的数值。因 此,阅读不同来源的新闻报道能使我们得出更明

44、智的结论。To sum up,it is wise to read news reports written from various perspectives and at different stages,which brings us a more accurate understanding of a situation 25 We also need to be critical about the information we receive and remember not to blindly trust what we have read.总的来说,不妨阅读从不同角度撰写的新

45、闻报道,以及事件不同阶段的报道,这会让我们更准确地把 握情况。我们也需要对接收到的信息持批判态度,并记住不要盲目相信我们读到的东西。sum vt.总结,概括n.金额,款项;总和,总数;全部【词块积累】(1)sum up总结;概述;计算的总数to sum up总之;概括地说(2)in sum总之;总而言之a large sum of一大笔;大量的 _,I wish you could live up to the expectations of our school.总而言之,我希望你能不辜负我们学校的期望。A good student usually knows _in good time.一

46、个好学生通常知道如何及时地总结知识。She donated _money to the charity.她捐了一大笔钱给那个慈善机构。To sum uphow to sum up knowledgea large sum ofThough journalists are committed to presenting the truth,it is better to use our own judgement than rely entirely on news reports.With great discrimination,every one of us has the potenti

47、al to be a critical news reader.尽管记者致力于在他们的报道中呈现真相,我们最好还是运用自己的判断力,而非完全依赖单一的新闻来源。只要具备强 大的辨别力,我们每一个人都有潜力成为有判断力的新闻读者。commitment n.承诺,许诺;花费;献身,投入【词块积累】(1)make a commitment承诺(2)commit(oneself)to忠于(某个人、机构等);全心全意投入(工作、活动等)(3)be committed to(doing)sth.承诺/保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)She doesnt want to _big emotional _ to Steve at the moment.她不想在此刻对史蒂夫在感情上作出重大的承诺。They must _spending time with their older neighbours.他们必须承诺与年长的邻居共度时光。This government _ extending parental choice in education.这届政府承诺扩大父母在教育方面的选择权。make acommitmentcommit tois committed to


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