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1、人教版8年级英语下册各单元重点句Unit 1 1.Whats the matter?怎么了?2.The doctor asked him to lie down and rest.医生让他躺下休息、3.You can have a good rest after work.下班后你可以好好休息一下。4.If you see him,please call us right away.如果你看见他,立刻给我们打电话。5.He got into the car and drove away.他钻进汽车,驾车而去。6.Shall we make a cake by ourselves instead

2、 of buying one?我们自已做蛋糕不去买了,好吗?7.Afew days ago,her car ran out of gas.几天前,她的车没油了。8.Liu Wei was very sad when both his arms were cut off after the accident.事故后刘伟的双臂被切除了他非常伤心。9.They wanted me to get out of bed very early.他们想让我很早就起床。10.Whos in control of that house?那栋房子归谁管?Unit 2 1.I clean up my bedroom

3、 once a week.我每周打扫一次卧室。2.Could you give out these books to the class,please?请你把这些书分发给全班同学好吗?3.Weve had to put off the sports meting until September.我们只好把运动会推迟到九月份。4.He handed out cups of milk to children.他给孩子们分发了牛奶。5.I called up all my friends to invite them to my birthday party.我打电话给所有的朋友,邀请他们来参加我的

4、生日聚会。6.He asked the local governments to care for the“left-behind”children.他要求当地政府照顾留守儿童。7.Several of us got full marks in the exam.我们中有几个人考试得了满分。8.To our joy,there was little rubbish left.让我们高兴的是,几乎没留下什么垃圾。9.Tom takes after his father,because they are both cheerful.汤姆像他的父亲,因为他们俩都很乐观。10.Well carry o

5、n with our conversation tomorrow.我们明天接着谈。Unit 3 1.People always throw away the used things.人们总会把用过的东西扔掉。2.-I never drink coffee.我从来不喝咖啡。Neither do I.我也是。3.He passes a hot cup of coffee to me.他递给了我一杯热咖啡。4.Could you lend some money to me?你能借给我些钱吗?5.We practice a song every day in order to sing best.为了

6、唱得最好,我们每天都练一首歌。6.The school can provide all kinds of food for the students.这所学校可以给学生提供各种食物。7.Your success depends on how hard you work at your lessons.你的成功取决于你学习的努力程度。9.I have loved green vegetables ever since.从那时起,我就爱上了绿色蔬菜。10.wihout enough salt,we will get ill.没有足够的盐,我们就会生病。Unit 4 1.Whats wrong wi

7、th you?你怎么了?2.-Are you ready to go?你准备好出发了吗?I guess so.我想是的。3.The modem car has changed life a great deal.现代化的汽车大大改变了人们的生活。4.I tried my best to work out the hard problems.我尽了自己最大的努力来解决这些难题。5.Can you go to the meting instead of me?你能替我去开会吗?6.Tom always gets nervous every time he gives a speech.汤姆每次演讲

8、时总是感到紧张。7.Dont try to explain yourself.不要试图解释自己的行为。8.One can get love in return for giving love.一个人付出爱就会收获爱。9.Im crazy about football.我痴迷于足球。10.One day,Sam woke up at three in the morning as usual.一天,萨姆像往常一样凌晨三点就醒了。Unit 5 1.He said good-bye and went off.他他道了别,然后道了别,然后离开离开了了。2.My father was smoking h

9、eavily then.那时那时我父亲烟抽得很凶我父亲烟抽得很凶。3.You could help pick up rubbish beside the streets.你可以帮忙你可以帮忙捡捡街边的街边的垃圾垃圾。4.I have to make a report on Asia next Monday.我我下周一得作一个有关亚洲的报告下周一得作一个有关亚洲的报告。5.What an exciting basketball match!真是真是一场激动人心的篮球赛一场激动人心的篮球赛!6.My son was quite shy at first.我儿子起初相当害羞。7.Tom fell a

10、sleep in class yesterday because he was very tired.因为太累,汤姆昨天在课堂上睡着了 8.The cost of living is on the rise.生活成本正在上涨。9.Father had a short rest and made his way to the field.父亲休息了一小会儿,向田里走去。10.Danmy and Steven eat their cookies in silence.丹尼和史带文一声不吭地吃饼干。Unit 6 1.Im writing this letter to remind you about

11、 all the things you wanted to do.我写这封信是要提醒你别记你想做的所有事情。2.I have been working hard in order to turn my dream into reality.为了把梦想变成现实,我一直在努力。3.Running can help you keep fit.跑步有助于你保持健康。4.See you in a couple of weeks!几个星期后再见!5.A few moments later,she left with a big smile.过了一会儿,她笑容满面地离开了。6.He is going to

12、get married.他要结婚了。7.My parents were away for a whole week.我的父母离开了整整一个星期。8.In the fall we can see lots of leaves on the ground.秋天我们可以看到地面上有很多树叶。9.All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。10.It was brave of you to speak in front of all those people.能在那些人面前讲话,你真勇敢。Unit 7 1.He fell into a deep sleep.他酣然入睡了。2.New

13、York has a population of about 8 million.纽约大约有八百万人口。3.There is a picture of my family on the wall.墙上挂着一张我们的全家福。4.Always protect yourself from being hurt.时刻保护自己不受伤害。5.The river is 10 metres wide.这条河有10米宽。6.They will do anything to achieve their goals.他们会不惜一切代价实现目标。7.All these materials can be found i

14、n nature.所有这些材料都能在自然界中找到。8.To do good research,you need to ask good questions.要做好研究,你得提出好问题。9.She stayed awake thinking up all things to do.她没睡着,想着所有要做的事。10.Wild animals are our friends.野生动物是我们的朋友。Unit 8 1.He has four books full of stamps!他有四本装满邮票的集邮册!2.Please turn to page 10.请翻到第10页。3.Hurry up,kids

15、!The school bus is coming.快点,孩子们!校车来了。4.We went to Japan by ship.我们乘船去了日本。5.Make a mark at the bottom of the page.在页末作个记号。6.Some children are playing on the sands.一些孩子正在沙滩上玩耍。7.Are you going by land or by sea?你走陆路还是海路?8.U2 is one of the most famous rock bands in the world.U2是世界上最著名的摇滚乐队之一。9.National

16、 parks are attractive because of their natural beauty.国家公园因其自然美而诱人。10.Let me introduce myself.My name is Wang Mei.我先自我介绍一下,我叫王梅。Unit 9 1.Lets go somewhere different today.今天我们去个不同的地方吧。2.So far,he has made progress in his study.到目前为止,他已经在学习上取得了进步,3.We must follow the social rules.我们必须遵守社会准则。4.Summer

17、is the perfect time for fun.夏季是娱乐的最佳时间。5.A couple of boys were playing chess.两个男孩在下棋。6.Could you please give me a ride tomorrow?明天你能让我搭个车吗?7.Thousands of visitors come to visit Huangguoshu Waterfall every ye.每年有成千上万的游客来参观黄果树瀑布。8.Many wild animals dont have a safe place to live.许多野生动物没有安全的地方生存 9.He h

18、as a fear of dogs.他害怕狗。10.The weather will be warm in the spring.春天天气会变暖。Unit 10 1.Would you check out these names and numbers,please?请你核实一下这些姓名和号码好吗?2.All 239 people on board died.机上239人全部遇难。3.I dont want to part with my dog,but l have to.我不想放弃我的狗,但是没办法。4.As for our teachers,I hope they will be our

19、 friends.至于我们的老师,我希望他们会成为我们的朋友。5.Have a rest after working for a while.工作一段时间后休息一会儿。6.Just before midnight,all of us count downthree,two,one.就在午夜之前,我们所有人都开始倒记时三、二、一 7.Youd better choose your clothes according to the weather report.你最好根据天气预报来选择穿么衣服。8.They had a small house,close to fields and hills.他们有一所小房子,靠近农田与小山。9.Just hold the line,please.请稍等一会儿。10.I tried to hold back my tears.我尽力忍住泪水。


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