(全国通用)2019版高考英语一轮复习 提分单元加餐练 第五辑 Unit 3 Life in the future 新人教版必修5.doc

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(全国通用)2019版高考英语一轮复习 提分单元加餐练 第五辑 Unit 3 Life in the future 新人教版必修5.doc_第1页
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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Unit 3 Life in the future 单元加餐练 . 完形填空 Several years ago, I quit my job to chase my dream of writing a book, but that book was _1_repeatedly. Everybody was asking, “Hows the book coming ? ” I was so _2_ . My friends got together one day and I blurted out (脱口而出 ), “I dont know my purpos

2、e in life.” The outburst was met with _ 3_and stares. Finally, Pam said, “I dont know, either.” She was in a job she _ 4_ . Teresa said, “Me either.” I was sure that Bette would have a(n) _5_ . She was suffering from cancer and, surely she had figured things out since she was facing a likely termina

3、l outcome. _6_ , she shook her head. Two years passed and, during that time, I sold my _7_ , Teresa went back to school, Pam switched _8_ , and Bette kept on living as best as she could. Actually, for those two years, Bette lived a _9_life than any of us. She built a butterfly garden in her neighbou

4、rhood. She spent time with her family, went hiking,_10_and lived. My book was finally _11_and Bette made it to my first big signing. A day or two later, she was back in the _12_as she was seriously ill. I left on tour for several weeks, and when I _13_ , she was close to _14_ . The day came when her

5、 brother called to let me know Bette had _15_ . He asked me to write her obituary (讣告 ). I thought about how shed filled every moment with as much joy as she could find. That obituary wasnt a list of _16_ . It was the story of a woman who lived. _17_what life threw at her, she lived. That was when I

6、_18_ what Id learned through her passing. She defined her purpose in life by simply living her life. Thats all any of us are here to do. In the end, the only thing that _19_is that we breathe in our time here and fill it with_20_ . 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过朋友的人生经历意识到 活着的目的便是好好地活着。 1 A.read B printed C reje

7、cted D written 答案: C 由上文的 “. I quit my job to chase my dream of writing a book, but .”及第五段开头的 “My book was finally . my first big signing.” 可推断,起初作者的书一再被 “ 拒绝 (rejected)” 。 2 A.excited B confident C envious D embarrassed 答案: D 由于作者写的书一再被拒,所以别人问起这本书时作者感到很 “ 尴尬【 精品教育资源文库 】 (embarrassed)” 。 3 A.darkne

8、ss B smoke C danger D silence 答案 : D 由下文的 “. stares. Finally, Pam said” 可推断 , 听到作者突然发出的感叹后朋友们都 “ 沉默 (silence)” 了 , 陷入了沉思。 4 A.hated B lost C found D created 答案: A 由上文的 “I dont know, either.” 及第三段中的 Pam switched 可推测,帕姆 “ 厌恶 (hated)” 自己的工作。 5 A.present B answer C dream D excuse 答案: B 由下文作者描述贝蒂的病情可知,作者

9、很确定快到生命尽头的贝蒂对人为什么活着这一问题已经有了 “ 答案 (answer)” 。 6 A.Therefore B However C Besides D Otherwise 答案: B 由第 5 空前的 “I was sure” 及下文的 “she shook her head” 可知, Bette的反应与作者的推测相反。故选 However。 7 A.house B car C paper D book 答案: D 由第一段中的 “writing a book” 可推测,之后的两年时间里,作者卖掉了自己写的 “ 书 (book)” 。 8 A.jobs B methods C top

10、ics D channels 答案 : A 由第二段中的 “She was in a job she .” 可推测 , 帕姆换了 “ 工作 (jobs)” 。 9 A.fuller B poorer C sadder D simpler 答案 : A 由下文 “She built a butterfly garden . and lived.” 可推断 , 在那两年时间里 , 贝蒂过着比其他人 “ 更充实的 (fuller)” 生活。 10 A.complained B shouted C laughed D learned 答案: C 由贝蒂在那两年里所做的事情及倒数第二段中的 “. she

11、d filled every moment with as much joy as she could find” 可推断,贝蒂曾 “ 笑着 (laughed)” 面对生活。 11 A.revised B published C reviewed D translated 答案: B 由下文的 “my first big signing” 可推断,作者的书终于被 “ 出版(published)” 了。 12 A.hospital B school 【 精品教育资源文库 】 C garden D company 答案: A 由下文的 “as she was seriously ill” 可推断

12、,贝蒂因为病重又回到了 “ 医院 (hospital)” 。 13 A.followed B returned C escaped D recovered 答案: B 由上文的 “ I left on tour for several weeks .” 可推测,此处是说作者“ 返回 (returned)” 时。 14 A.success B death C trouble D wealth 答案: B 由下文的 “He asked me to write her obituary ( 讣告 ) ” 可知,作者返回时,贝蒂已经生命垂危。 close to death “ 生命垂危 ” 。 15

13、A.given up B shown off C turned down D passed away 答案: D 由 下文的 “He asked me to write her obituary ( 讣告 ) ” 可知,贝蒂的兄弟打电话告诉作者贝蒂已经 “ 去世了 (passed away)” 。 16 A.requirements B suggestions C achievements D agreements 答案: C 由下文的 “It was the story of a woman who lived . what life threw at her, she lived.” 可推

14、测,作者给贝蒂写的讣告并不是一个 “ 成就 (achievements)” 清单,而是一个女人的故事。 17 A.Other than B Rather than C Regardless of D In case of 答案: C 由上文介绍的贝蒂努力生活、与癌症斗争的故事可推断, “ 不管 (Regardless of)” 生活给了她什么,贝蒂都努力活着。 18 A.guessed B decided C expected D realized 答案: D 通过给贝蒂写讣告,作者 “ 意识到 (realized)” 贝蒂的去世让自己认识到的道理。 19 A.works B matters

15、C exists D changes 答案: B 由设空后的 “is that we breathe in our time here and fill it with. ”可知,这是作者从贝蒂的人生获得的深刻感悟,故选 matters “ 事关紧要;重要 ” ,符合语境。 20 A.life B trust C luck D nature 答案 : A 由上文的 “She defined her purpose in life by simply living her life.”可推断 , 作者意识到人 活着唯一 “ 重要 (matters)” 的事情就是在时间的流逝中过好自己的“ 生活

16、(life)” 。 【 精品教育资源文库 】 . 阅读理解 A Its 8 am, Tuesday, Nov.18, 2028, and you are headed for a business appointment 300 miles away. You step into your circle, twopassenger aircushion car, press a series of buttons and the national traffic computer notes your destination, figures out the current traffic

17、situation and signals your car to slide out of the garage. Hands free, you sit back and begin to read the morning paper which is flashed on a flat TV screen over the cars dashboard. Tapping a button changes the page. The car speeds up to 150 mph in the citys countryside, and then hits 250 mph in les

18、s builtup areas, driving over the smooth plastic road.You fly past a string of cities, many of them covered by the new domes (圆屋顶 ) that keep them evenly climatized all year round. Traffic is heavy, typically, but theres no need to worry. The traffic computer, which sends and receives signals to and

19、 from all cars on the road between cities, keeps vehicles at least 50 yds apart. There hasnt been an accident since the system began. Suddenly your TV phone buzzes.A business partner wants a sketch of a new kind of impeller your firm is putting out for sports boats. You reach for your case and draw

20、the diagram with a pencilthin infrared flashlight (红外线闪光灯 ) on what looks like a TV screen lining the back of the case. The diagram is sent to a similar screen in your partners office, 200 miles away. He presses a button and a fixed copy of the sketch rolls out of the machine. He wishes you good luc

21、k at the coming meeting and signs off. Ninety minutes after leaving your home, you slide beneath the dome of your destination city. Your car slows down and heads for an outercore office building where youll meet your colleagues. After you get out, the vehicle parks itself in a garage to await your r

22、eturn. Private cars arent allowed inside most city cores. Moving sidewalks and electrams (电车 ) carry the public from one location to another. 篇章导读:本文为一篇记叙文。全文畅想了人们在不远的将来 2028 年的高科技精彩生活。 1 The traffic computer in your car can _ . A keep your car at a safe distance from other cars B keep your car at the same speed in different


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