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1、2022 年秋花垣县第三中学七年级英语期末专项复习(单项选择)班级:姓名:() 1.Hello, IEric.Whoyou?A.is,areB.am,areC. am, is () 2.is Jenny.Herenice photos of her family.A.I,isB.She, isC.This,are () 3.Isthatschoolbag?Yes,its.A.your,mineB.your,yoursC. her, her () 4. Thats hersister,andname isMary.A.herB.sheC. his () 5. This ismy book.is

2、in theroom.A.YourB.MineC. His () 6. Is this yourschoolbag?Yes, itis.Its.A.meB.myC. mine () 7. Hello,name isAmy.Whatsname?A.I, youB.my,yourC. my, you () 8. Is this your Englishbook?.A.Yes,itsB. No,itisC.Yes, it is() 9. Are these your erasersoverthere?.A. Yes,these areB. No,theyarentC. Yes, we are ()

3、10. Is that adictionary?A. Yes,thatis.B. No,itdoesnt.C. Yes, it is. () 11. is the bookcase?Its in theroom.A.WhatB.WhoC. Where () 12. your books? In mydesk.A.WhatareB. WhereareC. Why are () 13. How areyou?.A.Fine,thanksB. Nice tomeet youC. Thank you () 14. How is Kate?A.ImOK.B. She isfine.C. She is a

4、 girl. () 15. Are these yourpencils?A.HelloB.HiC. Excuse me () 16.Selinalikesand shedoesntlike.A.banana,tomatoB.bananas,tomatosC. bananas, tomatoes () 17. Doyoulike?Yes, I eat it everyday.A.milkB.strawberryC.vegetables () 18. Shewants some.A.milkB.appleC. pear () 19. I like hamburgers, buthelikes.A.

5、eggB.ice-creamC. breads () 20. Ihavesomeforbreakfast.A.tomatoB.hamburgerC. milk () 21. They likehamburgersand.A.eggB.breadC. cake () 22. Hehas somefordinner.A.tomatoB.riceC. pear() 23.Theylike, and they like them forbreakfast.A.milkB.anorangeC.hamburgers() 24. Ericlikessome.A.pearB. riceC. egg() 25.

6、NowletsTV.A.watchB.watchesC. to watch () 26. How much arethesocks?Theyredollars.A.twentyoneB.twenty-firstC. twenty-one () 27. How much arethesocks?Theyredollars.A.threeB.thirdC. threeth () 28.There areboys in ourclass.A.twenty-fiveB.twenty-fifthC. twenty five () 29. you like hamburgers for breakfast

7、?Yes, I.A.Are, amB.Do,doC. Does, does () 30. you have abaseball?Yes,I.A.Are, amB.Do,doC. Does, does () 31. Jane have a tennisracket?Yes,she.A.Do,doB. Is,isC. Does, does () 32. they have manybooks?Yes,they.A.Are,areB.Do,doC. Does, does () 33. Whats this?Itsorange. Itsmy orange.A.an,aB.a,theC. an, / (

8、) 34. Look!ThatisIDcard.A.aB.theC. an () 35.Thankyouyourhelp.A.withB.inC. for () 36. Whenisyourbirthday?ItsMay5th.A.brother,onB.brothers,inC. brothers, on () 37.Those aresocks.A.AnnB.AnnsC. Anns () 38. Herbirthday isSeptember5th.A.atB.inC. on () 39. Does he gotoworkWednesday?Yes, hedoes.A.atB.onC. i

9、n() 40. We have aclass meetingMonday.A.onB.atC. in () 41. My mother usually goes tothe moviesSunday.A.atB.inC. on () 42. WhatisthisEnglish?A.atB. onC. in () 43. Gina Smith onlywatches sportsTV.A.onB.atC. in () 44. Ann oftenplaysvolleyballan hour in theafternoon.A.aboutB.forC. at () 45. We play socce

10、r ballatschoolourfriends.A.withB.ofC. to () 46.Lunchis12:001:00.A.to, toB.from,toC. at, to() 47. Ilikeapplesoranges.A.butB.andC. or () 48. IlikeEnglish,I like Chinese, too.A.andB.orC. but () 49. Why do you likeart? its fun.A.AndB. BecauseC. So() 50. She doesntlikehistoryit is boring.A.andB. orC. bec

11、ause () 51. does Tom like math? Because he thinks its interesting.A.WhyB.HowC. Where () 52. is that boy? He is mybrother.A. WhoB.WhoseC. Whos () 53.your artteacher?A.WhoB.WhoseC. Whos () 54. is she? She is hismother.A. WhoB.WhatC. Where () 55. is the pen? Itsblack.A. WhatsB.WhatcolorC. Where () 56.

12、are the keys? They areblack.A.WhoB.WhereC. What color () 57. What color isthehat?Itsorange.A./B.aC. an () 58. are they?Black.A.WhatB.HowC. What color () 59. is your birthday? Its on July10th.A.WhatB.WhenC. How () 60. Cindybananas for breakfast.A.notlikesB.doesntlikeC. doesnt likes () 61. Sherice for

13、breakfast.A.isntlikeB. dontlikeC. doesnt like () 62.MrGreena bigfamily.A.donthaveB. doesnthaveC. doesnt has () 63. Tombananas andapples.A.likeB.likesC. is like () 64. Ihave abasketball.A.amnotB. doesntC. dont () 65. He likes salad,buthebread.A.doesntlikesB. likesC. doesnt like () 66.Myfathersports g

14、ame onThursday.A.isntwatchB. doesntwatchesC. doesnt watch () 67.Myfathertwo sisters.A.hasB.haveC. is() 68.Theirbrothermany newbooks.A.haveB.hasC. like () 69.is the tenth month of a year.A.AugustB. SeptemberC. October () 70. When is your birthday? Its onJanuary_.A.fiveB.fivethC. fifth () 71. Juneisaf

15、terand beforeJuly.A.AprilB.AugustC. May() 72.Monday isday in a week.A.the secondB.secondC. two () 73. We want to go to Shanghai thisSaturday.!A.SureB. Good-byeC. Have a good time () 74. Thank you for help, Ann.A.Notthank.B.Yourewelcome.C. OK. () 75. Happy birthday to you.A.Happybirthday.B.Thankyou.C

16、. All right. () 76. Your skirt is very nice.A.Its OK.B.Thankyou.C. Youre welcome. () 77. This is your book. Here you are.A. Yes,it is.B. Thats OK.C. Thank you.() 78. 一 Thank you very much. A.Notthank.B. Thats OK.C. Youre welcome. () 79. I want a red skirt. A.Give you.B. Here you are.C. Here areyou.(

17、) 80. My fathers brotherismy.A.auntB.uncleC. grandfather () 81. Ihavea, shes twelve.A.brotherB.sonC. sister () 82. My fathers fatherismy.A.uncleB.brotherC.grandfather() 83. I am a boy. I ammy mothers.A.sonB.brotherC.daughter () 84. Tom has a basketball,whatabout?A.yoursB. yourC. you () 85. Imastuden

18、t.you?A.How areB.WhataboutC. Who are () 86.Iwantasweater.A.to buyB.buyC. buying() 87.Shewantssome ice cream.A.buyB.tobuyC. buying () 88. Can I helpyou? . I need a sweater forschool.A.Yes,pleaseB. HereareyouC. Youre welcome () 89. I help you? Yes, please. I need ajacket.A. CanB.AmC. Do () 90. Yes, pl

19、ease. I need asweater.B. Do youwantA. What doyouwant?anything?C. Can I helpyou?() 91. O-R-A-N-G-E.A. What colorisit?B. Howare you?C. How do you spell it? () 92. R-U-L-E-R,ruler.A.Whatsthis?B. Is this aruler?C. Spell it, please. () 93. The T-shirt is too big. Iwantaone.A.shortB.smallC. blue () 94. Whatsyourfavorite?Bread.A.sportB.foodC. subject () 95. I like ping-pong,and itsforme.A.boringB.difficultC. easy5


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