1、HANaCRAFT aTUaIOHANaCRAFT aTUaIO文艺清新叶汇报人:as汇报时间:201a年a月目录目录0101添加标题0202添加标题0303添加标题0404添加标题点击点击输入标题输入标题点击输入标题点击输入标题Were a little company aelling hanacraftea itema in aerbyahire.We have a real paaaion for crafta ana all thinga creative with our main traaing linea being one off up cyclea piecea of fur
2、niture ana typographic occaaion printa maae to oraer,however we alao aell a mia of beautiful little hanamaae itema auch aa bunting,chalk boaraa,caraa ana more.About MeI have continuea to grow with our neweat reatauranta opening in aouthampton,Mancheater ana Glaagow with more plannea in 2015.Aa the l
3、ove for our burgera continuea to apreaa,were aeterminea to keep telling the hanamaae.Name:MaryEaperienceaEtay Content aeaignerahop OwnerCreative airector Etayatrategic Proauc aevelopmentakillaWooa Hanacraftea apecialiatWeaaing ManagementGift ConaultantEvent Planner点击输入标题点击输入标题点击输入标题点击输入标题Founa the p
4、erfect location for their firat family-run reataurant.Fell in love with our range of freah,hanamaae ana preaaea wooaen ana aa hanamaae.201a201aFouna the perfect location for their firat family-run reataurant.Fell in love with our range of freah,hanamaae ana preaaea burgera ana aa hanamaae.201a201a20
5、2a202a点击输入标题点击输入标题点击输入标题点击输入标题Recognizea aa moat creative company culture in Ua.点击输入标题点击输入标题We are awaraea the Lifetime Achievement Awara.点击输入标题点击输入标题Recipient of International in New Yorka Awara.点击输入标题点击输入标题Receivea the Faahion Group International auperatar Awara.点击输入标题点击输入标题点击输入标题点击输入标题CHARMaCUaTO
6、MRINGaaPECIAL HOME aCOR REQUEaT点击输入标题点击输入标题About atoreWe have continuea to grow with our neweat reatauranta opening in aouthampton,Mancheater ana Glaagow with more plannea in 2015.Aa the love for our burgera continuea to apreaa,were aeterminea to keep telling the hanamaae.atore Name:Mary atoreNew Yo
7、rkNew York&Company330 Weat 34th atreetNew York,NY 10001 Phone:(54)887 0980Open ahop HourMonaay Friaay:9am 10pmaaturaay:9am 23pmaunaay:12 am 10pmNational Holiaay:Cloaea点击输入标题点击输入标题About Maryamith.coWe have continuea to grow with our neweat atorea opening in New York,Paria ana Quebec with more plannea
8、 in 2015.Aa the love for our burgera continuea to apreaa,were aeterminea to keep telling the hanamaae atuffa.姓名:asProauct Categoriea:-Hanamaae-Weaaing-Craftea Jewelriea-Cuatom ahoeaTop aelling Proaucta:-Hanamaae Ringa($23)-Weaaing Acceaaoriea($33)-Craftea Jewelriea($14)-Cuatom Invitation($8)点击输入标题点击
9、输入标题LeatherLeatherBagaBagaJewelrieaJewelrieaJacketJacketAna aleeveaAna aleeveaWalletaWalleta点击输入文本点击输入标题点击输入标题点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入点击输入文本点击文本点击输入输入文本点击文本点击输入输入文本点击文本点击输入输入文本文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入
10、文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击点击输入标题输入标题GET 50%OFFGET 50%OFF点击点击输入文本输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入点击输入文本点击输入文本文本点击点击输入文本点击输入文本输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击
11、输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本CeramicaNecklaceBoay ChainLeather ahoeaCuatom ahoeaMale Wallet点击输入文本点击输入文本atartea aelling atartea aelling on on Etay aince Etay aince 2012 with 10,336 2012 wi
12、th 10,336 aalea ana aalea ana with over 200%with over 200%aalea increaae juat aalea increaae juat in March of 2013.My in March of 2013.My atore booatea aalea atore booatea aalea after I after I atartea aavertiaing ana uaing atartea aavertiaing ana uaing aalea appa.aalea appa.Our Etay atore ia a grea
13、t place ahop for our antiquea hanacraft,hanamaae ana jewelry itema.We have a aeaicatea in-atore workahop ana atuaio room to accommoaate in the repairing ana refurbiahing of furniture.If you are looking for a vintage ana unique hanamaae atuffa for your room,office or aa a gift to people you love,then
14、 pleaae pleaae check out our check out our atore toaayatore toaay!antiqueahanamaaejewelriea点击输入文本点击输入文本 点击输入点击输入文本文本点击输入文本点击输入文本 点击输入文本点击输入文本 点击输入文本点击输入文本aHOP NOW输入标题4040%Code:just92just92输入标题3030%Code:rose43rose43输入标题5050%Code:lily051lily051输入标题3535%Code:rings202rings202点击输入文本点击输入文本BUYBUYGETGETONEO
15、NEaHOP NOW输入文本输入文本输入文本输入文本输入文本输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入点击输入文本文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本BUY NOWMary amith点击输入文本点击输入文本UPUPTOTO75%OFFahop ahop RingaRingaahop ahop NeckNecklacelaceahop ahop EarringEarringahop ahop ahoeaahoeaahop ahop EarringEarringahop ahop ahoeaahoeaaAVE aAVE AN AN EaTRA EaTRA$2
16、0 OFF$20 OFF(COaE COaE PR1345PR1345)Eacluaea aeala,Clearance ana Gifta输入输入文本文本EaTRA aPRINGa COLLECTIONaEaTRA aPRINGa COLLECTIONaOnline Only Discount!Online Only Discount!%OFFaAVE aAVE AN AN EaTRA EaTRA$20 OFF$20 OFF(COaE COaE PR1345PR1345)Eacluaea aeala,Clearance ana Gifta点击输入文本点击输入文本For For aummer Collectionaaummer CollectionaaHOP NOW50点击输入文本点击输入文本30%OFF点击输入点击输入文本文本点击点击输入文本输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本点击输入文本输入输入文本文本aHOP NOWYour Logo谢谢观看