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1、2020高考英语语法专题定语从句课件(共48张)一、定语从句的基本概念由具有主谓结构的完整句子来充当另一个句子中的定语。定语相当于一个形容词,所以也可以把定语从句叫做形容词从句。定语从句是用来修饰前面的名词或代词的。二、定语从句的两个基本概念先行词:定语从句修饰的名词或代词。关系词:重复指代先行词,起连接作用并在定语从句中充当成分。例:The girl is my girlfriend.She is dancing with that boy.变成定语从句就是:The girl who is dancing with that boy is my girlfriend.主句是:the girl

2、 is my girlfriend从句是:who is dancing with that boy(相当于一个形容词,修饰 girl)先行词:girl连接词:who先行词是不是只能是一个词呢?先行词可以是:1.一个词The woman who lives next door is a famous dancer.2.短语He likes climbing mountains,which is a good exercise.3.一个分句He said that he had no time,which is not true.3.一个完整的句子He arrived an hour later,

3、which annoyed his girlfriend very much.那么我们怎么才能找到先行词呢?它有什么特点呢?1.关系词紧靠先行词The woman who lives next door is a famous dancer.2.关系词和先行词被分割There is a very interesting remark in a book by an American writer that I read recently.这句话中book有两个定语,一个是介词短语by an American writer,一个是that引导的定语从句。为什么我们要先找先行词呢?1.决定了关系词

4、的选择。例如:He needs a long spoon _ sups(吃完饭)with the devil(恶魔).A.who B.which C.as D.when正确答案:A先行词是he而不是spoon。2.决定了定语从句中主谓一致的问题。例如:错误的一个选项是:It is the interaction between people,rather than the events that occurs in their lives,that are the main focus of social psychology.正确答案:C先行词是interaction而不是lives。ABC

5、D那么关系词有哪些特点呢?1.关系词的作用连词作用:将定语从句与句子的其他部分连接起来。代词作用:指代前面的先行词,并在从句中作成分。2.关系词的分类语法作用用于限制性或非限制性用于限制性人物其他人和物其他主语whowhichthat宾语who/whomwhichthat(可省)所有关系whosewhose/of which限定性which状语when/wherewhy这些关系词我们该怎么用呢?关系代词用法例句指代人用who,whom从句中做主语用whoStudents who cheat on exams will poison the atmosphere of the college.介

6、词后用whomThe girl with whom you work is his girlfriend.指代物用whichAnger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.That可指人,可指物指物Anger is a wind that blows out the lamp of the mind.指人Students that cheat on exams will poison the atmosphere of the college.介词后面不用thatThe world in which we live is made up

7、 of matter.关系代词用法例句Whose后面要跟名词,可以指人可以指物指人It is almost impossible to find two persons whose opinions are the same.指物It was a meeting whose importance I did not realize at the time.指物时可以和of which互换These children sit in a classroom whose windows are all broken.These children sit in a classroom of which

8、 all the windows are broken.除了上面的关系词,还有四个特殊的词需要我们了解。As的用法1.引导限制性定语从句,只用在一些固定结构中,例如:Such asHell repeat such points as are discussed in the book.The same asHe is not the same playboy as we knew.As asHe tried to make as few mistakes as he could avoid.So as例如He is not such a man _ would leave his work h

9、alf done.A.who B.whom C.as D.that 正确答案:CAs的用法2.引导非限制性定语从句,可在句首,而which不可以。例如:As is known,the whale is not fish but a mammal.As代替的是the whale is not fish but a mammal整个句子。例如_ might be expected,the response to the question was very mixed.A.As B.That C.Which D.What 正确答案:AAs的用法3.As和which都可以引导非限制性定语从句,代替前面

10、整个句子。例如:He married her,as/which was natural.He is late for school,which/as is often the case.那么as和which的区别在哪呢?As可以翻译为“正好,就像,由而知”,因此,主句和从句内容一致时用as,不一致时用which,试体会。例如:She has married again,as was expected.She has married again,which was unexpected.What的用法1.What前没有先行词。例如:(错误)You can have everything what

11、 you like.2.What后面跟名词,试体会。例如:Most of what food elephant eat is brought to their mouth by their trunks.Most of the food which/that elephant eat is brought to their mouth by their trunks.Than的用法1.在从句中一般是主语,且主句需有比较级形式。例如:Dont drink more wine than is good for health.Dont give him more money than is need

12、ed.But的用法特点1.通常只引导限制性定语从句。2.常与具有否定意义的主句连用。3.形式上肯定,意义上否定。4.相当于thatnot;whonot;whomnot.例如:There are very few but admire his talents.=There are very few who dont admire his talents.看完了这几个特殊词所引导的定语从句,我们再回到最常见的几个连接副词。When的用法1.可引导限制性和非限制性定语从句,先行词是时间,可用on which来代替。Ill never forget the day when I met you.Ill

13、 never forget the day on which I met you.When的用法2.when引导定语从句的前提是,when在从句中作时间状语,如果从句缺少的是主语或者宾语,要用which或that来引导,试比较。Ill never forget the time which I spend on campus.Which作spend的宾语。Ill never forget the day when we first met in the park.When作met的时间状语。Where的用法1.引导定语从句,作状语,先行词是表地点。Do you know any place w

14、here I can buy Clints grammar book.Do you know any place at which I can buy Clints grammar book.Where的用法2.与when类似,先行词是地点,也不一定用when。This is the town which I told you about before.Which作about的宾语。Where的用法3.Where的先行词可以是有地点意义的抽象名词,如situation,point等。He has reached the point where a change is needed.We may

15、 encounter situations where this principle can not be applied.Why的用法1.只引导限制性定语从句,先行词是表原因的,如reason等。This is the reason why I didnt come here.This is the reason for which I didnt come here.我们常常碰到关系代词前面有介词或介词短语的情况这些介词什么时候要,什么时候不要,选哪个介词都是让人头疼的问题。现在我们来一起分析一下吧!一、根据定语从句中的线索判断1.看动词,构成常见的动词短语。This is the sho

16、p of which I always speak to you.(提起的)He is tha man on whom I think you can depend.(依靠)一、根据定语从句中的线索判断2.看形容词,构成常见的形容词短语。He referred me to some reference books with which I am not very familiar.(熟悉)二、根据先行词来判断介词与先行词构成固定搭配,如at the rate,in the direction,to the extent,to the degree,at the temperature,with

17、 ease,by the means等等。The rate at which they are being destroyed has increased.三、表示所属关于或部分与整体,用介词of介词与先行词构成固定搭配,如at the rate,in the direction,to the extent,to the degree,at the temperature,with ease,by the means等等。I bought a book of which the author is a farmer.I saw two dwarfs at the circus of whom

18、neither was over three feet tall.四、in which to do结构The farmer used wood to build a house in which he could store grains.The farmer used wood to build a house in which to store grains.The farmer used wood to build a house to store grains in.四、in which to do结构1.若没有介词,不能用这种结构(错)I cant think of anybody

19、whom to invite.2.有介词和关系代词,介词不能放句末(错)The farmer used wood to build a house which to store grains in.四、in which to do结构3.介词+关系代词不能用一个关系副词代替(错)The farmer used wood to build a house where to store grains.That和which这两个词的用法比较多,名词从句中也有他们的身影,那么有什么区别呢,我们放在最后一起看一下!That在名词性从句和在定语从句的用法比较名词从句中that不充当成分,定语从句必充当成分

20、。The rumor that he spread everywhere turned out to be untrue.(充当宾语)The rumor that Tom was a thief turned out to be untrue.(不充当)Which在名词性从句和在定语从句的用法比较名词从句中which作限定词,后面必须加名词;定语从句中作关系代词,单独使用。You should vote for which candidate you assume best.Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.还有一些稍微复

21、杂的定语从句,咱们简单来看一下!定语从句后置It is the interaction between people rather than the events that occur in their lifes that is the main focus of social psychology.带有插入语He ran all the way from the station,which I thought was incredible.注意:定语从句的插入语一般都直接跟在关系词后面。并列定语从句I would much rather receive a gift that was unique or that I knew my friend had put some thought into than something cost a lot of money but that I didnt need.双层定语从句He is the only person that we know who speaks so many foreign languages.that we know修饰personwho speaks so many foreign languages修饰the only person that we know.


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