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1、 近水人家多在桃杏花里,春天时只需近水人家多在桃杏花里,春天时只需注意,凡有桃花处必有人家,凡有人家处注意,凡有桃花处必有人家,凡有人家处必可必可沽酒沽酒。夏天则需晒晾在日光下耀目的。夏天则需晒晾在日光下耀目的紫花布衣裤,可以作为人家所在的旗帜。紫花布衣裤,可以作为人家所在的旗帜。秋冬来时,房屋在悬崖上的,滨水的,则秋冬来时,房屋在悬崖上的,滨水的,则无不朗然入目。无不朗然入目。沈从文边城沈从文边城英语阅读理解滁州中学高三 王璇猜词篇考纲要求 要求考生读懂熟悉的有关日常生活话题的简要求考生读懂熟悉的有关日常生活话题的简短文字材料,例如公告、说明、广告以及书、报、短文字材料,例如公告、说明、广告

2、以及书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章。考生应能:杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章。考生应能:、理解主旨要义;、理解主旨要义;、理解文中具体信息;、理解文中具体信息;、根据上下文推断生词的词义;、根据上下文推断生词的词义;、作出简单判断和理解;、作出简单判断和理解;、理解文章的基本结构;、理解文章的基本结构;、理解作者的意图和态度、理解作者的意图和态度。题型比重题型比重 考点考点 猜词技巧猜词技巧题型分布考点考点 一、生词生义一、生词生义 The underlined word“undoing”probably refers to the pigeons _.(14全国卷I B)二、熟词新义

3、二、熟词新义 The underlined word“destination”in Paragraph 5 means _.(14年北京卷)三、指示代词三、指示代词 The underlined word“them”in Paragraph 3 probably refers to“_”.(14年安徽卷 E)四、短语四、短语/句子句子 By“moving things forward”in the last paragraph,the author probably means“_”.(14安徽卷 D)语境法语境法contextual clue 构词法构词法word formation猜测词意

4、1.Word-formationprefixsuffix合成派生转化snow-whiteice-coveredgood-lookingtypewriterabsent-minded darkroom sightseeingnightlife雪白的冰雪覆盖的好看的打印机心不在焉的暗室游览,观光夜生活合成 He was something out of an ancient legend,his very stange,dusty felt hat,his funny accent from who-knows-where.谁都不知道是什么地方谁都不知道是什么地方dislike,decreaser

5、etellprereadingpostreadingtransplantsupermarket underestimatemisunderstand前缀否定/相反再,又在前在后移动/转变超级在下/低于错误decode,rewrite,transform,unfair,mislead派生词后缀后缀portablecarelesseastwardsownershipwaterproofchilidhoodselfish可不,无向身份,关系,权利防时期有点儿eatable,speechless,childish,fireproof派生1.“Happy belated birthday”is shor

6、t for:”Well,I know I forgot,but then I remembered.Forgive me and happy birthday.”(14辽宁卷)2.When he reached the place with his army,he found an impassable river in front of him.3.He is said to be undersized with short legs and a round stomach迟来的迟来的不可逾越的不可逾越的小尺寸的,矮小的小尺寸的,矮小的转化 When men and women lived

7、by hunting 50,000 years ago,how could they even begin to picture modern life?想象,设想想象,设想n.v.转化1.His hair is beginning to grey.2.The president is going to address audience on human rights next week.变成灰色变成灰色adj.v.v.n.对对发表演说发表演说释义词for examplesuch aslikeorfor instancethis is that is to sayin other wordsm

8、eanrefer tonamelybe calledas定语从句 A person who is skilled at making or repairing wooden objects is called a.The,who looks after sheep,earns about 650 yuan a year.木匠木匠 牧羊人牧羊人 Pantomime refers to a short play in which no words are spoken.哑剧哑剧play对比和反义butyethoweverwhileunlikein contraston the other hand

9、on the contrarydespitein spite ofinstead rather thanthough分号 On November 20,2004,a fire burned Vivienne Palmers house to the ground and turned her possessions to ash.At the time,she was davastated,but later,a surprising state of happiness set in.(EW 8)The underlined worddevastated can best be replac

10、ed by _.A.upset B.proud C.excited D.inspiredbuthappiness Unlike her gregarious sister,Jane is a shy,unsociable person who does not like to go to parties or make new friends.Unlikeshy,unsociable爱交际的,爱社交的爱交际的,爱社交的因果关系becausesinceforasthereforesothusso thathence as a result Rubber can be made to stretc

11、h more than nine times its normal length because it is very elastic.She wanted the hairdresser to trim her hair a bit because it was too long.有弹性的有弹性的修剪修剪becausebecause The river is so that it is impossible to see the bottom even when it is shallow.Hes such a businessman that he loses no money in an

12、y trade.sothatthatsuch混浊的混浊的精明的精明的 Great cultural changes led to more open communication and a more democratic process that encourages everyone to have a say.发言发言 When a doctor performs an operation on a patient,he usually gives an anaesthetic to make him unconscious,because he does not want his pat

13、ient to feel pain or to know what is happening to him.麻药麻药make him unconscious,When you throw a stone into still water of a lake,you will watch ripple spread in rings on the surface of water.Metal expands when heated and contracts when cooled.波纹、涟漪波纹、涟漪膨胀、扩大膨胀、扩大收缩收缩 Taken by a British diver who was

14、 following the sperm whale(抹香鲸)calf,they show the minute the babywho had lost track of its mumfound her again in the sea off the Azores.(EW 3)The underlined word they probably refers to _.A.the whales B.the diversC.the photos D.the mothers European see a piggy bank as a sign of good fortune and weal

15、th.Around the world,many believe a gift of a piggy bank on New Years Day brings good luck and financial success.Ah,yes,but you have to put something in it.(14浙江卷 A)What does the underlined word“something”most probably refer to?A.Money B.Gifts C.Financial success D.Good lucktext 1text2text3text4text5

16、text6text7构词法释义词对比/反义因果关系生活常识指示关系熟词新义text 1 Remember that people online may not be who they seem.Because you cant see the person.It would be easy for everyone to misrepresent himself.Thus someone who says she is a 12-year-old girl could really be an old man.What does misrepresent probably mean?A.mak

17、ing a wrong judgment aboutB.understanding somebody wronglyC.giving a wrong descriptionD.forming a wrong opinion abouttext2 With the communication gadgets,such as mobile phones and iPads,people often do not take the effort to visit one another personally.(14年江西卷 D)The underlined word“gadgets”is close

18、st in meaning to _?A.tools B.messages C.barriers D.skills text 3 Although we have to respect peoples feelings as fellow users of the buildings.I believe that it is the duty of the architect and planners to move things forward.If we always reproduced what was there before,we would all still be living

19、 in caves.(14安徽卷 D)By“moving things forward”in the last paragraph,the author probably means _.A.destroy old buildingB.put things in a different placeC.choose new architectural stylesD.respect peoples feelings for historical buildingstext 4 Please stay on permitted paths.Otherwise you may destroy des

20、ert plants.Pack out what you pack in,so you leave no signs of your visit.It is important to keep in mind that you are in a national park where wildlife exists.What do the underlined part probably mean?A.keep everything out of campgrounds.B.take away everything you bring in.C.carry all the necessary

21、food.D.look after your personal belongings.text 5 For special dinners,a team of 21 chefs whips up dishes that are served on solid gold plates.The underlined part whips up probably means_.A.enjoysB.selectsC.cleansD.cookstext 6 When Masqsood and Iftekhar began to study the problem,they discovered that

22、 80%of rubbish was natural waste,So they educated the poor people in the city to compost(把制成堆肥)this waste,because local farmers were struggling with chemical fertilizers(化肥)which were expensive.At first,they were refused,but once they were able to persuade them that there was money to be made,the pr

23、oject took off.In 2009 sales were$14,000.(14年安徽卷 E)The underlined word“them”in Paragraph 3 probably refers to“_”.A.the local farmers B.Masqsood and Iftekhar C.Drayton and his team D.the poor people in Dhaka But while e-shops can use sights and sounds,only bricks-and mortar stores(实体店)can offer a ful

24、l experience form the minute customers step through the door to the moment they leave.Another brand store seeks to be much more than a shop,but rather a destination.And scent(香味)is just one way to achieve this.(14年北京卷)text 7 The underlined word“destination”in Paragraph 5 means _.A.a platform that ex

25、hibits goodsB.a spot where travelers like to stayC.a place where customers love to goD.a target that a store expects to meet Unfamiliar word is to English reading what setback is to our life.You can choose to ignore it or turn to others for help,but most of time you will have to overcome it on your own.No matter what difficulty you come across in your life,remember that as long as you dont lose heart you are sure to find a way out.Homework Go over what we learned today Finish the additional exercise.


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