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1、海总是载满了回忆的,海总是载满了回忆的,无论它是快乐的,希望或不堪回首无论它是快乐的,希望或不堪回首The sea is always loaded with memories,whether it is happiness,hope,or painful.The Legend Of 1900 The Legend Of 1900 海上钢琴师海上钢琴师Actor 1900(names),whole life is a tragedy.He is abandoned in the steam boat orphan,was adopted by burning furnace workers o

2、n board a well-intentioned,however burningfurnace workers in the 8-year-old actor died in the accident.Drama introductionExtraordinary talent he became aself-taught pianist,but fate madehim profoundly ring on the Redearthly natural meaning,he neverdared to disembarkation ashore to sight because the

3、New York towersand stream The crowd made him disoriented.剧情简介男主角1900(人名)的整个人生都已经是一场悲剧了。他是一个被人遗弃在蒸气船上的孤儿,被船上一位好心的烧炉工收养,然而,烧炉工在男主角8岁的时候在意外中死亡。过人的天赋使他无师自通成了一名钢琴大师,但宿命也令他天然地对红尘俗世深怀戒意,他从不敢离船上岸去,只因纽约无际的高楼和川流不息的人群令他迷失自我。Even though later met a love at firstsight of the girl,he ponder over andover again,or

4、give up the shore to find the impulse of the first love.He will always remain on board,even to the last,only a good friend of Max warned him that the Hulk will be blown up,hedo not want to leave,so did not leave Virginia,1900martyrdom ship from birth on the seafloor.1900,this has neither birth recor

5、d,nor the identity of the people,without leaving a trace disappeared,suchas passage of the notes,vague and without a trace 纵使后来遇上了一位一见钟情的少女,他思量再三后,纵使后来遇上了一位一见钟情的少女,他思量再三后,还是放弃了上岸寻找初恋情人的冲动。他永远地留在还是放弃了上岸寻找初恋情人的冲动。他永远地留在船上了,就算到了最后,唯一的好朋友马克斯警告他船上了,就算到了最后,唯一的好朋友马克斯警告他废船将要被炸毁,他也不愿离开,于是从出生开始就废船将要被炸毁,他也不愿离开

6、,于是从出生开始就没有离开过维吉尼亚号的没有离开过维吉尼亚号的19001900殉船于海底。殉船于海底。19001900,这个既没有出生纪录,也没有身份证明的人,这个既没有出生纪录,也没有身份证明的人,没有留下一点痕迹就在人间蒸发,就如流逝了的音符没有留下一点痕迹就在人间蒸发,就如流逝了的音符一样,渺无踪影了。一样,渺无踪影了。经典台词经典台词Classic lines Classic lines “所有那些城市,所有那些城市,你就是无法看见尽头。你就是无法看见尽头。尽头?拜托!拜托你尽头?拜托!拜托你给我看它的尽头在哪?给我看它的尽头在哪?当时,站在舷梯向外当时,站在舷梯向外看还好。我那时穿着

7、看还好。我那时穿着大衣,感觉也很棒,大衣,感觉也很棒,觉得自己前途无量,觉得自己前途无量,然后我就要下船去。然后我就要下船去。放心!完全没问题!放心!完全没问题!“All that city.You just couldnt see the end to it.The end?Please?You please just showme where it ends?It was allvery fine on that gangway.And I was grand too,in my overcoat.I cut quite a figure.And I was getting off.Gua

8、ranteed.There was no problem.It wasnt what I saw that stopped me,Max.可是,阻止了我的脚步的,并不是我所看见的东西,而是我所无法看见的那些东西。你明白么?我看不见的那些。在那个无限蔓延的城市里,什么东西都有,可惟独没有尽头。根本就没有尽头。我看不见的是这一切的尽头,世界的尽头。”It was what I didnt see.You understand that?It was what I didnt see.You understand that?What I didnt see.In all that sprawling

9、 cityWhat I didnt see.In all that sprawling citythere was everything except an end.There wasthere was everything except an end.There wasno end.What I did not see was where the wholeno end.What I did not see was where the wholething came to an end.The end of the world.thing came to an end.The end of

10、the world.”“你把我推到舷梯上然后你把我推到舷梯上然后扔给我一架有百万琴键扔给我一架有百万琴键的钢琴,百万千万的没的钢琴,百万千万的没有尽头的琴键,那是事有尽头的琴键,那是事实,实,maxmax,它们没有尽,它们没有尽头。那键盘是无限延伸头。那键盘是无限延伸的。然而如果琴键是无的。然而如果琴键是无限的,那么在那架琴上限的,那么在那架琴上就没有你能弹奏的音乐,就没有你能弹奏的音乐,你坐错了地方,那是上你坐错了地方,那是上帝的钢琴。帝的钢琴。“You get me up on that gangwayand youre rolling out in front of me a keybo

11、ard of millions of keys,millions and billions of keys that never end,and thats the truth,Max.That they never end.That keyboardis infinite.And if that keyboard is infinite,then on that keyboard there is no music you can play.Youre sitting on the wrong bench.Thats Gods piano.”“Land?Land is a ship too

12、big for me.Its a woman too beautiful;its a voyage too long,a perfume too strong.Its a music I dont know how to make.I could never get off this ship.At best,I canstep off my life.After all,I dont exist for anyone.Youre an exception,Max,youre the only one who knows Im here.Youre a minority,and you bet

13、ter get used to it.Forgive me,my friend,but Im not getting off.”“陆地?陆地对我来说是一艘太大的船,陆地?陆地对我来说是一艘太大的船,一个太漂亮的女人,一段太长的旅行,一个太漂亮的女人,一段太长的旅行,一瓶太刺鼻的香水,一种我不会创作一瓶太刺鼻的香水,一种我不会创作的音乐。我永远无法放弃这艘船,不的音乐。我永远无法放弃这艘船,不过幸好,我可以放弃我的生命。反正过幸好,我可以放弃我的生命。反正没人记得我存在过,而你是例外,没人记得我存在过,而你是例外,maxmax,你是唯一一个知道我在这里的人。你你是唯一一个知道我在这里的人。你是唯

14、一一个,而且你最好习惯如此。是唯一一个,而且你最好习惯如此。原谅我,朋友,我不会下船的。原谅我,朋友,我不会下船的。”影片赏析影片赏析Film appreciationSoul,soothingWas caught by the proud and lonely music?Boundless,flying where the missingCall of belonging to the piano,longing,yearningIn water,lingering灵魂,天籁之音灵魂,天籁之音 可曾捕获那骄傲而孤独的乐音?茫茫无际,在思念里飘舞 属于钢琴的呼唤,渴望,思念 在水上,挥之不去

15、 He is a musical genius,light fingers flowing over the keys,his fingers flowing more than just notes,but the sincerity of life.他是音乐演绎的天才,他是音乐演绎的天才,轻巧的手指流水般的轻巧的手指流水般的滑过琴键,在他的指滑过琴键,在他的指尖下所流淌着的就不尖下所流淌着的就不仅仅是音符,而是对仅仅是音符,而是对生活的真诚。生活的真诚。His life is rootless,life adrift Virginia,death is also not set foot

16、on land,his life is of a vessel with the note.With his music most can not be separated,his whims and for the inspiration to compose be used by the most enthusiastic music to interpret life.他的一生是无根的,终生都在他的一生是无根的,终生都在漂泊的维珍尼亚号上,至死也漂泊的维珍尼亚号上,至死也没有踏足陆地,他的一生就是没有踏足陆地,他的一生就是一艘船与音符所组成。与他最一艘船与音符所组成。与他最不可分隔的就是

17、音乐,他用率不可分隔的就是音乐,他用率性而为的灵感,谱出最有情的性而为的灵感,谱出最有情的音乐去解读人生。音乐去解读人生。Finally,on the same day a ray of light shone down.1900 looked calm face seemed to ask God in heaven piano?1900 raised his hands in the air devout play,light and melodies flowing roundabout in the still air.Of a sudden,loud crash,a huge spa

18、rk in the ocean-1900 with the music he has not yet finished rise to heaven.最后,当天上的一缕光线最后,当天上的一缕光线投射下来。投射下来。19001900仰起平静仰起平静的脸,似乎在问上帝,的脸,似乎在问上帝,天堂里有钢琴吗?天堂里有钢琴吗?19001900举起双手在空中举起双手在空中虔诚的弹奏,轻盈悠扬的虔诚的弹奏,轻盈悠扬的旋律流水般在寂静旋律流水般在寂静的空气里回旋。顷刻间,的空气里回旋。顷刻间,一声轰响,巨大的火花在一声轰响,巨大的火花在海上开放海上开放19001900带着他带着他尚未奏完的乐曲飞升至天尚未奏完

19、的乐曲飞升至天堂。堂。May heaven,the sea pianist beloved piano,willing all stick to the inner dream can eventually find a soul a rest home,where people do not need to face the infinite world that they can not control,only completely the protagonist of the joy,calm and wonderful.愿天堂中还有这位愿天堂中还有这位“海上钢琴家海上钢琴家”心心爱的钢琴,愿所有固守内心梦想的爱的钢琴,愿所有固守内心梦想的人都能最终找到心灵休憩的家园,人都能最终找到心灵休憩的家园,在那里,人们不用面对自己无法在那里,人们不用面对自己无法掌控的无限世界,只有自己完全掌控的无限世界,只有自己完全做主角的那份快乐、从容与精彩做主角的那份快乐、从容与精彩THE ENDTHE END


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