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1、Module 2Developing and Developed CountriesPeriod 4 Integrating Skills要点讲解课要点讲解课.写出黑体单词在句中的含义写出黑体单词在句中的含义1.The earth is so tiny compared to the vast universe.()2.In some areas,many local inhabitants refuse to accept foreign culture.()3.Many European countries are developed industrial nations.()浩瀚的浩瀚的

2、居民居民工业的工业的4.The polluted air and water caused the illness of the people here.()5.The similarity between the cat and the tiger shows that they have the same ancestor many years ago.()6.There are many famous places of interest in that city and tourism plays an important part in its economy.()受到污染的受到污染

3、的相似性相似性旅游业旅游业7.A new freeway,which leads to the capital city,is being built and it will improve the transportation of our hometown.()8.The supermarket is more crowded on Sundays thanusual,for more people do shopping at that time.()9.He was unfortunate to lose his keys.()高速公路高速公路拥挤的拥挤的不幸的不幸的10.I gave

4、 Mary an apple in exchange for my favoritebanana.()交换交换.根据汉语提示补全短语根据汉语提示补全短语1.be _ to do乐意做乐意做2.be _ to 距距很近很近3._ out 查出查出4.be _ to 与与相似相似5.share._ sb.与某人分享与某人分享willingclosefindsimilarwith6._ for 换成换成7.be _ to 对对很重要很重要8.as a _ 结果结果exchangeimportantresult.阅读阅读Town Twinning,回答下列问题回答下列问题1.How are Oxfor

5、d in the UK and Grenoble in France similar?_a.medium-sized towns of between100,000 and 200,000inhabitants.b.have universities and industriesc.tourism is importantd.close to some of the most beautiful countryside2.What is town twinning?_Its an agreement between towns or cities of similarsize and age,

6、and which have similar features.3.What kind of person will benefit from town twinningagreements most?Why?_The students and people who want to practise speakinganother language.Because living with a foreign family for one or twoweeks means that you have to speak their language,and as a result you imp

7、rove fast.1.crowded adj.拥挤的拥挤的Beijing has a lot more inhabitants than Sydney and is much more crowded.北京比悉尼的居民多也更加拥北京比悉尼的居民多也更加拥挤。挤。The street is crowded with people.街上挤满了人。街上挤满了人。People crowded into the bus.人们挤进公共汽车。人们挤进公共汽车。I saw a crowd of magazines and papers on her desk.我看见她桌上放着一堆杂志和报纸。我看见她桌上放着

8、一堆杂志和报纸。You can do what you want to do,but never follow the crowd.你想做什么就做什么你想做什么就做什么,可别随大流。可别随大流。【自我归纳自我归纳】_ 挤满了挤满了_ v.拥挤拥挤,挤满挤满,催促催促 n.人群人群,大众大众,一堆一堆_ 一群一群;一堆一堆be crowded withcrowda crowd of【活学活用活学活用】1.单句语法填空。单句语法填空。He tried to push his way onto the _(crowd)bus.(2016泰安高一检测泰安高一检测)广场上挤满了准备跳广场舞的广场上挤满了

9、准备跳广场舞的人。人。The square _ _ _ people who were readyto do square dancing.crowdedwas crowded with那个受欢迎的老师正站在一群孩子中间。那个受欢迎的老师正站在一群孩子中间。The popular teacher was standing among _ _ _children.a crowd of2.similarity n.类似类似;相似相似Can you tell the similarities and differences between the two?你能说出两者之间的相似点和区别吗你能说出两者

10、之间的相似点和区别吗?How are Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France similar?英国牛津大学和法国的格雷诺布尔大学在哪些方面有英国牛津大学和法国的格雷诺布尔大学在哪些方面有相似之处相似之处?My opinions on the matters are similar to yours.在那些事情上我和你的观点相似。在那些事情上我和你的观点相似。The two cars are very similar in design.这两辆车在这两辆车在设计上非常相似。设计上非常相似。【自我归纳自我归纳】similar adj._ 与与相似相似_ 在某

11、方面相似在某方面相似相似的相似的,类似的类似的be similar tobe similar in【知识延伸知识延伸】similarlyadv.相似地相似地【活学活用活学活用】2.单句语法填空。单句语法填空。There were significant _(similar)between mother and son.他的问题和你的相似。他的问题和你的相似。His problem _ _ _ yours.similaritiesis similar to他们性格相似。他们性格相似。They _ _ _ character.There are many similarities between

12、the two brothers.译译:_are similar in兄弟俩有许多相似点。兄弟俩有许多相似点。3.unfortunate adj.不幸的不幸的;遗憾的遗憾的We will do our best to help those unfortunate people.我们将尽全力去帮助那些不幸的人们。我们将尽全力去帮助那些不幸的人们。(2015全国卷全国卷)Fortunately,I didnt get any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed.幸运的是幸运的是,我没有找到整晚演

13、电影的频道我没有找到整晚演电影的频道,否则否则,我就不我就不会上床睡觉了。会上床睡觉了。(2014江西高考江西高考)Unfortunately,rich countries possess most of this knowledge,while developing countries do not.不幸的是不幸的是,发达国家拥有其大多数知识发达国家拥有其大多数知识,而发展中国家而发展中国家却没有。却没有。【自我归纳自我归纳】fortunate adj._fortunately adv._unfortunately adv._幸运的幸运的幸运的是幸运的是不幸的是不幸的是【活学活用活学活用】3

14、.用用fortunate的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。He was _ enough to escape being punished.I was _ enough to lose my eyes.The two tourists fell into the river,and _they couldnt swim.He passed the driving test _.fortunateunfortunateunfortunatelyfortunatelyHe was fortunate _(have)the chance ofstudying abroad.to have4.pollu

15、ted adj.受到污染的受到污染的It is true that Australia is a beautiful country,but some of its big cities are greatly polluted.澳大利亚的确是一个美丽的国家澳大利亚的确是一个美丽的国家,但是它的一些大城市但是它的一些大城市被污染较严重。被污染较严重。(2015江苏高考江苏高考)Be careful your washing water doesnt pollute the sea,lakes and rivers.当心你洗刷用当心你洗刷用过的水不要污染海洋、湖泊和河流。过的水不要污染海洋、湖泊

16、和河流。Sydney doesnt have as much pollution as Beijing.悉悉尼的污染没有北京严重。尼的污染没有北京严重。【自我归纳自我归纳】_ vt.弄脏弄脏,污染污染;腐蚀腐蚀_ n.污染污染pollutepollution【活学活用活学活用】4.用用pollute的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。Many factories are _ the river in my hometown,which leads to much pollution.That river has been _ by the rubbish thrownby the inhabita

17、nts nearby.Look at the _ river.How terrible it smells!Serious water _ has been made in that area.pollutingpollutedpollutedpollution5.Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age,and which have similar features.这是在规这是在规模和年代相似的两个城镇之间的一份协议模和年代相似的两个城镇之间的一份协议,城镇之间有城镇之间有相似的特征。相似的特征。【句型

18、剖析句型剖析】(1)该句为主从复合句该句为主从复合句,主句为主句为Its an agreement between towns or cities,towns or cities后面由后面由and连接连接两个定语两个定语,分别是介词短语分别是介词短语of similar size and age和和which引导的非限制性定语从句引导的非限制性定语从句,which在从句中作主语。在从句中作主语。(2)句中的句中的of similar size and age为为“of+a(n)/the same/adj.+n.”结构结构,相当于形容词相当于形容词,常在句中充当表语常在句中充当表语或定语或定语,

19、指某物或某人属于或具有指某物或某人属于或具有(某种特征、情感、某种特征、情感、品质等品质等)。(3)常用于这类句型的名词有常用于这类句型的名词有size,length,height,width,colour,weight,age,kind,type等。等。The twins _ _ _ _ _.这对双胞胎身高这对双胞胎身高一样。一样。People _ _ _ have different opinions of the book.不同年龄的人对这本书有不同的看法。不同年龄的人对这本书有不同的看法。are of the same heightof different ages(4)在此结构中的抽

20、象名词还可用在此结构中的抽象名词还可用importance,use,significance,benefit,help,interest,value,courage,fame,nature,beauty,wealth等等,名词前可以加名词前可以加much,great,little,some,any,no等表示程度。等表示程度。Its an invention _ _ _.这是一项非常有帮助这是一项非常有帮助的发明。的发明。of great help【活学活用活学活用】5.我做的工作没有多大价值。我做的工作没有多大价值。The work I am doing is not _ _ _.His s

21、peech is of little significance.译译:_of much value他的讲话毫无意义。他的讲话毫无意义。句型转换。句型转换。This question mentioned in the meeting is very important.This question mentioned in the meeting is _ _ _.of greatimportanceIt was greatly surprising that she failed the English test.It was _ _ _ that she failed the English

22、test.This dictionary isnt helpful to English beginners.This dictionary is _ _ _ to English beginners.of great surpriseof no help【备选要点备选要点】1.exchange n.交换交换An exchange of opinions is helpful.交换想法很有帮交换想法很有帮助。助。We had an exchange of thoughts.我们交换了想法。我们交换了想法。Ill exchange my apple for your orange.我要用苹果我要

23、用苹果换你的桔子。换你的桔子。I wouldnt exchange my apple with him for anything.无论他拿什么东西无论他拿什么东西,我都不换我的苹果。我都不换我的苹果。I will give three pears in exchange for two apples.我将用我将用3个梨换个梨换2个苹果。个苹果。【自我归纳自我归纳】exchange n.&v.交换交换;交流交流;兑换兑换have an exchange of _ 以以换取换取_ 和某人换和某人换in exchange for _交换交换exchange.for.exchange.with sb.

24、交换交换,互换互换【巧学助记巧学助记】巧辨巧辨exchange与与change【活学活用活学活用】1.完成句子。完成句子。我们必须促进思想和信息的交流。我们必须促进思想和信息的交流。We must promote an _ _ ideas and information.我与经理握了手我与经理握了手,相互交谈了几句。相互交谈了几句。I shook hands and _ a few words _ the manager.exchange ofexchangedwith你可以在旅馆把你的钱兑换成美元。你可以在旅馆把你的钱兑换成美元。You can _ your currency _ dolla

25、rs in the hotel.我用字典来换他那本小说。我用字典来换他那本小说。I gave him my dictionary _ _ _ the novel.exchangeforin exchange for单句改错。单句改错。(2016天津高一检测天津高一检测)I think it is very important to change ideas with people all over the world._句型转换。句型转换。Lets exchange views on the matter.Lets _ _ _ _ views on the matter.changeexcha

26、ngehave an exchange of2.tourism n.旅游业旅游业That nation is famous for its tourism.那个国家因旅游业而闻名。那个国家因旅游业而闻名。Mr Adams made a tour to East Asia last year.亚当斯先生去年去东亚旅行了一次。亚当斯先生去年去东亚旅行了一次。Many Americans tour by car in summer.许多美国人许多美国人夏天开车旅游。夏天开车旅游。(2015湖北高考湖北高考)By feeding the ponies,tourists increase the ris

27、k of them getting hit by a car.游客们喂游客们喂马驹马驹,增加了它们被车撞的风险。增加了它们被车撞的风险。【自我归纳自我归纳】_n.旅游旅游,观光观光vt.&vi.旅游旅游,游览某地游览某地_n.旅游者旅游者,游客游客tourtourist【活学活用活学活用】2.用用tour的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。_ is a major source of income for the area.The famous singer has _ the whole Europe.Our hometown attracts thousands of _ every year

28、.He likes _ the places of interest during summer vacation.Tourismtouredtouriststouring他计划退休后徒步周游世界。他计划退休后徒步周游世界。He planned to _ _ _ of the world on foot after retiring.make a tour3.be close to靠近靠近;接近接近;即将发生即将发生翻译下列例句。翻译下列例句。Tourism is important to both of them,and they are both close to some of the

29、most beautiful countryside in the region.旅游业对两者都很重要旅游业对两者都很重要,并且它们都并且它们都_。She was close to tears._靠近本地区最美靠近本地区最美的一些乡村的一些乡村她快要哭出来了。她快要哭出来了。【知识延伸知识延伸】close down关闭关闭,(工厂工厂)永久性倒闭永久性倒闭;停播停播close up 靠近靠近;停止停止;(工厂或商店工厂或商店)关闭关闭(暂时暂时)closely adv.密切地密切地closed adj.关着的关着的【易混辨析易混辨析】close既可作动词、形容词既可作动词、形容词,还可以作副词

30、还可以作副词;作副词作副词时主要指从距离上来说较近时主要指从距离上来说较近closed 可作形容词可作形容词,意为意为“关着的关着的,闭着的闭着的;停业的停业的”closely作副词作副词,主要指程度主要指程度“紧密地紧密地,紧紧地紧紧地,仔细仔细地地”【巧学助记巧学助记】一言辨一言辨“近近”With the door and windows closed,Tom went close to his friend and talked closely to him.门窗都关着门窗都关着,汤姆汤姆走近他的朋友走近他的朋友,和他密切地交谈。和他密切地交谈。【联想拓展联想拓展】类似于类似于close

31、与与closely用法的词还有用法的词还有:high高的高的highly高度地高度地deep深的深的deeply深深地深深地,深刻地深刻地wide宽阔的宽阔的widely广泛地广泛地【活学活用活学活用】3.The school _ _ _(靠近靠近)the station.He _ _ _(几乎几乎)screaming when he heard the exciting news.Please _ _ _(关上门关上门).The post office is _(关着的关着的)when I get off work.It is a comfort for patients to _ _ _(

32、靠近靠近)their loved ones.is close towas close toclose the doorclosedbe close toSo far most banks have either met their targets or_ _ _(接近接近)doing so.are close to选词填空选词填空(close/closed/closely)。a.She rested herself against a post _ to the track.b.Tom went _ to his friend and talked _ to him.c.He studied

33、in the room,with all the windows _.d.The little boy sat _ to his father and listened _ with great interest.closeclosecloselyclosedclosecloselyCar 8 won the race.Yes,but its driver is close to _(kill).being killed4.Beijing doesnt have as many freeways as Sydney does.北京的高速公路不及悉尼多。北京的高速公路不及悉尼多。【句型剖析句型剖

34、析】(1)句中句中as many.as.表示表示_。像像那样多那样多(2)as.as同级比较的形式有同级比较的形式有:as many+可数名词可数名词+as“与与一样多一样多,多达多达”;as much+不可数名词不可数名词+as“与与一样多一样多,多达多达”;as+adj./adv.+as(否定式为否定式为not so/as.as.)“与与一一样样”;as+adj.+可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词+as;as+adj.+a/an+可数名词的单数形式可数名词的单数形式+as。你必须给花浇足够多的水。你必须给花浇足够多的水。You must give flowers

35、 _ _ _ _ they need.昨天晚上我们散步远到湖边。昨天晚上我们散步远到湖边。We walked _ _ _ the lake last night.他对我不像我对他那样友好。他对我不像我对他那样友好。He is not _ _ to me _(I am)to him.as much water asas far asso friendlyas为了改善环境我们必须尽可能多地植树。为了改善环境我们必须尽可能多地植树。In order to improve the environment,we should plant_ _ _ _ we can.as many trees as【活学

36、活用活学活用】4.我们没有所需要的足够的钱。我们没有所需要的足够的钱。We dont have _ _ _ _ we need.由于恐惧由于恐惧,她的脸变得雪白。她的脸变得雪白。Her face turned _ _ _ snow as a result of fear.他把她送到了村边的小桥那里。他把她送到了村边的小桥那里。He saw her off _ _ _ the bridge near the village.as much money asas white asas far as人们普遍认为人们普遍认为,教学是一门科学教学是一门科学,同时也是一门艺同时也是一门艺术。术。It is

37、 generally believed that teaching is as _ _ _as it is a science.Henry的书不如我的多。的书不如我的多。Henry does not have _ _ _ _ I have.much an artso/as many books as句型转换。句型转换。Henry is a worker as good as Peter.Henry is as _ _ _ as Peter.good a worker5.This is because living with a foreign family for one or two wee

38、ks means that you have to speak their language,and as a result you improve fast.这是因为在外国人家里住一两个星期就意味着你不得这是因为在外国人家里住一两个星期就意味着你不得不说他们的语言不说他们的语言,这样你就会提高得很快。这样你就会提高得很快。【句型剖析句型剖析】(1)本句为本句为and连接的并列句连接的并列句,第一个分句中含有第一个分句中含有because引导的表语从句引导的表语从句,且表语从句中又含有且表语从句中又含有that引导的宾语引导的宾语从句。从句。This is because.表示表示“这是因为这

39、是因为”。(2)类似句型还有类似句型还有:The reason why.is that.表示表示“的原因是的原因是”Thats why.表示表示“那是那是的原因的原因”You must work hard._ _ _ working hardcan result in success.你一定要努力工作。这是因为努力能带来成功。你一定要努力工作。这是因为努力能带来成功。The reason _ he was fired was _ he was too careless.他被开除的原因是过于粗心。他被开除的原因是过于粗心。He is ill._ _ _ he is absent.他病了他病了,这

40、是他缺席的原因。这是他缺席的原因。This is becausewhythatThis is why【活学活用活学活用】5.句型转换。句型转换。He is absent because he is ill.He is absent._ _ _ _ _ _.He is absent _ _ _ _.This is because he is illbecause of his illness单句语法填空。单句语法填空。(2016重庆高一检测重庆高一检测)The reason _ Spielberg couldnt go to the Film Academy was _ his grades w

41、ere too low.(2013安徽高考安徽高考)From space,the earth looks blue.This is _ about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water.whythatbecause【课堂小结课堂小结】.词汇串记词汇串记Whats more unfortunate is that some households even become homeless,who need help from charities.However,the industrial and tourism develo

42、pment bring about serious and vast environmental problems at the same time with economic development.Inhabitants are living in crowded cities surrounded by freeways with the polluted air and water which do damage to peoples health.Much remains to be done to solve all these problems.Its a smart choic

43、e for developed countries to help developing countries.And only by working hard together and exchanging information can we reach the goal of common prosperity and build a world of peace,happiness and harmony.句式背诵句式背诵1.John does not have as many English books as Tom does.约翰的英语书没有汤姆的多。约翰的英语书没有汤姆的多。2.T

44、hese boxes are not of the same weight.这些箱子不这些箱子不一样重。一样重。3.He didnt enter college.This is because his family was poor then.他没有上过大学他没有上过大学,这是因为他家当时穷。这是因为他家当时穷。4.The book will show you what the best CEOs know.这本书会告诉你最好的执行总裁该了解些什么。这本书会告诉你最好的执行总裁该了解些什么。如何写对比类作文如何写对比类作文本模块的写作要求是对比两个地点本模块的写作要求是对比两个地点,属于对比类

45、作属于对比类作文文,写这类作文应注意写这类作文应注意:(1)先说明一个对象的各个特征先说明一个对象的各个特征,再说明另一个对象的各种特征再说明另一个对象的各种特征;(2)逐点比较或对比两逐点比较或对比两个对象的异同。个对象的异同。根据下列提示根据下列提示,请以请以“Twin Towns”为题写一篇为题写一篇100个词左右的短文。个词左右的短文。1.我国的广州市与澳大利亚的悉尼市于我国的广州市与澳大利亚的悉尼市于1986年年5月月缔结为友好城市。从那时起缔结为友好城市。从那时起,两个城市每年都有很多方两个城市每年都有很多方面的交流面的交流;2.它们都是国际著名的商贸中心及港口城市它们都是国际著名

46、的商贸中心及港口城市;都属都属于亚热带气候于亚热带气候,冬暖夏凉冬暖夏凉,植物四季常青植物四季常青,因此因此,旅游业旅游业十分发达十分发达;3.悉尼位于赤道以南悉尼位于赤道以南,因此两城市的季节正好相反因此两城市的季节正好相反;4.广州市约有广州市约有725.19万人口万人口,面积是面积是7434平方千米平方千米;悉尼约有悉尼约有400万人口万人口,面积是面积是12000平方千米。平方千米。参考词汇参考词汇:开花开花bloom;亚热带气候亚热带气候subtropical climate;赤道赤道equatorStep1审题谋篇审题谋篇体裁体裁说明文说明文话题话题介绍友好城市广州市和悉介绍友好城

47、市广州市和悉尼市尼市时态时态一般现在时一般现在时人称人称第三人称第三人称段落段落布局布局开头开头:总体叙述两个城市的情况总体叙述两个城市的情况主体主体:具体描述两个城市具体描述两个城市Step2遣词造句遣词造句1.我国的广州市与澳大利亚的悉尼市于我国的广州市与澳大利亚的悉尼市于1986年年5月缔结月缔结为友好城市为友好城市,从那时起从那时起,两个城市每年都有很多方面的两个城市每年都有很多方面的交流。交流。交流交流 _从那时起从那时起 _exchangeever since用用and连接为并列句连接为并列句The city of Guangzhou and Sydney of Australia

48、 became twin towns in May,1986.There have been exchanges in many ways ever since._There have been exchanges in many ways ever sincethe city of Guangzhou and Sydney of Australia becametwin towns in May,1986.2.它们都是国际著名的商贸中心及港口城市它们都是国际著名的商贸中心及港口城市;都属于亚都属于亚热带气候。因此热带气候。因此,旅游业十分发达。旅游业十分发达。属于属于 _用并列连词用并列连词

49、so翻译此句翻译此句:_ the worlds famous trading centres _ busy port cities and _.So _.belong toas well asBoth arebelong to the subtropical climatetourism is important to both of them3.悉尼位于赤道以南悉尼位于赤道以南,因此两个城市季节正好相反。因此两个城市季节正好相反。位于位于 _与与相反相反 _翻译此句翻译此句:_lie tobe opposite toSydney lies to the south of the equato

50、r,so the season isjust opposite to Guangzhou.4.广州市占地面积广州市占地面积7434平方千米而悉尼占地面积平方千米而悉尼占地面积1.2万万平方千米。平方千米。有有面积面积 _根据示例仿写此句根据示例仿写此句:示例示例:The UK is in the thirteenth position while China is in the middle of the list.(while表对照表对照)have an area of仿写仿写:_Guangzhou has an area of 7,434 squarekilometers while Sy


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