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1、 I.Warm UplWork in pairs with the following situation:lMr.Meng,manager of Shanghai Haihe Trading Company is discussing a business transaction with Mr.Charles Moulton,general importer from Malaysia for Iron nails.Mr.Moulton asks for a 5%reduction in the price Mr.Meng quoted.Mr.Meng refuses to conside

2、r any reduction in price,but give a 2%commission and finally conclude the business.II.Words and Expressionslrock bottom price 最低价最低价 lmake concession 让步让步 lcall the whole deal off 取消整个交易取消整个交易 lmeet each other half way 各让一半各让一半lconclude business 成交成交 lmake reduction 减价减价lcome to an agreement 达成协议达成协

3、议 lbe of the opinion 认为认为 lupward tendency 上涨趋势上涨趋势 lcounteroffer 还盘还盘l9.We are prepared to reconsider our prices.l10.The price you quoted is out of line with the prevailing market.l11.What I mean is that the gap between your price and ours is too great.l12.Im afraid that there is no room to negotia

4、te the price.l13.We cant agree to your request to reduce the price by another 5%.l14.We think our new product is moderately priced.l15.To conclude business,we can consider making some concession in our price.IV.Keys to Exercisesl1.It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at t

5、his price.如果我们以这个价格购买,我们促销产品将会非常困难。如果我们以这个价格购买,我们促销产品将会非常困难。l2.The price of this commodity has gone up a lot in the last few months.在最后的几个月这个商品价格大幅上涨。在最后的几个月这个商品价格大幅上涨。l3.Your price is higher than those we got from elsewhere.你方的价格高于我们别处的报价。你方的价格高于我们别处的报价。l4.With respect to quality,I dont think that

6、the goods of other brands can compare with ours.关于质量,我认为其它品牌的产品不能和我们产品相提并论。关于质量,我认为其它品牌的产品不能和我们产品相提并论。l5.If you have taken everything in to consideration,you may find our quotation lower than those you can get elsewhere.如果您考虑了各方面因素,可能会认为我们的报价低于你们别如果您考虑了各方面因素,可能会认为我们的报价低于你们别处的报价。处的报价。l6.If your order

7、 is large in quantity,we will consider giving you preferential treatment by offering a special price.如果你方的订单数量很大,我们考虑作为优惠条件,报给你如果你方的订单数量很大,我们考虑作为优惠条件,报给你方一个特价。方一个特价。l7.The difference between our quotations is too great.We cant make a deal this way.我们两者的报价的差异太大了,我们这样无法达成交易。我们两者的报价的差异太大了,我们这样无法达成交易。l8

8、.If thats the case,theres not much point in further discussion.We might as well call the whole deal off.如果情况如此,就没有进一步磋商的意义了。我们可能要取如果情况如此,就没有进一步磋商的意义了。我们可能要取消整笔交易了。消整笔交易了。l9.We hope we could conclude business with you at something near our level.我们希望以接近我们的价格水平与你方达成此笔交易。我们希望以接近我们的价格水平与你方达成此笔交易。l10.Im

9、afraid we will have to call the whole deal off if you still insist on your original quotation.如果你们仍然坚持你们原先的报价,恐怕我们只好取消整笔交如果你们仍然坚持你们原先的报价,恐怕我们只好取消整笔交易了。易了。l11.The best we can do is to reduce the price by 2%.我们能做的最大让步是将价格减让我们能做的最大让步是将价格减让2%。l12.We regret to inform you that your quotation is out of lin

10、e with the ruling market.我们遗憾地通知你方你们的报价与现行价格不一致。我们遗憾地通知你方你们的报价与现行价格不一致。l13.In view of the quality,I think our prices are reasonable.鉴于质量,我认为我们的报价是合理的。鉴于质量,我认为我们的报价是合理的。l14.I dont think the end-user would accept your prices.我认为最终用户不会接受你们的价格。我认为最终用户不会接受你们的价格。l15.At present the demand of these commodit

11、ies exceeds the supply.目前这些商品供不应求。目前这些商品供不应求。l1.和国际市场的价格相比,我们的价格还是相当合理的。和国际市场的价格相比,我们的价格还是相当合理的。Our prices are fairly reasonable as compared with those in the international market.l2.我们绝不能把价格减到你说的程度。我们绝不能把价格减到你说的程度。We should,in no case,reduce our price to the level you indicated.l3.很遗憾,你们的还价与我方的价格相差

12、太大。很遗憾,你们的还价与我方的价格相差太大。Much to our regret,there is great difference between your counteroffer and our offer.l4.这是我们的最低价格,不能再降了。这是我们的最低价格,不能再降了。This is our bottom price.We cannot make further reduction.l5.你们的还盘与现行市价不符。你们的还盘与现行市价不符。Your counter offer is out of line with the prevailing market.l6.鉴于我们过去

13、多年的友好合作,我们准备降价鉴于我们过去多年的友好合作,我们准备降价2%。We are prepared to make a reduction of 2%in our price in view of our friendly cooperation in past few years.l7.如果价格太高的话,我们就只好转向其它的供应商了。如果价格太高的话,我们就只好转向其它的供应商了。We have to turn to other suppliers if the price is rather too high.l8.我们的还价和国际市场价格是相符的。如果您接受的话,我我们的还价和国际

14、市场价格是相符的。如果您接受的话,我们将说服客户向你们订购。们将说服客户向你们订购。lOur counteroffer is in line with the international price.If you can accept,we shall persuade our customers to place orders with you.l9.按这个价格,我们不能说服用户购买你们的产品。按这个价格,我们不能说服用户购买你们的产品。lWe are not in a position to purchase our end-users to purchase your products at this price.l10.我认为要做成这笔交易,您至少要降价我认为要做成这笔交易,您至少要降价4%。lI think you have to reduce your price by 4%at least so as to conclude this business.


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