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1、-1-Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up&Learning Tip 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习一二三一、写作词汇语境考查:预习Reading部分的词汇,完成下列小对话或语段。1.Whos it sitting next to our teacher?Its a(候选人)for mayor.2.Heres a toy pig for you.Its a(贵重的)gift.I like it very much.3.Look!The man(射击)at a bird.Hurry!Lets go and stop him.

2、4.There was a mad(恐慌)when the alarm went off.Yeah.And I hurried out with nothing on.So frightening!5.What do you usually have for lunch?Well,it(改变)from day to day.candidate precious is shooting panic varies 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习一二三6.Im(忧虑的),because my broken watch is out of(保质期).anxious guarantee 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练

3、习一二三二、阅读词汇预习Reading部分的词汇,写出画线部分的汉语意思。Last Monday,a typhoon 1.hit my hometown,and then came a thunderstorm 2.,which destroyed many bungalows 3.After the storm,the sky cleared up slowly.I stood on my uncles balcony 4.,seeing the ruins of our house,sad.But I hope a rainbow 5.will appear after the rain.

4、Well return and rebuild our homes.I also believe a diverse 6.range of help will come from all over the nation.台风 雷暴 平房 阳台 彩虹 各种各样的 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习一二三三、阅读课文,判断正误()1.Changbaishan is the second largest nature reserve in China.()2.The peak of Changbaishan can reach as high as 2,000 metres.()3.You can see a

5、 lot of black bears,leopards or cranes in Changbaishan.()4.Tianchi is a lake in the crater of an extinct volcano.F T F T 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习123451.Hearing a scream,I rushed downstairs only to see my hostess lying unconscious on the floor,surrounded by her guests.(Page 37)听到尖叫声,我匆忙冲下楼,却看见女主人躺在地板上不省人事,客人们围在她

6、周围。剖析only to do.作结果状语。动词不定式作结果状语时,常表示出乎意料的结果,其前面可加only或never。而动词-ing形式作结果状语则表示必然的或合乎逻辑的结果,其前面可加thus。另外,充当结果的动词-ing形式的逻辑主语有时并不是句子的主语,而是句子的内容或部分内容。新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345After school we went to the reading-room to do some reading,only to be told that it was being decorated.放学后,我们去阅览室读会儿书,结果被告知阅览室正在装修。I arri

7、ved at the shop only to find Id left all my money at home.我到了商店,却发现我把钱全落在家里了。考点延伸动词-ing形式短语作结果状语,所表示的是谓语动词的直接结果,是意料中的结果。The bus rolled into a valley,causing ten deaths and more wounded.车掉进了山谷,造成十人死亡,多人受伤。新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习123452.She was shot.(Page 37)她被射中

8、了。考点shoot v.(shot,shot)射击,射中When hunting season opened,we put a sign at the end of our driveway asking hunters not to shoot our pet grouse.狩猎季节到来的时候,我们在车道的一头放了一个标志,以让猎人不要射杀我们的宠物松鸡。The last confirmed wild pigeon in the United States was shot by a boy in Pike County,Ohio,in 1900.在美国范围内最后一只确认的野生鸽子被俄亥俄州

9、派克县的小男孩在1900年射杀了。新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345考点延伸(1)阅读下列句子,写出shoot的词性及含义。The soldier shot his gun.词性 动词含义 发射;开(枪)It usually takes about ten weeks to shoot a movie.词性 动词含义 拍摄He shot six baskets in the last half of the game.词性 动词含义 投(球)The gardener was ridding the weak shoot on a plant.词性 名词含义 芽(2)阅读下面的句子,指出shoo

10、t的短语和意义。Its reported that a man with a gun shot at the crowds yesterday.短语 shoot at意义 朝射击 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345辨析shoot/shoot at He shot at a bird,but he didnt shoot it.他朝一只鸟射击,但没有射中。新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习123453.I was so anxious and couldnt move at first.(Page 38)我非常担心,一开始吓得不敢动弹。考

11、点anxious adj.忧虑的;不安的【高考典句】(2016江苏高考)Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview.杰克仍忍不住为他的工作面试焦虑不安。考点延伸(1)阅读下列句子,指出黑体词的词性及含义。We were anxious that the truth of the air crash should be announced soon.词性 形容词含义 渴望的新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345My anxiety grew with the job interview drawing nearer and n

12、earer.词性 名词含义 焦虑People were waiting anxiously for the governments final decision.词性 副词含义 焦急地(2)阅读下列句子,指出anxious的短语及意义。Most of us were anxious to know the results of the exam.短语 be anxious to do意义 渴望做Dont be anxious about their safety.They are no longer children.短语 be anxious about意义 为担心/担忧 新知导学答疑解惑随

13、堂练习12345be anxious to do 渴望做be anxious for/about 为担心/担忧新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习123454.I felt very nervous and had to force myself not to panic.(Page 38)我感到很紧张,不得不强制自己不要惊慌。考点panic vt.&vi.恐慌;惊慌The banks were panicked into selling dollars.银行惊恐地抛售美元。考点延伸(1)阅读下面的句子,

14、指出panic的词性及含义。Panic set in,but Mary could not runshe was frozen to the spot.恐慌弥漫开来,但是玛丽却不能跑,她吓得呆在了那里。词性 名词含义 恐慌新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345温馨提示panic 的过去式、过去分词均为panicked,动词-ing形式为panicking。(2)阅读下列句子,指出panic的短语和意义。They felt panic over the thought of leaving their family.短语 feel panic over意义 因而恐慌I was in panic wh

15、en I saw this message in the first.短语 in panic意义 惊慌失措 Theres no point getting into a panic about the exams.短语 get into a panic意义 陷入恐慌 新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345be/feel panic over/about 因而恐慌in panic 惊慌失措get into a panic陷入恐慌新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习123455.The land varies in height from 700

16、 metres above sea level to over 2,000 metres.(Page 39)地面的高度由海拔700米到2,000米不等考点vary v.变化;改变Prices vary with the seasons.物价随季节而变动。The key is to develop a balanced and varied programme thats fun as well as progressive.关键在于发展一种平衡的、多变的、既有趣又进步的节目。新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345考点延伸(1)阅读下列句子,指出画线单词的词性及含义。Opinions on this

17、 matter vary greatly.词性 动词含义 相异,不同You can choose from menu of various forms,appealing colours,and precious materials.词性 形容词含义 各种各样的The TV ads of our company focused on entertainment and featured original songs performed by a variety of stars.词性 名词含义 种类新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345(2)阅读下列句子,指出vary的短语和意义。The stud

18、ents vary from one to another in character.短语 vary from.to.意义 从到变化 短语 vary.in意义 在方面不同;有差异The pretty girl varies her dress with different fashion.短语 vary.with意义 随变化温馨提示人们的思想千差万别。误:People vary very much with their ideas.正:People vary very much in their ideas.分析:表示“在方面有变化”,用vary in;vary with表示“随着而变化”。新

19、知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345vary from.to.从到变化vary.with 随而变化vary.in 在方面有变化新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习12345新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习一二三一、写作词汇检测A.根据每一组的提示词,完成或翻译句子。1.vary(1)Mothers mood seems according to the weather.(2)各个学校的教学方法大不相同。答案:(1)to vary(2)Teaching methods vary greatly from school to school.2.glance(1)My brother ar

20、ound to see if there was someone he knew.(2)他走进房间时,朝我看了一眼。答案:(1)glanced(2)He gave me a quick glance as he walked into the room.新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习一二三3.tremble(1)Her voice was with cold.(2)火车经过时,大地为之震动。答案:(1)trembling(2)The ground trembled when the train passed.4.appreciate(1)They have a proper of his great

21、 ability.(2)我想他不会欣赏这座岛。答案:(1)appreciation(2)I dont think he would appreciate the island.5.guarantee(1)They have delivery within a month.(2)我保证你会玩得很好。答案:(1)guaranteed(2)I guarantee that youll enjoy yourself.新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习一二三B.根据图片提示及所给单词或短语造句。6.(panic)答案:He got into panic when he answered the telephone

22、.新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习一二三7.(anxious)答案:He was anxious about tomorrows exam.新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习一二三8.(shoot,target)答案:I shot an arrow and hit the target.新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习一二三二、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,写出黑体词的含义。1.The old couple sold their large house and moved into a small bungalow.答案:平房2.The ship went down during a typhoon in this gul

23、f.答案:台风3.The customs of the two countries are quite diverse.答案:不同的4.My neighbour spoke to me from the balcony.答案:阳台5.There will be a great thunderstorm tomorrow night.答案:雷暴新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习一二三三、单句语法填空1.Diana always feels slightly(comfortable)in a hat because she has a big head.答案:uncomfortable2.Maggie wa

24、s hit on the head by a stone and knocked(conscious).答案:unconscious3.The age of the applicants for this job(vary)from 25 to 45.答案:varies4.The Yangtze River is Chinas(long)river and it flows into the East Sea.答案:longest新知导学答疑解惑随堂练习一二三5.took me two months to finish reading the book.答案:Itdsfdbsy384y982y

25、thb3oibt4oy39y409705923y09y53b2lkboi2y58wy0ehtoibwoify98wy049ywh4b3oiut89u983yf9ivh98y98sv98hv98ys9f698y9v698yv98x98tb98fyd98gyd98h98ds98nt98d8genklgb4klebtlkb5k tkeirh893y89ey698vhkrne lkhgi8eyokbnkdhf98hodf hxvy78fd678t9fdu90gys98y9shihixyv78dfhvifndovhf9f8yv9onvkobkw kjfegiudsfdbsy384y982ythb3oib

26、t4oy39y409705923y09y53b2lkboi2y58wy0ehtoibwoify98wy049ywh4b3oiut89u983yf9ivh98y98sv98hv98ys9f698y9v698yv98x98tb98fyd98gyd98h98ds98nt98d8genklgb4klebtlkb5k tkeirh893y89ey698vhkrne lkhgi8eyokbnkdhf98hodf hxvy78fd678t9fdu90gys98y9shihixyv78dfhvifndovhf9f8yv9onvkobkw kjfegiudsfdbsy384y982ythb3oibt4oy39y




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