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1、.韩都衣舍淘宝店 http:/ http:/ 韩都衣舍童装时尚女装 http:/ http:/ http:/.一、概述一、概述 二、写作方法及例子二、写作方法及例子 三、图表作文三、图表作文.一、概述一、概述 说明文是描述某一事物、事由或过程的文章。它用于说明客观事物的特点和性能,或介绍某种操作的程序,或解释某些抽象概念,或阐明某种科学原理、自然现象等,完全是就事论事的描述,所以也称技术性的描写文。词典、教材、论文、实验报告、甚至广告等都属这类文体。.二、写作方法及例子二、写作方法及例子1、下定义(definition)像词典那样直接地给字或词下定义,也包括进一步通过举例、对比、比喻逻辑推理等

2、写作方法解释事物,使读者对事物的特点有更全面的了解。.例:Ambition means the goal in our life.To have ones ambition does not necessarily mean to become one of the chief state leaders.This is not the real sense of the word.True ambition encourages us always to look forward and not to lose hope in face of failure.Ambition differs

3、 from person to person and everyone has his own ambition.Yet not every one of us can succeed in what we desire to do.2、举例子(Illustration)。例:Americans value manual labor.They have great respect for craftsmanship.Many Americans prefer craft hobbies.For example,some build small boats in their leisure ti

4、me.Others make new furniture or refinish antique furniture.Others enjoy.gardening or painting.Many low-income American families have beautiful furniture or paintings or pottery or boats.They make these things and they are proud of their manual skill.In fact some people are really very handy.3、分类(Cla

5、ssification)。把事物分作若干类型并说明或描述各事物的特点和差异。.例:All matter is in one of the three states.It may be in the state of a gas,a liquid or a solid.A solid has definite shape and definite volume.A liquid has definite volume,but it has no definite shape.It may flow or take the shape of its container.A gas changes

6、not only in shape but also in volume,for it expands and contracts easily.4、比较(Comparison)和对照(Contrast)比较和对照在英语写作中应用非常广泛。一般来说,比较时指对人或事件之间相同点进行分析;对比是对人或事物之间的不同点进行比较。不过在很多情况下,这两种方法不能截然分开。.例:It is easy to be a winner.A winner can show his joy publicly.He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate his vi

7、ctory.People love to be with winners.Winners are never lonely.Unlike winners,losers are the lonely ones of the world.It is difficult to face defeat with dignity.Losers cannot show their disappointment publicly.They cannot cry or grieve about their defeat.They may suffer privately,but they must be co

8、mposed in public.They have nothing to celebrate and no one to share their sadness.5、因果分析(Cause and Effect)。指分析某一事物或现象的前因后果。有的文章以分析原因为主,有的文章以说明造成的结果为主,一般说来,不存在单独表示原因或结果的文章。.例:Climate affects the culture of a country.Men must learn to live within the limitations of their environment,and climate is an

9、important part of the physical environment.Life in a tropical country is less strenuous and more casual than it is in a temperate one.Men work shorter hours and less vigorously in a hot climate.They cnnot play hard either.They tire easily.They can relax by reading,by sipping cool drinks,or by listen

10、ing to soothing music.They must try to conserve their energy.The wisest ones learn to respect the demands of Nature.6、叙述过程(Process Analysis)。例:如何做汉堡包 Making hamburgers is really very simple.All you need is a pound of minced beef,which you mix with the other things salt and pepper,a teaspoon of musta

11、rd(芥末),and an egg as well.You break the egg in a bowl,and mix all the things together with a fork.When it is smooth and well-mixed,make round hamburgers from the mixture,and roll them in some flour.Then you need a frying pan and some oil.Fry the hamburgers on both sides for about 15 minutes,until th

12、ey are really brown.When they are ready,get some soft bread rolls and cut them in half.Put the hamburgers inside them and eat them as soon as possible.(实际上,人们写作说明文的时候,一般常采用综合法,在一篇文章中同时交叉使用两种或两种以上的方法,使文章表达得更完整、更有力。).三、图表作文三、图表作文 1、定义 2、特点及要求 3、技巧 4、两种类型 5、例文 6、写作练习.1、定义、定义 图表作文是采用统计数据表(table),坐标曲线(gr

13、aph)或圆形饼图(pie chart)等资料数据来阐述论题的作文。也是科技文献中常用的一种表达手段。.2、特点及要求、特点及要求 图表作文利用图象,表格和曲线图作为作文提示,并以此为依据要求考生用简洁生动简洁生动的语言,把图表中给定的信息完整而又准确完整而又准确地表达出来。图表作文不但要求作者具有一定的英文写作能力,而且要求具有较强的观观察力察力,分析力分析力和充分的想象力想象力。.3、技巧、技巧 无需一条不漏地将数据资料加以描述,而是选择有典型性典型性和代表性代表性的重点数据,同时要注意文章的整体结构,详略得当。.4、两种类型、两种类型 Type 1:要求客观陈述图表信息内容的作文 侧重对

14、比分析对比分析和说明说明资料数据之间的关系上。最后分析和查找出规律,归纳得出结论。.Type 2:要求深入分析原因内容的作文 先阐述图表数据所反映的问题。进而筛选出有关的数据资料进行深入的分析讨论,分析原因。最后找出解决问题的方法。.5、例文、例文 Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on Changes in Peoples Diet.Study the following table carefully and your co

15、mposition must be based on the information given in the table.Write three paragraphs to:.(1)state the changes in peoples diet in the past five years;(2)give possible reasons for the changes;(3)draw your own conclusions.YearFood 19861987198819891990Grain 49%47%46.5%45%45%Milk10%11%11%12%13%Meat17%20%

16、22.5%23%21%Fruit and vegetables24%22%20%20%21%Total 100%100%100%100%100%.Sample:As can be seen from the table,great changes have been taking place in peoples diet over the period from 1986 to 1990.The consumption of grain has decreased by 4%,while the consumption of high quality food,such as milk an

17、d meat,has increased steadily.There are chiefly two reasons,I think,for the changes.In the old days,people could not often afford meat and milk whose price was only within reach of well-to-do families.But now,with the improvement of living standard,most people have enough money to buy them.And peopl

18、e of today also pay more attention to nutrition.They want to eat not only more but also better.They are seeking the most reasonable diet structure which will do good to their health.In short,with the improvement of peoples living standard,changes in their diet will be more obvious and great.Shining

19、points:over the period from 1986 to 1990,such as milk and meat,well-to-do,pay more attention to,not only more but also better,do good to,more obvious and great,.评论:Score:14 主题鲜明,论点明确,切中题意,内容丰富,思想表达清楚,连贯。.6、写作练习、写作练习 A Boom in Adult Education.From the graph,we know the statistics of the adult educati

20、on participation and the increasing number of the participants in X cityIn 1985 there were only eighty thousand people taking part in the adult education,but in 2000 the number has grown to two million four hundred thousand peopleObviously there are more and more people who hope to get advanced degr

21、ees and gain more knowledge after they began to work.There are many reasons responsible for the great change,and the following are the typical onesFor one thing,its during the work that people begin to realize what they have learned before its far from enough and what kind of knowledge they urgently

22、 needNext,as the science and technology in China are developing so fast,adults after graduation have to go back to universities to refresh themselves so as to improve their competitive ability in societyThe main reason is the population growth that affects peoples promotion chancesMany people withou

23、t bachelor degrees have become laid-off employeesTherefore,such competitive social background stimulates many people to continue to study.However,this graph may not predict the entire situation in the futureI believe one thing is quite certain that education cant be separated from our social development


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