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1、2022-12-13C-t-E Translation1抽象性词语、形象性词语抽象性词语、形象性词语 形象与抽象是两个相互对立、相互依存的概念,翻译时,既可保留其原有个性,也可使其相互转化。一般说来,表范畴的抽象词无须译出。1)他善于做信访工作。He is experienced in handling letters and visits from the mass.2)他已完成了这项工作。He has finished the job.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation2 同一形象表达相同的涵义,可直译.树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是瞌睡人的眼。Through

2、 the branches are a couple of lamps,as listless as sleepy eyes.若喻义不同,只好放弃原文形象,只译其喻义.我不贪图下海挣大钱,只想毕业后在中学里找个铁饭碗。I dont want to earn good money by engaging myself in trade,I just want to find upon graduation a secured job in a middle school.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation3 在不违反译语规范和不影响读者理解的前提下,尽量保留原有形象,稍加变通

3、,增加一些简单的说明性文字。当下磕头如捣蒜,只求饶命。Kowtow as quickly as a pestle pounding garlic,he begged that his life be spared.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation4 抽象译法就是把具体的或比较具体的名词用抽象或比较抽象的名词来翻译。汉语中的名词倾向于具体,常常用实的形式表示虚的概念,以具体的形象表达抽象的内容;而抽象名词的大量使用是现代英语的一个特点。Rudolf Flesch:Chinese is concrete,clear and picturesque while English

4、is abstract,obscure and long-winded.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation5 抽象译法一方面把比喻形象上较为具体的单词词组或成语进行抽象概括,如:开门见山come straight to the point 狗急跳墙do something desperate 另一方面,抽象译法也包括带有范畴词的具体化名词在语言形式上的抽象化译法,主要是在翻译过程中去掉后面的范畴词,如:谦虚态度modesty 发展过程development 无知的表现innocence2022-12-13C-t-E Translation6 徇私作风 观光场所 走私活动 纸

5、醉金迷 赤胆忠心 粗枝大叶 单枪匹马 favoritism Tourist attraction Smuggling Of life of luxury and dissipation Ardent loyalty Be crude and careless Be single-handed in doing sth2022-12-13C-t-E Translation7只要你嫁给我,鸡鸭鱼肉,绫罗绸缎,一辈子享受不尽。If you are willing to marry me,you will enjoy the luxuries all your life.我们都来自五湖四海。We ar

6、e from all corners of the country.不知黄连苦,怎知蜂蜜甜。Who has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation8 具体译法指的是在翻译过程中把原文中抽象的成分用具体的成分表达出来,从而消除或降低语言差别给翻译带来的损失,使译文产生与原文同样的效果。具体和抽象的翻译并没有固定的规则或规律,但能在很大程度上使译文生动多彩,更具有可读性。2022-12-13C-t-E Translation9 具体译法主要包括三种类型:1.语义上具体化。eg:运输运输工具。班级

7、全班学生 2.抽象名词在语言形式上的具体化手法,主要是在抽象名词后面加上范畴词。eg:蒸发作用,傲慢态度,转换过程 3.抽象名词在比喻形象上的具体化手法。eg:非常胆小胆小如鼠 姑息坏人warm snakes in our bosoms 分清好坏separate sheep from goats2022-12-13C-t-E Translation10 快乐的人 微不足道的小人物 棘手的事 脾气不好的人 勤奋卖力的人 A jolly dog A small potato Hot potatoes A surly dog A work horseMore examples:2022-12-13C

8、-t-E Translation11 想起年轻时的一些事情,他心里感到甚是欣慰。It was the memories of his youth that gave him great comfort.我知道我会碰到严寒酷暑。I knew I would encounter extremes of weather.他等着她来,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。He waited for her arrival with a frenzied agitation.具体具体抽象抽象2022-12-13C-t-E Translation12 那一刻,我感到她的颤抖,第一次明白她也有脆弱的一面。At that mo

9、ment I felt her back racked with emotion.For the first time I understood her vulnerability.目前,公司的经营情况已有所好转。At present,the business in our company is turning for the better.科学化、民主化的决策是实行民主集中制的重要环节。Scientific and democratic decision-making is essential to democratic centralism.2022-12-13C-t-E Translat

10、ion13会谈中,双方集中讨论了保护知识产权方面的问题。During the talks,their discussion has been centered round protection of intellectual property rights.他们的乐观主义精神令我们大为感动。Their optimism moved us greatly.会上,两方发生争执,一方拂袖而去。The two parties fell into fierce dispute.At last one party got up abruptly and walked off in a huff.2022-

11、12-13C-t-E Translation14你告不赢他的,县里当官的和他同穿一条裤子You wont win the lawsuit against him.Officials in the county are hand in glove with him.他的话把我打入闷葫芦(calabash)里了His words threw me into bewilderment.才有了一点进步,他就翘兔子尾巴了。With some progress,he became cocky.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation15 1992年后,一些西方国家失业现象严重。After 1

12、992,there has been serious unemployment in some Western countries.黑暗中一个黑影吓得他魂飞魄散。黑暗中一个黑影吓得他魂飞魄散。He was half dead with a black figure in the darkness.他拜倒在了她的石榴裙下。他拜倒在了她的石榴裙下。He worshipped her on his knees.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation16 区分好人和坏人并不是一件容易的事。It is not easy to separate the sheep from the goa

13、ts.他知道不论境遇如何,都可以把家庭作为靠山。He knows he can depend on his family,rain or shine.评论家和读者之间,也就是理智和情感之间的这种分歧如何解释呢?How do we account for the split between the critics and the readers,the head and the heart.抽象抽象具体具体2022-12-13C-t-E Translation17 在整个项目中,他不仅无用,甚至还成为了累赘。He is a white elephant in the whole project.

14、刹车声刺激了大家的神经。The screeching of the brakes got on our nerves.静谧的小巷里想起了清脆的自行车铃声。The crisp jangling of the bicycle rises from the quite alley.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation18 他每天要处理许多棘手的问题。He has many hot potatoes to handle everyday.我不敢肯定我能赢得这个荣誉,这还是未到手的东西。I am not sure whether I can win the honor;Its a bi

15、rd in the bush.你不要过早乐观,真正的困难还在后头呢。Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.The real difficulties still lay ahead.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation19 我们决不能姑息坏人。We should never warm snakes in our bosoms.我不想依靠父母过日子。I dont want to hang on my parents sleeves.同反复无常的人没法相处。Its hard to get along with a man

16、 blowing hot and cold.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation20 他这个人只管自己的事。He is a man who hoes his own potatoes.你真是说话不看对象。You are really casting pearls before swine.这个男孩真粗心,他的书都已经折角了。This boy is too careless;all his books are dog-eared.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation21Exercise 这是他们自己的事情,你去插一脚干嘛?别人家里鸡毛蒜皮的事情你都知道得这么全

17、,真是个顺风耳啊!我不敢班门弄斧,诚望您发表高见。她毛遂自荐来这所小学做老师。这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。今天下午的球赛棋逢对手,一定很精彩。我们一直往前走吧!不要三心二意。他这几天心里七上八下,老是安静不下来。2022-12-13C-t-E Translation22 这是他们自己的事情,你去插一脚干嘛?Thats a business of their own,why would you get involved in?别人家里鸡毛蒜皮的事情你都知道得这么全,真是个顺风耳啊!You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of other f

18、amilies.You are really well informed.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation23 她毛遂自荐来这所小学做老师。She volunteered for the teaching post in this primary school.我不敢班门弄斧,诚望您发表高见。I dare not show off in the presence of an expert.I hope you would be kind enough to enlighten us on this matter.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation24

19、这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。These problems are too complicated to be explained clearly in a few words.今天下午的球赛棋逢对手,一定很精彩。This afternoons ball game is sure to be an exciting one,for the two sides are well-matched.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation25 我们一直往前走吧!不要三心二意。Lets go straight ahead.Dont be wavering.他这几天心里七上八下,老是

20、安静不下来。His mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation26How to translate verbs properly?2022-12-13C-t-E Translation27 1949年中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。1949 witnessed great changes in China.这个运动首先在天津发起。Tianjin first saw the rise of the movement.我没有注意到这个错误。Th

21、e mistake escaped my notice.我一时记不起他的名字。His name escaped my memory for the moment.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation28 汉语的一个显著特点是大量使用动词,还有连动式和兼动式。有时一个句子会出现多个动词,这就要求我们在翻译时要把一些动词转变为其它性质的词,如名词、形容词、介词等。总的来说,动词的翻译可以分为静态翻译和动态翻译两种。汉语动词的静态译法汉语动词的静态译法2022-12-13C-t-E Translation29汉语动词的静态译法汉语动词的静态译法 1.汉语动词转译为英语名词 语言这个

22、东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功夫不可。The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort.人口在不断地增加。There is a steady increase in population.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation30 交易增加,要求流通的货币量也增加。The fact that business increases requires that the amount of money,which is generally circulated,also increased.An

23、increase in business requires an increase in the amount of money coming into general circulation.现在辞职就是承认失败。To resign now would be an admission of failure.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation31 向友人借钱就是滥用友谊。Borrowing money from friends is an abuse of friendship.他们正在考虑释放被囚禁的那位领导人。They are considering the relea

24、se of the jailed leader.在加州发现黄金的消息轰动全国。The discovery of gold in California excited the nation.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation32 他教书教得好。He is a good teacher.他喜欢流行音乐。He is a lover of pop music.他统治那个地区长达20年之久。He has been the ruler of the region for as long as twenty years.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation332.汉语动

25、词转译为英语介词或介词短语 他英语说得很棒,带着美国腔,但并不十分夸张。He spoke English well with an American accent,not though,a very exaggerated one.政府支持这个项目。The government is behind the project.那是一幅模仿毕加索的画。That is a picture after Picasso.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation34 这时,只见一个人,头上蒙着一个湿淋淋的口袋,从冒着熊熊烈焰的后门直冲进去。Then a figure with a drippi

26、ng-wet bag round its head dashed through the flame-filled back door.机器在运行。The machine is in operation.警察在抓罪犯。The police is in pursuit of the criminal.他的智力超过常人。He has intelligence beyond the ordinary.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation353.汉语动词转译为副词 他们的实验已经结束了。Their experiment has been over.我们得走了。We must be o

27、ff now.演出已经开始了。The performance is on.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation364.汉语动词转译为同源形容词 他满足于这样的生活。He is content with such kind of life.约翰十分熟悉这台机器的性能。John is quite familiar with the machine.并不是所有军队的人都喜欢这个计划。This program was not popular with all of the troops.他为人能干,事业成功。He was an able and successful one.2022

28、-12-13C-t-E Translation37Exercise 希望你们考虑一下我们的意见。I would very much appreciate it if you could take our suggestions into consideration.选择朋友,越谨慎越好。One can never be too careful in the choice of ones friend.但他踌躇了一会儿,终于决定还是自己送我去。But after much hesitation,he finally decided to see me off himself.我为他的健康担忧。I

29、 am anxious about his health.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation38 我带孩子上街去走走。I took my child to the street for a walk.他们不顾一切困难和挫折,坚持战斗。They kept on fighting in spite of all difficulties and setbacks.我们全体赞成他的建议。We are all in favor of his suggestion.这份报告虽然很长,但不切要领,我看不懂。Although the report is very long,it is b

30、eside the point and beyond my comprehension.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation39静态动词转译动态静态动词转译动态 今年的十月一日是个星期五。The National Day of this year is a Friday.The National Day of this year falls on a Friday.史密斯先生在上班。Mr.Smith is working.Mr.Smith is at work.城南有一条河。To the south of the city lies a river.There is a ri

31、ver to the south of the city.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation40 看来我们的发展,总是要在某一个阶段,抓住时机,加速搞几年,发现问题及时加以治理,而后继续前进。It seems that we should hold on to opportunities in a certain period to accelerate our development for several years.As problems crop up in the process,we will solve them immediately and continu

32、e to forge ahead.It seems to me that,as a rule,at certain stages we should seize the opportunity to accelerate development for a few years,deal with problems as soon as they are recognized,and then move on.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation41 汉语中静态动词的动态处理可以通过下面几种方式实现:1.be动词或者其它弱化的动词+形容词 2.be动词+动词的派生词 3.be动

33、词+以-able,-ible为后缀的形容词以及-ing和-ed分词2022-12-13C-t-E Translation421.Be动词或其它弱化的动词+形容词 他不愿意接受这昂贵的礼物。He was reluctant to accept the expensive gift.Confident,certain,angry,afraid,aware,glad,sure,sorry,anxious,content,proud,willing,concerned2022-12-13C-t-E Translation43 中国政府对贵国遭受洪水灾害地区的状况极为关切。The Chinese gov

34、ernment is very concerned about the flooded areas in your country.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation442.Be动词+动词的派生词 那所学校的学生合作得很好,所以我们很快就完成了问卷调查。The students in that school were very cooperative,so we finished the questionnaire very soon.孩子比成年人更容易流露感情,这是很自然的。It is natural that children are more demonstrativ

35、e than adults.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation453.Be动词+以-able,ible为后缀的形容词或者-ing,-ed分词 那项规则不适用于我们这种情况。That rule is not applicable to our case.他的话无足轻重,不要往心里去。What he said is dismissible,so dont take it to heart.房间的陈设颇佳。The room is well furnished.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation46Exercise 这些磁带已经不能用了,完全可以处理掉了。The

36、se tapes are no longer usable,so they are completely disposable.她当选亚洲小姐,我们都很高兴。We are happy with her selection as Miss Asia.恐怕你的建议是行不通的。I am afraid your suggestion is not workable at all.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation47 我现在上了年纪,总好忘事。I am aging and forgetful now.她对是否要把事实真相公布于众而犹豫不决。She is very hesitant

37、about whether to reveal the truth to the public.听到敲门声,我顿时睡意全消。The knock on the door made me wide awake.那里的工艺品品种齐全、价格公道、质量可靠。The arts and crafts there are complete in range,reasonable in price and reliable in quality.2022-12-13C-t-E Translation48How to translate numerals properly?2022-12-13C-t-E Tran

38、slation49汉语数词的语法特点:汉语数词的语法特点:1)汉语数词包括基数、分数、倍数、序数和概数。2)经常和量词结合在一起使用,修饰名词、动词和形容词。现代汉语中,数词一般不直接同名词组合,只有在文言格式和习惯用法中,数词才能可以直接修饰名词。如一草一木,千山万水,三心二意,万马奔腾,一人一本,四小龙等3)一般不能重叠。三三两两,千千万万等是成语,不是一般的语法现象;概数词“许多”可以重叠为“许许多多”,但这属于个别现象。4)数词大多不能直接充当句子成分,但序数、分数或在表示等量关系的用法中可以直接作句子成分。如:他考第一,今天初六,二加三等于五等。2022-12-13C-t-E Tra

39、nslation50英语数词的语法特点:英语数词的语法特点:1)英语数词包括基数词和序数词。他们都既可表示准确的数,也可表示大概的数。如:two,or thereabouts,the first,two or three days等。2)英语表示数的概念,既可以通过数词来表示,也可通过名词的表数功能。3)英语没有汉语“万”和“亿”的单位,万和十万的英译均以“千”的累计数计算。4)英语数词本身可以有复数形式,但大多具有比较特殊的意义,不少属于习惯用法的短语,汉译时需根据不同用法,选择恰当的表达。2022-12-13C-t-E Translation51东西方数字的文化观对比研究东西方数字的文化观

40、对比研究由于人们所处的地理环境、物理环境的不同,有着宗教和风俗习惯的差异,人们赋予数字不同的文化内涵,也逐渐形成对某一些数字的喜爱和崇拜,而对另一些数字产生讨厌和害怕,因此,数字蕴涵着丰富的社会文化内涵。数字的概念来自于大自然,来自于人类对客观世界的观察和探索,来自于对物质世界的认识和总结。2022-12-13C-t-E Translation52数字数字1 1英语:人们也崇拜和喜爱one,在人们的眼中,只有一个上帝,人们和上帝之间的关系也是惟一的。One and the same 一致的One and all 每个人,大家One good turn deserves anotherOne t

41、oday is worth two tomorrow.One lie makes many.汉语:汉语:中国人崇尚和谐统一,统一是中华民族最强烈的愿望。九九归一、一统天下、一言九鼎、君子一言,驷马难追。一旦撒谎,欲止难休今日事,今日毕礼尚往来2022-12-13C-t-E Translation53汉语:中国人以对称为美,办事希望两全其美,生活希望双喜临门。当然也有不好之说如“二百五、二愣子、二球”等。英语:two-time like two pears in a pod in twos and threes It makes two to do sth put two and two to

42、together one can not be in two places at once.怀有二心,出卖别人非常相像三三两两双方都有责任,一个巴掌拍不响。根据所见所闻推断一身难作两处使。数字数字2 22022-12-13C-t-E Translation54汉语:含有吉祥、尊贵之意。含有众多之义古代皇帝要娶“三宫”,礼教里有“三纲(君臣、父子、夫妇)”。道教有“三清”(玉清、太清、上清);佛教有三尊(天地人),人有三生(前生、今生、来生)数字数字3 32022-12-13C-t-E Translation55英语:具有不同的引申含义。兼有“混乱“和真实”的含义。此外还象征交情、友谊,也和赞扬

43、、荣誉、崇拜联系在一起,许多文学作品中常使用三或三的倍数。Three-ring circus three sheets in the wind Three handkerchief 指乱糟糟的场面,指酒后醉态。则指真实的引人挥泪不止的伤感剧。2022-12-13C-t-E Translation56数字4汉语:中国北方,由于4是偶数,因而有吉祥的含义。但在广东人们对四特别忌讳,应为它与不吉利的“死”谐音。此外,人们也骂戴眼镜的人为“四眼鸡”。同时,在日语中,4与死读音相同,所以日本人也忌讳这个数字。英语中无这种文化含义。英语:也含有贬义之意,如:four-eyed 戴眼镜的人英语中也有褒义的含

44、义,如:a four-leaf clover 幸运 幸运2022-12-13C-t-E Translation57数字5汉语:汉文化中很神秘。医学上有“五禽戏”、“五凤”、“五诊”;易学上有“五行八卦”,都是高深莫测。中国民间还有五月五生子不举的说法。英语:5在圣经里指一个人捡起所具有的战胜各种困难的勇气。因此,five 和grave 有联系在一起之说。星期五是一个不祥的日子,据说这一天是耶稣的受难日,亚当和夏娃也是在这一天被赶出伊甸园的。The fifth column 第五纵队,指通敌的内奸。2022-12-13C-t-E Translation58数字6汉语:中国古时有崇尚“六”的习惯。

45、先秦有“六经”、“六艺”,周代有兵书“六韬”,周礼有六典,官制有六部,汉代官职有六曹,皇后的寝宫称为六宫,古代将亲属关系归纳为六亲,妇女怀孕称为“身怀六甲”,天地四方称为“六合”,中医有六腑,佛教有六欲。2022-12-13C-t-E Translation59英语:将隐居的人称为666,因为他们完全脱离了上帝。此外,666在圣经里象征魔鬼。人是在第六天被创造出来的,还有许多缺点,所以我们要和上帝呆在一起。At sixes and sevens six ways to Sundays hit/knock sb for six six of one and half a dozen of the

46、 other乱七八糟完全,彻底让某人大吃一惊,极大地影响某人半斤八两,不相上下 2022-12-13C-t-E Translation60数字7汉语:神秘的数字。音乐有“七音”,颜色有七色,人有七情。七还有与死亡有关,人死了七天要祭拜。英语:seven 有浓厚的宗教色彩,人们崇尚数字七。上帝用7天创造 世间万物。于是西方的宗教常用7来规范人的道德行为,或归纳历史人文景物、社会团体、宗教仪式等,对语言文化产生 重大影响。因此,7在英语在欧美国家有积极的含义,是个大吉大利的数字。所以7-Up(7喜)。在英语国家“7”相当于中国人的“8”。2022-12-13C-t-E Translation61t

47、he Seven Virtues七大美德:faith信任、Charity仁慈、Justice公正、Fortitude毅力、Temperance节制、Prudence谨慎、Hope希望。The Seven Deadly Sins七宗罪:Pride 骄傲、Wrath发怒、Envy嫉妒、Lust肉欲、Gluttony 贪吃、Avarice贪婪、Sloth懒惰。The Seven Gifts of the Spirit神的七大礼物:Wisdom智慧、Understanding理解、Counsel 忠告、Fortitude 毅力、Knowledge知识、Righteousness 正义、Fear of

48、the Lord畏上帝。The Seven Heavens七重天:一重天纯银天Pure Silver,亚当夏娃的住所;二重天纯金天Pure Gold,约翰和耶稣的领地;三重天珍珠天Pearl;四重天白金天White Gold,居住着洒泪天使;五重天银天Silver,居住着复仇天使;六重天红宝石天Ruby and Garnet,居住着护卫天使;七重天极乐天The Seven Heavens,是上帝和最高天使的住所。2022-12-13C-t-E Translation62The Seven Sacraments七大圣礼七大圣礼:Baptism洗礼洗礼、Confirmation坚信礼坚信礼、The

49、 Eucharist圣餐礼圣餐礼、Penance告解告解、Orders受圣职礼受圣职礼、Matrimony 婚礼婚礼、Extime Unction僧侣僧侣为垂死者行涂油式礼为垂死者行涂油式礼。The Seven Senses人有七感人有七感:Animation生机生机、feeling感情感情、Speech语言语言、taste味觉味觉、sight视觉视觉、hearing听觉听觉、smelling嗅觉嗅觉;At sixes and sevens at seven-league strides the seven year itch in seventh heaven乱七八糟乱七八糟七年之痒七年之痒

50、七重天,表示非常快乐,极为幸福七重天,表示非常快乐,极为幸福形容幅度之大形容幅度之大2022-12-13C-t-E Translation63数字8汉语:比喻为“各方面”,如八面玲珑,八方呼应等,同时又因其和发谐音,因此,常和喜庆、发财联系。如518。八仙过海周易八卦笑迎八方客英语:eight比喻新的开始、新的抉择。Be behind the eight ball进退维谷2022-12-13C-t-E Translation64数字9汉语:天地之数,始于一,归于九。九是数的极限,往往被认为是神圣之意。中国古代帝王为了表示自己神圣的权力为天赐神赋,便竭力把自己与九联系在一起。天分九层,极言其高;


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