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1、Module 8Sports lifeUnit 2He was invited to competitions around the world.Learning aims1.语言知识目标语言知识目标Key vocabularysportsman,ability,hurdling,sportswoman,race,record,method,hurdles,Japan,break,sportsperson,Asian,suffer,courage,pride Key structureshigh jump,set up,suffer from,first place,stop sb.from

2、doing sth.take pride in,并了解这些句子和短语在文中的意思及用法。并了解这些句子和短语在文中的意思及用法。2.语言技能目标语言技能目标 能够听懂介绍体育比赛的对话,能够谈论自己喜欢的运动队或明星,能够能够听懂介绍体育比赛的对话,能够谈论自己喜欢的运动队或明星,能够对同学们参加体育活动的情况进行小结并发表简单评论,能够写出介绍运动员对同学们参加体育活动的情况进行小结并发表简单评论,能够写出介绍运动员的文章。的文章。3.情感态度目标情感态度目标介绍了刘翔的成长和成名的经历介绍了刘翔的成长和成名的经历,了解刘翔的成名的经历,培养学生积极、健了解刘翔的成名的经历,培养学生积极、健

3、康向上的精神和顽强的意志力。康向上的精神和顽强的意志力。Liu XiangWho is he?Name:Liu XiangPlace of birth:ShanghaiBirthday:1983.7.13 Height:1.89mWeight:85kgFavourite sports:table tennis,badminton(羽毛球)(羽毛球)Projects:The high jump,110 m hurdlesTalk something about Liu Xiang2001 World Student Games-Beijing,China.110 m.hurdles gold m

4、edal 世界大学生运动会世界大学生运动会,中国北京。中国北京。110 m.跨栏金牌跨栏金牌 East Asian Games-Osaka,Japan.110 m.hurdles gold medal 东亚运动会东亚运动会-大阪大阪,日本。日本。110 m.跨栏金牌跨栏金牌2002 Asian Championships-Manila,Philippines.110 m.hurdles gold medal 亚洲锦标赛亚洲锦标赛,马尼拉马尼拉,菲律宾菲律宾,110 m.跨栏金牌跨栏金牌 Asian Games-Busan,South Korea 110 m.hurdles gold medal

5、 韩国釜山举行的亚运会韩国釜山举行的亚运会-110 m.跨栏金牌跨栏金牌2003 World Championships-Paris,France.110 m.hurdles bronze medal 03年世界锦标赛年世界锦标赛,巴黎巴黎,法国。法国。110m.障碍铜牌障碍铜牌 World Indoor Championships-Birmingham,England.60 m.hurdles bronze medal 世界室内锦标赛世界室内锦标赛伯明翰伯明翰,英国英国,60 m.障碍铜牌障碍铜牌2004 World Indoor Championships-Budapest,Hungary

6、.60 m.hurdles silver medal 世界室内锦标赛世界室内锦标赛布达佩斯布达佩斯,匈牙利。匈牙利。60 m.障碍银牌障碍银牌 Olympic Games-Athens,Greece.110 m.hurdles gold medal 奥运会奥运会,雅典雅典,希腊。希腊。110 m.跨栏金牌跨栏金牌2005 World Championships in Athletics 110 m.hurdles silver medal 05年田径世界锦标障碍赛年田径世界锦标障碍赛110m银牌银牌.Read the passage and choose the sentence which

7、best expresses the main idea.a)Liu Xiang was helped by his sports school to win a gold medal.b)Liu Xiang will be a star and not a sports hero.c)Liu Xiang has trained for many years and won many gold medals.Part 1:Fast-reading3 Match the years with the notes to complete the timeline.dles racefgabecPa

8、rt 2:Careful-reading 1.Liu was encouraged at first to train for the high jump.起初,起初,(人们人们)鼓励刘翔练跳高。鼓励刘翔练跳高。encourage sb.to do sth.表示表示“鼓励鼓励某人做某事某人做某事”。在本句中,。在本句中,encourage一词用了一词用了被动语态被动语态,表示刘翔,表示刘翔“被鼓励被鼓励去做某事去做某事”。例如:。例如:变为被动语态为:变为被动语态为:We are always encouraged(by Ms Wang)to speak English in class.我们

9、总是被(王老师)鼓励在课上讲英我们总是被(王老师)鼓励在课上讲英语。语。Ms Wang always encourages us to speak English in class.王老师总是鼓励我们课上讲英语。王老师总是鼓励我们课上讲英语。2.It is a pity that his foot problem stopped him from completing the 2012 London Olympic Games.令人遗憾的是,他的脚伤使他没能完成令人遗憾的是,他的脚伤使他没能完成2012年伦敦奥运会的比赛。年伦敦奥运会的比赛。stop sb./sth.(from)doing s

10、th.意为意为“阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事/阻止某事发生阻止某事发生”,同义短语是:同义短语是:keep sb./sth.from doing sth.或或prevent sb./sth.from doing sth.。例如。例如:What stopped him from coming here?She stopped him from climbing the tree.3.But he is still a symbol of courage and success,and we continue to take great pride in him.但是,他仍然是勇气和成功的象征,我

11、但是,他仍然是勇气和成功的象征,我们依然为他感到十分骄傲。们依然为他感到十分骄傲。take pride in意思是意思是“为为感到骄傲、感到骄傲、自豪自豪”。例如:。例如:They take great pride in their daughters achievements.他们为女儿的成就感到非常骄傲。他们为女儿的成就感到非常骄傲。“为为感到骄傲感到骄傲/自豪自豪”还可以用还可以用be proud of表示。例如:表示。例如:Yun is a nice girl and her parents are very proud of her.韵是个好女孩,她的父母为她而感到骄韵是个好女孩,她

12、的父母为她而感到骄傲。傲。我妈妈为我而感到骄傲。我妈妈为我而感到骄傲。My mother is proud of me.=My mother takes pride in me.4.to start(a company etc.)建立建立,创立创立Theyve set up a fund for victims of the earthquake.他们已经为地震受灾者他们已经为地震受灾者设立设立了基金。了基金。5.to arrange 安排(会议等)安排(会议等)Ill get my secretary to set up a working lunch for us.我去吩咐秘书给大家我去吩

13、咐秘书给大家安排安排工作午餐。工作午餐。6.to build up 建起建起The army has set up road blocks round the city.军队已在城市四周军队已在城市四周建起建起了路障。了路障。7.to prepare sth.for use 安装,架设安装,架设We only had a couple of hours to set up before the exhibition opened.在展览会开始前,我们只有几小时来在展览会开始前,我们只有几小时来安装安装。8.start happening 使产生,引起使产生,引起Stimulation of t

14、he sensory receptors sets up neural activity.对感官感受器的刺激会对感官感受器的刺激会引起引起神经中枢的活动。神经中枢的活动。9.to trick sb.诬陷,陷害诬陷,陷害They claimed that they werent selling drugs,but that theyd been set up by the police.他们声称没有兜售毒品,是被警察他们声称没有兜售毒品,是被警察诬陷诬陷的。的。ability Asian courage method pride race The Chinese take great(1)_ i

15、n Liu Xiang.At first,he was not very successful,but his coach noticed his(2)_ in running and jumping,and helped him change his training(3)_.He won a number of important(4)_ and became the first(5)_ sportsperson to win an Olympic gold medal for hurdling.However,from 2008 on he missed some competition

16、s because of his foot problem.Although he did not complete the 2012 Olympic Games,he is still a symbol of great(6)_ and success.prideabilitymethodsracesAsiancouragePart 3:Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.Tips:When you train,be sure to protect yourself.What stopped L

17、iu Xiang from completing the Beijing and London Olympic Games?Writing5 Write the notes in Activity 3 in full sentences.Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai in 1983.He started training at a sports school in 1993.His hurdling ability was noticed in 1998.He won his first international 110m hurdles race in 20

18、01.He won the Olympic gold medal in 2004.He suffered a lot from his foot problem from 2008 on.He returned to first place in 2012.6P67Look at the verb forms in the two sentences.Sun Haiping noticed Liu Xiangs ability in hurdling.Liu Xiangs ability in hurdling was noticed by Sun Haiping.Coach Wang Bil

19、ing noticed Zhang Yining.Zhang Yining was asked to go to Beijing Shichahai Sports School by Wang Biling.Wang Biling asked Zhang Yining to go to Beijing Shichahai Sports School.Zhang Yining was noticed by Coach Wang Biling.Now write sentences about table tennis player Zhang Yining.Use the correct ver

20、b form.Zhang Yinings training programme took up a lot of her time.Zhang Yining was advised to study as well as train hard by her mother./Zhang Yining was advised by her mother to study as well as train hard.Zhang Yinings mother advised her to study as well as train hard.A lot of Zhang Yinings time w

21、as taken up by her training programme.7P67Write a passage about Zhang Yining.Use the sentences you have written in Activity 6 to help you.Zhang Yining was noticed by Coach Wang Biling.She was asked by Wang Biling to go to Beijing Shichahai Sports School.A lot of Zhang Yinings time was taken up by he

22、r training programme,but Zhang Yining was advised by her mother to study as well as train hard.1.Their new _ is very serious and they are all afraid of him.2.His _ in the high jump is 1.80 metres.3.How many gold _ did China win at the 2012 Summer Olympics?4.Mrs Yang always _ us to take an active(积极的

23、积极的)part in after-school activities.5.Almost everyone has some musical _.medals coachrecord.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。encourage ability record coach medalencourages ability .根据句意用适当的介词填空。根据句意用适当的介词填空。1.Yi Jianlian started his career(职业生涯职业生涯)_ a professional player in Guangdong Province.2.Another

24、big thing happened to us _ the same year.3.Yi Jianlian is a symbol _ Chinasinternational sporting success.4._ other sports stars,Sun Yang started training when he was very young.5.Du Li won the first Olympic gold medal_ China at the Athens Olympics.as in ofLike for.根据汉语意思及英语提示写句子。根据汉语意思及英语提示写句子。1.他们

25、什么时候创立的这家公司?(他们什么时候创立的这家公司?(set up)_2.不要拿你的生活跟别人比较。不要拿你的生活跟别人比较。(compare with)_3.公司在上一年出现了严重亏损。(公司在上一年出现了严重亏损。(suffer)_ _When did they set up this company?Dont compare your life with others.The company suffered great loses last year.1.suffer from2.stop sb.(from)doing sth.3.take pride in4.First,he wa

26、s invited to competitions around the world.5.Liu was encouraged at first to train for the high jump.6.His races were recorded,and he was compared with the worlds best sports stars.本课时主要短语和句型本课时主要短语和句型 总结回顾总结回顾Now 2 mins to test your spelling.1.English-Chinese jump high sportsperson method courage first place ability2.Chinese-English 打破打破(纪录纪录);打碎;打碎 感到自豪感到自豪 受受折磨;因折磨;因而受苦而受苦 记录记录When finished,exchange your papers to see who does the best.Homework1.Try to search for more information about Liu Xiang and retell his story to your classmate.2.Preview the use of the past simple passive voice.


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