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1、Unit 6Text A The Last LeafO.HenryHUMAN TOUCH It is the human touch in this It is the human touch in this world that counts,the touch of your world that counts,the touch of your hand and mine.hand and mine.It means far more to the fainting It means far more to the fainting heart than shelter and brea

2、d and heart than shelter and bread and wine!wine!For shelter is gone when the night is over and For shelter is gone when the night is over and bread lasts only a day.bread lasts only a day.But the touch of the hand,the sound of the But the touch of the hand,the sound of the voice ,sings of the soul

3、always.voice ,sings of the soul always.Born:on September 11,1862 in Greensboro,North Carolina Died:on June 5,1910Experiences:worked as a bookkeeper,pharmacist,sheepherder,draftsman,journalist,and clerk;was in prison for three years.Works:more than 270 short stories and a novel.What do you know about

4、 O.Henry?Warm-up Questions1.Have you read any O.Henrys stories?2.What stories have you read?Can you name some of them?His main worksThe Four Million (1906)(a collection of stories)The Cop and the Anthem The Gift of the MagiThe Last LeafCabbages and Kings(1904)(a collection of stories)The Furnished R

5、oomThe Heart of the West(1907)(a collection of stories)Useful Expressions各处一成的可能性 画板 吹着轻快的口哨 倒着数几乎以耳语般的声音 十有八九 厌烦 here and there one chance in ten drawing board whistle a merry tune count backward in almost a whisper ten to one be tired of撇开一切撇开一切 看上去很像看上去很像 无节制地喝无节制地喝 至于其他至于其他大肆嘲笑大肆嘲笑 凝视着凝视着显眼,突出显眼

6、,突出 (时间)流逝(时间)流逝紧紧抱住紧紧抱住脱离危险脱离危险 湿透湿透没这回事没这回事 turn loose ones hold on everything look the part drink to excess for the rest mock terribly at peer at/stare at stand out wear away cling to be out of danger be wet through nothing of the kindRetell the story:The Last Leaf1)What was Johnsy determined to

7、do at first if the last ivy leaf should fall?She made up her mind to end her life when the last leaf fell.2)What did she decide to do when she saw the last leaf still cling to the vine after two nights rain and wind?She decided not to give up her life.3)How was it that the cold fierce wind did not b

8、low away the last leaf?The last leaf was actually painted onto the wall by Behrman,who risked his life painting it there the night that the last leaf fell.4)Why did Sue call the painted leaf Behrmans masterpiece?Because it looked so real that Johnsy could have never imagined it was fake.In a deeper

9、sense,because it saved Johnsys life.Characters EventSues roommate Johnsy caught pneumonia The first scenepara.1-2 The doctor told Sue that Johnsy needed a strong will to live on.Characters Eventthe Second ScenePara.3-8The third ScenePara.9-17Characters EventJohnsy,Sue Johnsy decided that she would d

10、ie when the last ivy leaf fell.The forth ScenePara.18-21Characters EventBerman,Sue She told Berman about Johnsys fancy.The fifth ScenePara.22-33Characters EventSue,JohnsyAs Johnsy was encouraged by the last leafthat wouldnt give in to the weather,her will to live returned.The sixth ScenePara.34-37Ch

11、aracters Eventthe doctor,Sue The doctor told Sue that Johnsy wouldRecovered but Behrman caught pneumonia himself and his case was hopeless.The seventh ScenePara.38-39Characters EventSue,JohnsySue told Johnsy that Behrman had performed a kind deed without any thought of self.Language Point 1.joint ad

12、j.共同的;连接的;【构词】joint=join(加入)+t(n)【例句】The house is our joint property.这房子是我们的共同财产。These foreigners have put forward a proposal for a joint venture.这些外国人提出了一个合资企业的建议。【常见搭配】joint efforts 共同努力 joint ownership 共同所有 take joint action 2.fancy n.幻想,幻觉;爱好【例句】I always have the fancy that he will come back.我常常

13、幻想他会回来。Ive suddenly taken a fancy to detective stories.我突然喜欢上了侦探小说.他迷上了邻家的女孩。He took a fancy to the girl next door.【常见搭配】after sbs fancy 中某人意 catch the fancy of sb.吸引某人 fancy ball/dress/fair/skating/oneself/man/womanhttp:/ 3.subtract vt.减,减去,去掉【例句】subtract 8 from 10,and you have 2.10减8得2。That subtra

14、cts nothing from his merit.那丝毫没有减损他的功绩。【常见搭配】sth.(from sth.)减去【派生】subtractive adj.(可)减少的,负的 subtraction n.减(法)【近形】abstract adj.抽象的 n.摘要 4.acute adj.尖的,锐的;敏锐的;严重的【例句】城里严重缺水。Theres an acute shortage of water in the city.A painter must be an acute observer.画家必须敏于观察。He has very acute hearing.(an acute s

15、ense of smell)【常见搭配】acute disease 急性发作的病acute angle 锐角【辨析】keen,acute,sharp,shrewd 这些形容词均有“锐利的、敏锐的、机敏的”之意。keen 多指对复杂艰深的事物或问题有敏锐的观察和敏捷的理解。acute侧重感觉敏锐,能分辨出一般人难以觉察的细微区别。sharp指人头脑精明、敏锐或机警。shrewd指有头脑,善于判断分析,精明过人http:/ 5.scarcely adv.仅仅;几乎不【例句】There were scarcely a hundred people present.出席的不足一百人。To my sur

16、prise,the guide turned out to know scarcely a word of English.让我吃惊的是,那个向导几乎一点英语都 不懂。【常见搭配】scarcely any 几乎没有 She had scarcely any breath to tell us anything.她几乎没有力气跟我们说话。【辨析】hardly,scarcely,barely 这些副词均含“几乎不”之意。hardly指接近最低限度,差不多没有多余,强调困难和程度。scarcely指不太充分,不太够,不足,不能令人满意,强调数量。barely指仅仅够,一点不多,强调没有多余。He h

17、as barely enough money to live on.他的钱仅够勉强维持生计。6.mingle:vi.vt.混合起来,相混合;交往,往来(+with/in)Near the bridge,the waters of the two streams mingled.在桥的附近,两条溪流的水汇合了。He mingled in the crowd and lost in sight.他混入人群,看不见了。It was a cry that mingled fright with surprise.那是一声夹着恐惧与惊讶的喊叫。She accepted the money with mi

18、ngled feelings.她悲喜交集地收下了这笔钱。辨析:辨析:mingle,mix 都表示“混合”的意思。Mingle指一般多种事物混合后,各事物保持个性,可以区分开来 Mix指事物混合后,就不可区分,水和油可以mingle,不可mix。7.wear away(of time)pass gradually;(cause to)become thin or damaged by constant use(时间)流逝;磨损 They didnt reach an agreement.Instead they wore the afternoon away in arguing.Chewing

19、 food wears away a persons teeth after many years.8.cling to(Line 2,Para 27):hold tight to;refuse to release or let go;remain faithful(idea/belief)紧紧抓住(或抱住);坚持,The baby clings to her mother.The sick man clung to the idea that he would be well again.The victim clung to the hope that someone would come to his rescue.


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