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1、托福基础班口语课 第一讲By Sally YangCopyright 2006Contact Information联系方式 杨思晴 (Sally)Y课上必备清单 蓝皮口语特训 白皮基础班口语讲义 眼睛2只 耳朵2个 嘴巴1个 红心1颗1.Introduction of TOEFL IBT TOEFL is used to measure English language proficiency.If you are applying to a college or university where English is the language of instruction,your TOE

2、FL score is a key to your study goal.新托福加入口语考试的原因:使TOEFL变得更科学,更好地满足美国大学的需要。帮助考生更好地适应未来的校园生活和学习。使考生通过练习,提高口头表达能力。继而在生活中更好地与外界沟通、互动,获取更多的外界信息和资源,了解更多的异域文化。新托福改革对中国学生的影响:中国式发音受到挑战 中国学生考试经验技巧丰富,但听说能力是薄弱环节。容易有挫败感。准备时间短促,对考生的英语表达能力要求提高(15/30/20),对考生的语言综合素质和应变能力也是严峻的挑战。长期养成的中文式思维和表达,也将成为考试的绊脚石。培养美语思维显然势在必行

3、。(American way of thinking)2.Brief Introduction of 6 Tasks题型简介 Refer to the additional material (参见基础班口语讲义P2)3.Pronunciation and Intonation语音关注点1.R音节读法:rose/rain/road/real/round/room/rope/root/it plays an important role/2.句子连读热身:听写练习跟读训练 Whatre you doing here?I should ask you the same question.Where

4、 are you going?Come and see.What about you?Cant wait to get out of here.3./u:/boot tooth cool /u/book took cook /u:/food goose Luke fool /u/foot good look full4./a:/dark cart mart charm /duck cut mut chum/a:/heart park march Bart/hut puck much but 4.Situational Dialogue*问候常用语:How are you?Hows everyt

5、hing going?Whats up?Hows your morning?*How are you?的N种回应方式:(1)Wonderful,Terrific,Fantastic,Gorgeous,Amazing,Marvelous,Great(2)Couldnt be better.(3)Couldnt be worse.(4)Sort of busy these days.(5)Not badCampus Conversation(Please refer to your textbooks P4-5.)“宝贝、亲爱的”的N种地道表达 L:puppy,duck,duckling,Bunn

6、y rabbit,pony,doggy,pumpkin M:cookie,chocolate,sweet pie,sweet pea,sugar,baby cake,4.Situational Dialogue:Campus Conversation Please refer to your textbooks P4-5.5.Movie Studies(P6)Check it out the movie clip,answer the following questions,and try to re-tell the story.(1)Terminal(2)Jim-Sun-SungShow

7、and TellCould be:a cup,a pen,a book,a mp3 player,a music box,or a mobile Key Words:Color,Design,Who(gave it to u),When(did u start to have it),How long(have u been using it),Special reasons.Supporting Sentences Lets take a look at this cup.Its a cup(blue,yellow,pink,etc.)It has beautiful design on i

8、t.Sth.are embedded on the cup.I have been using it for.(3 years)Sb.gave it to me as(a birthday gift)It is a token of sth.(love,hope,friendship or gratitude)It reminds me of sth/sb.Assignment Campus English 口语特训P42-1 Place P46-2 Person P52 3 Animal Have a listen of the English song-Lemon TreeTHE ENDS

9、ample Training:If you could live abroad,where would you go?Explain why you would go there.Include details and examples to support your point.电影情归巴黎Sabrina为例如何灵活使用精彩句型 Experiencing new things,getting another view of the world,finding new friends I sat in a caf,drank coffee and wrote nonsense in the j

10、ournal.I went for long walks,and I met myself in Paris.Its only a place to start.They do it for tourists,but Im always surprised at how it moves me.It means seeing life through rose-colored glasses.Only in Paris,where the light is pink,that song makes sense.But I will have it in my pocket when I get

11、 home,and I will take it with me wherever I go from now on.Key Points a nice place.Sea of Flowers.French sounds romantic Movie:Sabrina.A sense of belonging.Experience.A place to start.Meet myself.Topic Statement If I have a chance,Id like to go to Paris/FranceSupporting details According to the movi

12、es and pictures,Ive got an impression that France is a nice romantic place.People always called it the Sea of Flowers.After watching the movie Sabrina,I have dreamt all my life of visiting Paris.I found myself fall in love with this place.How I wish I could be there,sitting in a Caf,drinking coffee,writing journals and experiencing new things.Just like Sabrina did in the story.Its like having another view of the life,isnt it?


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