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1、文秘英语(专)IP课件第二讲 Unit One The Roles of a Secretary(上)主讲人:李更春Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary Reading:The Roles of a Secretary(秘书的角色)New words&expressions:invaluable adj.非常宝贵的;极为有用的 If you describe something as invaluable,you mean that it is extremely useful.e.g.I was able to gain invaluable experience

2、over that year.在那一年里我有幸获得了非常宝贵的经验。scanner n.(用来将图片或文件复制到电脑上的)扫描仪 A scanner is a piece of computer equipment that you use for copying a picture or document onto a computer.e.g.The card reader is compatible but the scanner is incompatible with my computer system.这个读卡机与我的电脑系统兼容,但扫描机不兼容。Unit 1 The Roles

3、 of a Secretary copier n.复印机;影印机 A copier is a machine which makes exact copies of writing or pictures on paper,usually by a photographic process.e.g.This copier can reproduce colour photographs.这台复印机可复制彩色照片。update v.更新;升级 If you update something,you make it more modern,usually by adding new parts t

4、o it or giving new information.e.g.He was back in the office,updating the work schedule on the computer.他已回到办公室,正在电脑上更新工作日程。Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary evolve v.(使)逐步发展;(使)演化 If something evolves or you evolve it,it gradually develops over a period of time into something different and usually mo

5、re advanced.e.g.As medical knowledge evolves,beliefs change.随着医学知识的逐步发展,观念也在发生变化。reliance n.依赖;依靠 A persons or things reliance on something is the fact that they need it and often cannot live or work without it.e.g.the countrys increasing reliance on foreign aid.这个国家日益依赖外国援助。Unit 1 The Roles of a Se

6、cretary automation n.自动化;自动操作 To automate a factory,office,or industrial process means to put in machines which can do the work instead of people.e.g.In the last ten years automation has reduced the work force here by half.过去的10年里,自动化使这里的工人总数减少了一半。managerial adj.经理的;管理上的;经营上的 Managerial means relati

7、ng to the work of a manager.e.g.She was promoted into some kind of managerial job.她被提拔去做某种管理工作。Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary troubleshoot v.寻找故障;调试;故障检测 e.g.A secretary must have the ability to troubleshoot and plan ahead.秘书必须具备紧急问题的处理能力和事先计划的能力。retrieve v.(计算机、大脑)检索,搜索(信息)To retrieve information

8、from a computer or from your memory means to get it back.e.g.Computers can instantly retrieve millions of information bits.计算机可以立即检索到数百万条信息。Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary integrate v.(使)(与)成为一体;(使)结合;(使)合并 If you integrate one thing with another,or one thing integrates with another,the two things b

9、ecome closely linked or form part of a whole idea or system.e.g.Only 20%of teachers report feeling very well prepared to integrate education technology into classroom instruction.仅有20%的教师认为他们感觉能够将技术与课堂教学进行整合。Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary dissemination n.散布;传播 To disseminate information or knowledg

10、e means to distribute it so that it reaches many people or organizations.e.g.He promoted the dissemination of scientific ideas.他推动了科学观念的传播。expertise n.专门技术;专门知识;专长 Expertise is special skill or knowledge that is acquired by training,study,or practice.e.g.The problem is that most local authorities la

11、ck the expertise to deal sensibly in this market.问题是大多数地方政府都缺乏合理应对这个市场的专门知识。Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary in addition to 除之外 putin order 把收拾整齐 word processor 计 文字处理软件 fax machine 传真机 executive secretary 行政秘书 administrative assistant 行政助手 keep track of 记录Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary Explanation

12、of key or difficult sentences:A competent secretary can be an invaluable aid to the boss,assuming many responsibilities.In addition to typing,filing,and taking dictation,a secretary also makes appointments,puts files in order,writes letters,answers the phone,and makes travel plans.Unit 1 The Roles o

13、f a Secretary competent:称职的,能干的 invaluable:无价的,非常宝贵的 assuming many responsibilities:承担许多责任 in addition to:除之外 filing:文件归档 taking dictation:作笔录,作记录 makes appointments:与他人预约 put files in order:把文件收拾整齐 makes travel plans:制定旅行计划Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary 有能力的秘书是上司不可多得的助手,承担着许多责任。除了打字、收集文件、记录指令,秘书还要

14、安排会面、整理档案,撰写信函、接听电话、指定旅行安排。Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary Besides having a good knowledge of grammar,and being able to speak well,a secretary should also be good at keyboarding.They need to know how to use a word processor and,in some cases,they may have to master other software programs.keyboardin

15、g:键盘输入 word processor:文字处理软件Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary 除了具有出色的语法、口语,秘书应该善于键盘输入。他们必须知道如何使用文字处理机,在某些情况下,他们还要掌握其他软件程序。Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary In addition,a secretary has to operate different office equipment in their work,such as computers,fax machines,scanners and copiers.Secretaries make

16、 sure that the information that leaves the office is correct.fax machines:传真机 scanners:扫描仪 copiers:复印机Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary 此外,秘书必须要在工作中操作不同的办公设备,例如计算机、传真机、扫描仪和复印机。秘书要确保从办公室传达出去的信息是正确的。Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary Some secretaries are called“executive secretaries”or“administrative assis

17、tants”.These secretaries have more duties.Some make reports and train other people.Some work in a specific field,such as medicine or law.Medical secretaries help doctors keep track of their patients,while legal secretaries work with lawyers.executive secretaries:行政秘书 administrative assistants:行政助手 k

18、eep track of:保持对的联系Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary 一些秘书被称为“行政秘书”或“行政助理”。这些秘书承担更多的职责。有的需要做汇报和培训其他员工。有的从事医药或法律等某个特殊领域。医疗秘书帮助医生跟踪病人状况,法律秘书协助律师工作。Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary Presently the role of the office professional has greatly evolved,as the reliance on technology continues to expand in offices

19、.Office automation and organizational restructuring have led secretaries and administrative assistants to assume responsibilities once reserved for managerial and professional staff.evolve:发展,进展 reliance:依靠 office automation:办公室自动化 organizational restructuring:组织重组Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary 目前,

20、随着办公室对科技的依赖不断扩展,办公室专家的作用发生了巨大的提升。办公自动化和组织重组让秘书和行政助理承担了曾经是经理和专业人员履行的职责。Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary Many secretaries and administrative assistants now provide training and orientation for new staff,conduct research on the Internet,and operate and troubleshoot new office technologies.orientation:迎新

21、情况介绍,入职指导 troubleshoot:检修Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary 现在,许多秘书和行政助理进行新员工培训并为他们进行入职指导、进行网上的调研、实施并改进新的办公技术。Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary In spite of these changes,however,the core role for secretaries and administrative assistants has remained much the same:performing and coordinating the office a

22、dministrative activities and storing,retrieving,and integrating information for dissemination to staff and clients.in spite of:虽然,尽管 core:核心的 remained much the same:大多保持不变Unit 1 The Roles of a Secretary 然而,尽管发生了这些变化,秘书和行政助理的核心作用大多保持不变:处理和协调办公室的行政事务,收集、回馈和整合(各类)信息以传达给员工和客户。I.Read the text carefully,a

23、nd choose the best answer for each of the following.1.Secretaries are key members of a company team probably because C.A.they also work in officesB.other people are more importantC.other people in offices rely on them D.they write letters and answer the phones2.Whats the difference between ordinary

24、secretaries and executive secretaries?BA.Ordinary secretaries work longer hours.B.Executive secretaries have more responsibilities.C.Executive secretaries work with doctors and lawyers.D.Ordinary secretaries work in small companies only.3.Which of the following is TRUE of secretaries?D A.Secretaries

25、 often have wrist problems.B.Secretaries often work part time.C.Secretaries mainly work in government offices.D.Secretaries should be good at keyboarding.4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?C A.The responsibilities and duties of a secretary.B.The importance of a secretary in a comp

26、any.C.The income of a secretary.D.The qualities that a secretary should have.II.Choose the best one to complete each of the following sentences.1.The fire started in the basement and quickly spread to the first floor,where it destroyed all the in the language lab.A.furnitures and equipments B.furnit

27、ure and equipment C.furniture and equipments D.furnitures and equipment2._ of the factory has greatly increased its productivity.A.Automation B.AutomateC.AutomatedD.Automatic 3.The secretary arrangements to get everything ready on time.A.did B.tookC.made D.had4.In the past few years there has been a

28、 growing for telecommunication services.A.demandB.interestC.commandD.requirementBACA5.The simple plan_ into a complicated scheme.A.dispersed B.evolved C.expandedD.evolving 6.Now that the financial support has been secured,the production of the film is .A.accepted B.assured C.solvedD.decided7.The fil

29、es need_.A.replacing B.to update C.update D.updating8.His advice has been _to the success of the project.A.invaluable B.value C.invariable D.faint BBDAIII.Choose one word or phrase from the box,and complete each sentence with its proper form.1.Mr.Wang is in business negotiation.2.Before signing the

30、contract,please read it carefully to _ that everything is clear.3.If you are the person that others to keep things going on well,you are the key members in the company.4.One of the most important qualities that a secretary has to have is to_ all the colleagues from different departments.experienced

31、make sure rely on get along well with make sure,keep track of,get along well with,rely on,part-time,update,predict,in addition to,experience,evolve,range fromto,expect5.The earthquake had been several months before.6.The prices of the product seven dollars 10 dollars.7.There are six other applicants

32、 for the job the names on the list.8.Our company keeps on production methods to meet the demand of customers.9.The history of the development of society shows that man _ from the ape.10.It is hard to all ones old school friends.11.This is the parcel which we have been from New York.12.Since a freshman in university,Jack has been working _ in Beijing branch of the IBM Company.predicted range from in addition to updating keep track of part-time expecting to has evolved 本讲结束


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