2019高考英语一轮复习 习题天天练 模块2 Unit 3 Amazing people 牛津译林版必修2.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Unit 3 Amazing people 一、阅读理解。 Recently I and other Red Cross volunteers met a group of victims from Hurricane Katrina. We were there, as mental health professionals, to offer psychological first aid and I was struck by the simple healing power of presence. As we walked in the gate to t

2、he shelter, we were greeted with a burst of gratitude (感激 ) from the first person we met. I felt appreciated, but also guilty, because I hadnt really done anything yet. I first realized the power of presence many years ago when a friends mother passed away unexpectedly. I had received a call saying

3、she had just passed away. I wanted to rush down there immediately, but didnt want to intrude ( 打扰 ) on this very personal period of sadness. I was torn about what to do. Another friend with me then said, Just go. Just be there. I did, and I will never regret it. Since then, I have not hesitated to b

4、e in the presence of others. Once I sat at the bedside of a young man suffering from the pain of his AIDS related dying. He was not awake, and obviously unaware of others presence. However, the atmosphere was by no means solemn. His family, playing guitars and singing, allowed him to be present with

5、 them as though he were still fully alive. In my life, I am repeatedly struck by the healing power of presence. In it, none of us are truly alone. It is not only something we give to others but also changes me for the better. 1.Why were the hurricane victims grateful to the author? A. He built shelt

6、ers for them. B. He gave immediate first aid to them. C. He came to stay with them. D. He brought mental health professionals. 2.What did the author do when his friends mother passed away? A. He hesitated over whether to go. B. He went to his friends at once. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 C. He knew what to do inst

7、antly. D. He decided not to disturb. 3.What does the underlined word solemn in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A. Heavy but warm. B. A little sad but cosy. C. Relaxing and delightful. D. Very serious and unhappy. 4.What has the author learned from his experience? A. A friend in need is a friend indeed. B

8、. Being present can make a big difference. C. The family harmony is the happiest thing in life. D. Being a volunteer can make ones life more significant. 【 文章大意 】本文是一篇记叙文。经过几次出现在诸如灾难现场、失去亲人的朋友家里等,作者体会到出现产生的巨大力量,因为这不仅帮助 了别人,也提高了自己。 1.C 【解析】 细节理解题。根据第 一 段末 we were greeted with a burst of gratitude (感激

9、 )from the first person we met?.I hadnt really done anything yet. 可知,我们只是和他们见面,还没有做什么,故选 C。 3.D 【解析】 词义猜测题。根据画线词后一句中 His family, playing guitars and singing, allowed him to be present with them as though he were still fully alive.可知,当时气氛并不严肃,故选 D。 4.B 【解析】 细节理解题。根据第 4 段中 In my life, I am repeatedly

10、struck by the healing power of presence.可知,每次的出现都会产生很大的影响,故选 B。 二、单项填空 1.Little children ask endless questions because they are _ about everything. A. skeptical B. aware C. capable 【 精品教育资源文库 】 D. curious 【答案】 D 2.Nowadays teenagers are not _ to stand and appreciate works of art; they prefer to par

11、ticipate in them. A. content B. optimistic C. confident D. outgoing 【答案】 A 【解析】 content 满足的,满意的,符合句意。 optimistic 乐观的,抱有乐观看法的;confident 自信的; outgoing 爱交际的,友好的,外向的。句意:如今,青少年不满足于只是站着欣赏艺术作品;他们更喜欢参与到艺术作品中。 3.As is known to us all, failure usually _ laziness while diligence can _ success. A. results from,

12、 lie in B. results in, result from C. leads, lie in D. results from, result in 【答案】 D 【解析】 result from 因?而发生,后接原因; lie in 存在于,后接原因; result in 产生,后接结果; lead to 导致,后接结果。失败是因为懒惰,而勤奋则导致成功,故选 D 项。 4.Many university graduates _ to work in first-tier cities, which are attractive to them. A. inspire B. desi

13、re C. risk D. arrange 【答案】 B 【解析】 desire to do sth.渴望做某事。 inspire 常用于 inspire sb. to do sth.; risk 后接动名词。句意:许多大学毕业生渴望到一线城市工作,这些城市对他们很有吸引力。 5.When reading English novels, I often _ idiomatic expressions that I cant understand. A. come across B. go over C. get across D. take over 【答案】 A 【 精品教育资源文库 】

14、【解析】 come across 偶然遇见; go over 复习; get across 横跨; take over 取代。句意:在读到英文小说时,我经常会遇到一些我不能理解的成语似的短语。根据句意,故选 A。 6.The word “track” _ a path which is made of earth _ having a surface covered with other materials. A. adds to; rather than B. leads to; other than C. refers to; rather than D. replies to; othe

15、r than 【答案】 C 【解析】 refer to 意为“引用,指”, rather than 意为“而不是”,符合语境。 add to 增加, lead to 导致, reply to 回复, other than 除了。句意:“小路”这个词指的就是土路,而不是表面覆盖着别的什么材料的路。 7.The children who are crazy about playing computer games are all driven by _ at first. A. discount B. belief C. curiosity D. satisfaction 【答案】 C 【解析】

16、discount 折扣; belief 信念; curiosity 好奇心; satisfaction 满意。句意:那些热衷于玩电脑游戏的孩子们一开始都是被好奇心所驱使。 8.The carbon content of steel largely determines its usefulness for specific _ applications. 【答案】 D 【解析】 typical 典型的; tough 艰苦的; fantastic 较好的,很大的; specific 明确的,具体的。句意:钢的碳含量 (的多少 )很大程度上决定了它具体的用途。 9. The top technol

17、ogies have been brought to the local farms. _, the crop output has been increased a lot. A. In particular B. On the contrary C. As a result D. In addition 【答案】 C 【解析】句意:当地的农场已经引进了一些先进的技术。结果,农作物产量增加了很多。从句意可知,前后表示“因果”关系,所以选 as a result,表示“结果”。 10.We desire that immediate help _ to the local people who

18、 were in trouble. A. be given B. will be given C. should give D. is given 【答案】 A 【 精品教育资源文库 】 【解析】 desire 和 suggest, request 等表示请求建议的词后的从句用“ should动词原形”表示虚拟语气, should 可以省略。句意:我们期望立即给予那些遇到了麻烦的当地人帮助。 11.So far, only one man has _ a theory that seems to fit all the facts. A. come up with B. put up wit

19、h C. lined up with D. caught up with 【答案】 A 12.Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _. A. purpose B. reference C. progress D. memory 【答案】 B 【解析】 for future reference 以备日后参考。句意:你最好写下这个餐馆的号码以便日后参考用。 13.Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, o

20、nly _ it didnt fit A. to find B. found C. finding D. having found 【答案】 A 【解 析】不定式和 only 连用,表示意料之外的结果。现在分词 doing 常常表示顺理成章的结果。句意:她着急地把裙子从包装里拿了出来,结果却发现裙子不合适。“但是裙子不合适”说明这是意料之外的结果。 14.Success is not final, and failure is not deadly. It is, you know, the courage to continue _ counts in life. A. that B. wh

21、ich C. where D. when 【答案】 A 【解析】 It is the courage to continue that counts in life 为强调句型,强调的是句子的主语 the courage to continue。故选 A。句意:成功不是最终目的,失败也不是致命的。你知道,生活中,继续下去的勇气才最重要。 you know 为插入语,做题时可删除,以免影响思考。 15. Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 Oh! I thought they _ without me. A. went B. are going C. have gone D. had gone 【答案】 D 【解析】句意:“快点!爱丽丝和苏正在学校门口等你呢!”“噢!我原以为她们不等我就走了


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