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1、2020-2021 学学年年上上海海市市浦浦东东新新区区八八年年级级(上上)期期末末英英语语试试卷卷I.Choose the best answer.(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案):(16 分分)1Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?()AIt is important for everyone to have a good breakfast.BThe man left clear footprints in the wet sand.CDetecti

2、ve Ken told us about a case he dealt with recently.DWhen you feel upset,take a deep breath and it will help.2What are you going to do _ this weekend?()AonBinCatD/3If it isnt_ tomorrow,we will have a picnic.()ArainyBrainCrainingDrains4He spoke so fast that nobody of_ could understand him.()AweBusCour

3、Dours5 Every one expects NCP(新型冠状病毒)will suddenly_ soon.We can travel all over theworld.()Adie ofBdie outCdie fromDdie in6Im so busy that I_ make phone calls to clients on the way to school.()AsometimeBsome timesCsome timeDsometimes7Dinosaurs lived on the earth more than_ years ago.()Asixty millions

4、Bsixty million.Csix millionDsix millions8Jack_ to bed until his father came back.()Adidnt goBwentCcomeDdidnt come9Confucius was a famous thinker_ lived in China about 2,500 years ago.()AwhomBthatCwhoDwhich10The computer was_ expensive for Peter_ buy.()AsoforBverycouldCtootoDenoughto11They looked_ al

5、iens from another planet.()AintoBlikeCupDat12When we are_,we should help each other.()Ain peaceBin piecesCin troubleDin dangerous13A:Do you finish_ your relatives in Garden City?B:Yes,of course.()AvisitingBvisitCvisitsDvisited14Alice does her homework as_ as Joan.()AgoodBcarefulCcareDcarefully15 You

6、d better go to see the doctor if you cough badly._()AThank you.I willBThats all rightCThats very kind of youDYes,Id love to16 Would you please tell me_ the video conference will be held?In twoweeks.()Ahow longBhow muchChow soonDhow often.Choosetheproperwordsandexpressionstocompletethepassage.(将将下下列列

7、单单词词填填入入空空格格,每每空空格格限限填填一一词词,每每词词只只能能填填一一次次。用用 A,B,C,D 或或 E 表表示示)17(4 分)A.seemedB.finishedC.obeyD.showedE.helpfulWe arrived at the school gate I could see the playground,wide and full of boys and girls.Father asked me to go in by myself.I felt I was a stranger who had lost his way.I did not knowa sin

8、gle one of them.Then I was led into a classroom by a woman.When I entered theclassroom,I found many children were crying there.The bell rang and another woman with asmiling face came in.This is your new home,said the woman.Everything that is enjoyableand(1)here.So dont cry.Dry your tears and face sc

9、hool life happily.Well,it(2)that she was right.I had never imagined school life would be socolorful.In the music room we sang songs.We also learned letters.We saw a map of the worldwhich(3)different countries.We started learning numbers.We ate delicious food,took a little nap(小睡),and woke up to go o

10、n with friendship and love,playing andlearning.Our road,however,was not always sweet and pleasant.We had to(4)schoolrules and be hardworking.Some competitions could bring about tears.In this environment,I grew up day by day.Choosetheproperwordsandexpressionstocompletethepassage.(将将下下列列单单词词填填入入空空格格,每

11、每空空格格限限填填一一词词,每每词词只只能能填填一一次次。用用 A,B,C,D 或或 E 表表示示)18(4 分)A.knowledgeB.upC.wrongD.awayE.silentI walked with my father,pulling his right hand.I was unhappy as this was the day I wasto be put into school.Why school?I asked my father sadly.I have done anything(1),so you punish(惩罚)me now?School is not a

12、punishment,he said,laughing.School is a place that makes usefulmen out of boys.In the school,you can learn a lot of(2).Dont you want to be usefullike your brothers?I kept(3).I didnt think what he said was true.I did not think itwas anything good to be taken(4)from my home and put into the huge build

13、ing withhigh walls.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用用所所给给单单词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空,每每空空格格限限填填一一词词):(6 分分)19Gork lived on the(twenty)floor with his kangaroos.20My sister is the(own)of the big hotel.21He lookedat his son and said,You did a very good job(happy)22The roar he

14、gave was so(frighten)that turned our blood to ice.23I think(free)is more important than anything else.24 The parents thanked the police over and over as he took the lost child back home(safety).IV.Rewrite the sentences as required.(根根据据要要求求改改写写句句子子,每每空空格格限限填填一一词词):(10 分分)25(2 分)Scott shook the bottl

15、e before taking the medicine(改为否定句)Scottthe bottle before taking the medicine26(2 分)Peter seldom puts up his hand in class.(改为反意疑问句)Peter seldom puts up his hand in class,?27(2 分)It took us two months to finish the work.(保持句意基本不变)Wetwo monthsthe work.28(2 分)She has bought a very nice purse.(感叹句)nice

16、 purse she has bought!29(2 分)in his cave,the monster,the laser beam,in the eye,hit(连词成句)V.Reading comprehension(阅阅读读理理解解):Choosethebestanswer.(根根据据短短文文内内容容,选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案。)30(5 分)Today many people all over the world ride bicycles.This is because its a wonderfulmeans of transport.It is also an exce

17、llent form of exercise.Bicycles dont pollute the air,either.At present,there are about a billion bicycles in the world.But how much do you knowabout bicycles?About 100 million bicycles are made around the world each year.Now there are over ahalf billion bicycles in China alone.Bikes were first broug

18、ht to China in the 1800s.Todaybicycles are very important for transportation in the world.Then who invented the bicycle?Along time ago,Leonardo Da Vinci drew some roughpictures that looked like a bicycle.But he is not the inventor of a bicycle.In 1690,aFrenchman named De Sivrac invented the first bi

19、cycle.But it didnt have pedals(脚登).Pedalswere added in 1840 by a Scottish named Kirkpatrick Macmillan.He is considered as theinventor of the real bicycle.Riding a bicycle has a number of health benefits.Riding for three hours or thirtykilometers every week cuts your risk of heart disease in half.Man

20、y people in Asia and Europeuse their bicycles when travelling short distances.However,Americans only use their bicyclesonce in a hundred trips.If they use their bicycles a lot,they would save a lot of gas and helpprotect the environment.(1)bicycles are made around the world each year.A.About one bil

21、lionB.About 100 millionC.About one millionD.About 100 billion(2)Which is NOT the reason that people ride bicycles according to the passage?A.It doesnt pollute the air.B.Its an excellent form of exercise.C.It helps people make good friends.D.Its a wonderful means of transportation.(3)What does the th

22、ird paragraph mainly tell us?A.The types of bicycle.B.The advantages of bicycle.C.The problems of bicycle.D.The inventor of bicycle.(4)Who is considered as the real inventor of the bicycle according to the passage?A.Leonardo Da Vinci.B.Frenchman named De Sivrac.C.Kirkpatrick Macmillan.D.The passage

23、doesnt tell us who.(5)We may know thatfrom the passage.A.Americans ride bicycles less than Asians.B.Europeans do not have heart diseases.C.Asians are too poor to buy cars.D.Americans use the bicycles a lot.31(6 分)B Choose the words or expressions and complete the passageHow many times haveyou seen s

24、omeone on TV or in a crowd and had that nagging feeling that youve seen themsomewhere before but can quite place them?This seems to be quite a(n)(50)experience and it raises questions about exactly how we recognize faces Whats going on inour brains when we see a face?Scientists have recently carried

25、 out tests on volunteers to find out which areas in the brain areinvolved in face recognition The tests must have been a lot of fun to take part in!Thevolunteers were(51)a photograph of a famous person on a computer and then theface gradually changed into another famous persons For example a picture

26、 of the 1950s filmstar Marilyn Monroe(52)changed into a picture of the British Prime MinisterMargaret Thatcher!Obviously,Marilyns beautiful curly blonde hair became greyer,her nosbecame sharper and longer,and her face developed wrinkles and lines around the mouthAsthey watched the person change,comp

27、licated equipment scanned thevlunteers brains to seewhich parts of the brain were lighting upThe(53)showed that we use three main areas of the brain to identify peoplesfaces While one section of the brain looks at the physical features such as size and shape ofeyes,another part identifies the face a

28、s known or unknown(54),a third partof the brain is checking out the name or other information about the face in our memory Itsounds(55)but it seems that human beings can store as many as 10,000faces in theirmemories and most of us can recognize about ninety per cent of our classmates up to thirty fi

29、veyears after we last saw them!50A badB commonC unusualD exciting51A shownBslowlyC slowlyD suddenly53A surveyB situationC changesD results54A Whats moreB For the time beingC As a resultD At the sametime55A sillyB amazingC seriousD familiar32(7 分)Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wo

30、rds.(根据首字母填空,每空格限填一词)Most cell phone companies design models especially for kids.But parents are usually theones buying the phones,and(1)pthe bill.According to a recent study,56%ofparents of children aged from 8 to 12 have given their children a cell phone.The percentagegoes up with age.Most kids ge

31、t their(2)fcell phone at the age of 12.But 13%ofchildren aged 6 to 10 already have one.Many parents think it is necessary for kids to have a cell phone(3)bit helpskids keep in touch with their friends and families.They believe that cell phones are animportant tool when something happens(4)s.Kids can

32、 stay connected with theirparents at all times.It is also convenient for them to receive a goodluck message before a biggame.Some people also think cell phones help teach kids to be responsible.But other people are(5)wabout the health and safety effects of kids cellphones.They believe that sending m

33、essages while doing homework is bad for kidsconcentration(注意力).They say that kids are spending too much time sending messages(6)iof talking to each other.But we do need to communicate face to face.Also theradiation(辐射)that the cellphones give off can be(7)hto young people.What do you think?Do kids n

34、eed their own cell phones?33(7 分)Answer the question.(根据短文内容,回答下列问题)The villas(别墅)were very nice.Beautiful houses,wonderful lawns(草坪),andnice gardens.This was the kind of housing estate where John Wood preferred to work.It was just before eleven oclock at night.After John drove around for the fifth

35、time,hethought that he had found the right houseNo 4.There was no light and the garage(车库)door was open.John parked his car in the next street and then came into the garage.No one would think that a welldressed gentleman with a white silk scarf and gloves,was really an excellent thief.After looking

36、around the house for a while,John got down to work.He searched everyroom,and before long,his hands were full.He had two necklaces,some gold rings and apurse with a lot of money.He put all the things in his pocket.Then he found a small wall safe in the bedroom.John couldnt wait to take the valuableth

37、ings from the safe and put them into his own pocket!But the thief met a problem:hecouldnt open the safe.John wiped(擦)a few drops of sweat from his forehead,took off his gloves,andplaced them on a chair.Again and again,and finally,he opened the safe.He saw somethingshininga huge diamond.At that time,

38、John heard someone opening the front door.It was the owner of the house.John put the diamond in his pocket,ran to the window,climbed out of the house and droveaway in the dark.Ten minutes later,the police arrived.After searching the house,the police found animportant piece of evidence(证据)that could

39、easily tell who was the thief.Do you know what the piece of evidence was?(1)When did the story happen?(2)Why did John think House No.4 is the right one?(3)Where did John put all the things that he had stolen?(4)How did John feel when he saw the wall safe?(5)John was very good at stealing things,wasn

40、t he?(6)Did the police think they were able to catch the thief?Give reason(s).V.Writing(共共 10 分分)34(10 分)Write at least 60 words on the topic:I want to say thanks you to_!为题,写一篇不少于 60 个单词的短文,要求内容适切,意思连贯,标点符号不占格。)Suggested questions:1.Who do you want to say thanks you to?2.Why do you want to say than

41、ks you to him/her/it/them?3.What can you learn from him/her/it/them?2020-2021 学学年年上上海海市市浦浦东东新新区区八八年年级级(上上)期期末末英英语语试试卷卷参参考考答答案案与与试试题题解解析析I.Choose the best answer.(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案):(16 分分)1Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?()AIt is important for eve

42、ryone to have a good breakfast.BThe man left clear footprints in the wet sand.CDetective Ken told us about a case he dealt with recently.DWhen you feel upset,take a deep breath and it will help.【分析】下列哪个划线部分的发音与其他部分不同?【解答】breakfast 中字母 ea 的发音为/e/;clear 中字母 ea 的发音为/;dealt 中字母 ea的发音为/e/;breath 中字母 ea 的

43、发音为/e/;B 项划线部分的发音与其他三项不同。故选:B。2What are you going to do _ this weekend?()AonBinCatD/【分析】这个周末你打算做什么?【解答】考查介词 on 表示在具体某一天 in 表示在一个具体范围 at 在具体的几点 句意这个周末你打算做什么?weekend 周末前面有代词 this 这个修饰时,不加介词故选:D3If it isnt_ tomorrow,we will have a picnic.()ArainyBrainCrainingDrains【分析】如果明天不下雨,我们将去野餐。【解答】rainy 形容词,下雨的;多

44、雨的;rain 动词,下雨;raining 是动词 rain 的现在分词;rains 是动词 rain 的三单形式。根据语境可知如果明天不下雨,我们将去野餐。所填词被 isnt 修饰,故用形容词。故选:A。4He spoke so fast that nobody of_ could understand him.()AweBusCourDours【分析】他说得太快了,我们谁也听不懂。【解答】A.we 我们;B.us 我们;C.our 我们的;D.ours 我们的;根据题干 He spoke so fastthat nobody of,可知 of 后接人称宾格 us。故选:B。5 Every

45、one expects NCP(新型冠状病毒)will suddenly_ soon.We can travel all over theworld.()Adie ofBdie outCdie fromDdie in【分析】每个人都盼望新型冠状病毒很快就会消失。我们可以周游世界。【解答】die of 死于;die out 消失;灭绝;die from 死于;die in 在死去。根据语境可知每个人都盼望新型冠状病毒很快就会消失。我们可以周游世界。故选:B。6Im so busy that I_ make phone calls to clients on the way to school.(

46、)AsometimeBsome timesCsome timeDsometimes【分析】我很忙碌,有时候在上学的路上给客户打电话。【解答】A 表示某个时间,B 表示几次,C 表示一些时间,D 表示有时候。根据题干可知我很忙碌,有时候在上学的路上给客户打电话,则 D 选项符合题意。故选:D。7Dinosaurs lived on the earth more than_ years ago.()Asixty millionsBsixty million.Csix millionDsix millions【分析】恐龙在地球上生活了超过六百万年了。【解答】根据题干,可知考查数词的用法。从选项分析,

47、可知用 million 来表达数量,前面有基数词修饰时,其后不能加 s,因此是 sixty million 或 six million,但是 sixty million 应表达为 six trillion。故选:C。8Jack_ to bed until his father came back.()Adidnt goBwentCcomeDdidnt come【分析】杰克直到他父亲回来,才上床睡觉。【解答】go to bed 上床睡觉。not until 直到才。根据句意,杰克直到他父亲回来,才上床睡觉。所以用 didnt go to bed.故选:A。9Confucius was a fam

48、ous thinker_ lived in China about 2,500 years ago.()AwhomBthatCwhoDwhich【分析】孔子是一位著名的思想家,生活在中国大约 2500 年前。【解答】根据题干,可知考查关系代词。分析句子结构,可知,先行词 thinker 在从句中作主语,因此用关系代词 that 或 who,又因这里是指特定的人物孔子,因此最佳答案是who。故选:C。10The computer was_ expensive for Peter_ buy.()AsoforBverycouldCtootoDenoughto【分析】对彼得来说这台电脑太贵了而买不起。

49、【解答】根据题干可知对彼得来说这台电脑太贵了而买不起,其中 tooto 表示太而不能,则 C 选项符合题意。故选:C。11They looked_ aliens from another planet.()AintoBlikeCupDat【分析】他们看起来像来自其他星球的外星人。【解答】look into 向里看,look like 看起来像,look up 查询,look at,看,结合语境,应该是他们看起来像来自其他星球的外星人。故选:B。12When we are_,we should help each other.()Ain peaceBin piecesCin troubleDin

50、 dangerous【分析】当我们有麻烦时,我们应该互相帮助。【解答】A 表示和平地,B 表示碎片,C 表示有麻烦、陷入困境,D 表述错误,应该是in danger,表示处于危险中。根据题干可知当我们有麻烦时,我们应该互相帮助,则 C选项符合题意。故选:C。13A:Do you finish_ your relatives in Garden City?B:Yes,of course.()AvisitingBvisitCvisitsDvisited【分析】A:你在花园城市拜访完你的亲戚了吗?B:是的,当然。【解答】根据题干,可知考查动名词。finish doing,完成做某事。根据句意,你在花


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