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1、必修必修4Unit 10Money课课 前前三三 言言 两两 语语which makes her gain good honors in our villages sincere and sound suggestions,which cleared up 基基 础础知知 识识 梳梳 理理greedy bargain comment replace enjoyable remove aggressive native pleased advance contact fluently truly balance defeat greedy to replace balance enjoyable

2、 bargains have been advanced appealing existence determination determined concerned concerning puzzled puzzling amusement amused amusing practical container appealing appeals exist existence Practical practice puzzled puzzled puzzling determined determines amusing amuses amusing amusement concerned

3、技术,技巧 寝室,宿舍 地毯 项链,项圈 清洁器;清洁工人 水壶 坚定的;稳固的 取消 公司 克制 at present give away drop out dream up be determined to do sth.put off appeal to.out of work are determined to drop out give away out of work appeals to make/earn a living take turns turn ones back on be tired of.be concerned about a variety of whats

4、 more be associated with make/earn a living are concerned about a variety of take turns that he was admitted to Beijing University if so How come are difficult and sometimes even impossible to get rid of 重重 难难考考 点点 探探 究究from to is a variety of/varieties of determination to persuade Determined to per

5、form well concerned concerning aboutin/with about concerning in terms of to to for savingsave appealing to the public to pay making an appeal to the public to pay behaved themthemselves should mind our behaviour in advanced advances advanced前加was in advance of replaced 去掉the wont be replaced by eboo

6、ks wont take the place of paper books 泄露 颁发 捐赠 give off given away 推迟,延期 脱掉 使反感 让某人下车 He put aside his book He put forward a very good suggestion that Charles was a rich man!that this problem (should)be settled whether it is right or wrong The problem which of the two trips is better If so if any if

7、 ever If possible 核核 心心素素 养养 达达 标标balanced annoyed varieties achievement concerned to be told asked that a with in to away a expected to eat awareness of to become thought to be where feeling that charities a makes happier to earn lots of money?give away your money to out of work didnt drop out of a

8、pproximately drop out of was tired of what he had had to do was always concerned about his fortune felt ashamed of nothing could replace them appealed to Charlie was such a person.His father died when he was young.But for/Without the help from people,he would have dropped out of school.Whats more,he thought that freedom and happiness which nothing could replace were of great importance.课课时时提提能能练练点击右图进入点击右图进入Thank you for watching!


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