(浙江专用版)2019版高考英语大一轮复习 第一部分 Unit 5 First aid课件 新人教版必修5.ppt

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1、必修五,Unit 5First aid,.情景默写1.Andy _ (倒)the glass full and lifted it to Bobby.2.They just reached a _ (临时的)agreement.3.A lot of people wept bitter tears during the funeral _ (仪式).4.The law should _ (适用)to all of the people living here.5.His foot was very _ (肿胀)after the big accident.6.He found a hole i

2、n the fence and _ (挤)his way through.7.He is accused of repeatedly _ (刺)a sixteen-year-old boy.,poured,temporary,ceremony,apply,swollen,squeezed,stabbing,8.The cut on his leg _ (流血)a lot when he was hurt yesterday.9.An _ (救护车)arrived in five minutes after the accident.10.Having a fever or cold is th

3、e _ (症状)that you have fallen ill.11.The mountains form a natural _ (屏障)between the two countries.12.He nearly _ (窒息)to death when a fish bone got stuck in his throat.13.It is _ (至关重要的)that schools teach students to use computer technology.14.She was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment for _ (毒害)h

4、is neighbours.15.My writing career _ (腾飞)when I discovered my own style.16.Ive told you _ (反复)not to do that but you wont listen.,bled,ambulance,symptom,barrier,choked,vital,poisoning,took off,over and over again,17.Arriving in London,she suddenly _ (生病)because she couldnt bear the changeable weathe

5、r.18.Im sure that our hard work can _ (起重要作用)and everything will be OK.19.The professor always urges us that everything should be put _ (在适当的位置)before we leave the lab.20.Hannah was busy with work then but she still tried her best to _ (挤出)some time from her tight schedule to visit her mother.,fell

6、ill,make a difference,in place,squeeze out,.词性转换1.The passengers _ (tight)packed in the train.2.He said _ (mild)to me that he didnt mean to upset me.3.Its an ideal place to relax and escape the _ (press)of modern life.4.The burning plastic gave off _ (poison)gas,which is harmful to our health.5.The

7、operation is very complex;besides,the long time needed is _ (bear).6.We like to live a life full of _ and mens tastes are _.(vary),tightly,mildly,pressure,poisonous,unbearable,variety,various,7.Tom got badly _ in the car accident.The _ to his leg was really serious.(injury)8.People had to _ themselv

8、es in their own way before they received the _ sent by the government.(treat)9.The people in the flooded area fought _ against the natural disaster.Their _ deserved to be praised.(brave)10.I _ (firm)believe that the more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying,the more benefits we wil

9、l get in our daily study and job.,injured,injury,treat,treatment,bravely,bravery,firmly,1.句型公式:unless“假如不;除非”,引导条件状语从句,除非我被邀请,否则我不会去参加晚会的。I wont go to the party _.,2.句型公式:be doing.when.“正在做这时”,她正走在大街上,这时她听到有人叫她。She _ she heard her name called.,3.句型公式:Theres no doubt that.“毫无疑问”,毫无疑问,中国人民热爱和平,但我们并不惧怕

10、战争。_ but we dont fear war.,unless (Im)invited,was walking along the street when,There is no doubt that the Chinese people love peace,1.pour vt. & vi.倒;灌;注;涌,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/完成句子After the meeting all the children poured _ in crowds.The rays of the sun poured _ through the window.Sobbing,she _ her moth

11、er.她一边哭泣,一边向母亲诉说整个事情的经过。,out,in,poured out the whole story to,状元笔记全记牢,pour out涌出;倾诉;倒出;使流出pour sth.out to sb.向某人倾诉某事pour cold water on/over 对泼冷水pour in不断涌来,2.treat vt.& vi.治疗;对待;款待n.款待;招待,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/完成句子Ill treat you _ lunch at the restaurant in front of our school.Treat others in the way you wa

12、nt _ (treat).Drunk driving _ whether the driver causes a crash or not.酒驾应该被以犯罪对待,不管司机是否发生碰撞。,to,to be treated,should be treated as a crime,状元笔记全记牢,(1)treat sb.for sth.治疗某人treat.like/as把当看待treat sb.to.用招待某人Its my treat.我请客。(2)treatment n.治疗;处理;对待,3.apply vi.申请;适用vt.使用,应用;涂抹,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/完成句子He slow

13、ed the bleeding by applying pressure _ the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived.Applying _ (you)to the work in hand,youll soon finish it.You must be aware that this rule cannot _ (apply)to every case.The applicant _ a post for teaching applied chemistry,saying that he would _ his teaching.这

14、位申请人专心于申请一份教应用化学的工作,并且说他会把他所学到的应用到他的教学中去。,to,yourself,be applied,applied himself to applying for,apply what he had learnt to,状元笔记全记牢,(1)apply.to.把应用/运用于apply to.适用于apply (to sb.)for sth.(向)申请apply ones mind/oneself to专心于;专心从事(2)applied adj.应用的,实用的application n.应用,适用;申请applicant n.申请人,应征者,4.squeeze v

15、t.& vi.榨;挤;压榨,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/完成句子She squeezed the water _ of her swimming suit.The room was crowded,but I _.房间已经挤满了人,不过我还是设法挤了进去。,out,managed to squeeze in,状元笔记全记牢,squeeze out榨出;挤出squeeze.out of 把从中榨出来squeeze in挤进去squeeze ones way勉强通过;挤过,5.vital adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/完成句子Enough sleep is vit

16、al _ the students well being and health.As far as Im concerned,it is vital _ (keep)accurate records.If we are to make a difference in life,_ (十分重要的是我们应该从小事开始).,for/to,to keep,its vital that we (should)begin with small things,状元笔记全记牢,be vital to/for对是至关重要的It is vital to do sth.做某事很重要It is vital that.

17、(should)do sth.是十分重要的 (从句用虚拟语气, should可以省略),6.aid n.& vt.帮助;援助;资助,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/完成句子Father Poole walked painfully to the door,_ the aid of a stick.I couldnt speak any French,but a nice man came to _ aid and told me where to go.The moment he saw the poor little boy on TV,he determined _.在电视上一看到这个可怜的

18、小男孩,他就决定要帮助他继续完成学业。,with,my,to aid him to continue/in continuing his study,状元笔记全记牢,(1)give sb.first aid对某人进行急救with the aid of在的帮助下in aid of为了帮助come/go to ones aid 帮助某人(2)aid sb.in (doing)sth.在 (做)某事方面帮助某人aid sb.with sth.以某事/物帮助某人aid sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事,7.in place在适当的位置;适当,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/完成句子The doc

19、tor advised her to eat more bean products _ place of meat._ (首先),I collected all the books,newspapers and other things scattered in the rooms and _ (把它们放在适当的位置).,in,In the first place,put them in place,状元笔记全记牢,(1)out of place不在适当的位置in place of代替;取代in the first place首先;第一(2)take place发生take ones plac

20、e就座;代替take the place of代替;取代,8.make a difference区别对待;有影响;起 (重要)作用;有意义,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/完成句子Only when we match our words with actions can we make _ difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.It _ whether he comes here or not.他来不来这里对我来说关系不大。,a,makes no/little difference to me,状元笔记全记牢,make a difference to对有差别/有影响make some/no/little difference to对有/没有影响或作用tell the difference (between.and.)辨别/区分


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