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1、 初二英语下学期期中复习题初二英语下学期期中复习题 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词。根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词。1 My cousin is an e _ He works in a car factory2 P_ well find the book soon3 Can you s_ something4 Did you t _ the police yesterday5 The weather was so cold and many people were ill,so there were many p_ in the doctors waiting roomngi

2、neererhapsmellelephone atients根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。6 Are you sure its nothing _(严重的)(严重的)7 If you take more _(锻炼),(锻炼),youll be much healthier than before8 The little girl lives _(幸福)(幸福)in her new family9 Mr Brown _(争吵)(争吵)with his wife last night10 Tom is good at _(地理)(地理)serious

3、exercisehappilyquarreledgeography 单项选择单项选择11 The old man is standing _ the head of the queue Aby Bon Cat Din12 You _ park your bike here Amay not Bdont Cneednt Dmustnt13 Excuse me Is this the way _ the supermarket Aof Bto Con Dfor14 The book on the teachers desk _ yours Amaybe Bmay be Cmay is Dbe15

4、The baby is so small that I cant leave him _ Aby myself Bby herself Cby himself Dby itself CDBBC16 Shall we have some noodles _ dumplings Ainstead Binstead for Cinstead of Dto instead17 Can you get to school at 6:30 tomorrow morning _ ANo trouble BNo question CNo problem DNot any problems18 Tim felt

5、 hungry when he got home So he _ all the food on the table soon Aate up Blooked up Ctook out Date out19 If I _ free next Sunday,I _to the farm with you Awill be,will go Bam,will go Cam,go Dwill be,go20 He had a _ accident a _ days ago Alittle,little Bfew,few Clittle,few Dfew,littleCCCAB21 Nothing ca

6、n stop us _ making our country and stronger Afor,richer Bfrom,richer Cfrom,rich Dfor,rich22 Is there _ todays newspaper Aanything important on Banything important in Cimportant anything in Dsomething important on23 Dont make faces _ others in class Aat Bto Cwith Dof24 Do you think it necessary _us _

7、 English well Ato,to learn Bto,learning Cfor,to learn Dfor,learning 25Im sorry I _ my homework at home Thats OKDont forget _ it to school this afternoon Aforget,to take Bforget,to bring Cleft,to take Dleft,to bringBBACD根据上下句提示,完成对话根据上下句提示,完成对话。26 What about going for a picnic this Sunday _ AThats a

8、good idea BId love CDont worry Ill go DI think so27 Would you like some butter with your bread _ AHelp yourself BOK Here you are CIm afraid I cant DYes,a little,please28 I think chocolate is good for your health _ AGood idea BYes,come and eat one CYes,I agree DNo,Im full29 _ Yes,just over there,on t

9、he other side of the street ACan you tell me the street BIs there a supermarket near here CWhats the matter with the street DYou can walk here30 _ I dont feel well here AWhere did you put it BHow are you feeling today CWhats wrong with you DCan you eat something nowADCCB根据上下句提示,补全对话中所缺的句子根据上下句提示,补全对

10、话中所缺的句子。31 Hope you have a nice trip _32 Can I sit at the table over there OK_33 _ Yes,well have chicken,fish,beef with onions and some rice34Im going to visit the History Museum Are you coming with us Great!_35My uncle is ill,he has cancer _Thank youThis way,pleaseMay I have your order,please Id lo

11、ve toIm sorry to hear that 句型转换句型转换 36 The old woman still lives in that village(改为否定句)(改为否定句)The old man _ _ lives in that village 37 That girl must be a teacher,_ _(完成反意(完成反意疑问句)疑问句)38 She had to go there twice a week last year(对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ she _ to go there last year 39 The old man came

12、 to the city to see his son(同上)(同上)_ _the old man _ to the city 40 Lin Tao put the radio on the desk(改为一般疑问句)(改为一般疑问句)_ Lin Tao _ the radio on the desknolongerisntsheHow havedidoften WhycomedidDidput根据上句完成下句,使两句意思相同或相近。根据上句完成下句,使两句意思相同或相近。41The problem isnt easy enough for us to work it out The prob

13、lem is _ _ _ _ to work out 42 I will go shoppingI wont go fishing I will go shopping _ _ _ fishing 43 Your mother is illYou should look after her well Your mother is illYou should _ _ _ _ her 44 Tom doesnt know the girl Li Lei doesnt know the girl,either _ Tom _ Li Lei _the girl 45 Can you tell me h

14、ow I can get to Chibi Park Can you tell me _ _ _ Chibi Parktoo usforhardinsteadgoingoftakeof care goodNeitherknowsnorthetoway 阅读理解阅读理解 A Wu Bing was a tall boy He liked sports very much He didnt do well in his lessons He was often asleep in class He was the naughtiest(淘气的)(淘气的)boy in his class He wo

15、uld have a biology(生物)(生物)lesson next class Wu Bing knew that his biology teacher was nearsighted(近视的)(近视的)He took off his coat and put it on his desk Then he took Li Leis seat Li Lei wasnt here because he was ill Wu Bings seat was at the back of the classroom and Li Leis was in the middle When the

16、bell rang,the teacher came in“Good afternoon,class,”said Mr Zhang“We are going to learn a new lesson in this class But before that,lets review(复习)(复习)our lessons Now,please answer my question Why are bears often asleep for about six months in winter”“Li Lei,could you tell me the answer”asked Mr Zhan

17、g and he looked at Wu Bing Wu Bing had to stand up and answered,“Because no one dares(敢)(敢)to wake them up”All the students laughed The teacher shook his head and said,“You are a good student,I think But please get ready to answer my questions next time Now,lets begin the new lesson”The teacher look

18、ed around and found that Wu Bing was asleep He became very angry“Dont sleep in class,Wu Bing If you dont look at me,you wont know what a hippo(河马)(河马)looks like”All the students laughed againWu Bing stood up and said,“Im sorry,Mr Zhang Im not asleep Im here Thats my coat.”The teacher and the student

19、s laughed loudly()46 Wu Bing was a _ Astudent Bteacher Cplayer Ddriver()47 Wu Bing was the _ boy in his class Atallest Bthinnest Cnaughtiest Dcleverest()48 Li Lei sat _ of the classroom Aat the back Bin front Con the left Din the middle()49 They had their biology lesson _ Ain the morning Bin the aft

20、ernoon Cin the evening Dat noon()50 All the students laughed _ in the biology class Aonce Btwice Cthree times Dfour times ACCDB完形填空完形填空 When MrHunt woke up in the morning,he felt his bedroom was very bright He thought he 51 to turn off the light again He sat up and tried to do that And now he 52 it

21、was the sunlight MrsHunt went to see their daughter in the city two days ago She cooked some food for him 53 she left But Mr Hunt hoped to have breakfast in a restaurant near the park And then he could walk 54 the lake He put on his clothes and went out The sun was shining brightly in the sky and th

22、e 55 was fresh(清新的)(清新的)But people were busy and he could see only some old people and children He went in the restaurant and sat down at a table,waiting for the 56 “Hi,Peter!”someone called him and he saw it was his 57 Richard “Hi,Richard Glad to meet you here”“Glad to meet you,too,”said Richard“Im

23、 sorry,but I 58 my wallet at homeSo could you lend fifty dollars to me,please”“Sure,but I have only twentyfive dollars in my 59.”“It doesnt matter,”said Richard,“then youll owe(欠)(欠)me twentyfive dollars and Ill owe you 60 dollars,too Thatll be fair(公平的)(公平的)”51 Aknew Bhoped Cforgot Dliked 52 Aguess

24、ed Bfound Csaid Dtold 53 Abefore Bafter Cwhen Dbecause 54 Ain Bon Cunder Daround 55 Afruit Bcloud Cair Dwater 56 Amoney Bglass Canswer Dmenu 57 Afriend Bworker Cdriver Dwaiter 58 Athrew Bleft Cbroke Dgot 59 Ashoes Bpocket Cshirt Dhand 60 Afifteen Btwenty Ctwentyfive DThirty 范文:范文:A big fire happened

25、 in the forest in the southwest of the United States in November,1992.The fire happened because a young worker was smoking carelessly in the forest.Thousands of firemen and people fought bravely against the fire until it was completely put out.The fire lasted over three weeks.About eighty men were h

26、urt and nine men were killed in the fire.股票群 http:/ 表现,水清并没什么“吃醋”,相反,却是从壹开始气愤别已发展到现在,她又开始为小家伙提心吊胆起来。此刻,她真是恨别能赶快捂上悠思小嘴,让她老老实实、安安静静地坐壹会儿:就算是您那小丫头要讨好阿玛,也总得投其所好吧!别晓得您阿玛最别喜欢张扬、卖弄、聒噪之人?悠思哪里晓得她阿玛喜欢啥啊样人,她只是天真无邪小姑娘,想在那各好别容易才得到父女相见时刻,尽心尽力地讨她阿玛欢心而已。想讨好她阿玛,悠思能有啥啊本事?她才是壹各两岁娃娃,小家伙最大本事,无非就是凭借着超强记忆力,拿水清平时教习她壹些课业,现炒

27、现卖、鹦鹉学舌而已。所以,在那各时候,她正在跟他显摆着自己“学问”呢:“阿玛,您晓得陋室铭吗?”第壹卷 第627章 卖弄陋室铭他怎么可能别晓得,完全是壹篇简单得别能再简单名文典范咯,但是,悠思才只有两岁女娃娃,居然就能晓得那各名篇,令他极为吃惊。王爷在吃惊之余,望着活泼可爱悠思,他立即产生咯壹股强烈捉弄壹下那各小丫头念头,于是他饶有兴趣,又极有耐心地回答道:“阿玛实在是孤陋寡闻呢,真别晓得您说那各是啥啊。”壹听到她阿玛竟然连陋室铭都别晓得,天真无邪悠思信以为真,转过头来,兴奋地朝水清说道:“额娘,阿玛都别晓得陋室铭!可是悠思晓得呢!”水清看着那各小傻丫头,真别晓得说她啥啊好,特别是对于小丫头那



30、然嘴角荡漾着忍也忍别住笑意,但是心里却是恶狠狠地骂着那各别知天高地厚小丫头。而且被小丫头气着咯水清那回真是懒得理会她:还敢当她阿玛师傅?真别晓得自己有几斤几两,连您额娘都别敢夸下那各海口。就看您怎么继续耍宝吧,壹会儿等您阿玛训斥她几句就老实咯。别结结实实地跌壹跤,您就别会长记性!第壹卷 第628章 现眼结果更是大大出乎水清意料,他别但没什么板起脸来训斥悠思,反而极其投入地跟小丫头玩起咯文字游戏:“好,阿玛跟悠思那各师傅学习,别过,您刚才别是说咯吗?光会念书有啥啊用,您得把那书里道理壹并教给阿玛才行。”有那么配合她阿玛,悠思更是来咯劲儿,别但壹字壹字地“教”他读,还壹边读壹边逐字逐句地将文章寓意解说清楚。其实悠思才是即将两岁小娃娃,她对那些文字也全都是半知半解,甚至是别求


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