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2、去式的拼写。在使用一般过去时态时,应特别注意特殊动词的过去式的拼写。2对于文章的开头和结尾,应力求简单明了,旅游的经历才是对于文章的开头和结尾,应力求简单明了,旅游的经历才是文章的重点。文章的重点。3当要描述旅游过程中的多件事情时,要注意按照时间顺序来当要描述旅游过程中的多件事情时,要注意按照时间顺序来写,这样条理会更加清晰。写,这样条理会更加清晰。【谋篇布局谋篇布局】开篇点题Our class had a picnic.野餐经过First.After.Then.We had.We climbed.We saw.We heard.所感所思.a wonderful time.tired but

3、happy【素材积累素材积累】1野餐野餐_ 2.骑自行车骑自行车_ 3.到达到达_4午饭后午饭后_ 5.爬山爬山_ 6.许多许多_7野果野果_ 8.很开心很开心_9We had a short rest after we got to the foot of the hill._10We heard the birds singing._ Our class had a picnic last Saturday.We went to West Hill by bike.We had a short rest after we got to the foot of West Hill.First

4、 we had our picnic lunch.After lunch we sang and danced happily.Then we began to climb the hill.We saw many beautiful flowers.We heard the birds singing and got a lot of wild fruits.We had a wonderful time.I felt very tired when I got home,but I was very happy.下周一晚上,你们班上要举办一次下周一晚上,你们班上要举办一次“告别不良习惯,倡


6、般用一般现在时,如果写作时需要用第三人称单数,时态一般用一般现在时,如果写作时需要用第三人称单数,要注意动词的变化。要注意动词的变化。2写作中尽量使用一些表示频率的副词或短语,如写作中尽量使用一些表示频率的副词或短语,如often,usually,three times a week等。等。【谋篇布局谋篇布局】开篇点题开篇点题I have a healthy lifestyle.展开内容展开内容锻炼:锻炼:do exercise with my father.run and play basketball.饮食:饮食:eat more fruit and vegetables.junk foo

7、d.drink milk.空闲时间:空闲时间:never play computer games.get up early and go to bed early.结束语:表达结束语:表达观点观点Old habits die hard.I should.1一种健康的生活方式一种健康的生活方式_2.打篮球打篮球_3一种好的饮食习惯一种好的饮食习惯_ 4.对对有利有利_5玩电脑游戏玩电脑游戏_ 6.在某人的空闲时间在某人的空闲时间_7I think its good for my health._8Usually I go to bed and get up early._9Old habits

8、die hard._Hello everyone,I have a healthy lifestyle.Every morning I exercise with my father.We often run and play basketball.I have a good eating habit.I try to eat more fruit and vegetables every day,and I hardly ever eat junk food.I drink milk every morning.I think its good for my health.In my fre

9、e time,I never play computer games.Usually I go to bed early and get up early.Old habits die hard.We should start exercising before its too late.你的好朋友是什么样的?在生活中你和朋友之间你的好朋友是什么样的?在生活中你和朋友之间的相处怎样?发生过什么事情?请根据你的实际的相处怎样?发生过什么事情?请根据你的实际情况写一篇关于你的好朋友的文章。情况写一篇关于你的好朋友的文章。内容包括:内容包括:1.你觉得朋友应该是怎样的?你觉得朋友应该是怎样的?2你的


11、说说你觉得朋友是说说你觉得朋友是怎样的怎样的Friends are important.I think.展开记展开记叙文叙文描述你的好友的性描述你的好友的性格,你们的爱好格,你们的爱好Mary is one of.She is.Her favorite.总结全总结全文文谈一谈你对这位好谈一谈你对这位好友的看法友的看法Though we are different.【素材积累素材积累】1保持一样保持一样_ 2.戴眼镜戴眼镜_ 3.使我大笑使我大笑_4取得更好的成绩取得更好的成绩_ 5.在一些方面在一些方面_ 6.关心;在意关心;在意_7Friends are important.Everyone

12、 should have friends._8That makes her look smart._9Though we are.,we are good friends._Friends are important.Everyone should have friends.I think friends are not necessary to be the same.Mary is one of my best friends.She is a nice girl with big eyes and always wears glasses.That makes her look smar

13、t.She is funny and often makes me laugh.Im quieter than her.I like reading while she likes singing.I can get better grades than her but she is more talented in art.Though we are different in some ways,we are good friends and we always care about each other.New World Cinema是一家新开的电影城是一家新开的电影城,请你根据下面的信


15、级和最高级来陈述观点。在写作过程中还要明确以下几点:作过程中还要明确以下几点:1写广告时写广告时,多用一般现在时;多用一般现在时;2广告是面向顾客进行的宣传广告是面向顾客进行的宣传,应该以第一人称为主;应该以第一人称为主;3根据提示内容合理安排文章根据提示内容合理安排文章,力求形容词的最高级运用自如力求形容词的最高级运用自如,作文流畅、自然。作文流畅、自然。【谋篇布局谋篇布局】1来到来到_ 2.最大的电影院最大的电影院_ 3.同时同时_4等待等待_ 5.最大的屏幕最大的屏幕_ 6.而且而且_7的开放的开放_ 8.低价低价_ 9.打打电话找某人电话找某人_10To celebrate the o

16、pening of the cinema,._11If you want more information,please._Enjoy Movies!Enjoy Life!Would you like to see films cheaply?Come to the New World Cinema.The New World Cinema with 20 movie halls is the biggest cinema in our city.1000 people can see movies at the same time,so you neednt spend long time

17、waiting for your turn.The cinema has the biggest screens in the city.Whats more,it has the most comfortable seats.To celebrate the opening of the cinema,we sell the tickets at very good prices from September 21 to September 30.We have tickets for only 2 dollars per movie in the morning.And you can b

18、uy one ticket at the price of 4 dollars per movie in the afternoon and the evening.If you want more information,please call us at 0283924 at any time.不同的人喜欢看不同的电视节目不同的人喜欢看不同的电视节目,假如你是学校英文周刊的特约假如你是学校英文周刊的特约小记者小记者,刚刚采访了刚刚采访了Lucy一家对电视节目的喜好情况一家对电视节目的喜好情况,请你根据请你根据下面的提示下面的提示,写一篇调查报告。写一篇调查报告。提示:提示:1.调查的电视节

19、目的类型调查的电视节目的类型(如如news,sports shows,talk shows,soap operas等等)及家庭成员及家庭成员(Lucys father,Lucys mother and Lucy);2家庭成员对节目的好恶家庭成员对节目的好恶(如如love,dont mind,cant stand等等);3详细陈述各人的原因详细陈述各人的原因(如如interesting,boring,relaxed,scary等等)。要求:要求:1.不得在作文中出现学校和学生的真实信息;不得在作文中出现学校和学生的真实信息;270词左右词左右,语句连贯语句连贯,注意分段注意分段,可适当发挥。可适

20、当发挥。【思路点拨思路点拨】谈论喜好的文章谈论喜好的文章,属于说明文的范畴属于说明文的范畴,写作时要注意以下几点:写作时要注意以下几点:1说明三人对电视节目的好恶时说明三人对电视节目的好恶时,该类句型多用一般现在时;该类句型多用一般现在时;2写作时写作时,不能把题目要求内容简单地罗列不能把题目要求内容简单地罗列,应适当增加细应适当增加细节节,保持文意连贯;保持文意连贯;3运用运用and,or,so等连词将各种观点及其原因串连成文等连词将各种观点及其原因串连成文,注注意句型的多样化。意句型的多样化。【谋篇布局谋篇布局】【素材积累素材积累】1喜欢喜欢_ 2.不介意不介意_ 3.无法忍受无法忍受_4

21、运动节目运动节目_ 5.访谈节目访谈节目_ 6.肥皂剧肥皂剧_7They have their own ideas about TV shows._8She cant stand soap operas because she thinks they are boring._9Lucys mother loves sitcoms because they make her feel relaxed._10They always cant agree with each other._I have a friend.Her name is Lucy.Lucys family like diffe

22、rent kinds of TV shows.They have their own ideas about TV shows.Lucy loves game shows.She also likes talk shows,but she cant stand soap operas because she thinks they are boring.As for sitcoms,she doesnt mind them.Lucys father loves sports shows best.He cant stand soap operas or sitcoms,but he doesn

23、t mind game shows.Lucys mother loves sitcoms because they make her feel relaxed,and she likes soap operas,too.She doesnt mind game shows.However,she cant stand sports shows.Everyone in her family has different ideas about TV shows.They always cant agree with each other.However,they all like watching

24、 TV.良好的计划是成功的开始。在新的一年里,你有什么新的打算吗?良好的计划是成功的开始。在新的一年里,你有什么新的打算吗?请你以请你以“My New Years Resolutions”为题,写一篇文章。为题,写一篇文章。内容包括:内容包括:1.你有什么样的新年决心?你有什么样的新年决心?2你打算如何去实现他们?你打算如何去实现他们?写作要求:写作要求:1.不能抄袭原文;不能抄袭原文;2.语句连贯,注意分段;语句连贯,注意分段;3.70词左右。词左右。_【思路点拨思路点拨】本次写作任务要求写一写自己的新年决心,可以将短文分为三个本次写作任务要求写一写自己的新年决心,可以将短文分为三个部分,在

25、写作过程中要注意:部分,在写作过程中要注意:1确定主题。开篇点题时要直奔主题,简洁明了。确定主题。开篇点题时要直奔主题,简洁明了。2根据要点确定文章的内容。写新年决心时,用根据要点确定文章的内容。写新年决心时,用promise,resolution等来表述,使文章的语言丰富多彩,力求作文流畅、自等来表述,使文章的语言丰富多彩,力求作文流畅、自然。然。3这是一篇提示性命题作文,人称为第一人称。讲述现在的状况这是一篇提示性命题作文,人称为第一人称。讲述现在的状况时用一般现在时,讲述将来的打算时用一般将来时。时用一般现在时,讲述将来的打算时用一般将来时。【素材积累素材积累】1的开始的开始_ 2.下决

26、心下决心_ 3.开始做开始做_4取得好成绩取得好成绩_ 5.与与有关有关_ 6.尽最大努力尽最大努力_7该做该做的时候了的时候了_8我承诺坚我承诺坚持持_My_New_Years_ResolutionsToday is the start of the year and it is a time for making resolutions.My first resolution is about my physical health.Swimming is a good way to exercise.This year,I will take up swimming.Next,I prom

27、ise myself that I will be more hardworking at school than before because I want to get better grades.Then,I will make a resolution that has to do with my hobby.I love writing very much.Last year,I wrote about 30 short stories.This year,I plan to try my best to finish a novel.At last I promise to kee

28、p all those resolutions although it is difficult for me.将来的生活会是什么样的?与现在有什么不同?请充分发挥想将来的生活会是什么样的?与现在有什么不同?请充分发挥想象,以象,以“Life in the Future”为题,写一篇为题,写一篇70词左右的英文短文词左右的英文短文描述一下人们未来的生活。描述一下人们未来的生活。_【思路点拨思路点拨】本单元的写作主题为描述人们未来的生活,在写作过程中要明确本单元的写作主题为描述人们未来的生活,在写作过程中要明确以下几点:以下几点:1生活离不开生活离不开“衣食住行衣食住行”,安居方能乐业,所以先从

29、,安居方能乐业,所以先从“衣食衣食住行住行”写起;写起;2每个家庭的生活状况不同;每个家庭的生活状况不同;3文章要求预测未来的生活,所以最好结合本单元所学的文章要求预测未来的生活,所以最好结合本单元所学的“willdo”表示的将来时态来描写。表示的将来时态来描写。【素材积累素材积累】1高楼,大厦高楼,大厦_ 2.大多数家庭大多数家庭_ 3.开车去上班开车去上班_4均衡饮食均衡饮食_ 5.在在的帮助下的帮助下_ 6.总之总之_7People will eat a balanced diet._8Each family will have a computer._9In a word,our li

30、fe will be much better in the future._Life_in_the_FutureI think our life in the future must be different from now.I think there will be tall buildings and most of the families will live in big apartments.Most of the families will have cars and we will all drive to work.We can travel around the world

31、 by car.People will eat a balanced diet.We wont eat meat or junk food.We will eat more fruit and vegetables.Each family will have a computer.Students wont go to school.They can study at home with the help of computer.In a word,our life will be much better in the future.Do you think so?【思路点拨】该篇作文谈论水果

32、沙拉的制作过程,在写作过程中要明确以下几点:1用简洁的语言写清楚所用的各种原料。2运用表示先后顺序的first,next,then,finally等词,将各种原料按照先后顺序合理地搭配,写成一篇连续的食物制作的短文。3可运用祈使句,并配以恰当的短语,使文章内容充实丰满。4文章的时态为一般现在时,人称为第一人称。【谋篇布局】简明引入主题Do you like.how to make.具体介绍操作过程(注意顺序)Here is one way.First.Second.Next.Then.Third.谈看法并结尾Its easy.I hope.【素材积累】1切碎_ 2.把放/倒进_ 3.混合;搅拌

33、_4打开_ 5.peel three bananas_6Here is a way to make._7Serve it to your friends._Dear Wang Gang,Im glad to hear from you.You want to make fruit salad.Here is one way.You need four bananas,three apples and a half watermelon or other fruits,and you also need some honey and yogurt.First,wash and cut up al

34、l the fruits,and put them into a bowl.Next,add two spoons of honey and a cup of yogurt to the fruit.Then,mix up everything.Finally,serve the fruit salad and enjoy it with your friends.I hope its helpful to you.Yours,Tom【思路点拨】这是一封拒绝邀请的回信,在写作过程中要注意以下几点:1时态为一般现在时和一般将来时,人称为第一人称。2信件的格式要齐全,信的内容要用书面语。3特别要注

35、意的是要用委婉的语气表明不能接受朋友的邀请,可用have to等句式来进一步解释说明原因,给人真诚、亲切的感觉。【必备素材】My favorite kind of music/movie isI likebecauseIt wasbyWhen I listen to/watch it,I feelI think you should listen to/watch it becauseI like/preferthat/whichI dislikebecauseIm sure that you will love/likeHi_Tom,Thanks for asking me to your

36、home.Id love to come,but Im sorry I cant visit you on Saturday.Im not available this weekend.On Saturday morning,I have to study for a test.In the afternoon,I have a piano lesson.In the evening,I am going to the movies with my family.Maybe another time.Best wishes!Yours,Jack请根据下列英语提示请根据下列英语提示,以以“My

37、Plan”为题写一篇文章为题写一篇文章,计划寒计划寒假你将要做的事情。词数:假你将要做的事情。词数:70词左右。词左右。提示:提示:1.Where are you going this winter vacation?2Who are you going there with?Why?3When are you leaving for that place?4How are you feeling?提示词:提示词:Spring Festival春节;春节;places of interest名胜古迹名胜古迹【谋篇布局谋篇布局】开篇点题The winter vacation is coming.

38、Im looking forward to.展开分述Where are you goingBeijingWho are you going withmotherWhen are you leavingwhen the vacation beginsHow are you goingby trainWhat are you doingsee my father,go to the Beijing zoo,visit many places of interest结尾总结How happy!【素材积累素材积累】1盼望盼望_ 2.在春节期间在春节期间_ 3.带某人参观带某人参观_4风景名胜风景名胜_

39、 5.出发去出发去(某地某地)_ 6.乘火车乘火车_7Im looking forward to it because._8Im going to visit many places of interest._9I like travelling by train.How happy!_My PlanThe winter vacation is coming.Im looking forward to it because I can go to see my father and visit Beijing.My father works in Beijing.He isnt coming

40、home during the Spring Festival.So my mother and I are going there to see him.We are going to have a happy new year there.I like animals.My father is going to show my mother and me around the Beijing Zoo.I am going to visit many places of interest.How happy!I like traveling by train.My mother and I are leaving for Beijing when the vacation begins.


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