天津市五十中学2022-2023学年上学期九年级英语期末(线上)练习 .docx

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1、线上学习巩固练习 九年级 英语从下列每小题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Thisisempty bottle. Could yougive mefullone?A.a,aB. an, a C.the,theD. /, a2. Jim,Ihavein finishing so muchwork.Dont worry. I can help you.A.abilityB.successC.experienceD.difficulty3. Im not sure oftheexactbetween themI think theyrecousins.A.

2、periodB.relativeC.relationshipD.spirit4. To make more money, hemadeato do two part-timejobs.A.mistakeB.noiseC. differenceD.decision5. Have you been to Beijing Museum ofNaturalHistory?No. Ive been at home.A. especially B.immediatelyC.probablyD. recently6. Miketo the party, but he didnt go because he

3、was toobusy.A.invitedB.isinvitedC.invitesD.was invited7. My cousin became acountrydoctorhe finished medical school.A.afterB.sothatC.butD.so 8.Do you often go to thelibrary tobooks?Yes.Icanthem for twoweeks.A. lend; keep B.borrow;lendC. lend;borrowD. borrow; keep 9.DavidMikeandthe champion of the men

4、s singles. A.beat;beatB.beat;wonC.won;beatD.won;won10.Wefoundnecessary to protect the environment. A.itB.thisC.thatD.what 11.Heisneverthough he has a poor life.A.hopeB.hopefulC.hopelessD.hoping12.A British high school is going toallowstudentslessons in the afternoon.A.startB.startingC.tostartD.wills

5、tart13. There was thick haze in our city this spring. What do you think ofit?Ithinkcarswe drive,pollution our city willhave.A. the fewer;thefewerB. the more; thelessC. the more;thefewerD. the fewer; theless14. Could youtellmethe “Father of HybridRice”?Because he helped many countries grow more rice.

6、A.when was YuanLongping calledB.why is Yuan Longping called C.when Yuan LongpingwascalledD.why Yuan Longping iscalled15. Hi, Lucy. Our school won the football matchyesterday.A.Congratulations!B. Whatapity!C.Noproblem.D. Nevermind.二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。My mom used to say t

7、hat my first words were: “Ill do it myself.” Maybe it was because I was an only child andspendinghours16taught me to entertain myself. My mother called my stubbornness(固执)“independence”.At12,Imadeacarpool(拼车)schedulewith otherstudents moms and made a six-year plan to attend university. While my pare

8、nts friends were telling their 17to finish their homework, mine didnt care whether Id do the rightthing.They18thought I would.I wanted everyone to think I was perfect. The truth is that while I tried to look 19,Ifeltlikeaphony(骗子).Aslifebecame morecomplex(复杂的),perfectionbecame20to achieve. Panicked,

9、 I pushed myself harder.Simple tasks felt almostimpossible.I21playing sports and canceled plans with friends. My parents became scared. They took me to the doctor.Iwasdiagnosed(诊断)asdepressed(抑郁的)andanxious.Aftersome reflection(反思),I 22that I couldnt do everything on my own. But that was okay. Befor

10、e, I was determined to be the perfect student and child. Now, I was determined to be animperfect 23. So I tried to open uptomylovedones.Thishelpedmedealwith mydepressionandanxiety.Iamnot24forletting others help me through life. If there is any problem, I should talk to the people I love and trust. M

11、y parents may be thefirst 25, but I have friends too. They make my lifebetter.16. A. aloneB. aliveC. activelyD. carefully17. A. classmatesB. friendsC. kidsD. parents18. A. neverB. alwaysC. sometimesD. seldom19. A. funnyB. prettyC. proudD. perfect20. A. easierB. harderC. fasterD. slower21. A. keptB.

12、enjoyedC. triedD. stopped22. A. realizedB. complainedC. forgotD. dreamed23. A. customerB. playerC. patientD. guest24. A. happyB. excitedC. clearD. weak25. A. hope三、阅读理解B. choiceC. reasonD. problem阅读下面短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。ADear sir/madam,I am writing to ask for information about the course

13、s in your school. I am especially interested inthefour-week intensivecourse (强化课程).I have been studying English for three years at a language school in Madrid, Spain. Im goodat listening, reading and writing. However, my speaking skills need to be improved.I have looked at the course introduction on

14、 your website but there is no information about the dates and price for the course. Are you offering it next month? I would also like to know where your students are from. Are they from different cultures?Finally, hope to know what type of accommodations ( 住处) is available ( 可获得的). Mysister is going

15、 to visit me while I am there for one week. We would prefer to stay together. Would that be possible? By the way, I dont plan to spend much money on accommodations.I would be thankful if you could send me the information to mariagmail. com or call me at 09568893.Thank you for your time.Looking forwa

16、rd to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Maria26. How long is the intensive course?A. Aboutone week.B. Abouttwoweeks.C. Aboutonemonth.D. About twomonths.27. Maria hopes to improve herskillsin.A.listeningB.readingC.writingD. speaking28. What did Maria do to get information about the intensive course b

17、efore writing thisemail?A. She askedhersister.B. She called theschool.C. She visited theschoolswebsite.D. She asked a teacher from theschool.29. What information does Maria want toknow?dates of theintensive courseprice of the intensivecourseaccommodations oftheschoolteaching experience of the teache

18、rs A.B.C.D. 30. Mariaprovidesway (s) to get in touch withher.A.oneB.twoC.threeD.fourBMany young people love to use Xiaomis smartphones in China. How do they charge(充电) their smartphones? Now Xiaomi has just come up with a new solution, called “Mi Air Charge”.Before we dive right in air charging, let

19、s examine wireless charging first. It means that you no longer need to plug in a cable(电缆) to charge your smartphone. In fact, you can place it on a special mat, and youre good to go.According to Xiaomi, the Mi Air Charge technology makes you be able to charge your smartphone over-the-air without an

20、y cables. For example, youre walking into work, and your phone starts being charged without you having to do anything more.Thenewtechnologyliesinspacepositioning( 定位) andenergytransmission( 传输). Letstakeitthisway. Xiaomihasaself-developedchargingpile(充电桩). Itcanproperlydiscover where your smartphone

21、 is. If your smartphone comes into contact with the charging pile, it will transmit millimetre waves( 毫 米 波 ) to the phone. Is there anything on thesmartphone side? AccordingtoXiaomi, ithasdevelopedspecial“receivingantennas(天线)” inthephone,which changethemillimetre-wavesignalcomingfromthechargingpil

22、eintoelectricenergythroughtherectifier circuit(整流电路). “This technology has obtained(获得) 17 technical patents(专利),” said the company CEO Lei Jun proudly.Now that Air Charge technology is already out, Xiaomi has some great plans. In the future this new technology will be used in smart watches, speaker

23、s, desk lamps and other home products. Cool, isnt it? Lets wait and see!31. What is Xiaomis “Mi AirCharge”?A.Its anew smartphone.B.Its a self-developed chargingpile. C.Its an airchargesolution.D.Its a technicalpatent.32. When you use wireless charging, youneedto.A.turn on your Wi-FiboxfirstB.put you

24、r phone on a special mat C.plug a cable intoyourphoneD.hold your phone in theair33. The underlined word “contact” in the passage probablymeans“” in Chinese. A.接触B.阻碍C.储存D.传播34. The fourth paragraph ismainly about.A. what the wireless charging technology lies inB. how many patents the technology haso

25、btainedC. how the charging solution worksD. what the company CEO is proudof35. What is the writers purpose in writing thispassage?A. To offer tips on how to charge smartphones.B. To advise people to buy Xiaomisproducts.C. To introduce Xiaomis new chargetechnology.D. To give facts about moderntechnol

26、ogies.CIngvar Kamprad was born on 30th March 1926 in Ljungby, Sweden. He is the wealthiest European-born person and the seventh wealthiest person in the world. A businessman from childhood, he grew up from selling matches to his neighbours as a young boy to selling household items(用商品) to the world

27、as the creator of furniture store IKEA.Kamprad discovered the secret of business at a young age. He realised that he could buymatches in bulk(批发) from Stockholm and sell them separately at reasonable prices, and still make a great deal of money. He developed his business successfully from matches to

28、 fish, Christmas cards and pens. When Kamprad was at the age of seventeen, his father gave him money as a prize for the progress he made in his studies. With this money. IKEA was born.IKEAisoneofthemostfamousshopsintheworld.Itsellsfurniture,accessories(配件), bathroom and kitchen items.IKEA is known f

29、or always giving names instead of numbers to each of its products. This is because of Kamprads dyslexia(阅读障碍). Actually, he found names easier to remember than product codes(代码). The stores name comes from Ingvar Kamprads initials(首字母)- IK, those of the family farm where he was born - Elmtaryd and t

30、he village close by - Agunnaryd. IKEA now has stores in over forty different countries.Kamprad is famous for his frugality. He doesnt wear suits, and he flies economy class(经济舱). He also requires that his employees(员工) write on both sides of sheet of paper. He also drivesfifteen-year-oldVolvo,andisk

31、nowntobuywrapping(包装)paperandChristmaspaperin the post, especially during Christmas sales. However, Kamprad owns house with large garden in Switzerland and vineyard(葡萄园) in France.36. As a young boy, Kamprad mademoneyby.A.studying hardB.sellingmatchesC.sellingfurnitureD. making furniture37. Where di

32、d Kamprad get money to createIKEA?A. Fromthebank.B. Fromhisfather.C. From hisschool.D. From hisfriends.38. Why does IKEA give names instead of numbers to each of itsproducts? A. Because Kamprad doesntlikenumbers.B. Because numbers look strange tocustomers.C. Because names are easier for Kamprad tore

33、member.D. Because codes are easier for customers toremember.39. Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word frugality in Paragraph4?A. Being careful aboutspendingmoney.B. Being weak in rememberingnames.C. Being afraid ofdrivingcars.D. Being good at takingphotos.40. The main idea of th

34、e passage isprobablyabout.A. the family farm where Kamprad wasbornB. the most famous furniture shops in theworldC. the prize for the progress Kamprad made instudiesD. the life of a successful businessman Ingvar Kamprad根据内容, 从短文后的七个选项中选出五个能填入空白处的最佳选项。DBabieslikes sittingintheprams (婴儿车)whicharepushed

35、bytheirmothersalongtheroador in the park.41But have you ever heard of the PramRace? 42You might see some people running along the road and pushing the prams as fast as they can. However, there arent any babies in the prams, but adults instead. They jump out of the prams and drink lots of milk on the

36、 table along the road.43The Pram Race is held to raise money for the people in need. For example, it helps to make it possible for disabled people to have wheelchairs forfit.44Every Friday afternoon, fishermens wives had to run, pushing the prams with their babies in. They took money to pay their bi

37、lls and buy food rapidly before their husbands returned from thesea.A. The Pram Race isdangerous.B. It is held in Hull, England once ayear.C. It all started when Hull was a fishingtown.D. Then they get into the prams and go onracing.E. Maybe you dont like watching the PramRace.F. It is watched by mo

38、re than three thousandpeople.G. They sit in the prams, eating, drinking, laughing orsleeping.At the beginning, only a few people were interested in the race, but now a large number of people including the youth and the old take part in it eachyear.45These days, the Pram Race has become more popular

39、in the town. People can not only watch the exciting race, but also share their joy and friendship every year. If you want to watch the Pram Race, you can go toHull.四、补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整(选项中有两项是多余的)A: Where are you going, Tony?B: To the library. I want to borrow some books. A:46.B: About in

40、ventions. You know I have to prepare for the science lesson. A:47.And we humans are reallygreat.B: Thats true. People have made lots of inventions. A:48.B: Sorry, Im not sure.49.A: I dont agree. In my opinion, cars are the most useful. B:50.A. Maybe lightbulbs(灯泡) arethemostusefulinventions.B. What

41、kind of books do you want to borrow?C. Great inventions have changed the world a lot.D. Why do you thinkso?E. What do you think is the most usefulinvention?F. How long can you keep the book? G.Light bulbs were invented byEdison.A: Because I can go anywhere quickly and conveniently in my car.五、完成句子根据

42、所给中文意思完成句子,每空只填一个词。51. 当茶叶可采摘时,人们手工采摘后再送去加工。Whentheleavesoftheteaplantareready,theyarepickedand then are sent forprocessing.52. 与前几年相比,我们收到了更多照片other years, we received many more photos.53. 尽管他遭受脚伤带来的痛苦,但他没有放弃。Althoughhehis foot problem, he did not giveup.54. 我们可以张贴海报来告诉学生们如何环保。Wecanposters to tell

43、the students how to begreen.55. 鞋上有一些泥。你可以用刷子把它刷掉。There is some mud on the shoes.Youcanitwith thebrush.56. 你需要买一件厚外套来抵御寒冷。You need to buy a heavycoattoyouthecold.57. 今天早上琳达把莉萨的信读给我们听。LindaLisas letter to us thismorning.58. 旧书不应该被扔掉。或许它们在你以后的生活中是有用的。Old booksshouldnt be. Maybe they are useful in your

44、 laterlife.59. 萨姆在这次数学竞赛中获得第一名。Samwonin the mathscompetition.60. 根据那个人的描述,警察最后查出了真相。The police found outthe truththat mansdescriptions.六、综合填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。Animmigrant (移民) wenttotheUnitedStates.Hedecidedto openasmall shop.Afriend61. ahimthatin orderto drawmore customers (顾客),he

45、shouldplace a catchy62.soutside his store.Taking his friends advice, the man63. oa large sign that read“Grand Opening (开业大吉)”. He then placeditoutsidehisstore foralltosee.The nextday, hesawabig 64.cgathered around a nearby shop. He65.wwhat they were looking at. Taking a66. clook, he noticed a bright

46、ly-colored sign on the storewindow.67.Ahe could not read English, he noticed that there were more words on the sign68.tthoseonhis“.Ishouldgetasignjustlikethatone,”hethoughttohimself.Hewrotedown the words on the sign, went home and ordered a69.nsign.The next morning, the man took down his “Grand Opening” sign and proudly placed his new sign, which70.r, “Going Out ofBusiness”.9


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