新概念第二册第47课 A Thirsty Ghost课件.pptx

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1、Lesson 47 A Thirsty GhostNew Concept EnglishWords Expresstions andthirstySalty food makes you thirsty.The field is thirsty for rainbe thirsty for sth:渴求,渴望渴求成功渴求知识渴求自由ghost haunt(vt)(1)(指鬼魂)常出没于(某处)A ghost haunted this house 这个房子闹鬼 The house is haunted by a ghost(2)经常浮现,萦绕脑海 The memory haunts me I w

2、as haunted by the fear 重点词组:be haunted by:脑海里总是浮现出 我的脑海里总是浮现出我的童年 我脑海中总是浮现出他的评论 我脑海中总是浮现出考试block(vt)堵塞大雪堵塞了所有道路The snow blocked all the roadsYou are blocking my way!我的洗手池被堵了出口被堵住了我的鼻子不通气furniture(n)家具whisky(n)suggest(vt)(1)建议suggest doing建议去树林野餐建议拜访(call on)一个远亲(2)暗示,间接表明His silence suggested that h

3、e knew something about the man.Are you suggesting that Im too fat?My teacher suggested that I made a mistakeshake(vt)摇动-_-_ accept(vt)接受 receive 接受一个建议 接受一个请求 接受一个邀请 Do you accept cash?I was accepted by PKU refuse(vt)Going on the Text 1 What is up for sale?(A public house is.)2 Who is the present ow

4、ner?(Mr.Ian Thompson is.)3 Has he owned it for long?(No,he hasnt.)4 Why is he going to sell it?(It is haunted.)5 Why couldnt he go to sleep one night?(He heard a strange noise.)6 Where was it coming from?(From the bar.)7 When did he find the doors blocked?(The next morning.)8 What had been moved?(Th

5、e furniture had.)9 When had Mr.Thompson turned the lights off?(Before he went to bed the night before.)Answer the questions A public house which was recently bought by Mr.Ian Thompson is up for sale.Mr.Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted 酒吧的英文是Pub,是Public House的简称,Pub的由来也是有一段历史的,一千年前的

6、英国农家喜欢自己酿酒,后来觉得自己喝不过瘾,于是就搬出来卖,为了能招揽顾客,于是便在外面挂上招牌,因为农夫不会写字,所以招牌上没有文字,只有图案。现在英国一些著名酒吧的招牌上,都有一些图案,比如有的招牌上面画了一只羊,那就表示这家酒吧老板的祖先是养羊的。在英国有很多酒吧都是历史悠久的,是许多作家、艺术家流连索取灵感的地方。每一家酒吧都有不同的图案,都代表着每一个非常不同的、传奇的故事。1、有些姓氏来自某些身份或职业,如:Baker 贝克(面包师)/Hunter 享特(猎人)Carter 卡特(马车夫)/Smith 史密斯(铁匠)Cook 库克(厨师)/Miller 米勒(磨房主)Turner

7、特纳(车工)2、有些姓氏来自某些地名或建筑名称,如:London 伦敦(英国首都)/Hall 霍尔(礼堂)Kent 肯特(英格兰东南部之一)/Mill 米尔(磨房)3、某些姓氏与地理、地貌或环境特征有关,如:Brook 布鲁克(小溪)/Churchill 邱吉尔(山丘)Hill 希尔(山)/Lake 雷克(湖)Field 菲尔德(田野、原野)/Green 格林(草地、草坪)Wood 伍德(森林)/Well 韦尔(水井、泉)姓名由来4、有些姓氏反映个人的特征(肤色、高矮、长相或品德),如:Brown 布朗(棕色的)/White 怀特(白色的)Longman 朗曼(高个子)/Yonng 扬(年轻的

8、5、有些姓氏来自人体部位名称,如:Back 巴克(背)/Hand 汉德(手)Finger 芬格(手指)/Brain 布雷恩(头脑)6、有些姓氏来自动植物名称,如:Bird 伯德(鸟)/Bull 布尔(公牛)Fox 福克斯(狐狸)/Hawk 霍克(鹰)Bush 布什(灌木丛)/Cotton 克顿(棉花)/Reed 里德(芦苇)7、有些姓氏来自教名或教名附加适当词缀,如:George 乔治 Henry 亨利/David 大卫 Clinton 克林顿A public house which was recently bought by Mr.Ian Thompson is up for sale.M

9、r.Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted.sale(n)销售The sale of carson sale (特卖)up for sale(待售)Though Mr.Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed,they were on in the morning.He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night b

10、efore.on/off The light is on/off on line/off line 电视开着 The oven is on The water is onHe told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard astrange noise coming from the bar.The next morning,he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved.When I sugg

11、ested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink,Mr.Thompson shook his head.The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.sb is fat I love her Although/though you take a taxi,you will be late While you hurry,you will be late Even if/though you take a plane,youll be late be free from 免受.的束缚 be free to do sth.自由自在的做某事 be free lt charge 免费的 feel free 感觉轻松 be free with sth.对某物大方,慷慨.be free of sth.离开某物 摆脱(没有)某物=be free from sth.)for free免费地 必备词组:give away give up give in give out give away(vt)赠送 我把房子赠送给我的哥哥 我把手机赠送给我的弟弟More Practice


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