2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 14 Careers讲义 北师大版必修5.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Unit 14 Careers 一积词汇见多识广 课内单词回扣 (一 )阅读词汇写其义 1 insurance n 保险 2.bonus n 额外津贴,奖金 3 wage n 薪金,工资 4.institute n 机构;学院 5 data n 资料,数据 prehension n 理解 7 steep adj.陡峭的,险峻的 8.universe n 宇宙 9 mankind n 人类 10.judgement n 判断,判断力 (二 )表达词汇写 其形 1 income n收入 2.reward n奖赏 3 charge vt.收费,要价 n.负责 4.aid

2、n援助,帮助 5 panic v恐慌,惊惶 6.quarrel vi.争吵,吵架 7 consult vt.请教;查阅 8.overcome vt.战胜,克服 9 grasp vt.理解,领会;抓牢,抓紧 10.decrease v减少,降低 11 envy v羡慕,嫉妒 12.bother v打扰,烦扰 (三 )拓展词汇灵活用 mit vt.投入,犯 (罪 );承诺 committed adj.尽责的 commitment n承诺,保证 *2.appointment n约定,约会;任命 appoint vt.任命;预约,安排 3.constantly adv.不断地 constant adj

3、.不断的;不变的 *4.instant n片刻,瞬息 adj.瞬间的,立即的,紧急的 instantly adv.即刻,马上 instance n例子;事例;情况 5.surrounding adj.附近的 surround v包围,围绕 surr oundings n环境 6.inspect v审查 inspection n检查,视察 inspector n检查员,视察员 7.hesitate v犹豫,踌躇 hesitation n犹豫,踌躇 8.existence n存在 exist v存在 *fort n & vt.(使 )安慰,舒适 comfortable adj.安慰的,舒适的 *1

4、0.operate vi.运转,运作;做手术 vt.操作 operation n操作,手术 operator n操作员;接线员 11.respond vi.回复,回答;反应 response n回复,响应,反应,回答 【 精品教育资源文库 】 12.basis n基础,根据 base n基础,根据地 vt.以 ? 为基础 basic adj.基本的,基础的 13.qualification n资格,资历 qualify v (使 )合格, (使 )具有资格 qualified adj.有资格的,合格的 用上面加 *号的单词的适当形式填空 1 He was appointed as chair

5、man but he refused the appointment because of his health condition. 2 The new operator wasnt able to operate the machine well and his improper operation led to the breakdown of the machine. 3 “Dont be disappointed , ” he comforted his friend.“Lets go to the beach and the sunlight and wind will make

6、you more comfortable. 4 One person could text a friend, for example, who will see the message come up on their Facebook page instantly and respond by an instant message. 话题单词积累 1 artist /?t?st/ n 艺术家 2 author /? ?(r)/ n. 作者,作家 3 model /m?d(?)l/ n. 模型, 模特 4 painter /pe?nt?(r)/ n 绘画者, (油 )画家 5 doctor

7、/d?kt?(r)/ n. 博士 ; 医生 6 physician /f?z?(?)n/ n. 内科医生 7 expert /eksp?t/ n. 专家 , 能手 8 employer /?mpl?(r)/ n. 雇主 9 dentist /dent?st/ n. 牙科医生 10 physicist /f?z?s?st/ n. 物理学家 11 architect /?k?tekt/ n 建筑师 , 设计师 12 merchant /m?t?nt/ n. 商人 ; 生意人 13 shopkeeper /?pki?p?(r)/ n. 店主 14 tailor /te?l?(r)/ n. 裁缝 15

8、 barber /b?b?(r)/ n. 理发师 16 chef/?ef/ n. 厨师长,主厨 17 employee /?mpl?i?/ n. 雇员 18 guard /?d/ n. 警卫,门卫 19 officer /?f?s?(r)/ n. 军官;官员 【 精品教育资源文库 】 20 minister /m?n?st?(r)/ n. 部长 ; 牧师 21 position /p?z?(?)n/ n. 位置 ; 职位 22 assistant /?s?st(?)nt/ n. 助手 , 助理 23 engineer /?end?n? (r)/ n. 工程师 ; 技师 24 secretar

9、y /sekr?t?r?/ n. 秘书 ; 书记 25 accountant /?ka?nt(?)nt/ n. 会 计 (师 ) 26 interview /?nt?vju?/ n & vt. 采访 , 面试 27 interviewee /?nt?vju?i?/ n. 参加面试者 ; 接受采访者 28 interviewer /?nt?vju?(r)/ n. 面试官 29 candidate /knd?d?t / n. 候选人 30 applicant /pl?k?nt/ n. 申请人 31 experience /?ksp? r? ns/ n. 经验 ; 经历 32 employ /?mp

10、l?/ vt. 雇用 33 recommend /?rek?mend/ vt. 推荐 34 occupation /?kj?pe?(?)n/ n. 职业 35 unemployment /?nImpl?Im?nt/ n. 失业 , 失业状态 36 dismiss /d?sm?s/ vt. 遣 /解散 ; 解雇 二积短语顿挫抑扬 课内短语回扣 (一 )根据汉语写出下列短语 *1.take_charge_of 接管,控制 *2.make_up 编造;组成;弥补 *3.make_out 假称;听出,看出 4.go_into_detail(s) 讨论,细谈 5.speak_up 大声地说,自由而大胆地

11、说出 6.believe_in 信任,信仰 *7.pay_off 得到好结果;取得成功 8.turn_over 反转 9.keep_up_with 跟上,赶上 10.in_case 以防万一;万一 11.due_to 由于 *12.in_addition 此外 *13.turn_up 出现,到达 14.above_all 最重 要的是 (二 )用上面加 *号的短语完成下列句子 1 In_addition,_trip is a way of relaxation instead of a job. 2 We couldnt make_out what they were talking abou

12、t in the next room. 3 He devoted most of his time to his training and his effort paid_off eventually 【 精品教育资源文库 】 in the Olympics. 4 Theyll have to work an extra shift to make_up time lost during the strike. 5 She promised that she would come, but she hasnt turned_up yet. 6 I was appointed to take_

13、charge_of arranging all the activities on that day. 话题短语积累 1 apply for 申请 2 be out of employment be out of work lose ones job 失业 3 get/be promoted 获得晋升 4 fill in the form/chart 填表 5 make an appointment 预约 6 hunt for a job 找工作 7 employ sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事 8 be qualified for 胜任 9 show interest in 感

14、兴趣 10 in advance 提前 11 leave a good impression on 给 ? 留下好印象 12 prepare for 为 ? 做好准备 13 devote oneself to 献身于,致力于 14 make a contribution to 对 ? 做出贡献 三积句式写作扮靓 课内句式仿写 1 the instant 引导时间状语从句 例句 The instant she stopped asking questions, I got up and went out of the room. 仿写 他一听到这个笑话就大笑起来。 The_instant_he_

15、heard_the_joke,_he burst into laughter. 2 find it adj. to do sth. 例句 Between now and the 21st century, citizens of the worlds richest and most advanced nations will find it more and more difficult to keep up with the demand for change. 仿写 这两个女孩长得很像,陌生人很难把她们区分开。 【 精品教育资源文库 】 The two girls are so ali

16、ke that strangers find_it_difficult_to_tell_one_from_the_other. 3 as long as 引导条件状语从句 例句 I discovered then that as long as I am committed and never give up I will be able to produce high quality reports. 仿写 只要给别人的生活带来价值,你的生命就是有意义的。 Your life is meaningful as_long_as_you_can_bring_value_to_the_life_o

17、f_others., 话题佳句背诵 1 When seeing your advertisement in the local newspaper, I immediately show great interest in it, eagerly hoping to get the position of working as a tutor for your child. 看到您登在当地报纸上的广告的第一眼,我就对此非常感兴趣,热切地希望能当您孩子的家庭辅导教师。 2 English is my favourite subject and Ive won several prizes in

18、English contests.So I think that Im qualified for the position. 英语是我最喜爱的学科,我曾数次在英语 竞赛中获奖,因此我认为我能胜任这个职位。 3 I am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company. 我相信我的实际工作经验和坚实的教育经历相结合已为贵公司

19、立即作出贡献做好了准备。 四背语段语感流畅 I didnt hesitate to write to you to apply for the job the instant I saw your ad. I have just graduated from a famous university. I can operate the computer freely, and speak English fluently. In addition, I once aided several middle school students with their English free of charge. To support a poor pupil, I had to decrease my daily living cost. The best reward I got was that the child losing parents returned to school. In a word, my university life was richly paid off. I always believe life is hopeful as long as belief lies. Looking forward to your response.


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