2019版高考英语大一轮复习 第一部分 Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe课下作业 外研版选修8.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe . 重点单词 识记 联想 运用 会书写 一、核心单词 1.decade n. 十年 2.accuse v. 指责 3.authority n. 权力;权威 mitment n. 忠诚;奉献 5.faith n. 宗教信仰 6.tension n. 紧张关系 7.broad adj. 丰富的;广泛的 二、阅读单词 1.supreme adj. 最 高超的;最优的 2.swear v. 起誓保证 3.abstract adj. 抽象的 4.consistent adj. 一致的;吻合的 5.de

2、feat n. 失败 6.acute adj. 剧烈的;激烈的 7.dignity n. 尊贵;尊严 8.glory n. 光荣;荣誉 9.pray v. 祷告;祈祷 10.random adj. 任意的;随机的 11.sorrow n. 悲伤;悲痛 12.witness v. 目击,亲眼看见;亲身经历 13.acknowledge v. 承认;认为 14.consult v. 咨询;请教 【 精品教育资源文库 】 15.grasp n. 控制 16.stable adj. 稳定的;安定的 17.sympathy n. 同情;同情心 三、拓展单词 1.relief n.安慰;宽慰 relie

3、ve v.安慰;宽慰 2.devotion n.忠诚 devote v.致力于 devoted adj.忠诚的 3.depend v. 依 靠 ; 取 决 于 dependent adj. 依 赖 的 dependence n. 依 赖 , 依 靠 independence n.独立 4.assume v.假定,假设 assumption n.假定,假设 assuming conj.假定 /认为 ? 5.observation n.观察;监视 observe v.观察 6.patience n.耐心 patient adj.耐心的 n.病人 patiently adv.耐心地 7.delibe

4、rately adv.蓄意地,故意地 deliberate adj.故意的 8.accustomed adj.习惯的 accustom v.使 习惯于 9.advanced adj.高级的,先进的 advance v.& n.前进;进展 会积累 1.“ 悲伤 ” 一族 sorrow n. 悲伤;悲痛 sorrowful adj. 悲伤的 sad adj. 难过的 sadness n. 悲哀 grief n. 悲痛;忧伤 miserable adj. 悲惨的 mournful adj. 悲哀的 heartbroken adj. 悲伤的 2.与 “ 学习 ” 相关的词汇集锦 grasp vt. 理

5、解;领会 attend vt. 参加;上学 concentrate vi. 集中 (精力 ) review vi. 复习功课 【 精品教育资源文库 】 acquire vt. 获得;得到 absorb vt. 吸收;理解 master vt. 精通;掌握 3.表示 “ 人物特点 ” 的形容词全扫描 devoted 忠实的 generous 慷慨的 mean 吝啬的 easygoing 随和的 warm hearted 热心肠的 active 积极的 energetic 有活力的 enthusiastic 充满热情的 【 精品教育资源文库 】 会应用 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.At fir

6、st, Anne totally depended on Jack, her husband.After many years of struggle, she gained her independence and now she is dependent on herself to lead a new life.(depend) 2.Mr Black is my devoted friend.He devotes his life to doing scientific research.I respect his devotion to science.(devote) 3.The d

7、octor said patiently , “Just a little patience.Im examining the patient.”(patient) 4.It is assumed that hard work leads to great success, so we assume him to be successful.But assuming that he isnt that lucky, what shall we do to comfort him ?(assume) 5.Our soldiers now can advance 300 miles a day i

8、n the desert with the help of the advanced Global Positioning System (全球定位系统 ).(advance) . 核心短语 识记 联想 运用 会书写 1.be_similar_to 与 ? 相似 2.set_out 开始做;着手进行 3.be_accustomed_to 习惯于 4.in_spite_of 不管;尽管 5.break_out 爆发 6.a_series_of 一系列的,一连串的 7.result in 导致,引起 8.make it 成功,做成 9.pray for 祈望;祈求 10.(be) aware of

9、 意识到 11.at the very beginning of 在 ? 一开始的时候 12.accuse sb of doing sth 指责某人做某事 13.make/have an impact on 对 ? 有影响 【 精品教育资源文库 】 会积累 1.无被动语态短语小结 break out 爆发 belong to 属于 consist of 由 ? 组成 come true 变成现实 take place 发生 date from/back to 追溯到 2.说说 “ 引起 , 导致 ” 短语 bring about lead to result in/from contribu

10、te to 会应用 选用上表左栏短语填空 1.A policeman in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province is under investigation after being_ accused_of owning 69 properties. 2.Jennifer is having a hard time getting_accustomed_to new surroundings in Australia. 3.How I wish that I could set_out my ideas in simple and wonderful English when c

11、hatting on the Net. 4. What time do you think we can meet each other? If its convenient for you, lets make_it 5 oclock this afternoon. 5.In_spite_of the tight schedule of study, the activities for students to achieve their potential have never been called off. 6.The police are looking into the cause

12、 which resulted_in the sinking of the ship with about 200 passengers aboard. . 经典句式 分析 背诵 仿写 句型公式 1: as 引导的让步状语从句 , 应使用倒装结构。 教材原句 Incredible as it may seem, both the observations of science and the 【 精品教育资源文库 】 evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption. 尽 管看起来不可思议,但科学的观测以及我们肉眼所看到的证据都必

13、然会让我们做出这个设想 ? 句型仿写 Strange_as_it_might_sound, his idea was actually worth practicing. (2018 江苏省 栟 茶中学模拟 ) 虽然听起来有点奇怪,但他的想法值得一试。 句型公式 2: “no 比较级 than” 表示 “ 同 ? 一样不 ” 。 教材原句 The world was in shock maybe they assumed this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane. 全世界都震惊了 也许他们

14、原本都认为这次太空飞行跟乘坐飞机一样没什么危险。 句型仿写 Its no_faster to go to Tianjin by train than by bus. 坐火车到天津去并不比坐汽车快。 句型公式 3:否定词前置,句子用部分倒装。 教材原句 .little did he know what impact he was going to make. ? 他根本不知道他将要造成多大的轰动。 句型仿写 Hardly can_she_imagine that her husband searches for her by helicopter.(2017 浙江 10 月卷 满分作文 ) 她几

15、乎不能想象她丈夫会乘直升 机找她。 . 语篇填空 回顾 补全 热诵 根据课文内容,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Ever since Neil Armstrong first set foot 1.on the Moon back on 21st July, 1969,people have become 2.accustomed (accustom) to the idea of space travel.All three astronauts made it 3.safely (safe) back to Earth, 4.using (use)a spaces

16、hip computer that was much less powerful 5.than the ones used by the average school students today.By the time the Challenger took off in 1986, the world seemed 6.to_have_lost (lose) its fear and wonder at the 7.amazing (amaze)achievement of people going up into space.But this was going to be a spec

17、ial flight and so 8.millions (million) of people tuned in to witness the take off on TV.Sadly the Challenger had exploded in mid air.It 9.happened (happen) so quickly and everyone was in a state of shock.In 【 精品教育资源文库 】 spite of all our advanced technology, the world is still only at 10.the_ very b

18、eginning of its voyage into space. 核 心 词 汇 1.accustomed adj.习惯的;通常的;惯常的 (1)be accustomed/used to (doing) sth 习惯于 (做 )某事 (表状态 ) get/become accustomed/used to (doing) sth 习惯于 (做 )某事 (表动作 ) (2)accustom vt.使 ? 习惯于 accustom oneself to (doing) sth 使自己习惯于 (做 )某事 As we all know, English peopl e are accustom

19、ed to driving (drive) on the left. 众所周知, 英国人习惯于靠左边开车。 Accustomed (accustom) to living in the countryside, Mr.King found it hard to live in the city. 由于习惯于生活在农村,金先生发现很难在城市生活。 He quickly got used ( accustomed) to the strong academic atmosphere and colorful activities in the college. 他很快适应了大学里的浓厚的学术氛围和

20、丰富多彩的活动。 名师指津 短语 be/become/get accustomed to 中的 to 是介词,其后需要跟名词、代词或动词 ing 形式作宾语。 2.accuse v.指责;控告 (1)accuse sb of (doing) sth charge sb with (doing) sth 指责 /控告某人 (做 )某事 accuse sb for sth 为某事指责某人 accuse sb as. 控告 /指责某人为 ? (2)the accused 被告 He accuses Darth Vader of killing his father, so he trains to become a Jedi knight and swears to avenge his loss.(教材原句 ) 他指责达斯 韦德杀死了自己的父亲,因此把自己训练成为一名绝地武士并发誓要为自己的损失报仇。 【 精品教育资源文库 】 The shopkeeper was charged with cheating customers in commo


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