2021年辽宁中考英语一轮复习基础解析集训第17讲 人教九年级全册Unit 3-Unit 4 (ppt课件) .ppt

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1、第17讲九年级(全)Unit 3Unit 4四会单词四会单词Unit 31._n.(美美)洗手间;公共厕所洗手间;公共厕所2._n.邮票;印章邮票;印章3._prep.在在旁边;旁边;在在附近附近4._n.明信片明信片5._v.原谅原谅interj.请再说一遍请再说一遍6._n.浴室;洗手间浴室;洗手间7._v.&n.仓促;急促仓促;急促8._v.建议;提议建议;提议restroomstampbesidepostcardpardonbathroomrushsuggest9._n.葡萄葡萄10._adj.中心的;中央的中心的;中央的11._v.邮寄;发电子邮件邮寄;发电子邮件n.邮件;信件邮件;


3、者22._pron.谁;什么人谁;什么人(宾格宾格)23._adj.不礼貌的;粗鲁的不礼貌的;粗鲁的24._n.住址;地址;通讯处住址;地址;通讯处25._adj.地下的地下的n.地铁地铁26._n.课程;学科课程;学科correctpolitedirectspeakerwhomimpoliteaddressundergroundcourseUnit 41._adj.有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的2._adj.不说话的;沉默的不说话的;沉默的3._adj.有用的;有帮助的有用的;有帮助的4._n.&v.得分;进球得分;进球5._n.背景背景6._v.采访;面试采访;面试n.面试;






9、;对待对付;对待16.introduce(v.)_(n.)介绍介绍17.Britain(n.)_(adj.)英国英国(人人)的的18.require(v.)_(n.)需要;要求需要;要求19.fail(v.)_(n.)不及格;失败不及格;失败 interviewerintervieweeprouddealtintroductionBritishrequirementfailure短语集锦短语集锦(针对句子翻译针对句子翻译)Unit 31._ _ _ 在某人右边在某人右边2._ _ 到达到达3._ _ 沿着沿着4._ _ 向右拐向右拐/左拐左拐5._ _ 吃晚饭吃晚饭6._ _ 来吧;快点儿来吧

10、;快点儿7._ _ _ _ 在某人去在某人去的路上的路上8._ _ 路过;经过路过;经过ononesrightgettogoalongturnright/lefthavedinnercomeonononeswaytopass/goby/past9._ _ 抱歉;对不起;什么,请再说一遍抱歉;对不起;什么,请再说一遍10._ _ _ 寄信寄信11._ _ _ 走上前;走向走上前;走向12._ _ _ 寻求帮助寻求帮助13._ _ 电子邮箱地址电子邮箱地址 14._ _ 停车场;停车区停车场;停车区15._ _ _ _ 用一种不同的方式用一种不同的方式16._ _ _ 一个讲英语的国家一个讲英语的

11、国家17._ _ _ 急忙地急忙地pardonmemailaletterwalkuptoaskforhelpe mailaddressparkinglotinadifferentwayanEnglish speakingcountryinarushUnit 41._ _ _ _ 时常;有时时常;有时2._ _ 戴眼镜戴眼镜3._ _ 应对;处理应对;处理4._ _ 私人时间私人时间5._ _ 闲逛闲逛6._ _ 放弃放弃7._ _ 奋力坚持下去;继续战斗奋力坚持下去;继续战斗8._ _ _ 发表演讲发表演讲9._ _ 公开地;在别人公开地;在别人(尤指生人尤指生人)面前面前10._ _ _ _

12、 得到许多关注得到许多关注11._ _ _ _ 在足球队里在足球队里fromtimetotimewearglassesdealwithprivatetimehangoutgiveupfightongiveaspeechinpublicgettonsofattentiononthesoccerteam12._ _ _ 找工作找工作13._ _ _ _ 照顾某人照顾某人14._ _ 至少至少15._ _ 影响学业影响学业16._ _ _ _ 逃课;旷课逃课;旷课17._ _ _ 做决定做决定18._ _ 寄宿学校寄宿学校19._ _(with sb.)(与某人与某人)交朋友交朋友20._ _ _

13、为为感到自豪感到自豪21._ _ _ 为为骄傲;感到自豪骄傲;感到自豪lookforjobstakecareofsb.atleastinfluenceschoolworkbeabsentfromclassesmakeadecisionboardingschoolmakefriendstakeprideinbeproudof重点句型重点句型Unit 31.条件状语从句祈使句:条件状语从句祈使句:If youre scared,just shout or hold my hand.2.问路与指路:问路与指路:Excuse me,could you please tell me how to get

14、 to the bookstore?Sure,just go along Main Street until you pass Centre Street.The bookstore is on your right,beside the bank.Unit 41.谈及人物外貌:谈及人物外貌:What does he look like?Hes tall now.2.since引导的时间状语从句:引导的时间状语从句:Its been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates.3.even though引导让步状语从句

15、:引导让步状语从句:Now I understand that even though they are busy,they are always thinking of me.交际用语交际用语(针对补全对话针对补全对话)礼貌咨询礼貌咨询(Ask for information politely)1.Excuse me,_(你知道我在哪儿你知道我在哪儿可以买些药吗?可以买些药吗?)Sure.Theres a supermarket down the street.2._(你能你能告诉我乐队什么时候开始表演告诉我乐队什么时候开始表演)thisevening?It starts at 8:00 p

16、.m.do you know where I can buy some medicine?Can you tell me when the band starts playing3._.(我想知道接下来我们我想知道接下来我们应该去哪里。应该去哪里。)You should try that new ride over there.4.Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?Sorry,_.(我不确定如何去那儿。我不确定如何去那儿。)I wonder where we should go nextIm not sure how

17、to get there谈论过去的你是什么样子谈论过去的你是什么样子(Talk about what you used to be like)5._(你过去很矮,不是吗?你过去很矮,不是吗?)Yes,I did./No,I didnt.6._(他曾经戴眼镜吗?他曾经戴眼镜吗?)Yes,he did./No,he didnt.You used to be short,didnt you?Did he use to wear glasses?语法语法1.特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句(where,when,how等等)(P230)2.used to的用法的用法(used to动词

18、原形动词原形)(P199)1.Nelson _ exercises because he has too much work every day.(2019,铁铁岭岭,6题题)A.usually B.always C.often D.seldom2.Simon has been _ school for 2 days.Whats wrong with him?Its said that he has a cold.(2019,本溪本溪,14题题)A.nervous about B.thirsty forC.absent from D.worried aboutDC3.His father sh

19、owed him how to talk with others _ like a gentleman.(2019,朝阳朝阳,25题题)A.safely B.bravely C.happily D.politely4.Welcome to our workroom to make a model plane_.(2018,铁岭铁岭,4题题)A.in total B.in fact C.in order D.in personDD5.The man is such a _ person that he can always make us laugh.(2016,铁岭铁岭,5题题)A.hardw

20、orking B.braveC.humorous D.friendly6.If we _ the mistakes,we will make progress step by step.(2015,抚顺抚顺,10题题)A.make B.forget C.have D.correctCD7.政府鼓励我们科学地处理垃圾。政府鼓励我们科学地处理垃圾。(2019,本溪本溪,57题题)The government encourages us _rubbish in a scientific way.8.妈妈的话对她产生了很大影响。妈妈的话对她产生了很大影响。(2019,朝阳朝阳,95题题)What he

21、r mother said _.9.玛丽当众讲话时总是很自信。玛丽当众讲话时总是很自信。(2019,葫芦岛葫芦岛,56题题)Mary is always confident when she speaks_.10.中国人为我们自己的高铁而感到自豪。中国人为我们自己的高铁而感到自豪。(2018,铁岭铁岭,56题题)Chinese people _our own highspeed trains.to deal withmade a big difference to her/had a great influence on her/influenced her a lotin publicare

22、 proud of/take pride in一、根据句子意思一、根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。1.If you want to improve your oral English,it certainly _(require)much time and effort.2.As a reporter,she has _(interview)many famous people in all walks of life in the past ten years.requiresinterviewed3.The _(introduce)tells us

23、 how to operate the machine properly.4.The first step to solve this problem is _(correct)the mistakes that we made before.5.Students in our school are free to choose elective_(course)according to their interests.introductionto correctcourses二、单项选择。二、单项选择。6.No one knows when the house was built _,but

24、 it must be very old.A.suddenly B.gradually C.exactly D.recently7.Is this photo taken in Tibet?Yes.You can see beautiful snow mountains in the _ of the photo.A.form B.backgroundC.shape D.introductionCB8.Follow your heart and stick to your dream.Dont let others _ you.A.promise B.influence C.complete

25、D.remind9.David,its said that Jane moved to another place last week.Do you know her new _?Sorry,I dont know.We havent been in touch with each other for a long time.A.address B.noticeC.information D.expressionBA10.Have you ever _ to do anything?Yes,but I never give up until I make it because failure

26、is the mother of success.A.decided B.failed C.managed D.correctedB三、句子翻译。三、句子翻译。11.很难相信他过去在英语学习上有困难。很难相信他过去在英语学习上有困难。_that he used to have difficulties in English study.12.过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。Too much work and too less rest will _illness.13.当你觉得有压力的时候,就放松一下你自己。当你觉得有压力的时候,就放松一下你自己。Try t

27、o relax yourself when you feel _14.你为什么缺席了昨天的会议?你为什么缺席了昨天的会议?Why were you _the meeting yesterday?15.我们应该对自己的言行谨慎。我们应该对自己的言行谨慎。We should _our words and behaviors.Its hard to believelead tostressed outabsent frombe careful with I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World.(Unit 3 P19)【用法精析用法精析】sugge

28、st的用法的用法拓展:英语中表示拓展:英语中表示“建议建议”之意的词有两个:之意的词有两个:suggest和和advise,区别如下:,区别如下:5.If you want to have another try,you need to make a(n)firstly.A.suggestion B.decisionC.effort D.request6.Tomorrow is Sunday.Lets see a film in the afternoon.Sounds great!But my mother requests me a dancing class.A.to take B.to

29、 be takenC.taken D.taking7.If you want to request more information us,please send an email.A.in B.of C.from D.byDAC一、单项选择。一、单项选择。1.Your English teacher is veryExactly.She is very popular with us.(2020,深圳改编)深圳改编)A.crazy B.uneasy C.humorous D.powerful2.In order to keep healthy,more and more people spe

30、nd money on physical A.information B.examinationsC.introduction D.suggestionsCB3.Do you like this new kind of mobile phone,madam?Yes.But its too,and I cant afford it.A.popular B.lovelyC.cheap D.expensive4.If one of your friends sends you a message to borrow money on the Internet,youd better phone hi

31、m first to make sure of that.A.recently B.finally C.directly D.hardlyDC5.Ive tried hard at my schoolwork but still.Dont be upset.Sometimes losing is only a sign that you really tried.A.failed B.worriedC.improved D.succeeded6.Mrs.Smith showed the boys how to behave like a gentleman at the dinner tabl

32、e.A.happily B.bravelyC.politely D.differentlyAC7.There are so many old books.How are you going to them?Ill give them to the children in need.A.look at B.talk aboutC.deal with D.take after8.There a small shop near our school,but now there is a beautiful garden.A.used to be B.was used to beingC.was us

33、ed to be D.used to haveCA9.Jack,could you get the mail for me?Sorry,youre asked to sign for it A.in silence B.in publicC.in person D.in trouble10.What will you remember most after leaving junior high school?I will always remember.A.how my friends and teachers used to help meB.when did my friends and

34、 teachers arriveC.where could my friends and teachers meetD.what did the teachers say to meCA二、完形填空。二、完形填空。(2020,铁岭模拟)铁岭模拟)I was once a fat girl.I weighed 336 pounds and looked as big as my fridge.I was never 1 about it.But one day I had a medical examination.The 2 told me that I was having heart tr

35、ouble.It 3 me up.I began to feel nervous.Then I decided to do something!Then I kept doing what I should do.People sometimes say,“You dont need to tell me 9 to do.I know it already!”But the fact is that knowing what to do and doing what you know are totally 10.The important thing is to know what to d

36、o and then just keep doing it.1.A.excited B.worried C.proud D.happy2.A.doctor B.friend C.mother D.teacher3.A.gave B.cheered C.dressed D.woke4.A.borrowed B.lent C.lost D.got5.A.happiness B.success C.kindness D.richness6.A.advice B.news C.food D.medicine7.A.grades B.look C.wish D.habits8.A.Accept B.Br

37、ing C.Refuse D.Make9.A.how B.what C.why D.whether10.A.easy B.difficult C.similar D.different15 BADCB610 ADCBD三、阅读理解。三、阅读理解。During the summer holiday,I was lucky enough to go to Chile(智利)(智利)in South America along with some of my schoolmates.We stayed with Chilean families there.We first met them whe

38、n they visited our school before.While we were there,we visited many parts of the country,including the Atacama Desert(阿塔卡马沙漠)(阿塔卡马沙漠)and Chiles capital citySantiago.At first,it was a bit difficult to live in a house with a new family.But I fit in well and my Spanish improved quickly.My trip to the

39、Atacama Desert was an unforgettable experience.Not only did I see some incredible scenery(不可置(不可置信的景象),信的景象),but I was also able to experience some special things there.For example,I swam in Cejar Lagoon,an oasis(绿洲)(绿洲).Its salty water can help you float(漂浮)(漂浮)more easily.At the same time,I saw wi

40、ld flamingos(火烈鸟)(火烈鸟),ate in a cafe at a height of 3,300 meters and climbed a mountain to see cave paintings that were created over 4,000 years ago.I dont think I will ever forget the view that I got when I watched the sunset on top of the Purple Mountains.I also went on a trip to Santiago.It was v

41、ery different from London because the buildings in London are more modernlooking.However,the Presidents house called La Moneda(拉莫内(拉莫内达宫)达宫),is very beautiful.Santiago is surrounded by mountains.I took a cable car(缆车)(缆车)to the top and got a great view of the whole city.1.What do we know about the a

42、uthors trip to Chile?_A.He visited a local school.B.He was not alone on the trip.C.He didnt go to its capital city.D.He spent his whole holiday there.2.According to the author,was an unforgettable experience.A.living with a new familyB.speaking SpanishC.seeing cave paintingsD.visiting the Atacama De

43、sertBD3.Paragraph 2 mainly tells us about A.how the author felt about the trip to ChileB.what the author did during the tripC.how the author got the chance to visit ChileD.what the most attractive scenery in Chile is4.Whats the taste of the water in Cejar Lagoon?_A.Salty.B.Sweet.C.Sour.D.Delicious.B

44、A5.What do we know about Santiago from the last paragraph?_A.It is the capital city of Spain.B.It has more modern buildings than London.C.Mountains are all around the city.D.People can only get there by cable car.C四、任务型阅读。四、任务型阅读。阅读下面短文,简略回答下列问题。阅读下面短文,简略回答下列问题。The population of the world continues

45、to increase,but in some areas the population is falling.This is true in Europe and especially in Eastern Europe.In Russia,the population is going down by about 100 people EVERY HOUR!Russias population could fall by ONE THIRD by the year 2050!And in Poland(波兰)(波兰)the population is also going down bec

46、ause people are leaving to work in other countries.One of the main reasons is a change of lifestyle.All over Europe people,especially educated women,have a different attitude(态度)(态度)to children than their parents.“I have one child and she is enough for me,”said Galina Tereschkova,a doctor from Mosco

47、w.“My husband and I both work fulltime.We cant imagine having more than one child.”Many women decide to have children later in life or not to have children at all.“I dont want to have any children until I have worked for at least 10 years,”said 19yearold student Hana Markova from Prague.Her opinion

48、is typical of 1824 year old women everywhere in Europe.In Poland,the population is going down for a different reason.A lot of people,usually aged between 20 and 30,are leaving the country to work abroad.Poland joined the European Union in 2005 and since then more than half a million people have move

49、d to Britain,Germany,Spain and Italy.Even so,the population of those four countries and many other countries in West Europe is also going down.Many governments are now encouraging people to have larger families.In France,women now receive nearly$1,000 a month for a year if they have a third child.Au

50、strian women receive$700 a month for three years when they have their first child.1.Where in the world is the population getting smaller?.2.How many children does Galina Tereschikova want to have?.3.What does Hana Markova want to do before she has children?.This is true in Europe and especially in E


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