《国际医学会议交际英语》课件Unit 6.pptx

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1、Unit 6Basic ConsiderationsWhy Are We Nervous During Presentation?Why Are We Nervous During Presentation?IHow Can We Overcome Our Nervousness during Presentation?How Can We Overcome Our Nervousness during Presentation?IIWhy Is Body Language Important?Why Is Body Language Important?IIIWhat Does Body L

2、anguage Include?What Does Body Language Include?IVReflections and PracticeReflections and PracticeV2After completing this section,you will be able to know how to handle your nervousness during your presentation;know the importance of body language and how to behave well during your presentation;get

3、familiar with some delivery tips during your presentation.3Part IWhy Are We Nervous During Presentation?41.Why Are We Nervous During Presentation?We have lots of butterflies in our stomach when doing a presentation.The fear of public speaking is called glossophobia.It is the single most common fear.

4、Approximately 75%of people experience this.Surveys of the general public,college students,employees in the workplace,and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies have found that what people fear most is public speaking.You cannot eliminate your fear,but you CAN manage and reduce it.51.Why Are We Nervous During

5、 Presentation?Why are we nervous?Nervousness is mainly reflected in the form of anxiety,which can be divided into two kinds:external anxiety and internal anxiety.61.Why Are We Nervous During Presentation?External anxiety is triggered by the outside factors,like the speaking situation,the unfamiliar

6、audience,the difficult topic and even the foreign language you use.Internal anxiety is mainly caused by the personal worries,like being afraid of knowing less on the topic than the audience or what you are saying is wrong.7Part IIHow Can We Overcome Our Nervousness during Presentation?82.How Can We

7、Overcome Our Nervousness during Presentation?2.1 Identify your fearsEverybody usually has some kind of worry about doing a presentation and there are many ways to help you overcome such fears.I am worried that the audience wont understand my accent.My English grammar and vocabulary are very poor,but

8、 if I was doing the presentation in my own language.My results arent very interesting so I can hardly create a good presentation around them.I panic at the idea that I might forget what I want to say.I get very nervous when I am in front of a lot of people.92.How Can We Overcome Our Nervousness duri

9、ng Presentation?2.2 Dont focus on your EnglishIf your content makes your message clear,a few mistakes in English will make NO difference.Never equate your level of English with your level of intelligence and your proficiency.Remember,as a qualified professional,you have worked hard to get to where y

10、ou are today.Public speaking is only a small part of your overall professional ability.Whether youre good at public speaking or not has nothing to do with your value as a person.Its simply a skill that you can learn and become better at with practice.If you make an English mistake while doing your p

11、resentation,dont worry(the audience may not even notice it),dont correct yourself.The audience is made up of researchers wanting to hear your results,they are not English teachers wanting to assess your linguistic proficiency.The way you relate to the audience and involve them is more important than

12、 any grammatical or nontechnical vocabulary mistakes you may make.102.2 Dont focus on your EnglishIdentify the points where poor English might be more problematic:In the introduction;While explaining the agenda;When making transitions from one series of slides to another series;In the conclusions;Wh

13、en calling for questions.112.3 Have a positive attitudeAlthough few of us is a born presenter,you will probably have specialist knowledge and considerable experience in your field and the love of your research.With these qualities you will build up confidence and the audience will be convinced that

14、you know what you are talking about even if your English is not so perfect.Your audience will understand if you make mistakes.Think of every speech you give,and the mistakes you make,as a stepping stone toward becoming a more effective speaker.122.4 Thoroughly prepare and vocally practiceIf you know

15、 your slides are good,this will help you overcome some of your anxiety.Practice before a speaking event will help you feel more confident about what youre going to say and how youll say it.The following might be helpful.132.4 Thoroughly prepare and vocally practice1)Number your note cards,so theyll

16、be easy to put back in order if you drop them.2)Be vocally prepared.When you are nervous,you tend to talk too quickly or too softly.Speaking too quickly or softly makes it hard for your audience to understand you.Deep breathing is crucial,both for minimizing anxiety and for supporting a clear,loud v

17、oice.142.4 Thoroughly prepare and vocally practice3)Speak to the back of the room and picture your voice as a powerful laser that you can aim at all corners of the room.Consciously insert pause and breaths into your speech by marking them in your notes.4)Remember that silence is a powerful rhetorica

18、l tool that serves you as well as your listeners,who need time to digest what youre saying.152.4 Thoroughly prepare and vocally practice5)Avoid trying to memorize every word.Theres no need to memorize every word of your speech.Attempting to do so will simply increase stress,and cause greater nervous

19、ness if the sequence of the words youre trying to memorize goes amiss.6)Avoid reading word for word.Avoid reading your presentation word for word from a script.Theres a BIG difference between reading and speaking.Dry reading disseminates information,often at the risk of the audience tuning out.Speak

20、ing is creating an impact with your content and personality,so that not only is your message understood,your professional profile rises.162.5 Use shorter phrases,write in simple sentences and use easy grammarAs you practice,make your phrases short.Short phrases give you time to pause quickly and to

21、breathe between two phrases.You can try to use simple sentences that do not involve complex grammar.In addition,you only need a limited knowledge of English grammar to do a presentation.Complicated forms such as conditionals and continuous forms are not generally required.You could probably manage b

22、y just knowing the present simple,past simple,will,and the passive form.172.6 Learn relaxation techniquesDo some physical exercises and warm up your body before you begin.Exercise reduces tension and helps you concentrate.Getting a little bit of physical activity before your speech will calm you and

23、 help you get rid of excessive nervous energy.Breathe in deeply;Exercise your jaw;Relax/warm your neck and shoulder muscles;Get enough sleep and have a good meal;Try taking a walk outside,doing arm circles,or stretching gently.182.7 Check out your presentation venueIt is advisable to get familiar wi

24、th the room in the meeting venue.Visit the space ahead of time.Get as many details as you can about the room,the audience,the equipment,your time constraints,etc.Make sure:How far you are from the audience;How loud you will have to speak;Whether you will need a microphone;Whether you will have a pod

25、ium;Where you will stand,so that the audience can always see you and you dont trip over any wires;How the remote control works;How effective the laser pointer is,try the main functions,such as blank,hide,mute and no show;Whether chalk and pens are available for the blackboard/whiteboard;Whether you

26、need a watch,or is there a big clock at the back of the room;Someone is going to introduce you or you will need to introduce yourself.192.8 Prepare for forgetting what you want to sayA frequent problem occurring during presentation is forgetting what you want to say.If you get stuck,dont panic.You c

27、an:Drink some water,and use this time to remind yourself;Breathe,look at your notes,and use key word outlines to get you back on track;Say“I am sorry I cant think of the word.In any case”And then you simply proceed with the next point.202.8 Prepare for forgetting what you want to sayWhen you forget

28、where you are during the presentation,the following might be of some help:Sorry,what was I saying?Where were we up to?Can anyone remind me?Sorry Ive lost track of what I was saying.Sorry,I seem to have forgotten what I was saying.212.9 Prepare for the software or the equipment breaking downYes,there

29、s a good chance that your PowerPoint will crash,but all hope is not lost.PowerPoint is not always reliable.Test that everything works appropriately in advance.Do have a backup plan,such as handouts,overheads,etc.The audience will appreciate your ability to recover with grace and keep the presentatio

30、n moving despite technical difficulties.Some successful presentations are done with no slides.If you have a printout of your slides and your computer breaks down completely,then you can continue without the slides,and if necessary,draw graphs on a whiteboard.222.10 Organize your timePresentations ra

31、rely go according to plan,just because frequently the previous presenter goes over his/her allocated time so that you have less time to do your preparation.You can:232.10 Organize your timePractice with a stopwatch.Do this often enough that you get a sense of timing.Know exactly how much time you ne

32、ed for each part of your presentation.Write down the finishing time on a piece of paper and have the paper beside your laptop.242.10 Organize your timeHave a clock/watch with you during your speech and note to yourself specific places in your speech where you will check the clock to see how youre do

33、ing.Seeing your watch by the laptop will remind you to check the time.Put your most important points in the first half of the presentation,not in the second half or near the end.252.10 Organize your timeThink in advance what slides you could cut,particularly those in the latter part of the presentat

34、ion.Plan how to reduce the amount you say for particular slides.Rehearse how you would cut down your speech if you find yourself running low on time.Dont suddenly say“I will have to stop here.”Instead,make a brief conclusion if you dont run out of time.Share an extra story or example,or answer more

35、questions and have a longer Q&A session at the end of the presentation,if you finish earlier.262.10 Organize your timeWhen you go over your allocated time,try the following:It looks as if we are running out of time.Would it be okay if I continued for another two minutes?I am really sorry about this.

36、But in any case,you can find the conclusions in the handout.I will put a copy of the presentation on our website.27Part IIIWhy Is Body Language Important?283.Why Is Body Language Important?Body language is a kind of non-verbal communication,where thoughts,intentions,or feelings are expressed by phys

37、ical behaviors,such as facial expressions,body posture,gestures,eye movement,touch and the use of space.293.Why Is Body Language Important?Body language is a vital form of communication,which can make or break your presentation.It is an essential part of emotional intelligence,which can help you bon

38、d with another person,a small group or a large audience.When your body language is deliberate,it shows that you are in control and that you are happy to be where you are,doing what you are doing.Non-verbal communication is so powerful that it can reinforce your verbal message or contradict it.By fol

39、lowing the body language guidelines below,you will be able to strengthen the effectiveness of your oral presentation.In addition,you can watch and pick up cues from other presenters.30Part IVWhat Does Body Language Include?314.What Does Body Language Include?4.1 Posture 4.2 Gestures4.3 Facial expres

40、sions4.4 Eye contact4.5 Voice4.6 Dress324.1 PostureOur posture conveys a lot about our level of confidence.Good posture gives the impression of authority and confidence.A natural,straight open body position is best.If you are not accustomed to standing straight,you can practice by pressing your spin

41、e against a wall.Let your arms rest in a relaxed way at your sides,so you dont appear stiff or rigid.Try to avoid the following:Arms folded across your chest,which makes you slouch,and makes you appear closed,disconnected from the audience;Arms clasped behind the back military style,which makes you

42、appear too aloof;Hands on hips,which makes you appear too strict,like you are about to scold someone;Arms down in front,folded below the waist,which makes you seem too“goody-goody”;Rocking back and forth,which makes you appear restless or nervous.334.2 GesturesFrom an open body position,your arms wi

43、ll be free to gesture as they would in normal conversation in order to support your words and emphasize certain points.In most professional presentations,you can add movement by simply pointing to the important features of your presentation.At the same time,avoid using the same gesture over and over

44、.The following should be avoided.344.2 Gestures Putting your hands in your pockets,which makes people trust you less;Jiggling your keys or other items in your pocket.If you tend to fidget,empty your pockets beforehand;Playing with your jewelry,your hair,or your clothing,which signals that you are ne

45、rvous;Pushing your glasses back constantly;Pushing your hair aside frequently with your hand or shaking your head to push aside your hair;Sporting a hairstyle that covers your eyes;Clicking your ballpoint pen;Taking your pen or markers caps on and off;Scratching your face,head,or any other part of y

46、our body;Checking your watch frequently;Drumming your fingers on the lectern or table;Tapping your feet or bouncing your legs.Check your legs and feet every once in a while to make sure they are still.354.3 Facial expressionsDuring a presentation,your face conveys more to your audience than any othe

47、r part of your body.This is because the audience will be looking at your face most of the time.Your facial expressions can communicate positive messages such as confidence,friendliness,and enthusiasm.They could also communicate fear,frustration,or lack of control.364.3 Facial expressionsSince facial

48、 expressions reveal your true feelings,it is important to learn to convey the right messages.The most important thing you can do is to smile a genuine smile.A smile communicates confidence and sincerity.It says that you know what you are doing,that you are happy to be there,and that you are enjoying

49、 giving the presentation(even if youre not).It makes you more likable.If you smile,the audience is also more likely to smile back at you,which in turn will make you feel more comfortable.374.3 Facial expressionsAvoid a phony,forced,or artificial smile.It will only reveal that you really dont want to

50、 be there.When its inappropriate to smile,you can use your eyes and your eyebrows to communicate.In other words,use all of your face to support your words.384.4 Eye contactEstablishing and maintaining eye contact with your audience will make you seem more confident,relaxed,and interesting.It also fo


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