2019版高考英语一轮复习 Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries预习案 外研版必修3.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries (主题语境 :人与社会 社会文化 ) .课标单词 在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练 Practicemakesperfect. 话题必记单词 1.incomen.收入 2.measurevt.测定 ;测量 ;评估 n.手段 ;尺寸 3.goaln.目标 4.positionn.位置 ;职位 ;立场 5.figuren.数字 ;人物 ;身影 ;体形 6.homelessadj.无家可归的 7.exchangen.整洁的 ;时髦的 3.vast adj.巨大的 ;庞大的 ;浩瀚的 4.h

2、ousehold n.一家人 ;家庭 adj.家用的 5.charity n.慈善团体 6.inhabitant n.居民 构织连脉词族 1.hungern.饥饿 hungryadj.饥饿的 2.povertyn.贫穷 inpoverty 处于贫穷中 pooradj.穷困的 3.developmentn.发展 developv.发展 ;开发 ;培养 ;患病 developingadj.发展中的 developedadj.发达的 4.educatevt.教育 ;培养 ;训练 educationn.教育 5.crowdedadj.拥挤的 crowdn.人群 v.群集 ,拥挤 ,挤满 6.simil

3、arityn. 类似 ; 相似 similaradj. 相 似 的 similarlyadv.同样 ,类似地 7.unfortunateadj.不幸的 ;遗憾的 fortunateadj.幸运的 unfortunatelyadj.不幸地 fortunen.运气 ;财富 8.locationn.位置 ;所在地 locatev.位于 ;使?坐落于 ;找到?的位置 9.pollutedadj. 受到污染的 pollutevt. 污染 pollutionn.污染 10.entertainmentn.娱乐 entertainv.娱乐 ,使有兴趣 ,招待 entertainingadj.有趣的 ,娱乐性的

4、 ,令人愉快的 entertainern.演艺人员 ,款待者 语用规律归纳 ?“ 头脑聪明 ” 特工队 smartadj.机敏的 ;灵活的 cleveradj.聪明的 wiseadj.明智的 intelligentadj. 聪明的 brightadj.聪明的 wittyadj.富有智慧的 ?“ 旅行 ” 家族 traveln.旅行 journeyn.(长途陆路 )旅行 ,也指人生旅程 tourn.(观光 )旅行 voyage(海上 )航行 tripn.(短途 )旅行 语境活用 1.He was determined to make a fortune in the west.Fortunate

5、ly,a kind boss helped him and it was fortunate of him to meet with such a nice man.(fortunate) 2.This river was polluted by the chemicals of the factory;many kinds of fishes are dying off because of the pollution.(pollute) 3.The two pictures are similar and its easy to find many similarities between

6、 them.Similarly,you can also find some differences.(similar) 【 精品教育资源文库 】 4.Its unfortunate to be stuck in the rain.Even unfortunately,we couldnt find anyone to help us.At last we tried our fortune to find a shortcut.Fortunately we arrived home before dark.So we were also fortunate.(fortunate) 5.Wi

7、th the development of the economy,peoples lives are becoming better and better.However,China,as a developing country,is different from America,which is adeveloped one.(develop) .课标短语 从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律 Observationisthebestteacher. 1.upto 达到 ;忙于 ;胜任 ;由?决定 2.makeprogress 取得进步 3.makeeffortstodo 努力做 4.t

8、akemeasurestodo 采取措施 5.inparticular 尤其是 6.becloseto 接近 ;靠近 7.makesure 确定 ;弄清楚 8.beconnectedwith与?有联系 9.collect/raise money for 为 ? 筹集资金 /募捐 语境活用 1.The local government is makingefforts to improve the conditions of transportation. 2.He is said to beconnectedwith the bank robbery. 3.I am so happy to h

9、ear that you have madeprogress on your new job. 4.When and where the meeting is to be held is upto our headmaster. . 重点句型 从 教 材 中 探 求 高 考 脉 动 从 仿 写 中 熟 练 运 用 Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart. 领悟教材语境 1.Fromthisagreementcame the Human Development Report. 人类发展报告就出自这一项协议。 (教材 Page 12) 考点提炼介词短语置于句首时 ,

10、句子要用倒装结构。 2.The UK is in the thirteenth position,while China is in the middle of the list. 英国处于第十三的位置 ,而中国则在名单的中间。 (教材 Page 12) 考点提炼该句中的 while 为并列连词 ,连接两个并列的分句 ,意为 “ 然而 ;可是 ” 。 3.Its an agreement between towns or cities ofsimilarsize and age. 它是有着相似的面积和年代的城镇之间的一份协定? (教材 Page 19) 高考写作情景 从山谷里传来可怕的声音。

11、From the valley cameafrighteningsound 有些人支持它 ,而其他人 却反对。 Somepeoplesupportitwhileothersdonot. 体育锻炼对人的身体健康是很有价值的。 Sports can beofgreatvalue to peoples health. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 考点提炼该句使用了 “of+ 抽象名词 ” 结构 ,用来描述人或事物的性质、特征。 .语篇 旧材新用探究根源 Killtwobirdswithonestone. 话题与语篇填空 In 2000,147 world leaders agreed to work

12、 together to reduce 1.poverty(poor) by 2015 or earlier.From this agreement 2.came(come) the Human Development Report.The report mainly includes two aspects.One is the Human Development Index,3.which measures the achievements of 175 countries in three ways:life expectancy,4.education(educate) and inc

13、ome.The 5.other is the Development Goals,and the most important ones are to:reduce poverty and hunger;make sure that all children are educated up 6.to the age of 11;fight AIDS and other diseases;improve 7.the environment of poor people;encourage 8.developing(develop) countries to give more help to o

14、ther countries. 9.Based(base) on some examples,the report finally shows that we are making some progress but that we need to make 10.greater(great) efforts. 话题与短文改错 Town twinning is an agreement two towns or cities which have many ,such as similar size age,tourism,industry,culture and entertainment.

15、Town twinning is not a new idea,and it has become the more popular in recent years.That is because its now to find out about and visit other countries and towns. Town twinning agreements encourage people from the two towns visit each other.These agreements are perhaps most for students and people who want to practise speaking language.This is living with a foreign family for one or two weeks that you have to speak their language,and as a result you improve fast. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 -温馨提示: - 本文档仅为 【 全套资料之一 】 ,欢迎点击下方按钮链接,下载全套资料! 请点此到 下载本文全套资料


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