(教材同步复习)第1部分 Grade 9 Unit 13~14 2021年中考英语复习(ppt课件)(云南).pptx

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1、教材同步复习第一部分 Grade 9Unit 1314中考考点中考考点 精讲精讲考点考点1Its good for health and it doesnt cost anything!这对健康有!这对健康有利,而且不用花钱!【利,而且不用花钱!【Unit 13 P98】辨析cost、spend、take与pay(2017云南26题)重点重点突破突破考点主语用法例句cost物sth.cost(s)sb.some moneyThis book cost me 20 yuan.这本书花了我20元。考点主语用法例句spend人(1)sb.spend(s)/spent sometime/money o

2、n sth.(2)sb.spends/spent some time/money(in)doing sth.She spent 600 dollars on the watch.她买这块手表花了600美元。They spent two years(in)building this bridge.他们花了两年时间造这座桥。takeitIt takes/took sb.some time to do sth.It took me an hour to come here.到这里来花了我一个小时。pay人(1)sb.pay(s)/paid some money for sth.(2)sb.pay(s

3、)/paid for sth.I have to pay 20 pounds for this room each month.我每个月要付20英镑的房租。cost作名词,意为“花费;价钱”,at the cost of意为“以为代价”。拓展拓展A 单项填空1The new phone _ me 6,000 yuan.AcostBspentCtookDpaid2How long will it _ you to fly to Beijing from your hometown?AspendBtakeCpayDuseB 活学巧活学巧练练3The government_plenty of mon

4、ey improving the environment.Apays Bcosts Cspends Dtakes4How much is the ticket to the History Museum?A one-way ticket_$20,and you can _ another$10 for a round-trip.Acosts;spend Bcosts;payCspends;pay Dpays;spendC B 词形转换5He spent 100 yuan in _ the coat.(buy)6It takes him about half an hour _ to the a

5、irport.(get)词组翻译7I _ the trip to Kunming on the Internet just now.(为付款)8The soldier saved her_his life.(以为代价)buying to get paid for at the cost of 考点考点2Have you ever taken part in an environmental project?你曾?你曾经参加过有关环境的项目吗?【经参加过有关环境的项目吗?【Unit 13 P100】辨析take part in、join、join in与attend重点重点突破突破考点用法例句t

6、ake part in指参与某一群众性活动,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动,并在活动中发挥作用How many countries will take part in the next Olympic Games?多少个国家将参加下一届奥运会?考点用法例句join指加入某一组织或团体等,并成为其中一员,后接表示组织或团体的名词,如:the party、the club、the armyWhen did your brother join the army?你哥哥什么时候参军的?和某人一起做某事,常用结构为:join sb.in doing sth.Im sure all youll join m

7、e in wishing Ted a bright future.我相信你们会愿意与我一起共祝特德有一个光明的未来。考点用法例句join in多指参加小规模的活动,如“球赛、游戏”等Come along,and join in the ball game.快,来参加球赛。attend正式用语,意为“出席”,指参加会议、婚礼、葬礼、典礼;去上课、上学、听报告等Hell attend an important meeting tomorrow.他明天要参加一个重要的会议。A 单项填空1She_ a travel company which took her around the world.Ajo

8、inedBjoined inCtook partDtook part in2Martin and Susan set off for Shanghai to _ an international meeting yesterday.Ajoin Btake part inCattendDjoin inC 活学巧活学巧练练3Im going to Hong Kong next month.What about you,Jenny?I will _ social practice.Atake part inBjoinCjoin inDtake part4I really want to _ the

9、square dance.Ajoin Btake partCattendDjoin inA D 词组翻译5Would you like to _ the activities of World Book Day?(参加)6Mark is going to_ our discussion.(加入)take part in join in 考点考点3Yes,we cant afford to wait any longer to take action!是的,是的,我们不能再等,必须采取行动了!【我们不能再等,必须采取行动了!【Unit 13 P100】afford的用法重点重点突破突破eg.Th

10、e man cant even afford a new refrigerator.那位男士甚至买不起一台新冰箱。I really want a camera,but I cant afford one.我真想要一台照相机,但我买不起。Theres no way we can afford to buy a house at the moment.眼下我们无论如何也买不起房子。B 单项填空1He says he really cant _ to wait another day.AwasteBaffordChelpDpay2They had to walk home at last becau

11、se they couldnt_to take a taxi.Abuy BallowCplan DaffordD 活学巧活学巧练练词形转换3I cant afford _the papers because they contain a lot of confidential(机密的)information.(lose)词组翻译4He said he _ an expensive birthday present for his brother.(买不起)to lose couldnt afford 考点考点4Although you have to go your separate ways

12、 now,I hope that in a few years time,youll come back to visit our school.尽管你们现在不尽管你们现在不得不各奔东西,但是我希望几年后你们能回母校看看。【得不各奔东西,但是我希望几年后你们能回母校看看。【Unit 14 P110】辨析separate与divide重点重点突破突破B 单项填空1The listening text might be easier for the students if you get it _ into two parts.AtoldBdividedCseparatedDfound活学巧活学巧

13、练练2These two students were _ from each other because they kept talking in class.AprotectedBdividedCseparatedDleft词组翻译3Both of them dont want to _each other.(分开)C separate from 语法知识语法知识 梳理梳理 1.复习现在进行时(见本书P145)Were trying to save the earth.我们正努力拯救地球。【Unit 13 P100】2复习used to(1)The river used to be so c

14、lean.这条河曾经很干净。【Unit 13 P100】(2)What did you use to do that you dont do now?你以前做过什么现在不做的事?I used to take dance lessons,but I dont anymore.我以前上过舞蹈课,但现在不上了。【Unit 14 P108】3复习被动语态The air is badly polluted.空气被严重污染了。【Unit 13 P100】4复习现在完成时(见本书P146)No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good fo

15、r health.没有科学研究表明鲨鱼鳍对健康有益。【Unit 13 P100】5复习情态动词(见本书P140)We should help save the sharks.我们应该帮助拯救鲨鱼。【Unit 13 P100】6复习宾语从句(见本书P164)What happened in Grade 7 that was special?七年级发生了什么特别的事?Our team won the school basketball competition.我们队在学校篮球赛中获胜了。【Unit 14 P108】7复习一般将来时(见本书P144)(1)How do you think thing

16、s will be different in senior high school?你认为高中的情况会有什么不同?I think that Ill have to study much harder for exams.我想为了考试我必须更加努力学习。【Unit 14 P108】(2)What are your plans for next year?你明年的计划是什么?Im going to join the school volleyball team.我打算加入校排球队。【Unit 14 P108】8动名词(见本书P152)(1)What do you remember about Gr

17、ade 8?关于八年级你还记得什么?I remember being a volunteer.我记得当过志愿者。【Unit 14 P108】(2)What are you looking forward to?你在期待什么?Im looking forward to going to senior high school.我期待着去高中。【Unit 14 P108】教材语篇教材语篇 专练专练F(Grade 9 Unit 14 Section B 2b)Ladies and gentlemen,Thank you for coming today to attend the graduation

18、 ceremony at No.3 Junior High School.First of all,Id like to congratulate all the students who are here today.1._You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.And yes,some of you were a little difficult to deal with!But today I see a room full of talented young adults who are full of hope

19、 for the future.2._Although youve all worked very hard over the last three years,none of you did it alone.I hope youll remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported youyour parents,your teachers and your friends.Please consider what theyve done for you and what they mean to yo

20、u.3._C A G Lastly,the end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life.I dont need to tell you that life in senior high school will be harder and that you have many difficult tasks ahead of you.4._ But along with difficulties,there will also be many exciting things waiting for you.Behind eac

21、h door you open are chances to learn new things,and you have the ability to make your own choices.5._ Although you have to go your separate ways now,I hope that in a few years time,youll come back to visit our school.As you set out on your new journey,you shouldnt forget where you came from.The futu

22、re is yours.Good luck and hope to see you again sometime soon!D 根据短文内容,从短文后所给的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。ANever fail to be thankful to the people around you.BNever make mistakes in your life or you wont be successful.CYouve all grown up so much and Im so proud of you.DChoose wisely and be respons

23、ible for your decisions and actions.EI remember meeting all of you when you were in the primary school.FI remember meeting all of you when you were just starting Grade 7 at this school.GYoull make mistakes along the way,but the key is to learn from your mistakes and never give up.热点素材热点素材 专练专练我国科学家在

24、南海首次发现鲸落Its sad to learn that a whale has died in the ocean.However,thats not the end for the whale.It has a lot to give to other sea animals after death.When a whale dies,it quickly goes down to the bottom of the ocean floor.There,the whale body provides food for deep-sea animals.The remains can la

25、st for a long time and create a complex(复杂的)ecosystem called a whale fallan“oasis(绿洲)”of life in the deep sea.Chinese scientists found a whale fall for the first time in the South China Sea during a deep-sea expedition(考察)carried out by oceanic research ship Tansuo-1,which finished its expedition on

26、 April 2.Tansuo-1 carried the machine Shenhai Yongshi,which is able to dive to a depth of 4,500 meters.The whale fall ecosystem can exist in the deep ocean because great pressure and cold temperatures there prevent the body from decomposing(分解)too quickly.But the depth also makes it hard for scienti

27、sts to discover them.There are less than 50 known whale falls in the world.The whale fall in the South China Sea is about three meters long.Scientists have found several kinds of shrimp(虾)and fish near the whale fall.Some fish have started to eat the whales tail.The whale fall might be quite recent,

28、according to Xie Wei,a scientist who took part in the expedition.By studying the whale fall,scientists can better understand how marine(海洋的)ecosystems support life and how to protect biodiversity(生物多样性)resources in the deep sea.A()1.Why is a whale fall called an“oasis”?ABecause it provides food for

29、deep-sea animals.BBecause it can remain under the sea for decades(几十年).CBecause it changes the seas ecosystem.DBecause it grows at the bottom of the ocean.()2.What can we know about the whale fall in the South China Sea?AIts not the first time weve seen it.BScientists found it at a depth of 4,500 me

30、ters.CThis whale fall may have formed recently.DIt has already become a skeleton(骨架)C D()3.Its hard to find whale falls because of _.Adangerous animalsBlow temperaturesCrapid decompositionDtheir great depth()4.What is this passage mainly about?AHow whale falls occur.BA whale fall was discovered.CHow marine ecosystems support life.DHow to protect natural resources.B A()5.Where can you probably read the passage?AIn a newspaper.BIn a storybook.CIn a letter.DIn a guidebook.


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