第一部分 Grade 8 Book 1 Modules 10~ 12 教材复习(ppt课件) 2021年中考英语复习(ppt课件)(外研版)(广西).ppt

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1、教材同步复习第一部分 Grade 8Book 1Modules 1012中考考点中考考点精讲精讲考点1 Whats the weather like in America in winter,Betty?贝蒂,在美国冬季天气怎么样?【Module 10 P80】重点突破 询问天气常用句型(1)询问天气状况的三种常用句型:(2)答语常为:Its表示天气的形容词。常见的表示天气的形容词有:eg.Hows the weather in Nanning?Whats the weather like in Nanning?南宁的天气怎么样?Its sunny.是晴天。活学巧练单项选择1_ was the

2、 weather yesterday in Chongzuo?It was sunny.The sky was blue.AWhenBHowCWhatDWhere B 2What will the weather be like this Sunday?_AYes,I like it BIt will be cloudyCI dont think so DThats it3What do you think of the weather in Canada these days?Its _.And Ill go skiing this weekend.Arainy Bfoggy Csnowy

3、Dwindy B C词形转换4How is the weather today?Its _(cloud).cloudy考点2 What a surprise!太意外了!太意外了!【Module 11 P88】重点突破 surprise的用法(2018北部湾经济区85题)拓 展surprising“令人惊讶的”,多用来修饰物;surprised“感到惊讶的”,用来修饰人。与surprised相关的搭配有:活学巧练单项选择1I am surprised _ the little girl can speak English so well.Athat Bwhich Cwhy Dwho2When s

4、he heard the news,she looked at me _ surprise.Ato Bin Con Dat A B 3Even if you read only 30 minutes a day,you will be surprised _ the progress you have made in a short time.Aseeing Bto see Csaw Dsee4When we saw our first teacher again,we all got _Asurprise Ba surpriseCsurprises Dsurprising单词拼写5To my

5、_(惊讶),my uncle got his driving licence in his fifties.B B surprise My experiences in England 我在英国的经历【Module 11 P90】考点3 重点突破 experience的用法考点词性、含义及用法experience作可数名词,意为“经历”,通常指具体的经历,亲眼见过或亲身做过的事作不可数名词,意为“经验;体验”作动词,意为“经历;感受;体验(到);遭受(到)”eg.I had an unusual experience in Africa.我在非洲有一次不寻常的经历。My father has

6、rich experience in teaching English.我爸爸在英语教学方面有丰富的经验。He has experienced many things in the past few years.在过去的几年里,他经历了许多事情。拓 展 experienced作形容词,意为“有经验的”,be experienced in doing sth.“做某事有经验”。eg.Hes very experienced in keeping animals.他养动物很有经验。活学巧练单项选择1Mr.Black is an _ teacher with 20 years of teaching

7、 _ Aexperienced;experiencesBexperience;experiencedCexperience;experiencesDexperienced;experience D 词形转换2Tina has got many interesting _(experience)since she came to China.3Activities all take place under the guidance of an _(experience)tutor.4He _(experience)great difficulty in getting a visa to lea

8、ve the country last month.5Linda wants to _(experience)the country life in the summer vacation because she is tired of the city life.experiences experienced experienced experience 考点4 Lets imagine an accident.让我们设想一个事故。【Module 12 P96】重点突破 imagine的用法eg.I can imagine the blue sky,white clouds,the sing

9、ing of birds and the sound of running water.我可以想象蓝天、白云、鸟鸣和流水的声音。Jane imagined the serious man to be a good doctor.简想象那个严肃的男人是一位好医生。I can hardly imagine Peter sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.我几乎无法想象彼得在五天内就横渡了大西洋。I couldnt imagine why he would want to be alone in the Spring Festival.我无法

10、想象他为什么想要在春节独处。活学巧练单项选择1Can you imagine _ two to three months completely inside your house?Aspends Bspending Cspend Dto spend2Everybody around him imagines him _ a scientist but he would rather be an artist.Abe Bis Cbeing Dto be3Nobody could imagine him _ in such an expensive house in the city centre

11、.Alive Bto live Cliving Dlived B D C 词形转换4He imagines everything _(be)easy.5She couldnt imagine _(live)in a place like that.6I couldnt imagine _(make)such a stupid mistake in the exam.7She always imagines herself _(be)a teacher.to belivingmakingto be考点5 But he could have trouble hearing you or speak

12、ing to you.但他可能很难听到你(说话)或跟你说话。【Module 12 P96】重点突破(1)用作名词,表示“烦恼;困难;困境;辛劳”等,通常是不可数名词,其具体用法如下:trouble的用法 eg.Dont count on other people to get you out of trouble.不要指望他人能帮你摆脱困境。(2)用作动词,意为“(使)烦恼;麻烦;费心”等,可用作及物或不及物动词。活学巧练单项选择1Do you have any trouble _ your work?No,Im getting on well with it.AwithBforCaboutD

13、on2I will get _ trouble if I am late for the important meeting.Ain Bwith Cfor Dby A A 单词拼写3If people are in _(麻烦),we should help them in time.词形变换4When I first came to New York,I had a lot of trouble _(make)myself understood.trouble making考点6 Earthquakes always happen suddenly,so it is difficult to

14、warn people about them.地震总是发生得很突然,所以很难给予人们预警。【Module 12 P98】重点突破 warn的用法eg.I warned him not to play in the street,but he wouldnt listen to me.我警告过他不要在街道上玩耍,但是他不愿听我的话。They warned us about the heavy snow yesterday.他们昨天警告我们注意这场大雪。He warned me that there were pickpockets in the crowd.他警告我说人群中有扒手。We shou

15、ld warn that boy against climbing that big tree.我们应该警告那个男孩不要爬那棵大树。活学巧练单项选择1The policeman warned the young man _ after drinking,because it will make him in danger.Anot drive Bnot to driveCnot driving Ddont drive2The traffic police warned my brother _ overspeed driving last night.Aat BwithCof Don B C

16、词形转换3My parents warn me against _(play)computer games on weekdays.4The teacher often warns us not _(talk)with others in class.5Someone warned _(he)of the danger on the bridge so that he went home safely.playingto talk him考点7 Keep calm,especially when you are with other people.保持镇静,尤其是当你身边还有其他人的时候。【M

17、odule 12 P98】重点突破 keep的用法eg.We must keep the classroom clean.我们必须保持教室干净。Never mind!Just keep walking.别在意!一直走。Dont keep your eyes working for a long time.Its harmful to your eyesight.不要让你的眼睛工作太长时间。那对视力有害。The little poor boy was very brave.He bit his fingers to keep himself from crying.那个可怜的小男孩非常勇敢。他咬

18、着自己的手指防止自己哭。活学巧练单项选择1The trees can keep the wind _ destroying crops.We should plant more trees in this area.AforBonCfromDwith2We should keep_ our masks to keep fit though it is hot.Awear Bwearing Cworn Dto wearC B 3Hurry up!Dont keep our friends _Await Bwaiting Cto wait Dwaited4Keep_ and dont stop.T

19、he higher you climb,the farther you will see.Ago Bto go Cgoing Dgoes B C 词形转换5The loud music kept me _(wake)till midnight.It was really annoying.6We are supposed to keep _(silence)in the library.7The twins always keep _(argue)about who plays with the new toy first.awakesilentarguing语法知识语法知识梳理梳理1.may

20、、might、probably表可能(见本书P148)(1)Bring a map because you may want to travel around.带张地图,因为你可能想四处转转。(2)And its cloudy too,so it might snow.而且还是多云,所以有可能下雪。(3)Its probably sunny and hot there.那里很可能晴朗而炎热。【Module 10 P82】【Module 10 P80】【Module 10 P80】2情态动词(must/mustnt、can/cannot、need/neednt)(见本书P148)(1)For e

21、xample,you must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time.例如,当你第一次见到某人时,你必须称呼先生或女士。(2)You can open it!你可以打开它!(3)You neednt wait!你不必等!【Module 11 P90】【Module 11 P88】【Module 11 P88】3祈使句(见本书P170)(1)Cover him with a coat.把外套盖在他身上。(2)Lets imagine you see a boy lying at the bottom of the stair

22、s.让我们想象一下你看到一个男孩正躺在楼梯的底部。【Module 12 P96】【Module 12 P97】4情态动词(must、can、could)表推测(见本书P149)(1)Betty,you must know!贝蒂,你肯定知道!(2)What can we do to help him?我们能做什么来帮助他?(3)But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.但是他有可能无法听到你或者和你说话。【Module 12 P96】【Module 12 P96】【Module 12 P96】地方特色地方特色专练专练Pape

23、rcutting of the Mulao ethnic group in Hechi,Guangxi is a kind of traditional art that uses scissors or a knife to cut patterns on paper.It is 1 used in daily life and different kinds of folk activities.Mulao folk papercutting has a long 2 and a unique style.It first 3 in the Tang Dynasty(618907)and

24、had its heyday(全盛时期)during the Ming and Qing(16441911)dynasties.It is mainly monochromatic(单色的)paper cutting,which is made with colored 4,and uses a combination of cutting,engraving(雕刻)and tearing(撕)techniques.The content of these papercuts typically involves 5,historical stories,myths and legends,f

25、olk stories,auspicious(吉利的)patterns,totem(图腾)symbols,folk traditions,landscape scenery,animals,as well as daily life.Mulao papercuts are a(n)6 art produced on the basis of a farming society.The theme,content,and art form 7 a strong rural flavor and local characteristics.It has artistic characteristi

26、cs,8 diverse forms,wide themes,full composition,and exaggerated(夸张的)shapes.At present,Mulao papercutting has become a unique art form 9 has been exhibited in and out of Guangxi as one of the treasured arts of Chinese folk papercutting.With the divergence of the Mulao people,the teaching and cultural

27、 exchanges of the folk artists,Mulao papercut works and handicrafts are 10 all across the country,even spreading to the United States,Canada,Australia,Sweden,Denmark,Finland,and other countries.()1.A.proudly Bwidely Cespecially Dtruly()2.A.history Blife Cinfluence Dsociety()3.A.left Bdied Cdisappeared Dappeared()4.A.wood Bstone Ccloth DpaperBADD()5.A.flowers Bbooks Cparks Dfood()6.A.wonderful Btraditional Cimportant Dcultural()7.A.provide Breduce Chave Dchange()8.A.such as Binstead of Cbecause of Daccording toABCA()9.A.where Bwhich Cwho Dhow()10.A.cheated Bhidden Cshown DdestroyedBC


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