2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Making the news课件 新人教版必修5.ppt

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1、 Book 5 Unit 4 Making the news 语言点用法过关 1. inform vt.通知 ,告知 教材原句 They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story.他们必须通过调查研究使自己了解到这故事被遗漏的那部分的情 况。 语境应用 单句填空 Please inform us of/about any changes of the date of the meeting. I have been informed that they will marry next wee

2、k. For further information (inform) on the diet, write to us at this address. 单句改错 For further informations on the gifted photographer, click here. informationsinformation 写作微练 看报纸可以让我们随时了解国内外发生的事情。 Reading newspapers can keep us informed of what is happening at home and abroad. 我写邮件告诉你我们下次课程的时间。 (2

3、017课标全国 书面表达 ) I am writing an email to inform you of the time for our next class. 用法点拨 (1)inform sb. about/of sth.告诉某人某事 inform sb. that.通知某人 inform on/against sb.告发或检举某人 (2)informed adj.有学问的 ;有见识的 keep sb. informed(of.)使某人随时了解 ( 的 )最新情况 (3)information n.U消息 ;情报 ;信息 2. demand n.要求 ;需要 vt.强烈要求 教材原句

4、It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong.那是件进退两难的事 ,因为如果我们判断错误 ,那个足球 运动员是可以索赔的。 语境应用 单句填空 My father came over and demanded to know (know) what was going on. Get the technology that has proven to help the most demanding (demand) customers. First, science gr

5、aduates are in greater demand than arts ones in China. 写作微练 这位老师要求学生们准时到校。 The teacher demanded that the students (should)get to school on time. 单句改错 The manager demands I must accomplish the task within 3 days. mustshould或去掉 must 用法点拨 (1)in demand需求大 meet/satisfy ones demands满足某人的要求 demand sth. of

6、sb.要求某人某事 demand to do sth.要求做某事 demand that.(should) do sth.要求 (2)demanding adj.要求高的 联想 后接宾语从句时 ,从句的谓语为 (should+)do的动词还有 :insist, order, command, suggest, advise, recommend, request, require, ask, urge等。 3. approve v.赞成 ;认可 ;批准 ,通过 教材原句 Last of all, the chief editor read it and approved it.最后主编审读了这

7、篇稿 子 ,并且批准发表了。 语境应用 单句填空 She doesnt approve of me leaving (leave) school this year. I would appreciate it if my application could get your approval (approve). Several people nodded in approval. Most people supported the plan, while some others disapproved (approve)of it. 单句改错 A survey done recently

8、shows that not all parents approve their children taking part in the weekend classes. approve后加 of 一句多译 我不同意他参加明天的晚会。 I dont approve of his attending the party tomorrow . (approve) I disapprove of his attending the party tomorrow .(disapprove) I object to his attending the party tomorrow .(object to

9、) I am opposed to his attending the party tomorrow .(be opposed to) 用法点拨 (1)approve sth.批准 /通过某事 approve of (sb./sb. s) doing sth.赞同 /同意 (某人 )做某事 (2)approval n.赞成 ;同意 ;批准 get one s approval得到某人的批准 ,得到某人的同意 give one s approval to同意 ;批准 without the approval of未经 许可 in approval同意 (3)disapprove vi.反对 (4)disapproval n.不赞成 ;反对 点津 不要将汉语的“赞成某人做某事”直译成 approve sb. to do sth.或在其后跟 that从句 ,应该用 approve of sb./sb. s doing sth.。


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