Unit 5 Discovering Useful Structures (ppt课件) -2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 5 Discovering Useful Structures定语从句关系副词(where,when,why,prep.+which/whom)一、关系副词的用法一、关系副词的用法在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫 _。被修饰的名词或代词叫 _,定语从句一般放在先行词的_,引导定语从句的词叫做 _。引导定语从句的关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词包括:that,which,who,whom,whose,as关系副词包括:when,where,why 定语从句先行词后面关系词关系副关系副词词指代指代在在从句从句中中作作例句例句when 1.The time when I arri

2、ved was late at night.where 2.The mines where I worked were 9 km from my home.why3.The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work.time时间状语时间状语placereason地点状语地点状语原因状语原因状语作状语,即从句成分齐全,不缺主,宾,表,定语。作状语,即从句成分齐全,不缺主,宾,表,定语。It was a time when people were divided geographically.小结小结 1 when 引导定语从句时,先行词

3、为引导定语从句时,先行词为表示时间表示时间的名词的名词(time,day,year,moment),关系词,关系词在从句中在从句中作时间状语作时间状语。It was a time._ people were divided geographically.关系副词关系副词 whenAt that time Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction.小结小结

4、2 where引导定语从句时,先行词为引导定语从句时,先行词为表示地点表示地点的名词,的名词,关系词关系词在从句中在从句中作地点状语。作地点状语。Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country._ the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction.In that country 关系副词关系副词 wherewhere 还可用在表示还可用在表示抽象意义的地点名词抽象意义的地点名词后,如后,如 situation,stage,

5、point,case,position,condition,activity,scene,occasion等等,意思是意思是“到了某种地步到了某种地步,在某种境况中在某种境况中”。The accident has reached to the point where both their parents are to be called in.关系副词关系副词 where1.We are trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk.A.which B.that C.where D.when2.-Do

6、you have anything to say for yourself?-Yes,theres one point _ we must insist on.A.why B.where C.how D./高考题链接:高考题链接:做题要灵活:做题要灵活:分析句子成分分析句子成分,选择恰当的关系词。,选择恰当的关系词。There are many reasons why people learn a foreign language.小结小结 3 why 引导定语从句时,引导定语从句时,先行词通常是先行词通常是reason,关系词关系词在从句中作原因状语。在从句中作原因状语。There are

7、many reasons.people learn a foreign language.关系副词关系副词 why 定语从句三步解体法:定语从句三步解体法:一、先找出主句;一、先找出主句;二、确定先行词二、确定先行词三、判断关系词在从句中做的成分三、判断关系词在从句中做的成分定语从句的引导词关系代词关系代词关系副词关系副词指人指人指物指物that(主语主语/宾语宾语/表语表语),which(主语主语/宾语宾语),who(主语主语/宾语宾语),whom(宾语宾语),whose(定语定语),as(主语主语/宾语宾语/表语表语)that(主语、宾语主语、宾语),which(主语、宾语主语、宾语),w

8、hose(定语定语)where(地点状语地点状语)when(时间状语时间状语)why(原因状语原因状语)Ps:Ps:关系词关系词在从句中做在从句中做状语状语时,连接词有时时,连接词有时可以用可以用介词介词+which/whom+which/whom来替换关系副词来替换关系副词“介词介词+关系代词关系代词”引导的定语从句引导的定语从句二、二、He is the man in whom you can believe.1.看定语看定语从句中动词或形容词从句中动词或形容词与介词的搭配。与介词的搭配。He gave me some books with which I am not very fami

9、liar.2.看介词与看介词与先行词先行词搭配。搭配。This is our classroom in which there is a teachers desk.The farm on which my father works is far from the town.3.根据根据句意句意而定。而定。The soldier,without whom I wouldnt have suvived the earthquake,retired last week.“介词介词+关系代词关系代词”引导定语从句时引导定语从句时,如如先行词是物先行词是物,关系代词只能为关系代词只能为 which。如

10、如先行词先行词是人是人,关系代词只能为关系代词只能为 whom。2.This is the iPad _ which I spent 4000 yuan.(in/on/at/without)1.We visited the house _ which a famous writer once lived.(in/on/at/without)inon3.This is my pair of glasses,_ which I cannot see clearly.(in/on/at/without)withoutin the housespend.on.这是我的眼镜,没有它我就看不清楚拓展The

11、 patient whom she is looking after is her father.并非所有介词都可以放到关系代词前并非所有介词都可以放到关系代词前不能拆开的固定搭配有:不能拆开的固定搭配有:look for,look after,pay attention to,take care of,look forward to,go through等等The patient after whom she is looking is her father.EXERCISEEXERCISE三、三、This is the factory.I worked in the factory ten

12、 years ago.用用关系副词关系副词引导的定语从句合并下列句子。引导的定语从句合并下列句子。This is the factory where I worked ten years ago.=This is the factory in which I worked ten years ago.”The school is beautiful.We study in this school.The school where we study is beautiful.=The school in which we study is beautiful.Theyll never forge

13、t July 1.Hong Kong returned to its motherland on July 1.Theyll never forget July 1 when Hong Kong returned to its motherland.=Theyll never forget July 1 on which Hong Kong returned to its motherland.The days are gone forever.We lived together happily during those days.The days when we lived together

14、 happily are gone forever.=The days in which we lived together happily are gone forever.There are many reasons.People like traveling.There are many reasons why people like traveling.=There are many reasons for which people like traveling.1.That is the place _ they met for the first time.2.China is t

15、he only country _ wild pandas can be found.where/in which where/from which3.Ill never forget the day _ I first went to school.when/on which4.Ive always longed for the days _ I should be able to be independent.when/in which5.The reason _ he was late was that he missed the bus.why/for which Discoverin

16、g-Look at these sentences and underline the restrictive attributive clauses.What kind of information does each clause communicate?(P64)1.It was a time when people were divided geographically.2.Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country where the Chinese writing system

17、 began to develop in one direction.3.There are many reasons why people learn a foreign language.uInformation:a time for an event.uInformation:a location for an event.uInformation:a reason for an action.1.The film star _ we talked a lot yesterday will give us a speech tomorrow.2.The West Lake _ Hangz

18、hou is famous in the world will be more beautiful.3.The subject _ Xiao Wang is good is physics.about whomfor whichat which4.The reason _ he could not go there was that his grades was too low.5.The professor _ Mr.Smith shook hands yesterday has made new discoveries in science.6.Could you tell me the day _ you arrived?7.I will treasure the days _ I lived here.with whomon whichin whichfor whichTHANKS


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