Unit 5 Discovering Useful Structures (ppt课件)(2)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 5 Languages around the WorldDiscovering Useful StructuresRestrictive relative clausesReview定语从句1.1.当定语成分由一个句子来充当时,当定语成分由一个句子来充当时,这个句子就叫定语从句,即用一个句这个句子就叫定语从句,即用一个句子去修饰另一个句子中的某个名词或子去修饰另一个句子中的某个名词或代词代词2.2.通常紧跟在所修饰的名词或代词通常紧跟在所修饰的名词或代词后后This is a book which was written by J.K.Rowling3.3.定语从句的定语从句的必备两

2、要素必备两要素This is a book which was written by J.K.Rowling先行词(名词或代词)先行词(名词或代词)关系词(关系代词关系词(关系代词that/which/who/whom/whose/as 关系副词关系副词 when/where/why)指人指人relative pronouns 关系代词关系代词who(主语,宾语主语,宾语)whom(宾语宾语)whose(定语定语)that(主语,宾语主语,宾语)whose(定语定语)that(主语,宾语主语,宾语)which(主语,宾语主语,宾语)指物指物一、关系代词如何确定关系代词?方法:还原法把先行词还原

3、到定语从句中去把先行词还原到定语从句中去,看看是放看看是放在主语,宾语,表语还是状语的位置上,在主语,宾语,表语还是状语的位置上,最终来确定引导词最终来确定引导词例一:例一:The students _ dont study hard will not pass the exam._ dont study hard.The students主语,而且指人主语,而且指人 who/that例二:例二:The woman _ you saw in the park is our Chinese teacher.you saw _ in the park.the woman宾语,而且指人宾语,而且指人

4、(whom/who/that)注意:如果先行词还原到定语从句中,充当的是宾语,那么可以把引导词省略如何来确定引导词如何来确定引导词?例一:例一:The mines _ I worked were 9 km from my home.I worked _.in the mines地点状语地点状语where/in which例二:例二:The reason _I got a job was because of my hard work.I got a job _.for the reason原因状语原因状语why/for which例三:例三:The time I joined the ANC

5、was the 5th of August.I joined the ANC _.at the time时间状语时间状语when/at which例四:例四:The government building we voted was very tall.We voted _.in the building地点状语地点状语where/in which例五:例五:The date I arrived was late at night.I arrived _.on the date时间状语时间状语when/on which1.1.关系代词的确定关系代词的确定 当先行词是人时,用介词+whom 引导定

6、语从句,例如:Do you know the girl with _ our teacher is talking?当先行词是物时,用介词+which引导定语从句,例如:This is the room in _ my grandmother used to live.whomwhich 二、二、“介词介词 +关系代词关系代词”引导的定语从句引导的定语从句2.介词的确定介词的确定 2.1 根据先行词的搭配关系根据先行词的搭配关系:1)I still remember the day _ _ I met you.2)I will never forget the farm _ _ I worke

7、d with you.3)The money _ _ you were to buy food is gone.on whichon whichwith which(on the day 在那天在那天)(on the farm 在农场在农场)(with the money 用钱用钱)二、二、“介词介词 +关系代词关系代词”引导的定语从句引导的定语从句2.介词的确定介词的确定 2.2 根据根据谓语动词谓语动词或或形容词的搭配习惯形容词的搭配习惯1)Do you like the book _ _ she spent$10?2)Do you like the book _ _ she paid$1

8、0?3)The West Lake,_ _ Hangzhou is famous,is a beautiful place.on whichfor whichfor which二、二、“介词介词 +关系代词关系代词”引导的定语从句引导的定语从句2.介词的确介词的确定定 2.3 根据句子的意思根据句子的意思来确定来确定1)Air,_ which man cant live,is really important.空气非常重要,没有了它人类便不能生存。2)This is the man _ whom my brother has worked for ten years.这就是和我弟弟一起工作了十

9、年的那个人。withoutwith二、二、“介词介词 +关系代词关系代词”引导的定语从句引导的定语从句2.介词的确定介词的确定 2.4 表示表示“所有所有”或或“整体的一部分整体的一部分”时通常用介词时通常用介词“of”1)He has two sons,_ graduated from Peking University.他有两个儿子,他们都毕业于北京大学。2)Tom wrote many childrens books,nearly half _ were about campus culture.汤姆写了很多儿童书籍,其中将近一半是关于校园文化的。both of whomof which

10、 二、二、“介词介词 +关系代词关系代词”引导的定语从句引导的定语从句关系代词的用法关系代词的用法关系关系代词代词指代定语从句中所充当的成成分人物句子主语宾语定语whowhomwhichthatwhose1.This is the house where I lived 20 years ago.2.I still remember the day when I first met him.3.Can you tell me the reason why you lied to me?1.1.观察观察先行词先行词有什么特点?有什么特点?2.2.从句中缺少什么从句中缺少什么成分成分?三、关系副词

11、when的的用法用法 When 引导定语从句时,引导定语从句时,先行词为表示先行词为表示时间时间的名词,关系词在从的名词,关系词在从句中作句中作时间状语时间状语,可用,可用“介词介词+which”来替换来替换。Ill never forget the day on which(when)I joined the team.Ill never forget the day.I joined the team on that day.when作作时间状语时间状语不能看到时间就用不能看到时间就用when,要看从句缺什么成分,要看从句缺什么成分Ill never forget the day _ I

12、lived in the mountains.Ill never forget the day _ I spent in the mountains.whenthat/which/省略省略when引导的定语从句修饰表示时间的名词 time,hour,day,year,moment,occasion 时刻时刻,age年代年代,period阶段阶段,stage时期时期,interval 间隙间隙等词等词,并在定语从句中作时间状语,相当于介词并在定语从句中作时间状语,相当于介词(in/on/during)+whichIll never forget the moment in which(when)

13、I studied in the classroom.where的的用法用法 Where 引导定语从句时,引导定语从句时,先行词为表示先行词为表示地点地点的名词,关系词在从句中作的名词,关系词在从句中作地点地点状语状语,可用可用“介词介词+which”来替换来替换。The school where(in which)my son studies is near a park.The school is near a park.My son studies in this school.分解分解where作作地点状语地点状语不能看到地点就用不能看到地点就用where,要看从句缺什么成分要看从句缺

14、什么成分This is the house _ he was born.This is the house _ was set up by his parents.wherethat/whichwhere 还可用在表示还可用在表示后,如后,如situation,stage,point,case,position,condition,activity,scene,occasion等等,意思是“到了某种地步,在某种境况中”。They have reached the point where they have to separate with each other.Their child is a

15、t the stage where she can say individual words but not full sentences.why的的用法用法Why 引导定语从句时,引导定语从句时,先行词先行词通常为通常为reason,关系词在从句中,关系词在从句中作作原因状语原因状语,可用,可用“for+which”来替换来替换。Do you know the reason(for which)why he is so upset?Do you know the reason.He is so upset.why作作原因状语原因状语不能看到不能看到reason 就用就用why,要看从句缺什么

16、成分,要看从句缺什么成分This is the reason _ he was late.This is the reason _he told us for his being late.whythat/which关系副词关系副词相当于相当于被代替的先被代替的先行词行词在从句中作成分在从句中作成分in,at等介词等介词+which表示地点表示地点的名词的名词at,in,on,during等介词等介词+which地点状语地点状语表示时间表示时间的名词的名词时间状语时间状语for+whichreason原因状语原因状语wherewhenwhyExercises1.Do you still rem

17、ember the first day _ you went to high school?2.I paid a visit to Fudan University _ my father studied thirty years ago.3.Do you know the real reason _ Anne didnt go to the get-together?4.Tomorrow I will bring here the magazine for _ you asked.whenwherewhywhich5.Peter put himself in a situation _ he

18、 had to leave the company.6.There was a time _ my daughter was crazy about pop music.7.The restaurant _ I have eaten a wonderful meal is going to close down.8.There are two main reasons _ this situation has been allowed to continue.wherewhenwherewhyThis is the college _I visited.This is the college_

19、 I studied three years ago.Ill never forget the day_we spent together.Ill never forget the day _ I got married.This is not the reason _ I want to listen to.This is the reason_he gave.This is the reason_ I love you.(that/which)where(that/which)when(that/which)which why1、I like to live in a house _ is

20、 big and bright.2、The prize will go to the writer _ story shows the most imagination.3、Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt,_ is a stupid thing to do in such weather.4、Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others,_,of course,make all the others upset.5、He is one

21、 of the experienced engineers in this factory _ hard work was repaid with the development of the factory.6、The old town has narrow streets and small houses _are built close to each other.7、She showed the visitors around the museum,the construction _had taken more than three years.thatwhosewhichwhich

22、thatof whichwhere8.Sorry,we dont have the coat _ you need.A.what B.who C.whom D.which9.The book _ he bought yesterday is very interesting.A./B.why C.when D.what10.The computer _ last week has gone wrong.A.which I bought it B.I bought C.what I bought D.I bought it11.Please give me the reason_ you wer

23、e late this time.A.that B.which C.why D./DABCExercise1.Do you expect to visit the museum _ is under construction?2.This is the person _ you should thank for helping your son.3The girl _ graduated from Cambridge University is called Amanda.4.I like those books _ topics are about history.5.Any student

24、 _ family is too poor to go to school can get help from the government.6.Id like to tell you something _might make you surprised.that/whichwho/whom/thatwho/that whose whose thatExercise1.Do you still remember the first day _ you went to high school?2.The restaurant _ I have eaten a wonderful meal is

25、 going to close down.3.Do you know the real reason _ Anne didnt go to the get-together?4.Peter put himself in a situation _ he had to leave the company.5.There was a time _ my daughter was crazy about pop music.6.Ill never forget the moment_ I studied in the classroom.whenwherewhywherewhenwhenExerci

26、se1.I will always remember the hours _ we lived together.2.I will always remember the hours _ we spent together.3.Can you still think of the village _he once worked?4.Can you still think of the village _ he once visited?5.Mandela was the black lawyer to _I went for advice.6.He was generous with his

27、time,for _ I was grateful.1.when/in which 2.which/that 3.where/in which 4.which/that 5.whom 6.which Exercise7.This is the very room _I slept in that evening.8.There are cases _the word“kid”is used as a verb.9.Im at an age _I dont know what love is,but your sweet smile still touches me.10.It is the f

28、irst fiction film _ I have ever seen.7.that 8.where 9.when 10.that Exercise10.It is the first fiction film _ I have ever seen.11.The doctor has three daughters,two of _ are teachers.12.The doctor has three daughters,and two of _ are teachers.13.Peter,_ you met in London,is now back in Paris.14.In th

29、e presence of so many people he was little nervous,_ was understandable.15._ is often the case,we have worked out the production plan.10.that 11.whom 12.which13.whom 14.which 15.As Exercise16.Do you remember the scene _ Cao Cao and Liu Bei were drinking?17._ is mentioned above,paper is first made in

30、 China.18.He is such a lazy man_ nobody wants to work with.19.He is such a lazy man_ nobody wants to work with him.20.Care of the soul is a gradual process in _ even the small details of life should be considered.16.where 17.As 18.as 19.that 20.whichExercise1.Their child is at the stage _ she can sa

31、y individual words but not full sentences.2.We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,_ the weather may be better.3.As the smallest child of his family,Alex is always longing for the time _ he should be able to be independent.wherewhenwhenExercise4.Students should involve themselves in

32、community activities _ they can gain experience for growth.5.The village _ I was born has become into a town.6.The reason _ he resigned is known to us.wherewherewhy指原因指原因关系代词关系代词指代事物指代事物指时间指时间指地点指地点所属关系所属关系指代人指代人关系副词关系副词who,whom,thatwhich,thatwhose,of whichwherewhenwhySummary 1 引导词引导词指代内容指代内容充当成分充当成分 whowhom thatwhichwhosewhenwherewhy人人主宾主宾人人宾宾人事物人事物主宾主宾事物事物主宾主宾人的事物的人的事物的时间状语时间状语地点状语地点状语原因状语原因状语时间时间地点地点原因原因定定(后通常加名词或代词后通常加名词或代词)Summary 2Homework1.完成练习


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