2019版高三英语一轮复习 Module 4 Music Born in America预习案 外研版选修7.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 4 Music Born in America (主题语境 :人与社会 音乐欣赏 ) .课标单词 在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练 Practicemakesperfect. 话题必记单词 1.movementn.运动 2.declinen.下降 ;减少 3.arisev.(由 ?) 引起 (产生 ) 过去式 arose 过去分词 arisen 4.virtuen.美德 5.otherwiseadv.否则 ,要不然 6.quitv.离开 ,辞去 7.pioneern.先锋 ;创始人 ;先驱 ;开拓者 vt.开辟 ,首倡 阅读识记单词 1.friction

2、n.不合 ,抵触 ;摩擦 2.fancy adj.新潮的 3.consensus n.共同意见 ,一致看法 ,共识 4.budget v.制定预算 ,按预算来安排开支 5.bonus n.没有预料到的好事 6.swap v.交换 7.pension n.养老金 ;退休金 ;抚恤金 8.deadline n.截止时间 ,最后期限 9.allowance n.津贴 ,补助 构织连脉词族 1.approachn.方法 ;步骤 v.接近 ;靠近 approachableadj.可接近的 ;易亲近的 2.emergev.出现 emergencyn.紧急情况或状态 3.touchv.触动 ;感动 ;使动心

3、 touchedadj.感动的 touchingadj.动人的 ;令人感动的 4.boomv.繁荣 ;兴起 ;迅速发展 boomingadj.兴旺的 ;隆隆作响的 5.harmonyn.融洽 ,一致 harmoniousadj.和谐的 6.vainadj.自负的 ,徒劳的 vainlyadv.徒劳地 ;自负地 7. tight adj.(控制 )严格的 ,严密的 tightly adv.紧紧地 ;坚固地 ;牢固地 8.devotev.为 ? 付出时间 /努力 /金钱等 devotedadj.献身的 ;专心致志的 ;忠实的 devotionn.献身 ;奉献 ;忠诚 9.humorousadj.幽

4、默的 humourn.幽默 语用规律归纳 ?“ 方法 ,步骤 ” 名词大集合 method 方法 ,办法 approach 方法 ;步骤 means 方法 ,手段 way 方法 ,方式 ,步骤 process 方法 ,步骤 ,程序 procedure 步骤 ,手续 ?“ 增加 ” 和 “ 减少 ” 表示 “ 增加 ”:rise,increase,goup 表示 “ 减少 ”:fall,drop,decrease,decline,godown ?后缀 -ing 形容词归纳 refreshing 令人耳目一新的 amusing 引起乐趣的 entertaining 使人愉快的 boring 枯燥的

5、 disgusting 使人讨厌的 annoying 令人讨厌的 embarrassing 令人尴尬的 astonishing 令人吃惊的 语境活用 【 精品教育资源文库 】 1.The educator was devoted to the educational cause of his motherland and we looked up to him as a shining example of devotion to the educational cause.(devote) 2.Hearing the touching song of LookingattheMoon,sh

6、e was touched to tears.(touch) 3.Peoples life here is full of harmony and at the same time,human and nature make a harmonious picture.(harmony) .课标短语 从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律 Observationisthebestteacher. 1.takeadvantageof 利用 2.ratherthan 而不是 3.farfrom 完全不 4.bedevotedto 对 ? 专一 ,专注 5.tryout 尝试 6.inorder 有序的

7、 7.beboredwith 厌烦 8.beblessedwith 有幸 eout 出版 10.makeanimpressiononsb 给 某人留下印象 语境活用 1.Devotedto caring for the poor,Teresa is greatly respected throughout the world. 2.Ratherthan allow the vegetables to go bad,he preferred to sell them at half price. 3.I would like to takeadvantageof this chance to e

8、xpress my thanks for your help. 4.We shouldnt have spent so much money visiting here;the scenery is farfrom beautiful. .重点句型 从教材中探求高考脉动从仿写中熟练运用 Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart. 领悟教材语境 1.“ Themoment I heard it,” he said,“I knew it was a completely new kind of music.” “ 我一 听 ,” 他说 ,“ 就知道这是一种全新的音乐。

9、 ”( 教材 Page 45) 要点提炼 the moment 作从属连词用 ,引导时间状语从句 ,意为 “ 一 ? 就 ?” 。 2.AswellasattractinghugeaudiencesinitsHongKonghome,Cantopop has spread offshore,and its stars are known in Beijing,London and New York. 粤语流行音乐不仅吸引了香港本地的大量听众 ,而且传到海外的其他国家 ,香港的歌星在北京、伦敦 和纽约都很有名。 (教材 Page 53) 要点提炼 as well as 用于肯定句中 ,起连接作用

10、 ,意为 “ 既 ? 又 ?, 不仅 ? 而且 ?” 。 3.Ashegrewolder,his songs became more 高考写作情景 一听到这个音乐 ,我就立刻兴奋起来。 ThemomentIheardthemusic,Igotexcitedimmediately. 除了没完没了的作业之外 ,我们还要参加周考和月考。 Aswellasdoingendlesshomework,we also need to take weekly and monthly examinations. 随着年龄的增长 ,我们的视力会变差。 Aswegrowolder,our eyesight will

11、 become worse. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 humourous and optimistic. 随着年龄的增长 ,他的歌曲变得更加幽默和乐观。 (教材 Page 55) 要点提炼 as 作从属连词用 ,引导时间状语从句 ,意为 “ 随着 ?” 。 .语篇 旧材新用探究根源 Killtwobirdswithonestone. 话题与语篇填空 Hip hop is an American cultural 1.movement(move) started in 2.the 1970s at block parties in New York 3.which has four main

12、 aspects:breakdance and graffiti art plus two types of hip hop music DJ-ing and rapping.In the songs,people 4.preferred(prefer) the percussion breaks because they were the best parts to dance 5.to.It is generally 6.agreed(agree) that there were two main reasons 7.why hip hop was so successful.Firstl

13、y,its cheap and easy.Secondly,people were 8.bored(bore) with the pop music of the day disco music and rock music were both 9.in decline in the mid-1970s.In the late 1980s,hip hop spread 10.across the world,to Japan,India and many parts of Europe,especially France,Belgium and Italy. 话题与短文改错 One day t

14、he science teacher told us that some people believe that classical music,such as Mozart,relaxes your brain and you to concentrate.In a psychology experiment,the teacher wanted to find out if that work for her students. my case,when Im trying to concentrate and get an essay or do some revision,I list

15、en to music.Because without ,it is too quiet I would fall asleep.But if Im listening to loud music or rap or rock,my handwriting starts getting very and my thoughts dont stay in order.My friend Jack said “No way!I cant study any kind of music I have to work in a 【 精品教育资源文库 】 silence or I cant think!”The teacher told us that she would try out the theory and play us some classical music the next test and see if we get better test scores! -温馨提示: - 本文档仅为 【 全套资料之一 】 ,欢迎点击下方按钮链接, 下载全套资料! 请点此到 下载本文全套资料


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