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1、必修一至必修三句子填空 必修一Welcome Unit1. I couldnt _,(concentrate集中精力于实验)I really want to tell him to be quiet and _!(leave不打扰我)2. I _(发现) most of my classmates and teachers _.(友好且乐于助人)3. I feel _(confident)this morning . (比今天早上自信多了)4. If Im not in class, Im _in the library _in the computer lab.(要么要么).5. Its w

2、ise to use small cards _.(with上面写有单词)6. A thousand mile journey _(begin始于)the first step Unit11. Good habits _.(少时养成的良好习惯使人受益终身form,youth,difference)2. _(going从初中过渡到高中) is a really big challenge.3. My adviser _(recommend建议我选修高级文学课)because I like English and I am good at it .4. I know Ill have to stu

3、dy harder as a senior high school student and _a lot more.(get习惯承担更多责任)5. Im a bit worried about _(跟上)the other students in my advanced course.6. Studying hard isnt always fun ,but Ill _university or_.(whatever我会为大学及其他一切将在未来到来的事做好准备)7. But _(花过多时间上网)is unhealthy and _(make让人很难关注)other thing in life

4、.8. _,(whenever每当我面对困难时)I always tell myself :dont quit.9. They _(辍学)and I guess_(那是因为) their families are too poorUnit21. From there ,youll spend one day _in the middle of the forest .(乘船前往住处accommodation)2. After reaching your destination ,youll _(有一天的时间探险)and _(amaze被. .惊呆)this ancient city.3. Co

5、me and experience _(what, offer来这个目的地体验这儿所能提供的一切)4. These Inca roads _(make)two north-south highways and many small roads _(cross)印加公路由两条南北走向的高速公路和许多贯穿山脉东西方向的小路组成5. Each statue has a different face ,_(lead使研究人员相信)that each one is a copy of a real soldier.6. _,(为了省时间)we are taking cable car up there.

6、Unit31. They must be athletes _others.(who他们必须是所在运动项目上的大师并为他人树立好榜样)2. The team that Lang Ping had built was _.(分崩离析 )3. One of the best players _(injure受伤)and the team captain had to leave _.(由于心脏问题)4. Jordans skills were _,(令人印象深刻)but the_.(unique他展现出来的精神力量使他与众不同)5. Jordan says that _.(他成功的秘诀是从失败中学

7、习)6. The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago _(帮助)young people since 19967. A soccer player should not _(pretend假装摔倒)even if it helps his her team.8. An athlete should think about honor and his/her fans if he /she _his /her country(compete为他的国家而战)9. Once I started _(考虑)fitness _(rather而不

8、是)weight ,things began to change .10. Rather than _(cut停止吃)the foods I enjoyed ,I _healthy foods _my meals. (添加)11. Finally ,I stop_ (把自己和女演员比较)and models and _(寻找)things that were with my face or body.12. _(通过积极看待)myself and my body ,I became _.(更加健康快乐)Unit41. Chickens even pigs were _(too.to焦躁不安不愿

9、进食)and dogs _buildings(拒绝进入屋内)2. It seemed _(好像)the world were _(末日即将来临)3. Everywhere survivors looked ,_(nothing 幸存者目及之处无一不是废墟)4. Soon after the quakes ,the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to _(dig,trap挖出那些被困人员并掩埋死者)5. Tangshan started to _(revive)and _(feet).(获得新生,重新站立起来)6. Tangshan city _(

10、prove向.证明)China and the rest of the world that _,(time面对灾难时)people must _for a bright future .(团结起来,展现出积极向上的智慧,重建更美好的未来)7. _(在大力支持下)from the government and _(不懈的努力)of the citys people, a new Tangshan was built upon the earthquake ruins. 8. I _ (正在吃) breakfast with my three children _(水开始灌进)my home.9

11、. However, dangerous conditions and damaged roads will _(make it使食物运输和物质补给非常困难)10. Now for our _,(应急物质) we would suggest always _(手头有)enough water and food for 3days .11. _, (出于感激)many young adults who were students during the earthquake _(选择学医或参军) in a wish to help more people.12. Tsunami waves can

12、 _(突然发生)and _.(cause导致巨大破坏)Unit51. China _(know因其古代文明而闻名于世)which has continued all the way through into modern times ,_in its history;(despite尽管历史跌宕起伏)2. By the Shang Dynasty ,these symbols _(已成为一套完善的)writing system3. It was a time when _(divide),_(lead ,variety)dialects and characters.这是由于当时中国人居住区域

13、的分隔,从而导致不同方言和汉字变体的发生4. That writing system was _(importance很重要)in uniting the Chinese people and culture.5. _(regard对.高度重视)the Chinese system can be seen in the development of Chinese characters as an art form, _(know 被称为)Chinese calligraphy.6. As China _(扮演重要角色)global affairs ,_(number越来越多)internat

14、ional students _Chinas culture and history.(开始欣赏)7. _(it人们认为)Chinese calligraphy _(追溯到)at least the Han Dynasty .8. _(convenient)get there by subway (.乘地铁去那儿很方便)9. I just didnt feel that it _,so I didnt try (related,in any way与我的日常生活有任何关系)10. My biggest headache/problem is _(polite如何用英语得体表达),and mem

15、orizing vocabulary _.(对我而言是一个大难题/挑战)必修二Unit11. There comes a time when the old must _ (给.让路, give)the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.2. _(找到并保持恰当的平衡点)between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.3. A comm

16、ittee was established to _ (限制伤害limit, damage)the Egyptian buildings and _(防止损失prevent)of cultural relics.4. Not only_ (find) a path to the future but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. 这些国家不仅找到了一条未来发展之路,而且明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。5. They

17、are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves, _ (是一个关键站点,stop)along the silk road throughout Chinas ancient history.6. By sharing so many digital photos over the internet, the group hopes to _(引起更广泛兴趣,promote)around the world in Chinas ancient history, culture,

18、 and traditions.7. _ (appreciate) the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for _.欣赏他国文化遗产,有助于增进国际交流和理解。8. Teachers can motivate students by asking them to _ (提出自己的想法, put )and _ (为.提出建议,proposal)ways to protect this.9. Visitors who walk among the buildings can _.(feel,both,sense)漫步

19、在这些楼宇之间的参观者既能感受到历史的厚重又能体味到一种美妙的宁静。10. The Imperial Tombs _ (代表)Chinese cultural and historical values that _ (代代相传, hand)for thousands of years.皇陵代表了中国几千年来代代相传的文化和历史价值。11. The Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties remind us of _ (我们所能做到的,achieve)at our finest, and inspire us _ (live, 不辜负)our

20、 great past in the future.12. Today, the caves are just _(国际性相当,as)at the time when people travelled the Silk Road.现如今,这些洞窟的国际地位可与当年人们在丝绸之路上跋涉的时候相提并论。Unit 21. Our planets wildlife _(以惊人的速度灭绝,alarm).2. To our left, snow-covered mountains disappear into clouds that seem _(几乎触手可及,touch).3. On the plain

21、 in front of us, we can just _.(辨认出是一群体型优美的动物,make)4. _ (看着)them move slowly across the green grass, I _.(我被其美丽所震撼, strike)5. _(hunt).因其珍贵的羊毛,他们正遭受非法猎杀6. In order to _,(使这一物种免遭灭绝,save) the Chinese government _(将其置于国家保护之下, place), and has created reserves _(在那里它们可以平静安全地生活, live).7. Only when we learn

22、 to_(exist, stop)wildlife and to our planet. 只有我们学会和自然和睦共处,才不会成为野生动物和地球的威胁。8. _ (当谈到野生动物保护时), all speciesthe good,the bad, and the uglyshould be treated equally.9. _(正是出于这个原因,强调句)the WWF constantly puts out information to _ (激发公众兴趣,stir)the welfare of the planet.Unit31. _how the internet has made ou

23、r lives more convenient. (There be句型,count)有无数文章告诉我们互联网如何让我们的生活变得更方便。2. She found herself _(失业并困在家里) with only her computer_(只有电脑为伴, company)3. She believes that it is highly important to _(消除数字鸿沟,bridge)and make sure that everyone _(能够接触网络,access)and knows how to use new technology.4. She realized

24、that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to _ (消除人与人之间通常存在的距离, remove)5. _ (上网不是.的借口)being rude, and you dont want to _(成为.的对象/目标) a troll or cyberbully. 6. _(like)你越有礼貌,你被攻击的可能性就越小。7. A photo of her had been posted online and she _ (正被人嘲弄,fun).8. Both of Xiao Bos apps _(跟踪记

25、录轨迹,track)the steps he takes.小博的两个应用都会跟踪记录他的行动轨迹。9. The world _(已经天翻地覆,turn)since the invention of the internet and the introduction of personal computers into nearly every home.10. Rather than going out to stores weekly or even daily, more and more people order things from clothes to toys to foods

26、online, and _.(让人直接送货上门)11. Watching students and teachers on a computer screen is not the same as _ ( take part, 参与真正课堂) Unit41. _一个不了解他们过去的历史、起源和文化的民族,就像一棵没有根的树。2. _ (as).孔子曾说过学而不思则罔。3. Finally, in the 20th century, the southern part of Ireland _(脱离,break) the UK, which _ (导致,lead) the full name w

27、e have today.4. People from the UK are called British, which means the UK _(refer,也被称为)Britain or Great Britain.5. They use the same flag, known as the Union Jake, _ _ (well,也共享相同的货币和军事防御).6. Almost everywhere you go in the UK, you will _ of four different groups of people who took over at different

28、 times throughout history.在英国,几乎无论你走到哪里,你都会被历史上这四个曾在不同时期接管英国的民族所留下的迹象所包围。7. They _ (build, 宾语+宾补)all around England, and _ (change,n. ) the legal system.他们四处修建城堡,并改革了法律制度。8. The UK is _(fascinate,极有吸引力的融合)history and modern culture, with both new and old traditions.在英国,历史与现代文化交融,新旧传统并存,引人入胜。9. Judy

29、and I _(宾语+宾补, park) in an underground car park near Trafalgar Square, where we could _ . (给我们的汽车电池充电)10. With_(Judy的眼睛盯着,fix )Van Goghs Sunflowers, she found it was _ (很难接近)the painting as there were so many people around.11. _美丽的乡村给所有人以激情和灵感,满足各种感官享受。(offer)12. The peaceful landscape of the Emeral

30、d Isle and its many green counties _ (是真正的视觉盛宴), with its rolling green hills _( dot, 牛羊点缀其中)“绿宝石(爱尔兰岛)”风光宁静秀美,郡县草木葱茏,青山连绵起伏,牛羊点缀其中。13. And down by the sea, the roar of the ocean waves and cries of the seabirds _(组成了海洋的音乐,make).海边波浪咆哮,海鸟鸣叫,奏响了海岸交响乐。14. On a quiet morning in the mountains, _ .(while)

31、 在山里宁静的早晨,感受阳光洒落在你身上,呼吸着鲜花的芬芳,而鸟儿则用清晨的歌声迎接新的一天的到来。15. With all this beauty, _ (.并不令人惊讶,surprise) lreland has developed strong traditions that include music dancing, and dining.这般美景,自然造就了爱尔兰独特的民间传统,如音乐、舞蹈及菜肴等。Unit51. The virtual choir _ the lives of many people.事实证明,虚拟合唱团对许多人的生活产生了积极的影响。2. This new p

32、op song _ (让.想起)an old song that_ by Billy _ (popular)by another singer.这首新的流行歌曲让我想起了一首老歌,最初是比利唱的,但后来被另一位歌手唱火。3. Though he was affected by gradual blindliness soon after the performance, Henry _ (capable) writing compositions and he found that creating music was _ (名词性短语)for his illness.尽管在演出后不久他逐渐失

33、明,亨利仍然能够创作作品,他发现创作音乐对他来说有助于缓解和治愈他的疾病。4. When he _ (absorb, 全神贯注于) his world of music, he felt as if he could see the beauty of the world around him, like he had in his previous life.5. When _ (质疑,question)by the media, they are not _(气馁,courage)and practise even harder.6. _(很荣幸在这里)(honour,n.) and to

34、 share with you the story of _,(音乐是如何影响了我的人生的)7. Music was the rock I leant on to become strong and _.(度过那些艰难的日子)8. _, I chose a fairly simple composition. (give)鉴于我的经验不足,我选择了一个相当简单的作品。9. _.俗话说,音乐是人类的通用语言。 必修三Unit11. Festivals (节日有许多由来,range), such as the seasons of the year, religions, famous figur

35、es, and important events.2. However, (无论节日看起来可能多么不同,no matter),all over the world, the spirit of sharing joy, gratitude, love, or peace (是普遍的)in all festivals. 3. During the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, families (团聚去欣赏明亮的月亮,gather)and (品尝美味的月饼enjoy).4. (随着现代社会的发展和新思想的传播,with), some traditions may (

36、渐渐消失,fade)and others may (得以建立,establish).5. One example is the typical Chinese Spring Festival custom of (燃放鞭炮去赶走鬼怪,light,drive)and celebrate the new year.6. (节日是.时刻,occasion)allow us to relax and enjoy life, and forget about our work for a little while. 7. The festival (恰逢,fall)the fourth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, usually (持续三天,last).8. After singing some songs, the competitors danced onto the green field, (在空中挥舞手臂,宛如雄鹰,as if).9. Im finally back home now, (感到十分疲倦), but (和我的朋友一起庆祝那达慕,累是值得的,worth)10. But


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