2019版高三英语一轮复习 课时提能练23 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship 外研版选修6.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships Friendship (限时: 35 分钟 ) (对应学生用书第 361 页 ) . 阅读理解 A (2018 惠州市调研 )Following the crowd may not always be in a persons best interest.But new research suggests that teens who get along with their friends may end up healthier as adults. Scientists have kno

2、wn that close friendships help boost health.Thats true for both teens and adults.The finding inspired Joseph Allen, a psychologist at the University of Virginia, and his team to study whether experiences during teen years would influence adult health. So they followed 171 teens, starting when the ki

3、ds were just 13.They interviewed each one every year for five years, and also spoke to these teens closest friends,who provided additional information about the quality of their friendships.The same 171 people were interviewed again at ages 25, 26 and 27.This time, the questions surveyed each person

4、s overall health.When the researchers analyzed the data, they found a strong connection between a teens behavior and adult health.Teens who had close friends grew up to be the healthier adults.Whether teens held back their feelings or expressed them to close friends also influenced later health.Thos

5、e who held back their feelings were more likely to be sick as adults.The connection held up even after the scientists accounted for other possible influences on health.Weight, family income and drug use were all examined.So were mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression.And in these peopl

6、e, such other factors did not explain adult health as well as teen friendships did. Getting along with the crowd may have benefits, says Allen, but there are also drawbacks.Teens who are more independent tend to do better at school and work.And peer pressure may lead some kids to engage in risky beh

7、avior, such as smoking,drinking or using drugs.Dealing with it is an ongoing challenge, Allen acknowledges.“ Finding the right balance is the key.Teens shouldnt lose heart for not finding this easy.” And, he adds,“ Parents need to be understanding about the pressures teens 【 精品教育资源文库 】 face.” 【语篇解读

8、】 研究表明 , 与朋友较少或者没有朋友的青 少年相比 , 有朋友的青少年在长大后更健康。当然 , 与朋友相处也有坏处。 1 Where can you probably read this passage? A Science fiction. B Health column. C Fashion magazine. D Entertainment newspaper. B 考查推理判断。通读全文可知 , 本文主要介绍青少年时的友谊对青少年成年后健康的 影响。据此可知 , 本文属于健康知识类文章 , 故可判断 , 本文可能 选自“健康专栏” , 故B 项正确。 2 We can learn

9、from Allens study that A many other factors have a greater influence on adult health than teen friendships B mental health issues have nothing to do with adult health C the same 171 teens were interviewed each year from 13 to 27 D the teens who couldnt express themselves grew up to be unhealthier D

10、考查细节理解。根据第三段中的 “Whether teens held back.sick as adults”可知 , 青少年是 否向他们的好朋友表达情感也会影响到其成年后的健康 , 那些压抑情感的青少年成年后很可能不健康。故 D 项正确。 3 According to what Allen said, we can know that A in order to do better at school, teens should not follow the crowd B though its challenging for teens to deal with peer pressure

11、, they should not give up C teens will engage in smoking, drinking or using drugs when facing peer pressure D parents should understand their teens and stop them going with friends B 考查细节理解。根据最后一段内 容可知 , 与朋友相处使得青少年在成年后更加健康的同时也会带来不利影响 , 即周围同龄人带来的压力 , 这些压力会导致许多问题。分析 Allen的话 “Finding the right balance

12、is the key.Teens shouldnt lose heart for not finding this easy” 可以判断 , 青少年要应对这些压力 , 找到正确的平衡点是关键 , 不 能因为很难找到平衡点就灰心丧气。故选 B。 4 What can be inferred from the passage? 【 精品教育资源文库 】 A There is nothing bad for teens to follow the crowd. B Close friendships are the most important for peoples health. C Teen

13、 friendships may help teens become healthier adults. D Adult health is only influenced by teen friendships. C 考查推理判断。根据文章第一段第二句 “But new research suggests that teens who get along with their friends may end up healthier as adults” 可知 , 与朋友相处的青少年在成年后会更加健康。 C 项意为 “ 青少年时期的友谊会帮助青少年成为更加健康的成年人 ” , 符合文章意思

14、, 故 C 项正确。 B (2017 长沙高三统一模拟 )A new study by the British government has discovered the mental health of the countrys teenage girls has become worse. The survey, which included 30, 000 14yearold students in 2005 and 2014, showed 37 percent of girls with psychological stress, up from 34 percent in 2005

15、.British boys stress level was actually seen to fall over the same time period, from 17 percent to 15 percent. The reports authors pointed out the “ advent of the social media age”could be a major contributing factor for increased stress among teenage British girls. “ The adolescent years are a time

16、 of rapid physical, cognitive(认知的 )and emotional development,” Pam Ramsden, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom, wrote in a recent blog post.“ Teenagers interact with people in order to learn how to become competent(有能力的 )adults.In the past,they would engage

17、with parents, teachers and other adults in their community as well as extended family members and friends.Now we can also add social media to that list of social and emotional development.” Throughout adolescence, girls and boys develop characteristics like confidence and selfcontrol.Since teenage b

18、rains have not completely developed, teens dont have the cognitive awareness and impulse(冲动 )control to keep from posting inappropriate content.Furthermore, this content can easily be spread far and wide with disastrous influences. Social media can also feed into girls insecurities about their appea

19、rance,Ramsden said.These sites are often filled with images of people with body type unattainable to the normal person.However, these images and the messages tied to 【 精品教育资源文库 】 them gradually become societal standards. 【语篇解读】 一 项新研究发现 , 英国少女的心理健康状况变得更糟;分析表明 , 社交媒体时代的到来可能是造成英国少女心理压力增大的主要因素。 5 The

20、statistics in the second paragraph show that A more and more children in Britain have mental health problems B few girls in Britain suffered from psychological stress in 2005 C more boys in Britain are suffering from mental pressure now D more British girls feel psychologically stressed than boys do

21、 now D 考 查推理判断。根据第二段的第一句可知 , 调查显示 , 2014 年 37%的英国少女有心理压力 , 而 2005 年只有 34%;根据第二段的第二句可知 , 同期调查显示 , 英国少年有心理压力的从 2005 年的 17%降到 2014 年的 15%。据此可以判断 , 英国少女有心理压力的比少年多 , 故 D 项正确。 6 Contrary to traditional ways of interaction, social media A helps teenagers develop qualities like confidence and selfcontrol B

22、has many negative effects on girls characteristic development C makes teens aware of potential danger of the inappropriate content D teaches girls to care about their appearance to meet societal standards B 考查细节理解。根据第五段的最后一句 “Furthermore , this content can easily be spread far and wide with disastrous influences” 和最后一段第一句的 “Social media can also feed into girls insecurities about their appearance.” 可知 , 由于青少年的思想还不成熟 , 自控能力有限 , 社交媒体对英国少女的心理健康和她们对外表美丑的判断产生了消极的影响。故 B 项正确。 7 The underlined word “advent” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by “ ” A arrival


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