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1、Lesson 3v1.supplant spl:nt,-plnt vt.代替;排挤代替;排挤掉掉vNo man could supplant him.vSupplant competitors with unfair competitive means;v以不正当竞争手段排挤竞争对手;以不正当竞争手段排挤竞争对手;v2.jockey dki vt.驾驶;欺骗;移动驾驶;欺骗;移动vn.操作工;驾驶员;赛马的骑师操作工;驾驶员;赛马的骑师vHe jockeyed the old man out of his money.vThe jockey ran the horse up and down

2、the track.v骑师骑着马在跑道上来回奔跑。骑师骑着马在跑道上来回奔跑。v3.give way to:给给让路;对让路;对让步;让步;被被替代;给替代;给让路;屈服,投降让路;屈服,投降vNo problem lasts forever.Storms always give way to the sun.v没有解决不了的问题,暴风雨总会让位于没有解决不了的问题,暴风雨总会让位于阳光。阳光。v4.nose v.小心翼翼的行驶小心翼翼的行驶vThe taxi nosed its way back into traffic.v出租车慢慢汇入车流。出租车慢慢汇入车流。vnose out 打探出,

3、查出打探出,查出=discovervThe reporters nosed out all the details of the affair.v记者打探出这件事的所有细节、记者打探出这件事的所有细节、v4.dig up挖出;掘起;开垦;发现挖出;掘起;开垦;发现vto dig up the street挖掘街道挖掘街道vto dig up information搜集消息搜集消息vWhere did you dig her up?v你在哪儿碰上她了你在哪儿碰上她了?v5.bound baundv adj.有义务的;受约束的;装有封面的有义务的;受约束的;装有封面的 be bound to 有有

4、义务要义务要vIn doing so,they are bound to raise energy prices.v要达到此项目的,政府必须提高能源价格。要达到此项目的,政府必须提高能源价格。vvt.束缚;使跳跃束缚;使跳跃vn.范围;跳跃范围;跳跃vvi.反弹;弹起反弹;弹起 vThe ball bounded against the wall.v球弹击墙壁。球弹击墙壁。vbound for开往开往vThe ship is bound for Australia.v船是开往澳大利亚的船是开往澳大利亚的 v6.radiate reidieit vt.辐射;传播;流露;辐射;传播;流露;发射;广

5、播发射;广播vvi.辐射;流露;发光;从中心向各方伸展辐射;流露;发光;从中心向各方伸展vThe radiance of electric lights radiates from the ceiling.v电灯的光芒从天花板上辐射下来。电灯的光芒从天花板上辐射下来。vConfidence radiated from her face.v她的脸上流露出充满自信的神色。她的脸上流露出充满自信的神色。vcreep v.爬行爬行vcreep in/into sth.开始发生,影响开始发生,影响vAs the doctors became more tired,errors began to cree

6、p into their work.v由于越来越疲劳,医生们的工作开始出现差由于越来越疲劳,医生们的工作开始出现差错。错。vcreep out 逐渐增长逐渐增长vHouse prices are creeping up again.v房价又渐渐上涨。房价又渐渐上涨。v7.penetrate penitreit vt.渗透;穿透;渗透;穿透;洞察洞察v vi.渗透;刺入;看透渗透;刺入;看透vThe heavy rain has penetrated the roof of my house.v大雨渗透了我家的房顶。大雨渗透了我家的房顶。vpenetrated with discontentv深

7、为不满深为不满vHe has penetrated into high society.v他已经踏进上层社会。他已经踏进上层社会。v8.bounce bauns n.跳;弹力;活力跳;弹力;活力vvt.弹跳;使弹起弹跳;使弹起vvi.弹跳;弹起,反跳;弹回弹跳;弹起,反跳;弹回vThe ball bounced against the wall.v球弹起击在墙上。球弹起击在墙上。vPerhaps birth rates will bounce back.v或许出生率会反弹。或许出生率会反弹。v9.predict pridikt vt.预报,预言;预知预报,预言;预知vvi.作出预言;作预料,作

8、预报作出预言;作预料,作预报vThe earthquake had been predicted several days before.v这次地震早在几天前就已预报到了。这次地震早在几天前就已预报到了。vprediction pridikn n.预报;预言预报;预言vHis prediction was right,but he got the industry wrong.v他的预言是正确的,只不过他说错了行业。他的预言是正确的,只不过他说错了行业。v v10.farfetched fa:fett adj.牵强的;乱牵强的;乱七八糟的;靠不住的七八糟的;靠不住的vIt sounds far

9、fetched,so you can choose to watch as you wish.v听起来很牵强,看官们自行选择吧。听起来很牵强,看官们自行选择吧。v11.appoint pint vt.任命;指定;约任命;指定;约定定vvi.任命;委派任命;委派vWe appointed the school-house as place for the meeting.v我们确定校舍为会面地点。我们确定校舍为会面地点。vWe must soon appoint a new teacher to the class.v我们必须尽快指派新老师到班里去。我们必须尽快指派新老师到班里去。v常用被动语态

10、常用被动语态为为提供设备,装置,装备,提供设备,装置,装备,配备,布置配备,布置vwell-appointed(设备完备的设备完备的)v12.slight slait adj.轻微的,少量的;脆轻微的,少量的;脆弱的;细长的;不重要的弱的;细长的;不重要的vYou have a slight fever.v你有一点儿发烧。你有一点儿发烧。vnot in the slight一点也不,根本一点也不,根本vvt.轻视,忽略;怠慢轻视,忽略;怠慢vto slight ones duty玩忽职守玩忽职守vHe was slighted in the corner.v他被冷落在屋里的角落。他被冷落在屋里

11、的角落。vn.怠慢;轻蔑怠慢;轻蔑v13.boomvvt.使兴旺;发隆隆声使兴旺;发隆隆声vThe guns boomed again.v枪炮又发出砰砰声。枪炮又发出砰砰声。v蓬勃发展;兴起;兴隆,繁荣昌盛;蓬勃发展;兴起;兴隆,繁荣昌盛;(股票、物价股票、物价等等)暴涨,猛涨,激增;暴涨,猛涨,激增;(在规模、重要性、活动在规模、重要性、活动等方面等方面)突然增加;出名突然增加;出名vBusiness is booming since I enlarged the shop.v自从我扩大商店以来,生意日趋兴隆。自从我扩大商店以来,生意日趋兴隆。vThe economy reform boom

12、ed many new cities.v经济改革使许多城市兴旺发达起来。经济改革使许多城市兴旺发达起来。v14.no more than adv.至多,不多于至多,不多于vEach class has no more than eight students.v每个班级不超过八名学生。每个班级不超过八名学生。vlittle more than (only)仅仅仅仅vSigning the forms is little more than a formality.v在表格上签字只是一种形式。在表格上签字只是一种形式。v15.laggard ld adj.落后的;迟钝的;落后的;迟钝的;迟缓的迟缓

13、的vn.落后者;迟钝者落后者;迟钝者v The laggard service patterns cause easily medical disputes and make more medical risks.v落后的服务模式容易导致医疗纠纷,增加医落后的服务模式容易导致医疗纠纷,增加医疗风险。疗风险。v16.flourish flauri vi.v1.繁茂,茂盛;繁荣:繁茂,茂盛;繁荣:v Those plants you gave me are flourishing.v你给我的那些植物长得茂盛。你给我的那些植物长得茂盛。v2.(人人)健壮成长:健壮成长:v The children

14、are flourishing.v孩子们正在茁壮成长。孩子们正在茁壮成长。v3.盛饰;炫耀,夸耀:盛饰;炫耀,夸耀:to flourish ones wealth炫耀财富炫耀财富v4.挥舞挥舞(刀剑、手臂、帽子等刀剑、手臂、帽子等):v The boys flourished flags in the streets.v孩子们在街头挥动着他们的旗子。孩子们在街头挥动着他们的旗子。v17.laddervHold the ladder for me,please.v请帮我扶住梯子。请帮我扶住梯子。v at the top of the social ladder登上社会登上社会的最顶层的最顶层vc

15、limb(或或get up)the ladder往上爬往上爬v成名,发迹成名,发迹:vTwenty years later,he laddered to the top of his profession.v20年后,他达到了自己职业的顶峰。年后,他达到了自己职业的顶峰。v18.buoy n.救生衣救生衣,救生圈救生圈(=life buoy)v vt.使浮起;支撑;鼓励使浮起;支撑;鼓励vThe cut in bank rate is expected to buoy up the economy.v银行利率的降低可望振兴经济。银行利率的降低可望振兴经济。vTheres nothing lik

16、e a good joke to buoy ones spirits.v没有什么像一个好的笑话那样能振奋人们没有什么像一个好的笑话那样能振奋人们的精神。的精神。v19.renew rinju:vt.v1.使更新;使复原:使更新;使复原:vThey renewed contact with other import and export corporations.v他们与其他进出口公司恢复了联系。他们与其他进出口公司恢复了联系。v2.使使(精神上精神上)新生;恢复精力:新生;恢复精力:v Having had an hours rest,he renewed his strength.v休息了一

17、个小时后,他恢复了精力。休息了一个小时后,他恢复了精力。v3.复兴;重建;使再生效:复兴;重建;使再生效:v We have renewed our friendly relationship with Western countries.v我们与西方国家已重建友好关系。我们与西方国家已重建友好关系。vrenewal rinju:l n.更新,恢复;更新,恢复;复兴;补充;革新;续借;重申复兴;补充;革新;续借;重申v20.surpass vt.超越;胜过,优于;非超越;胜过,优于;非所能办到或理解所能办到或理解vThe costs of the vacation surpassed my e

18、xpectation.v这次度假的花销超出了我的预想。这次度假的花销超出了我的预想。vAll of us were surpassed by his clever answer.v我们在座的每一个人谁也不会想到他会做我们在座的每一个人谁也不会想到他会做出这样机智的回答。出这样机智的回答。vto surpass oneselfv超水平发挥超水平发挥v21.in line for即将得到即将得到;该轮到该轮到vIve been waiting in line for over an hour.v我已经排了一个多小时的队了。我已经排了一个多小时的队了。vWhos next in line for p

19、romotion in your department?v你那个部门下一位有希望得到晋升的是谁?你那个部门下一位有希望得到晋升的是谁?v22.retaliate ritlieit vi.报复;回敬报复;回敬vvt.报复报复vIf we raise our import duties on their goods,they may retaliate against us.v如果我们提高他们的货物的进口税,他们可能要如果我们提高他们的货物的进口税,他们可能要对我们进行报复。对我们进行报复。v23.have a stake in与与利害攸关;参与了。利害攸关;参与了。vhave a stake i

20、n a company:在一家公司有股在一家公司有股份份vBoth countries have a stake in such an arrangement.v这种安排下,两国都是利益攸关者。这种安排下,两国都是利益攸关者。vstrike v.击打,碰撞击打,碰撞vThe ship struck a rock.v船触礁了。船触礁了。vv.突然想到,猛地意识到突然想到,猛地意识到vIt suddenly struck me that how we coulg improve the sitiuation.v我一下子明白我们如何能改变局面。我一下子明白我们如何能改变局面。vstriking ad

21、j.引人注目的,显著的引人注目的,显著的vShe bears a striking resemblance to her older sister.v她酷似她姐姐。她酷似她姐姐。v24.outbid,autbid vt.在开价上战胜;出在开价上战胜;出价高于价高于vHe outbid his rivals at the auction.v拍卖中他叫价高于竞争对手。拍卖中他叫价高于竞争对手。v25.branch n.树枝,分支,支流树枝,分支,支流vThe bank has branches all over the country.v那家公司在全国设有分支。那家公司在全国设有分支。vbranc

22、h out(into sth)涉足(新工作),拓涉足(新工作),拓展(新业务)展(新业务)vThe company has now branched out into selling insurance.v公司现在已开展了保险销售的新业务。公司现在已开展了保险销售的新业务。vbranch off 分岔分岔vJust after the lake,the path branches off to the right.v小路在经过虎吼右边有条岔道。小路在经过虎吼右边有条岔道。vbrokerage 中间人业务 v1.亦作brokering代理人(或中间人、经纪人、中人)业务,经纪业,v2.(付给经纪

23、人、中间人的)手续费,佣金,回扣vbroker bruk vn.经纪人,掮客vbrokerage fee经纪人佣金v25.overwhelmv1.(尤指以军事力量尤指以军事力量)压倒,压服;击溃;粉碎:压倒,压服;击溃;粉碎:vWe overwhelmed the enemy by superior forces.v我们以优势兵力打垮了敌军。我们以优势兵力打垮了敌军。v2.制服;使不知所措;使受不了:制服;使不知所措;使受不了:v I was overwhelmed by such a temptation.v我经受不住那样的诱惑。我经受不住那样的诱惑。v3.覆盖;淹没:覆盖;淹没:v Flo

24、od overwhelmed the city.v洪水淹没了那座城市。洪水淹没了那座城市。vcareer n.生涯,职业,事业生涯,职业,事业vHe is playing the best of his career.v他正处于网球生涯的巅峰时刻。他正处于网球生涯的巅峰时刻。vV.(失控地失控地)猛冲,疾驰,飞奔猛冲,疾驰,飞奔vThe vehicle careered across the road and hit a cyclist.v那辆车冲过马路,撞上了一辆自行车那辆车冲过马路,撞上了一辆自行车。v1、“If there is a road to Chinas future,Highw

25、ay 204 out of Shanghai is it.”(如果有通往中国的未来之路的话,那便是始自上海的204国道。)v1)What is the exact meaning of“out of”here in the sentence?v2)Why does the author compare(比喻)Highway 204 to the road to Chinas future?(you may answer the question after youve studied the whole article.)v答:1)“Highway 204 out of Shanghai”is

26、 one leading out of Shanghai.v2)The traffic on Highway 204 is so thick(拥挤)that the trip along the road is hard.v It indicates(表明)that though Chinas economy is booming(繁荣),it is still backward and there is a long and difficult way yet to Chinas brighter futurebecoming the strongest economic power in

27、the world.Rapid development in China is overwhelming(势不可挡)its backward(落后)transport networks,to be more accurate(准确),its infrastructure(下部构造)and even its economic conditions,which limit its further development.v2、“Migrant(迁移)workers crowd the narrow shoulders”What does“shoulders”refer to?v答:答:“Shoul

28、der”here means the edges of a road.v v3、“Eventually(结果、最后、终于),industry gives way to rice fields,which is eing dug up to build still more factories.”v1)What does the phrase(短语)“to give way to something”mean in the above sentence?v2)What does the author mean to convey(传达)to the readers when he used th

29、e word“eventually”?v答:答:1)To give way to something means to make room for something(让位于某物)in the sentence.v 2)Eventually sometimes implies(暗指)an inevitable(必然的、不可避免的)result.v4、Please explain the following phrases as they appearing their in their respective(各自的)contexts:v“dynamic(活跃的、生机勃勃的)economy”(p

30、aragraph 2)v“the worlds dominant(占优势的、占统治地位的)economy”(paragraph 3)v答:答:According to their respective contents,“dynamic economy”refers to an economy full of energy(活力)and activity(活跃)精力充沛、旺盛;“the worlds dominant economy”means the worlds major economic power.v v5、“We dont have people,we dont have time

31、,”says one.“Things are moving too fast.”v What is the meaning of“We dont have people”in the above sentence?(Dont the officials think weve already had the largest population in the world?)v答:答:China is short of technical and management professionals(管理专业人员).v v6、“Many economists believe a standard es

32、timate of Chinas per capita gross national product($370)is already two to three times too low.”(许多经济学家认为,对中国人均国民生产总值的权威估计太低了(370亿美元),实际上应该比这一数字再高出2-3倍)vAccording to the information given,could you figure out the economists idea about Chinas per capital GNP?v(How much do these economists believe the

33、estimate of Chinas per capita CNP should be?)v答:答:$740-$1110 v v7、“Bill Clinton has appointed China hands to top Asia posts at the State and Treasury departments.”v Please translate the above sentence into Chinese and explain the implication of Mr.Clintons action.v答:答:比尔.克林顿已任命华人担任国务院和财政部中负责亚洲事务的部门的

34、要职。v8、Can you paraphrase the following sentence in your own words,especially the phrase a work in progress?(显然,中国的经济正处于发展之中,远没有发挥出其十亿多人口的巨大潜力。)v “Clearly,Chinas economy is a work in progress,nowhere near realizing the potential of its billion-plus population.”v答:答:Clearly,Chinas economy is in the pr

35、ocess of development,far from(远没有)realizing(实现)the potential of its population of more than 1 billion.v v9、“China remains primarily a nation of farmers,and the transition to an industrial free market is much like the traffic on Highway 204unpredictable.”(中国首先仍然是一个农业国家,他向工业化的自由市场转变,这种转变就像是204国道的交通状况一

36、样不可预知.)v1)What does the author mean by comparing(比较、对比)the transition to“the traffic on Highway 204”?v2)According to the information from the article(given in the next two sentences following the above one),what changes does China need in order to realize the market economy in the authors opinion?Is

37、 it totally acceptable to Socialist China?v答:答:1)What the author meant to say is that moving on Highway 204 were both local(当地的、地方的)old-style(旧式的、老派的)vehicles(车辆、交通工具)and foreign autos(汽车)of the latest fashion(最新样式),and like that in Chinas economy co-exist(共存)her national enterprises originally(最初、原

38、始)founded(创建)for the planned economy and other businesses founded for or adapted to(适合)the market economy:the structure of Chinas economy is under change but not decided definitely(明确地)yet.v2)The state-owned firms should be sold or privatized,and the equipment and facilities in those firms should be

39、 renovated.vNo,it isnt.v v10、“Last year the BeiBei Company in Zhangjiagang cleared$14million on exports of 10 million pairs of shoes to US department store.”(张家港的贝贝公司,向美国百货商场格出口了1000万双鞋,赚取了1400万美元)vP lease explain the underlined part in the above sentence.v答:答:The underlined part refer to gain$14 mi

40、llion as a profit on exports.v v11、“Just two years ago South Korean manufacturers were flourishing(繁荣、兴旺)on contracts from western athletic(运动的)footwear giants”v What does“on”mean?Can you give some more examples?v答:答:On here is used in the sense of according to or in the basis of.ve.g.They made thei

41、r own judgment on his report.v She studies in Cambridge University on scholarship.v v12、“Since then much of the business has shifted to China,dealing a hard blow to the South Korean shoe industry.”自那以后,大多数业务转向中国,这严重打击了韩国的制鞋业。v1)Please explain the meaning of“shift”and find a synonym?v2)What part of t

42、he sentence is the phrase introduced by dealing?What does it show?v答:答:1)转移 transferred v 2)adverbial(状语);an adverbial of result v v13、“Membership in this club,which includes all the worlds leading economies,could provide a huge boost for a low-wage export economy.”这个组织的成员包括了所有世界经济强国,成为其成员国可以大大促进低工资

43、出口经济的发展。vHow many reasons are mentioned in the sentence for“a huge boost”?vIn what way could low wages promote the export?v答:答:1)one v 2)Low wages means low costs of the goods produced,and lost costs result in low prices which render(致使)the goods competitive in the world market.v14、“Already though,C

44、hinas commercial strength is staring to worry competitors.”尽管如此,中国商贸的实力使中国开始成为令人担心的竞争者。vWhat part of speech is the word“though”?What part of the sentence is it?And what is the meaning it implies(暗指)?v答:答:Adv.(副词),adverbial(状语),however.v v15、“The trade surplus itself will be the No.1 problem this yea

45、r,”says one Chinese official.“After Japan well be the first in line for retaliation.”“贸易顺差本身就将成为本年度的本年度的首要问题”一位中国政府官员说。“我们将是在日本之后在日本之后第一个遭到报复的国家。”v Can you find out why trade surplus would be a problem and for what reason(s)or on what excuse“we might be retaliated?v答:答:One countrys trade surplus wou

46、ld be some other countrys trade deficit(逆差、赤字).If its too big,it would be a loss for the importer,both financially and economically.v The country with huge trade surplus might be accused(控告、归罪)of dumping(倾销)or using others import quota illegally(非法的、不合法的)as in the textile trade.v v16、“And the rest o

47、f the world will look foolish if it lets itself be caught by surprise.”而世界上其余的国家,如果仍对此感到惊奇的话,那他就未免显得太愚蠢了。vWhat does the author imply by the above words?v答:答:It is quite natural for China to become one of the worlds largest economies in the 21st century.People neednt feel surprised.vReviewv总结总结:v一、术语

48、:一、术语:v1.举足轻重的经济强举足轻重的经济强国国v2.商业活动中心商业活动中心v3.人均人均v4.国民生产总值国民生产总值v5.惩罚性进口关税惩罚性进口关税v6.有价证券有价证券v总结总结:v一、术语:一、术语:v1.economic mercial hub v3.Per capitav4.Gross National Productv5.punitive import tariff 6.securitiesv7.房地产市场房地产市场v8“大中华大中华”贸易集团贸易集团v9.跨行业公司跨行业公司v10.国际财团国际财团v11.关贸总协定关贸总协定v7.real estate market

49、 v8.“Greater China”trade blocv9.conglomeratev10.consortiumv11.GATT:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade v二、词语释义:二、词语释义:v1.jockey:movev2.is bustling with:is filled withv3.giddy:dizzy;v4.farfetched:improbable;incrediblev5.clear:earn a net profitv6.deal a hard blow:strike heavilyv7.rung:levelv8.retal

50、iation:return of ill treatment for ill treatment;revenge;reprisalv9.career out of control:run out of controlv A farfetched prediction?The new American administration doesnt think so.Bill Clinton has appointed China hands to top Asia posts at the state and Treasury departments.When critics called the


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