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1、BEA Confidential.|1Para 1-2 _ to the problem and its_Para 3-5 _ why people are pushing for the use of alternative energy sourcePara 6-9 Some _ of the alternative energyPara 10 Tentative _ being taken around the worldIntroductionsolutionReasonsexamplesstepsTask one Read for structure1.What is the cur

2、rent problem?2.What is the possible solution to the problem?3.What would happen to our descendants(后代后代)without the solution?scanningscanningScan the paras 1-2&answer:(line 9)The past development polluted the environment and wasted natural resources.(line 13)The sustainable development.(line 23)Our

3、future and the lives of our children and grandchildren will be in danger.GISTPart 1Task two Read for detailed informationPart 1(paras1-2)4.What is not the sustainable development?A.focusing on the environment and preserving natural resources.B.our future and the lives of our children will be in dang

4、er without it.C.creating better health care,education,house and improved standards of living.D.being different from past development and easy to put into practice.key:be careful enough to find out correct information in the text.hard Read part II(paras3-5):1.They will be used up/run out in the futur

5、e.2.Burning them produces carbon dioxide.That is why many people are pushing for the use of alternative energy sources.What are the disadvantages of fossilfuels(矿物燃料)(矿物燃料)according to this part?(细细节题)节题)solar energywind powerhydroelectricity Scan part III(paras 6-9)and finish the task-based reading

6、一、通读全文理解文章大意二、熟悉短文的写作思路和结构三、分析表格线索四、找出关键词、注意正确形式 Forms of energyWhat we can do with the energySharedadvantages_energyuse the sun to _ heat,light,hot water and electricity by using a system of mirrors,pipes and a storage tank clean,not _ the earth renewable,never _ out_ energy use wind power to _ wat

7、er and _ grains use wind power units to _ electricity_use the _ of the water flow to produce electricitysolarwindhydro-electricityprovidepumpgrindproduceforcepollutingrunning牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件Read part IV (para 10)(细节题细节题)A.one B.twoC.threeD.fourNigeria(尼日利亚)(尼日利亚)Costa R

8、ica(哥斯达黎加)(哥斯达黎加)牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件Underline the following sentences and choose the similar meaning of underlined words1.This should set alarm bells ringing,since the bare fact is that in order for everyone to survive,serious

9、adjustments need to be made in worldwide development.(para1)A.set off an alarm,with no clothing B.sound a warning,simple and clear2.Once deposits of these fuels are used up,they are gone.(para4)A.a sum of money in a bank accountB.An amount of a material that has been left somewhere as a result of a

10、chemical or geological process.3.On top of this,burning these fuels produces carbon dioxide,which is harmful to the environment(para5)A.On the highest part of somethingB.In addition to牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件4.This is why many people push for the use of alternative energy sourc

11、es.(para5)A.make efforts or be eager to promoteB.move something with force for5.In many parts of the world,tentative steps are being taken to introduce these forms of alternative energy.(para10)A.experimental or not definite but as first stepB.cautions or not confident6.The introduction of programme

12、s like these will hopefully help end the systematic destruction of the environment and see alternative energy promoted around the world.A.Characterized by order and planning (para10)B.orderly牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件Sentence structure1.This should set alarm bells _(ring),since t

13、he bare fact is that in order for everyone _(survive),serious adjustments need to be made in worldwide development.ringingto survive2.One possible solution to this problem now _(discuss)is sustainable development.being discussed牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件3.Some people believe_ _th

14、is continues,oilfields and coal mines will become empty in the future.that if4.The most common ways _(gather)solar energy is _(use)a complex systems of mirrors,pipes and a storage tank.to gatherto use5.The pipes have oil or water inside them,_ is heated and sent to the storage tank until _(need)to p

15、roduce electricity.whichneeded牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件Exercises:1.(1)In order to improve English,_.(2)In order for John to learn English,_ A.Johns father bought him a lot of tapes.B.a lot of tapes were bought by John.C.a lot of tapes were bought by Johns father D.John bought a

16、lot of tapes for himself.2.The supplies to African countries will soon_.A.be run out B.run outC.be run out D.be running out ofD B A牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件3.This is a simple idea,but one that is hard to put into practice.a simple idea*Meeting my uncle is an unforgettable moment

17、,_ Ill always treasure.C()A.that B.what C.one D.the one Yesterday I had a word with(the)CEO of the company,_ who used to teach at Peking University.D牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件目前的状目前的状况况警钟:矿物燃料使用警钟:矿物燃料使用80%;再生能源使用不;再生能源使用不 足足20%;环保观念淡

18、薄环保观念淡薄 优势与劣优势与劣势势矿物矿物能源能源不可再生;二氧化碳导致水、空气、不可再生;二氧化碳导致水、空气、土壤污染、全球变暖和酸雨土壤污染、全球变暖和酸雨 可再可再生能生能源源太阳能,风能,水力发电太阳能,风能,水力发电取之不竭、清洁、无污染取之不竭、清洁、无污染 长期办法长期办法可持可持续发续发展展 政府:资金投入;教育民众政府:资金投入;教育民众个人:个人:(至少至少2点点)地球的传统能源有限,为了我们的后代,节约现有能源地球的传统能源有限,为了我们的后代,节约现有能源,走绿色发展之路。请以下列要点为主要内容,写一篇有关走绿色发展之路。请以下列要点为主要内容,写一篇有关环保的短文

19、。环保的短文。牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件 The traditional energy is limited.For our future generations,we should save the current energy and take a green development path.目前的状目前的状况况警钟:矿物燃料使用警钟:矿物燃料使用80%;再生能源使;再生能源使 用不足用不足20%环保观念淡薄环保观念淡薄 The present situation is worrying,which sets alarm

20、bells ringing.Fossil fuels are still widely used,making up over eighty percent of the total energy consumption while the use of renewable energy sources,20%.On top of this,people lack the awareness of environmental protection.牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件 As we know,our dependence o

21、n coal and oil for energy supply has caused severe environmental problems.Fossil fuels cant be renewed in a short period of time.Burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide,which contributes to air,water and soil pollution and causes global warming and acid rain.However,renewable sources of energy

22、such as solar energy,wind energy and hydroelectricity are obviously inexhaustible.And above all,they are clean and cause little or no pollution to the environment.优势与劣优势与劣势势矿物能矿物能源源不可再生;二氧化碳导致水、空气、土不可再生;二氧化碳导致水、空气、土壤污染、全球变暖和酸雨壤污染、全球变暖和酸雨 可再生可再生能源能源太阳能,风能,水力发电太阳能,风能,水力发电取之不竭、清洁、无污染取之不竭、清洁、无污染 牛津选修十un

23、it 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件 In my opinion,the long-term solution to the problem is sustainable development.On one hand,the government should invest large amounts of money in developing renewable energy and at the same time educate the public to strengthen the awareness of protecting the

24、earth.On the other hand,individuals try to lead a low carbon life,for example,saving the limited natural resources and energy and recycling and reusing waste.Only in this way can we build a harmonious relationship with our earth and benefit our generations to come.长期办法长期办法可持可持续发续发展展 政府:资金投入;教育民众政府:资

25、金投入;教育民众个人:个人:(至少至少2点点)牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件 1.Polish up your composition and then hand in;2.Finish the rest of the newspaper.牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件BEA Confidential.|22牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件牛津选修十unit 1 project精品课件1.日本那些再现曲水宴的表演,有着不少日本那些再现曲水宴的表演,有着不少“



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